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Experiment 1: Developing Pivot Tables in Excel

- To learn how to create Pivot Tables to effectively summarize and analyse data in Excel.

A Pivot Table is a powerful tool in Excel that allows users to summarize large sets of data
quickly and efficiently. It enables users to analyse data by organizing it into a compact and
summarized format, making it easier to identify trends, patterns, and relationships within the

1. Preparing Your Data:
- Before creating a Pivot Table, ensure that your data is organized in a tabular format with
clear headers for each column.
- Remove any blank rows or columns and ensure that all data is consistent and free of
2. Selecting Your Data:
- Click anywhere within your dataset.
- Go to the "Insert" tab in the Excel ribbon.
3. Creating the Pivot Table:
- Click on the "PivotTable" option in the "Tables" group.
- In the "Create PivotTable" dialog box, ensure that the correct range is selected for your
- Choose where you want to place the Pivot Table (either a new worksheet or an existing
one) and click "OK."
4. Designing Your Pivot Table:
- The Pivot Table Field List pane will appear on the right side of the Excel window.
- Drag and drop fields from your dataset into the "Rows," "Columns," and "Values" areas to
organize and summarize your data.
- Experiment with different arrangements of fields to see how they affect the layout of your
Pivot Table.
5. Customizing Your Pivot Table:
- Right-click on any cell within the Pivot Table to access various customization options.
You can change the summary calculation for a field (e.g., sum, average, count), apply
filters, and sort data.
- You can also format your Pivot Table to improve readability, such as adjusting font sizes,
applying colour, and adding borders.
6. Analysing Your Data:
- Once your Pivot Table is set up, you can start analysing your data.
- Use the Pivot Table to summarize large datasets, identify trends and patterns, and
answer specific questions about your data.
- Experiment with different Pivot Table configurations to gain insights into your data that
may not be apparent from the raw dataset.

Pivot Tables are a versatile and powerful tool in Excel that can help users summarize and
analyze large datasets with ease. By following the steps outlined above, you can create
Pivot Tables to effectively analyze your data and make informed decisions based on the insights
gained. Insert the pivot table here:
From the above table create a pivot table that gives data of product being maximum

To get the total amount exported of each product, drag the following fields to the
1. Product field to the Rows area.
2. Amount field to the Values area.
3. Country field to the Filters area.

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