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DOT Number Registration Process

For your private, non-commercial automobile

First, you will need an EIN number. We will be using this EIN to register for the DOT number. Do
not use your SSN.
In order to obtain an EIN, I believe you will need to use your SSN. This is what I recommend:

• Choose Sole Proprietor

• Click on Started a new business
• Select service
• Click other for type of service
• Select other and type: Unincorporated Banking Services
You will continue to answer the questions that they ask in order to obtain an EIN.
The name of your sole prop can be your strawman name : JANE MARIE DOE
This is what I named my sole prop for the EIN (of course that is an example, put your full
name in ALL CAPS). Once you have your EIN number, follow the instructions below.

1. Go to this link for the registration process on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration website (FMCSA)
2. Click on “I understand Proceed to Registration
3. Click on New Applicant
4. Click Next through all of the info and notices
5. You should see the Application Security page with your Applicant ID. Be sure to write
this ID down, you will need it at the end. And create a password
For your email and phone number, you may want to use an alternate one that is not
your mail one. Because they will be reaching out to try and sell you services. Keep that
in mind
6. Fill out applicant contact info.
Your name in format Jane- Marie: Doe
You are the executor
For the address, it can be your personal address, or a business address. But it does need
to be a physical address, not po box
7. On to Business details. Select No for Dun & Bradstreet
8. Legal Business Name is your sole prop, which should be in all CAPS
9. No DBA
10. When prompted, Select EIN and put in your EIN that you got from IRS
11. Select NO for Unit of Government
12. Owned and Controlled by: Citizen of the United States
13. Select Sole Prop for type of business
Next, the application will take you through a series of questions. Some questions will be
duplicates, they are trying to trick you. Make sure you select NO to any type of commerce
Be sure to read and understand. You will select the same answers as the video below for
most questions, except:
For Type of Cargo, you will select:

• Fresh Produce
• Passengers
• Meat

For number of non-cmv to operate, I put 10 because you never know what the future holds as
far as how many automobiles you may have.
For the Certification Statement, put your name in living soul form: Jane- Marie: Doe
Title is Executor
Same for Applicant Oath

The video link below is a walkthrough for the full DOT process online.
However, the lady is doing hers for a Trust, instead of an Sole Prop.
Make sure you select sole prop for your application, that would make your answers to certain
questions different than hers. So pay close attention.
Now that you have read through the above notes and tips for the DOT application, watch this
video for guidance as you fill out yours

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