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Topic: Ongoing Formation Program to Facilitate and Maintain

Communion in Communities.

May 2024

Dear Sister

I am developing a Proposed Programme for Ongoing Formation to

Facilitate and Maintain Communion in Communities. Part of it is to do
a systematic analysis of the existing structure. Therefore, I am
asking for your assistance in my research. The goal of the research
is to identify what is helpful in the current structure and explore
the challenges encountered, and possible interventions.

This work would be of great significance in inspiring some changes

when necessary for the growth of each Sister, the community, and
the Province.

I would greatly appreciate your participation. Any information you

provide will be treated with utmost confidentiality and will be used
solely for this research.

Kindly read and respond to the questionnaire and return it to me by

15 June 2024.

Thank you very much for your participation.

Kind regards

Sr. Monica


WhatsApp number: 0027 82 671 9800

1. From your pert life? (GS 88) Tolerance and acceptance isthe key to
happy community
2. Can you briefly describe why at times you feel, challenged, uneasy, and
sad in your community?when tension arises and no one involved
wanting to resolve it
3. How would you describe the general atmosphere in your community?
(e.g. cheerful, boring, tense, busy, …) atmosphere is cheerful though
busywe share our experience of the day without rushing or interfering
any member sharing
4. When misunderstandings arise in interpersonal relationships, how do
you deal with them?those involved talk among themselves and come to
terms when they come to the big community they will participate well
and full having putting their differences aside
5. What helped you resolve your last misunderstanding in the community?
talking about it without blaming but in away of seeking clarity
6. Do you have a person to accompany you regularly e.g. a spiritual
director? I sometimes share with someone I have been sharing my
spiritual life with
7. When last did you feel, listened to, and understood in your community?
Can you briefly describe the experience? Often I feel understand
especially that wheneveri talk to any communitymember about anything
I don't feel judged or never heard herd it being talked about outside
8. In your opinion, what causes disharmony in relationships? We clicks
andjudging and blaming others
9. Can you give at least three suggestions on how to make community
living happier? Sharing ideas responsibilities and ability to use thank you
10.I am sorry
11.My I ask
12. What kind of help do you think would be needed for your suggestions in
Number 9 to be achieved?present when community activity are arranged
13. Sharing in the community what I think instead of keeping quievwhen asked what can we do
for our visitors who are coming

14. Offering help whenever I can not waiting to be asked

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