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Adil Reza Email : adilreza043@gmail.

com Mobile : +8801774-363237

I am a skilled Software Engineer and DevOps professional with a background in Computer

Engineering. My specialization is in crafting efficient infrastructure solutions, seamlessly
integrating code and architecture to transform complexity into simplicity, and making the digital
world smarter. In my career, I’ve engineered large-scale infrastructure solutions that not only
ensure dependable reliability and stability but are also highly cost-effective.

• Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology Rajshahi, BD
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering; Jan. 2015 – June. 2019

• Selise Digital Platforms Dhaka, BD
Lead DevOps Engineer Jan 2021 - Present
◦ Daily Responsibility: Architect, automate and diligently manage Azure-based production systems to guarantee
their unwavering availability, peak performance, effortless scalability, and ironclad security.
◦ Templating: Create a reusable Helm template for streamlined production deployments and Keep the Helm
template up-to-date with the latest Kubernetes releases.
◦ Terraform: Write Terraform code for seamless infrastructure as code, enabling versioning, reusability, and
collaborative configuration. Effortlessly orchestrate cloud and on-premises resource provisioning and management
with clear, human-readable code.
◦ Microservices: Proficiently deployed and managed over 40+ microservices and 70+ business services,
orchestrating blue-green and zero-downtime deployments to create scalable, modular business applications that
enhance functionality and ensure impeccable maintainability.
◦ Kubernetes: Skillfully maintain and manage 10+ Kubernetes clusters, diligently orchestrating auto-scaling
mechanisms to uphold an impressive 99.9% uptime, ensuring uninterrupted service availability.
◦ Monitoring: Implement a comprehensive microservices monitoring solution, encompassing business services, for
continuous application health assurance. Leverage Grafana, Prometheus, Kubernetes Event Exporter,
UptimeRobot, EFK for log monitoring, and Metricbeat for robust performance insights.
◦ SonarQube: Implemented SonarQube to perform automatic code analysis, ensuring comprehensive bug detection,
code coverage evaluation, identifying code smells, and eliminating duplications. This proactive approach empowers
developers to resolve issues before releasing code to production.
◦ Scripting: Write an efficient script using Python, Bash, and the Azure CLI to automate and streamline repetitive
tasks, reducing human effort while enhancing productivity.
• Merchant Bay Uttara, BD
[Senior Python Developer] Jan 2020 - Dec 2020
◦ Main Responsibility: Successfully built Business Intelligence (BI) tools using Python, Django, and Django Rest
API, collaborating closely with the Frontend team for seamless integration. PostgreSQL was the chosen database
for data storage and management.
◦ FrontEnd: Contributed to the project by writing JavaScript, HTML, CSS code in ReactJS to effectively visualize
data retrieved from the API endpoints.
◦ Deployment: Prepared pipeline and Deployed the application on AWS using a combination of S3 for storage, EC2
for hosting, Nginx for web serving, and PostgreSQL for database management.
◦ AWS Services: Deployed both frontend and backend on aws using EC2, S3, Route-53, EBS and so on.
◦ Design Applications: Designed an application architecture, database, and API model for swift response times.
Then built it with defined stacks.
◦ DataStructure/Algorithm: Successfully researched and implemented diverse algorithms and data structures for
efficient data processing. Developed functions utilizing various algorithms for rapid and precise data retrieval and
analysis, even with extensive datasets.
◦ Training and Teaching: I’ve had the privilege of training individuals in crafting efficient code and securing APIs
using Laravel PHP and Python languages.
• Frontier Semiconductor Bangladesh Ltd Dhaka, BD
Full-Stack Developer Aug 2018 - Dec 2019
◦ Transcriber application: Built a transcriber application under the supervision of a senior. The purpose of the
application is to make text from voice that is recorded during meetings. Used Laravel and a third-party API with
◦ CRM: Built a CRM for the company itself to manage all of its internal management. Built it by Django and
ReactJs and Deployed to AWS.
◦ Cloud Tools: Used EC2, RDS, S3, lambda, route-53, EBS, AWS Workmail, VPC and so on.
◦ Version Control: Used Github to manage all repos of different applications and tools.

Certifications - Udemy
• Nginx: NGINX Fundamentals: High-Performance Servers from Scratch.
• Terraform: Azure - HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate.
• Linux: Linux Administration Bootcamp: Go from Beginner to Advanced.
• Kubernetes: Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD).
• Google Cloud: GCP Associate Cloud Engineer - Google Cloud Certification.
• MongoDB: MongoDB - The Complete Developer’s Guide 2022.

Personal Projects
• Book Sharing Platforms: This is one of my favorite Django projects. I built it for my teacher. Here I have included
all book lovers in our country. People who are interested in reading books but don’t have sufficient money, they can
share and exchange books with others
• Personal J.A.R.V.I.S: I made a system with desktop interfaces that helped me with mail checking, web scraping, and
so on. I called it my personal Jarvis because it received my voice and after converting to text it searched in Google and
collected information by web scrapping then pronounced it with the help of winspeech

Problem-Solving Skills
• Online Judge : Solved 1500+ problems in different online judge like UVA, LightOJ, Hakerrank, Codeforces and
• TryHackMe : Solved 30+ rooms and earned 3 badges. My profile is adilreza
• KodeKloud-engineer : Stood 80 position in worldwide ranking and got Senior DevOps Engineer Designation. My
profile is adilreza

Programming And Automation Skills

• Languages: C/C++, Python, Javascript, SQL, Java, PHP, Go.
• Frameworks: Django, Laravel, Syfony, Flask, FastAPI, ReactJS, Node, .Net core.
• Public Cloud: AWS, Azure, GCP, Linode, DigitalOcean.
• Orchestration: Ddocker, Podman, Kubernetes(AKS, EKS, GKE, LKE), Bare Metal k8s, K3s, Minikube
• CI/CD: Azure DevOps, Github Actions, Gitlab Pipeline, Jenkins.
• Automation: Ansible, Terraform, Puppet, Azure bicep, Bash, az cli, aws cli, gcloud.
• Monitoring: ElasticSearch, Filebeat, kibana, Rancher, grafana, prometheus, Dynatrace
• Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB.
• GitOps: Github, Azure DevOps, ArgoCD, Helm, Rancher.

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