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Experiment: 6

Title: Creating Applications and Automating Tasks Using Macros in Excel

Objective: To develop applications and automate repetitive tasks in Excel using

Macros. This experiment will guide you through recording, editing, and running a
Macro to streamline workflows.

Part1: Introduction to Macros

1. Open Excel:

- Launch Microsoft Excel on your computer.

2. Enable Developer tab is not visible, enable it by going to “File”> “Options” >
“Customize Ribbon” and checking the “Developer” box.

Part2: Prepare Your Worksheet

3. Create a New Worksheet:

- Start a new worksheet and enter the following sample data:



1 Name Score Grade Tax Final Total

2 John 85

3 Jane 92

4 Mike 78

5 Lisa 88
Part3: Recording a Macro

Part4: Running and Editing a Macro

Part: Creating a Button to run the Macro
Part6: Testing and Observations


By recording and running macros, you can automate repetitive tasks in Excel,
improving efficiency and accuracy. Editing macros in VBA allows for
customization and further refinement of automated processes. Using buttons to run
macros enhances user interaction and makes the application more user-friendly

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