Seven Peaks Software Mail - Seven Peaks 2023 Annual Appraisal - Employee Self-Reflection

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11/28/23, 12:56 PM Seven Peaks Software Mail - Seven Peaks 2023 Annual Appraisal - Employee Self-Reflection

Md Rafee <>

Seven Peaks 2023 Annual Appraisal - Employee Self-Reflection

1 message

Google Forms <> Fri, Nov 24, 2023 at 4:49 PM


Thanks for filling out Seven Peaks 2023 Annual Appraisal -

Employee Self-Reflection
Here's what was received.

Seven Peaks 2023 Annual Appraisal -

Employee Self-Reflection
As part of our Employee's personal and career development plan, we will be conducting the
Employee Annual Appraisal cycle for all employees who joined up till 31st August 2023.

This survey is for you to Reflect on your performance in 2023. Your Supervisor will take this
feedback into consideration, when preparing their review, so please share as much information
as you can especially if they are not fully aware of all your achievements, areas of improvement
or plans.

Note: Carefully review your responses, as you will be able to submit your form only ONCE.

Please fill this in by 17:00, 30th November 2023

Your email ( was recorded when you submitted this form.

First Name (Not Nickname) *


Last Name * 1/4
11/28/23, 12:56 PM Seven Peaks Software Mail - Seven Peaks 2023 Annual Appraisal - Employee Self-Reflection


Team *

Engineering / Web

Position *

Senior Web Developer (React)

Self-Reflection Questions

1. What progress have you made on your goals in 2023? Describe the impact on
the success of your team, department and organization. *

I have completed two certification. Az-900 and Stripe Associate Developer.

I have participated 4 projects in this year. All the projects are successful in terms of delivery
and timeline.
I have speaked at the Web meet up 2023
I have also contributed to the Backend team and participated all of the events volunteerily to
sharpen my knowledge and apply those in our project. I have also

2. What skills, knowledge, or behaviors would have helped me better achieve my

goals in 2023? *
Consider goals that you have not achieved yet and goals you could have achieved easier or faster.

Communicate with colleagues, learn to grow faster, using the best of my available time, get the
job done whatever it needs to do

3. What blockers or challenges did you experience over 2023 that made it harder to
achieve your goals? *
Refer to blockers that you managed to overcome as well as those that you did not. 2/4
11/28/23, 12:56 PM Seven Peaks Software Mail - Seven Peaks 2023 Annual Appraisal - Employee Self-Reflection

Blockers is a part of our job. But we resolved all the blockers together whenever it needs. So, I
don't think any blocker hinders to achieve my goals

4. Which aspects of your work do you enjoy the most? *

Respect, Collaboration, Envrironment

5. Which aspects of your work do you find the least satisfying? *

I don't have anything in mind to mention

6. What goals would you like to set and achieve in 2024? Furthermore, what are 2-
3 skills, competencies or knowledge you’d like to acquire, develop, or refine to
achieve your goals? *
Describe how these will impact goals and performance for you, your team, and the organization.

Completing certification for Az-104, Az-400 and stripe certification

7. What support / training do you need from your supervisor to help you achieve
your goals? *

Nothing that I can think of

8. Overall how would you rate your own performance in 2023? *

Needs Development

Consistently Meets Expectations

Often Exceeds Expectations

Sets a New Standard

9. Is there a 3rd party/Collaborator (PM/PO/Lead/Architect) whose feedback would

be relevant about your performance in 2023? If yes, please provide the name. 3/4
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Pal Oyvind Bakken, Ubaid, Khoa Tuan Anh Dang

10. Provide any additional information that you would like to include in this
evaluation that wasn’t captured in the above form

Create your own Google Form

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