CLASS-X-HHW-2024-25 (1)

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CLASS X (2024-25)

Note: Write all the English work on A4 size sheets and attach in your portfolio.
I. Read the following passage carefully:
These days, it is not unusual to see people listening to music or using their electronic gadgets
while crossing busy roads or travelling on public transports, regardless of the risks involved. I
have often wondered why they take such risks: is it because they want to exude a sense of
independence, or is it that they want to tell the world to stop bothering them? Or is it that they
just want to show how cool they are? Whether it is a workman or an executive, earphones
have become an inseparable part of our lives, sometimes even leading to tragicomic

The other day, an electrician had come to our house to fix something. We told him in detail
what needed to be done. But after he left, I found that the man had done almost nothing. It
later turned out that he could not hear our directions clearly because he had an earphone on.
Hundreds of such earphone’s addicts commute by the Delhi Metro every day. While one
should not begrudge anyone their moments of privacy or their love for music, the fact is
‘iPod oblivion’ can sometimes be very dangerous.

Recently, I was travelling with my wife on the Delhi Metro. Since the train was approaching
the last station, there weren’t too many passengers. In our compartment, other than us, there
were only two women sitting cm the other side of the aisle. And then suddenly, I spotted a
duffel bag. The bomb scare lasted for several minutes. Then suddenly, a youth emerged from
nowhere and picked up the bag. When we tried to stop him, he looked at us, surprised. Then
he took off his earpieces, lifted the bag, and told us that the bag belonged to him and that he
was going to get off at the next station.

We were stunned but recovered in time to ask him where he was all this while. His answer:
he was in the compartment, leaning against the door totally immersed in the music. He had no
clue about what was going on around him. When he got off, earplugs in his hand, we could
hear strains of the song.

(A) Read the above passage and answer the questions that follow:
(i) What reasons does the author offer for the people taking risks on the road ?
(ii) Why didn’t the electrician carry out the work properly ?
(iii) Why were the people in the Metro doubtful about the bag ?
(iv) Why were the passengers stunned ?
(v) Explain the term ‘earphone addicts’?

(B) Find words from the paragraph indicated which are similar in meaning to the
words given below:
(i) inspite of (para 1)
(ii) absorbed (para 4)
(iii) picked (para 3)
II. The following paragraphs have not been edited. There is one error in each marked
line. Write the error and its correction as shown in the example.
Error Correction
After all a sculptor’s labours had come e.g. a the
to a end. He sat back, wiped
the perspiration of his face and surveyed
his handiwork in great satisfaction. As he
looking on, he was overwhelmed by the image.
III. In the passages given below, one word has been omitted in each marked line. Write
the missing word along the word that comes before and the word that comes after it.

Before Missing word After

Most the people e.g. most of the
are annoyed passwords.
They have many remember.
On any given day are them.
bound forget them.
This creates difficulties the people.
IV. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.
The Government has announced a unique way of curbing dengue fever. Action will be taken
against owners. (a) water coolers which (b) found to be breeding
grounds for the Aedes mosquito. “ (c) people take action on this warning,” a
government spokesperson said, “dengue fever will grow into (d) _ epidemic.
(a) (i) off (ii) of (iii) with (iv) from
(b) (i) is (ii) are (iii) has (iv) have
(c) (i) Unless (ii) If (iii) But (iv) If
(d) (i) a (ii) an (iii) the (iv) some

V. Imagine yourself as Anne Frank and pen down a diary entry sharing your
experience of writing essays for Mr. Keesing as a punishment.
Frame a slogan on the theme 'Freedom is Strength' using creative and innovative skills on a
colourful A4 size sheet. (Nelson Mandela)
Develop a comic strip highlighting the conversation of Tricki with other dogs it met at the
Extract a post card from the post office and write any one wish that you want to be fulfilled in
just one sentence and paste it on an A4 size sheet. (A Letter to God)
Select any one poem of W.B. Yeats Or William Wordsworth Or Walt Whitman and write it
with meaning and poetic devices used in the poem on an A4 size colourful sheet.

Please note:
1. Colourful A4 size sheets, colours, sketch pens to be used.
2. Clear pictures to be pasted or drawn properly.
ग्रीष्म अवकाश कार्य

ववषर् व िंदी -- कक्षा दसवी िं

सामान्य विदे श:

1. दिए गए कार्य को A4 साइज शीट में करें ।

2. दिषर् सूची अिश्य बनाएं ।

3. दिषर् िस्तु प्रस्तुतीकरण एिं रचनात्मकता के आधार पर मूल्ांकन दकर्ा जाएगा।

रोल ििंबर 1 से 10

1. तां तारा िामीरो कथा पाठ से 10 सरल एिं 10 संर्ुक्त िाक्य छां टकर ललखें

2. मनुष्यता कदिता में संकललत पौरालणक प्रसंग रं दत िे ि, िधीदच, िानिीर कणय के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त करें ि दचत्र सदित

अपने शब्ों में ललखें।

3. दिज्ञापन लेखन

आपके दिद्यालर् में कला प्रिशयनी लगने िाली िै , लजसमें दिद्यालर् के छात्रों द्वारा बनाई गई तस्वीरें एिं िस्तुओं की प्रिशयनी

लगाई जाएगी प्रिशय नी में अनेक िस्तुएं दबक्री के ललए भी उपलब्ध िोंगी।दिद्यालर् में कला प्रिशयनी िे तु एक आकषयक दिज्ञापन

बनाएं ।

रोल ििंबर 11 से 20

1. डार्री का एक पन्ना पाठ से 10 संर्ुक्त िाक्य एिं 10 दमश्र िाक्य छां ट कर ललखखए।

2. पियत प्रिे श में पािस कदिता को पढ़कर कदिता का कर अपने शब्ों में ललखते हुए जल चक्र अथाय त िाटर साइदकल को

दचत्र सदित िशाय एं अथिा अपनी दकसी पियतीर् र्ात्रा का िणयन अपने शब्ों में करते हुए पियतीर् क्षेत्रों में िोने िाली िषाय को

दचत्र सदित प्रस्तुत कीलजए।

3. चुनाि के दिनों में राजनीदतक िलों के द्वारा सड़कों एिं मागयिशयक दचन्ों पर अपने राजनीदतक िलों का प्रचार प्रसार करने

के ललए अनेक प्रकार के पोस्टर लगा दिए जाते िैं लजसके कारण लोगों को सुदिधा िोती िै इसकी लशकार्त करते हुए नगर

दनगम अदधकारी को पत्र ललखखए।

रोल ििंबर 21 से 30

1.िररिर काका पाठ को पढ़कर एक कॉदमक अथिा काटू य न खस्टि प के रूप में संिाि सदित अपने शब्ों में ललखखए।

2 . तीसरी कसम के लशल्पकार शैलेंद्र पाठ को पढ़ें एिं उसका सार अपने शब्ों में ललखें।

3"ितयमान समर् में लसनेमा का र्ुिाओं पर प्रभाि" दिषर् पर दचत्र सदित 200 शब्ों में अपने दिचार व्यक्त कीलजए।

रोल नंबर 31 से 44

1.बड़े भाई सािब पाठ को पढ़कर बड़े भाई एिं छोटे भाई की बातचीत को माध्यम बनाकर एक लघु नादटका ललखखए।

2.कर चले िम दििा र्ि गीत कैफी आज़मी द्वारा िकीकत दिल्म के ललए ललखा गर्ा था र्ि दिल्म भारत एिं चीन के बीच

हुए एक र्ुद्ध की पृष्ठभूदम पर बनाई गई थी इस गीत में सैदनक िे शिालसर्ों से आग्रि कर रिे िैं िि क्या आग्रि करते िैं उन्ें

िे शिालसर्ों से क्या उम्मीिें िैं इस गीत के माध्यम से सैदनक के भािों को अपने शब्ों में ललखखए एिं क्या सैदनक िी अपने िे श

की रक्षा कर सकता िै आप अपने िे श की रक्षा के ललए दकस प्रकार का र्ोगिान िे सकते िैं अपने शब्ों में ललखखए। दचत्र


3. आपके आसपास के क्षेत्र में जल भराि की समस्या एिं गंिगी की समस्या बढ़ती जा रिी िै , लजसके कारण लोगों को अनेक

परे शादनर्ों का सामना करना पड़ रिा िै । सरकार भी इस और कोई ध्यान निी ं िे रिी िै ।सरकार का ध्यान अपने क्षेत्र की

ओर लाने के ललए दकसी िै दनक समाचार पत्र के संपािक को पत्र ललखखए।

ईस्ट पाईन्ट स्कूल
कार्यपत्रम ्
प्रश्न 1. अधोलिखितान ् गद्ाांशान ् पठित्वा तदाधारितानाां प्रश्नानाां उत्तिाखि लिित
(क) अस्तत दे उिाख््ो ग्रामः । तत्र िाजलसांहः नाम िाजपुत्रः वसतत तम। एकदा
केनापप आवश््क का्ेि तत् भा्ाा बद
ु धधमती पत्र
ु दव्ोपेता पपतग
ु ह
ाग ां प्रतत चलिता
मागे गहनकानने सा एकां व््ाघ्नां ददशा सा व््ाघ्रमागच्छन्तां दृष्ट्वा धाष्ट््त ् पुत्रौ
चपेट्ा प्रहृत्् जगाद “कथमेकैकशो व््ाघ्रभक्षिा् किहां कुरुथ ?
अ्मेकततावदपवभज्् भज्
ु ्ताम ्। पश्चाद अन््ो दपवती्ः कस्श्चल्िक्ष््ते।”
(1) एकपदे न उत्तित
(i) बुदधधमती पुत्रदव्ोपेता कुत्र चलिता ?
(ii) िाजपत्र
ु त् अलभधानम ् ककम ् आसीत ् ?
(2) पि
ू व
ा ाक््ेन उत्तित
(i) बुदधधमती पत्र
ु ौ चपेट्ा प्रहृत्् ककम ् जगाद ?
(3) भापिकका्ाम ् –
(i) ‘जगाद’ इतत कि्ापदत् कतप
ा ग दां ककम ्
(ii) ‘तत् भा्ाा’ अत्र ‘तत्’ सवानामपदां कतमै प्र्ुक्तम ्
(iii) ‘वने’ इत््थे ककम ् पद प्र्क्
ु तम ्
(ि) भ्ाकुिां व््ाघ्रां दृष्ट्वा कस्श्चत ् धूतःा शग
ग ािः हसन्नाह — “भवान ् कुतः भ्ात ्
पिात्त ?”
व््ाघ्रः – गच्छ, गच्छ जम्बक
ु ! त्वमपप ककस्चचद गूढप्रदे शम ् । ्तो व््ाघ्रमािीतत
त्ाहां हन्तुमािब्धः पिां गह
ग ीतकिजीपवतो नष्टटः शीघ्रां तदग्रतः ।
ग ािः – व््ाघ्र ! त्व्ा महत्कौतक
ु म ् आवेठदतां ्न्मानुिादपप बबभेती ? व््ाघ्र
प्रत््क्षमेव म्ा सात्मपुत्रावेकैकशो मामत्तुां किहा्मानौ चपेट्ा प्रहिन्ती दृष्टटा ।
ु :- तवालमन ् ! ्त्रातते सा धूताा तत्र गम््ताम ्। व््ाघ्र ! तव पुनः तत्र गतत्
सा सम्मुिमपीक्षते ्ठद, तठहा त्व्ा अहां हन्तव््ः इतत ।
(1) एकपदे न उत्तित
(i) शग
ग ािः कीदृशः आसीत ् ?
(ii) व््ाघ्रः क्ा प्रहिन्ती ?
(2) पि
ू व
ा ाक््ेन उत्तित
(i) व््ाघ्रेन ककम ् कुवान्ती सा दृष्टटाः ?
(3) भापिकका्ाम ् –
(i) ‘पिात्तः’ इतत कि्ापदत् कतप
ा ग दां ककम ्
(ii) ‘भ्ाकुिां’ पदत् पवशेष्ट्पदां ककम ्
(iii) ‘भक्षत्तुम ्’ इत््थे ककम ् पदां प्र्ुक्तम ्
(ग) इतत श्रत्ु वा व््ाघ्रमािी काधचठद्लमतत मत्वा व््ाघ्रो भ्ाकुिधचत्तो नष्टटः ।
तनजबुद््ा पवमुक्ता सा भ्ाद व््ाघ्रत् भालमनी ।

अन््ोऽपप बुदधधमााँल्िोके मुच््ते महतो भ्ात ् ॥

भ्ाकुिां व््ाघ्रां दृष्ट्वा कस्श्चत ् धत

ू ःा शग
ग ािः हसन्नाह- "भवान ् कुतः भ्ात ्
व््ाघ्रः गच्छ, गच्छ जम्बुक! त्वमपप ककस्चचद गूढप्रदे शम ्। ्तो व््ाघ्रमािीतत ्ा
शातत्रे श्र्
ू ते त्ाहां हन्तम
ु ािब्धः पिां गह
ग ीतकिजीपवतो नष्टटः शीघ्रां तदग्रतः ।
ग ािः व््ाघ्र ! त्व्ा महत्कौतक
ु म ् आवेठदतां ्न्मानुिादपप बबभेपि ?
व््ाघ्रः प्रत््क्षमेव म्ा सात्मपुत्रावेकैकशो मामत्तुां किहा्मानौ चपेट्ा प्रहिन्ती
1. एकपदे न उत्तित-
(i) कीदृशः व््ाघ्रः नष्टटः ?
ग ािः ककां कुवान ् आह?
(ii) शग
(iii) कां दृष्ट्वा शग
ग ािः अवदत ् ?
II. पि
ू व
ा ाक््ेन उत्तित-
ु ां प्रतत ककां कथ्तत ?
(i) व््ाघ्रः जम्बक
ग ािः व््ाघ्रां प्रतत ककां प्राह?
(ii) शग
(iii) व््ाघ्रः शग
ग ािः पन
ु ः ककम ् कथ्तत ?
III. तनदे शानस
ु ािम ् उत्तित-
(i) 'जम्बक
ु ः' इतत पदत् प्ाा्पदां गद्ाांशे ककमस्तत ?
East point school
Mathematics holiday homework (2024-25)
Class: X


Read the instructions first

• You may use Chart paper or any other paper having size same as Chart paper.
• Do not use class math notebook for doing holiday homework.
• Write your name, class and section on the cover page.

About the Project

In this project, you will have to make a 2-D map on a large chart paper

Prepare a 2-D map of an area combined with geometrical shapes, Such as

a) 2-Parallel lines as road

b) Square as houses
c) Rectangle as school/college
d) Triangle as Restaurant and so on …

Designate the names of each of the houses/parks/schools/Restaurants

Now, you can measure the distance between

1. Different places as the distance of your home to school

2. Distance of your friend’s place to the park,
3. Area of your school,
4. Shortest distances,
5. Perimeters, and more …

To enhance the reading skills of grade X students, the school nominates you and two of your friends to set
up a class library. There are two sections- section A and section B of grade X. There are 32 students in
section A and 36 students in section B.

1. What is the minimum number of books you will acquire for the class library, so that they can be
distributed equally among students of Section A or Section B?
a) 144 b) 128 c) 288 d) 272

2. If the product of two positive integers is equal to the product of their HCF and LCM is true then, the
HCF (32 , 36) is
a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8

3. 36 can be expressed as a product of its primes as

a) 22 × 32 b) 21 × 33 c) 23 × 31 d) 20 × 30

4. 7 × 11 × 13 × 15 + 15 is a
a) Prime number b) Composite number
c) Neither prime nor composite d) None of the above

5. If p and q are positive integers such that 𝑝 = 𝑎𝑏 2 and 𝑞 = 𝑎2 𝑏 , where a, b are prime numbers, then
the LCM (p, q) is
a) 𝑎𝑏 b) 𝑎2 𝑏 2 c) 𝑎3 𝑏 2 d) 𝑎3 × 𝑏 3

A seminar is being conducted by an Educational Organization, where the participants will be educators of
different subjects. The number of participants in Hindi, English and Mathematics are 60, 84 and 108

1. In each room the same number of participants are to be seated and all of them being in the same
subject, hence maximum number participants that can accommodated in each room are
a) 14 b) 12 c) 16 d)18

2. What is the minimum number of rooms required during the event?

a) 11 b) 31 c) 41 d) 21

3. The LCM of 60, 84 and 108 is

a) 3780 b) 3680 c) 4780 d) 4680

4. The product of HCF and LCM of 60,84 and 108 is

a) 55360 b) 35360 c) 45500 d) 45360

5. 108 can be expressed as a product of its primes as

a) 23 × 32 b) 23 × 33 c) 22 × 32 d) 22 × 33
Holiday Home-work-Science
Q1. Prepare an Investigatory project on any one of the following topics as per the

 Acknowledgement
 Aim
 Introduction to the topic
 Theory
 Procedure used
 Observations
 Results and conclusion along with photographic evidences
 Bibliography
1. Water Purification Methods: Compare the effectiveness of different water purification
methods (boiling, filtration, chemical treatments) in removing contaminants from
2. Analysis of Water Samples for Impurities: Collect water samples from different
sources (tap water, pond water, etc.) and analyze them for impurities such as dissolved
solids, heavy metals, or organic contaminants.
3. Air Pollution and its Effects: Analyse the air quality in different locations and
investigate the effects of air pollution on human health or the environment.
4. Study of Antacids and their Effectiveness: Investigate the effectiveness of different
antacid tablets in neutralizing stomach acid using pH measurements.
5. Natural Pesticides vs. Chemical Pesticides: Investigate the chemical composition and
effectiveness of natural pesticides (neem oil, garlic spray) compared to chemical
pesticides in controlling pests on crops.
Q2. Extract a natural dye/stain (colouring agent) using natural substances and dye any
piece of cloth using the same. Record the process in the form of a report involved and
attach photographic evidences
[Common options include fruits, vegetables, dried flowers, and spices. For example,
onion skins can produce yellow-orange dye, while spinach or parsley can yield green
Perform the following activity and make a report for the result obtained
also click the photos for every steps and put it in the report.
1 1-10 Study the effect of acid rain- collect some acidic solutions
available at home (at least 3) and grow plants with these
different solutions with varying pH levels (below 7) to see how
acid rain affects plant growth. Explain the acid rain and write
the result, conclusion and analysis for your experiment.
2 11-20 Water plants with various liquids and note down the changes
observed, write the conclusion and analysis of the result
3 21-30 Conduct a fingerprint analysis of at least 5 members compare
the prints and make accurate matches of the prints and write the
conclusion for your experiment.
4 31-40 Set-up an experiment to perform phototropism and note down
the changes on regular basis and describe the experiment along
with the process and write your conclusion according to the
changes observed.
5 41-to last Make a collage on recent changes in the climate in last 5 year,
mention the reasons along with the preventive steps that can be
taken also collect the data from newspaper and magazines. (ex.-
heat waves in 2022, oil spill in Peru etc., rainfall in May 2023,
decline in the rainfall from last 5 years)


1. Organisms break down large food molecules to small molecules. How does this breakdown
help the organisms?
A. It releases a lot of energy in the digestive tract that can be used up by the cells.
B. It ensures that there are enough raw materials to produce and supply oxygen to the cells.
C. It converts the large molecules to small molecules that can pass through the cell
D. It makes sure that the liberation of heat by the breakdown of large molecules does not
occur inside the cell.
2. The liver secretes bile, needed to digest fats in our food. The pancreas secretes several
enzymes needed to break down food. Explain the statement.
3. Which of the following occurs during oxygen shortage in muscle cells? Explain the
difference between X, Y and Z.
4. Which of the following plays the important role of creating a suction force which pulls
water upwards from the roots of a tree to its leaves?
A. gravitation B. respiration C. transpiration D. photosynthesis
5. Observe the image of a single nephron.

The amount of liquid passing through in the form of glomerular filtrate is approximately 150
- 180 litres per day whereas the amount of urine flowing out of all the nephrons is only 1.5 to
1.8 litres per day. Explain the values of glomerular filtrate and urine flowing is different.
1. Some adults have a defective heart since birth. They are born with a hole between the left
atrium and right atrium, this defect is called the Atrial Septal Defect (ASD). Due to the hole
between the atria, oxygenated blood gets mixed with deoxygenated blood. A symptom of this
disease is to feel tired easily. What will likely happen in people with ASD in a single cycle of
blood flow, explain?
2. A person can choke when a piece of food becomes lodged in the windpipe, blocking the
flow of air. A first aid procedure to remove the blockage is the Heimlich manoeuvre described
below: By performing this procedure, the piece of food is pushed out of the windpipe. Which
of the following causes this to happen?
A. the expansion of the chest B. the air pressed out of the lungs
C. the food pressed out of the stomach D. the upward movement of the wall of
the food pipe
3. The diagram below shows a leaf that was covered by piece of black paper for a period of 3
days. After 3 days the paper was removed. On testing, it was found that the area under the
black paper tested negative for starch and the rest tested positive for starch. Why?
4. William Harvey (1578–1657) was one of the early biologists who studied the bodies of
humans and animals. He even dissected the bodies and did experiments with the heart and
blood vessels. He concluded from his experiments that the blood leaves the heart through the
arteries and returns via the veins. However, he could not explain how blood left the arteries to
enter the veins. He said there must be some structure between arteries and veins but he could
not find them. Marcello Malphigi (1628–1694) later discovered these structures while
studying a dead frog's lungs under a microscope.
i. Which of the following structures did Malphigi find in the frog? What are the functions
performed by the structure?
ii. Which of the following statements about arteries and veins is TRUE?
A. Arteries have thicker walls than veins. B. Veins have thicker walls
than arteries.
C. All arteries carry only oxygenated blood. D. All veins carry only
deoxygenated blood.
iii. Which two chambers of the human heart have arteries connected to them? State the role of
these arteries.
5. Assertion (A): Capillaries have walls that are just one cell thick.
Reason (R): Exchange of material between the blood and surrounding cells takes place across
the capillaries.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is False but R is true

1. Look at the diagram below carefully. Identify the process taking place at Z. Write any 2
functions performed by this process.
2. A person suffering from liver disease is advised to avoid fatty and highly acidic foods.
Give a reason why each of the foods mentioned should be avoided by a person suffering from
liver disease.
3. Oxygen, mostly, is carried by a pigment in our blood whereas carbon dioxide is transported
in dissolved form in our blood. Give TWO reasons that make the above statement correct.
4. Given below is a table representing the characteristics of two fluids involved in the
transportation of substances in the human body.

(a) Identify fluid A and fluid B.

(b) With the help of a flow chart, describe the movement of fluid A from the intercellular
spaces to the main circulatory system.
(c) What role does fluid A play in the digestion of food in humans?
5. Two major forces help in the transport of water in a plant. Force A is the driving force in
the movement of water during the day, whereas force B helps the movement of water in a
plant during the night or during the day when humidity is very high.
(a) Identify force A and force B.
(b) Describe how each of these forces helps in the movement of water in a plant.

1. If you compare your rate of breathing by feeling your chest movement with the number of
times a fish opens and closes its mouth. Which will be higher and why?
2. Why is it necessary to separate oxygenated & deoxygenated blood in mammals & birds?
Veins and arteries carry blood. Which of these carry blood? a. Away from the heart? b. Back
to the heart?
3. In the process of Photosynthesis food A is prepared which gets converted into food B.
What are A and B? Why is A converted to B?
4. Due to the availability of less water, how does the plant cope with the lack of water in
desert conditions?
5. The two openings of the pharynx, one leading to trachea and the other leading to
oesophagus, lie very close to each other. Yet food we swallow normally does not enter into
our trachea. Why?
RESEARCH WORK- Know your scientist

Write a short note on Sir HOMI JAHANGIR BHABHA and his role in Physics, known as
nuclear physics in India.
Einstein is very well known for the equation E= mc 2 , but his role in physics did not stop there.
Discuss his
other theories of relativity and how he affected the field.


1. By drawing ray diagram, explain the formation of image when an object is placed on the
principal axis of a concave mirrors at the following positions:
(i) At infinity
(ii) Beyond centre of curvature
(iii) Between the centre of curvature and the focus
(iv) Between the pole and the focus
(v) At the principal focus
2. By drawing ray diagrams, explain the formation of image when an object is placed on the
principal axis of a convex mirror at the following positions:
(i) At infinity
(ii) Between pole and infinity


1. Define the following terms in connection with spherical mirrors: (i) centre of curvature (ii)
radius of curvature (iii) principal focus (iv) pole (v) aperture
2. (a) What happens to the size of image formed by a convex mirror when an object is gradually
moved towards mirror?
3. What are the uses of concave and convex mirror (at least 3), explain each case
4. Deepak’s mom is finding difficult to cook in the kitchen as there was power cut, and she was
complaining about it to Deepak. He immediately took a plane mirror from his shelf made it stand
against a wall such that sun’s rays were focused into the kitchen due to the reflection of the
mirror. There was some lighting and his mother was able to finish her work.
(i) What are the characteristics of the image formed by a plane mirror?
(ii) What values did Deepak display?
FC-26, Dallupura, Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi-110096
Phone: 21200352, 22621187, 22621411
C.B.S.E. Affiliation No. 2730311

CBSE Project Class X (2024-25)

Social Science: Consumer Awareness





The distribution of marks over different aspects M.M. M.O.

Content accuracy, originality and collaborative skills 2
Competencies exhibited and Presentation 2
Viva Voce 1
Total Marks 5
East Point School
CBSE Social Science Project (2024-25) Class – X


Consumer rights are an integral part of our lives like the consumerist way of
life. We have all made use of them at some point in our daily lives. Market resources and
influences are growing by the day and so is the awareness of one’s consumer rights. These
rights are well defined and there are agencies like the Government, consumer courts and
voluntary organizations that work towards safeguarding. While we like to know about our rights
and make full use of them, consumer responsibility is an area which is still not demarcated
and it is hard to spell out that all the responsibility is that a consumer is supposed to

 The overall objective of the project work is to help students gain an insight and
pragmatic understanding of the theme and see all the Social Science disciplines from
an interdisciplinary perspective.
 It should also help in enhancing the Life Skills of the students.
 Students are expected to apply the Social Science concepts that they have learnt
over the years in order to prepare the project report.
 If required, students may go out for collecting data and use different primary
and secondary resources to prepare the project.
 If possible, various forms of art may be integrated in the project work

Present your project using the following hints:

1. Introduction: Meaning of Consumer and Consumers Rights.

2. Historical Perspectives: Consumer Movement.
3. Consumer Protection and Common Malpractices.
4. Need for Consumer Protection.
5. Causes of Consumer Exploitation.
6. Rights of Consumers.
7. Responsibilities of Consumers.
8. Ways and Means of Consumer Protection.
9. Consumer Protection Act 1986:
9.1 Salient Features of Consumer Protection Act 1986.
9.2 Filing of Complaints.
9.3 Who can file a complaint?
9.4 What complaints can be filed?
9.5 Where to file a complaint?
9.6 How to file a complaint?
9.7 Consumer Courts: District forum, State Commission and National Commission.
10. Do a research work on the various institutions that provide certification for
the products like- BIS, FSSAI, AGMARK, HALLMARK etc…
11. Conduct an online / Offline survey on 10 people (Consumer) about their
Awareness, prepare your result in table and graph form and give interpretation

Content should be written as per the following headings:

 Acknowledgement
 Certificate
 Index
 From point number 1 to 11
 Conclusion and
 Bibliography

Submission Date: 10th July 2024.

Survey Groups for point number 11.
Group:1 (Roll no. 1 to 8)
Prepare an investigatory report on consumer awareness for Electronic Products by
conducting a survey of households in your locality.
Group:2 (Roll no. 9 to 16)
Prepare an investigatory report on consumer awareness for Beauty Products by
conducting a survey of households in your locality.
Group:3 (Roll no. 17 to 24)
Prepare an investigatory report on consumer awareness for Jewellery Products by
conducting a survey of households in your locality.
Group:4 (Roll no. 25 to 32)
Prepare an investigatory report on consumer awareness for Food Products by
conducting a survey of households in your locality.
Group:5 (Roll no. 33 to 40)
Prepare an investigatory report on consumer awareness for Automobiles by
conducting a survey of households in your locality.
Group:6 (Roll no. 41 to 48)
Prepare an investigatory report on consumer awareness for Clothing by conducting a survey
of households in your locality.

Video link for help
Summer Vacation Home Work
Class X Practical File :
Information Technology :Session 2024-25
Dear students

You have to make a practical file keeping in mind the given instructions:
1. Front page displaying all your details along with subject code and teacher in
2. Index and Page number and Teacher’s signature.
3. Screenshots are required.
4. Date of submission----01-07-2024

Digital Documentation (Advanced)

Q1. Explain the styles given in the Styles and Formatting Window for writer and paste the
screenshot of the window also.
Q2. Write the steps to create new style in Open Office Writer.
Q3. Write the steps to insert an image in a document. Explain three methods along with
Q4. Design a poster on “Sale in Big Bazaar” by using image and drawing tools.
Q5. You are running a NGO for Pollution Control and want to aware more citizens and
Government. Design the following
1. Create a word Processor file that prints a letter head of the NGO” named “Save me”
The letter should have
o Welcome image should be on the Top.
o A watermark
o Font should be decorative
o An attractive logo on the top left side corner.
o A tag line “Live Long with clean Breadth.
o Date column and address

2. Write a Report on the letter head of the NGO on AQI level, water pollution, and
earth along with the effects etc. (Using paragraph spacing as 1.5 and all use all
required alignment)

3. Using the Smart Art of Open Office Writer create a design on various measures
taken by public to control pollution.
CLASS X (2024-25)

1.Any two composition with human figure. (1postercolour,1pastel colour,

2.Make a poster on the any current topic. (poster colour Size A3).

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