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Tutorial #4

Technical Writing: Data Interpretation

Interpreting Data from Tables and Transcribing

into Prose

There are several critical steps to effective interpretation and evaluation of data
1. Understand the context and related tasks.
2. Read the chart and interpret the data.
3. Elicit pertinent information.
4. Analyze this information.
5. Offer a decision or recommendation based on this analysis/generate contextual and task
understandings. This must be accompanied by some rationale or justification.
6. Write these responses using full sentences.
7. Connect these sentences to create a coherent whole using transitions
8. Re-read to ensure the overall written piece is logical and accurate and is introduced by a sound
contextual introduction.
9. Re-read to ensure the use of formal academic language and complete editing in terms of grammar,
spelling and punctuation.
Examine the table of information below and determine what challenges/issues should be
discussed and the types of decisions that could reasonably be made by the university represented
below, if their maximum capacity should be an intake of 900 students in total for the courses
offered below, but the present enrolment for the upcoming academic year is as reflected in the

Figure 1. Enrolment of Students in Programmes for the Up-Coming Semester

Use the answers generated by questions a-d to focus your attention on the given context.
a. What is the total enrolment in the faculty for the given degree programmes?
b. What percentage of students have registered for the physics degree?
c. How many students are desirous of doing a geography degree?
d. How many more students chose mathematics than agri-business?

Further guidelines to assist you based on the steps given above:

1. Generate contextual and task understandings

a. Pay attention to the table’s title
b. Read the given contextual information
c. Clarify the specified task(s)
2. Read and interpret the given data
a. Pay attention to the figures and what they indicate
b. Note the relationship between enrolment and courses
c. Determine similarities and gross differences
d. Critically think of any emerging conclusions that are logical and scientifically sound

3. Elicit necessary information

a. Based on Step 2, what is the necessary information for fulfilling the stated tasks?
b. Ensure that information that is unnecessary, peripheral and impertinent to the set tasks
is avoided at all costs.
c. Such information may have emerged from the initial examination of data but may be
irrelevant at this stage since it simply does not provide answers to the stated tasks.
4. Analyse this information
a. The elicited information gathered in Step 3 is now used to explore relationships, as related
to the stated tasks.

5. Offer decisions based on this analysis

a. What are the critical issues based on the data?
b. Decision-making is a hyper-cognitive skill that flows logically and rationally, out of
analysis, and impacts on the future landscape and contexts in which institutions operate.

Now write the results of your analysis in prose

1. Explain the scenario. Who are the parties involved and what is the dilemma?

2. What are the pertinent issues to be considered for a short-term solution?


3. How would the decision-making process be affected if this year’s enrolment reflects the
trend for the last 5 years at the same university?


4. What are reasonable actions to be taken for a long-term solution to the problem? Why are
these proposals and actions reasonable/ feasible?


Re-read your responses and edit and revise your writing then
write a brief conclusion.

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