Practical Investigation Report

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Title: An Investigation on the Effects of Sowing Depth (maximum and

minimum) on Bean Seed Germination.

Name of School: Credential Tutorial College

Name of Candidate: Lusuma Mutu
Subject Name: Agricultural Science
Grade: 11
Due Date: 31 July 2022

Practical Investigation Report

Table of Contents

List of Figures ................................................................................................................................... i

Aims ................................................................................................................................................. 1
Hypothesis........................................................................................................................................ 1
Methodology .................................................................................................................................... 1
Equipment ................................................................................................................................... 1
Procedures ................................................................................................................................... 1
Presentation of Data findings .......................................................................................................... 2
Limitations....................................................................................................................................... 2
Recommendations ........................................................................................................................... 2
Appendix: Pictures .......................................................................................................................... 3
List of Figures

Figure 1: Bean seeds.......................................................................................................................... 3

Figure 2: Organic manure in the garden ............................................................................................. 3
Figure 3: Ruler and the stick showing the 15 cm marking .................................................................. 3
Figure 4: Levelling of the Seed bed/ Garden ...................................................................................... 3
Figure 5: Mixing the manure with soil ............................................................................................... 3
Figure 6: Hole for seed sowing .......................................................................................................... 3
Figure 7: 8 Bean plants that germinated from the 5cm holes............................................................... 4
Figure 8: 1 Bean plant that germinated from the 15 cm holes. ............................................................ 4
Figure 9: The Garden, the left side showing more plants is where the 5 cm holes were made and the
left side showing one plant is where the 15 cm holes were made/ ....................................................... 4

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Every plant on earth springs up from a seed; and for that seed to grow into a plant it has to be
sowed in soil and it has to germinate. The germination of seeds is affected by several factors:
water, oxygen, moisture, temperature, light and sowing depth. Generally planting too shallow
may result in poor germination due to low soil moisture retention near the soil surface;
similarly, if placement I too deep, seeds may have delayed germination due to lower soil
temperatures or seed injury. The practical investigation was carried out at Omashaka,
Ondangwa. The objective of the investigation was to determine the effect of sowing depth on
Bean seed germination. The seeds were sowed on the 29th of April 2022; the results were
obtained by means of observation over a period of four weeks.

The main aim of the practical investigation was:
1. To determine the best sowing depth for seeds.

H1: The seeds sowed at shallow depth germinate faster than the seeds sowed at a deeper
H0: There is no difference between the germination of seeds sowed at a shallow or deeper

The following equipment were used:
1. Ruler: To set the markings on the measuring stick
2. Watering can: Watering the garden
3. Measuring stick: To make holes for seed sowing
4. Rake: Levelling the seed bed
5. Hand fork: Turning the soil
6. Maker pen: Make the marking on the stick.
Th following procedure was followed during the investigation:
1. Bean seeds were purchased from Ondangwa open market.
2. Poultry dung (Source of organic manure) was collected and mixed with the soil.
3. The seed bed was prepared: digging, levelling and watering.
4. The seed bed/garden was divided in two halves.
5. Markings (5 cm and 15 cm) were made on the stick using the ruler and a maker pen.
6. 5 cm holes were made on the left half of the garden using the stick; 15 cm deep holes
were made on the right half of the garden. 10 holes were made on each half of the
7. The seeds were sowed in each of the holes: two seeds per hole.
8. The holes were covered with the soil and the garden was subsequently watered.

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9. The dates on which the first seeds germinated was recorded.

Presentation of Data findings

Table 1: Seed germination

Days 5 cm plot 15 cm plot

5 0 0
10 4 1
15 7 1
20 8 1
25 8 1
28 8 1

The results in the Table 1 above shows that the seeds germinated faster at 5 cm sowing depth
than at 15 cm sowing depth. By the 10th day 4 seeds had germinated at 5cm depth while only
one seed had germinated at 15 cm depth. The results also shows that 8 seeds were able to
germinate at 5cm depth while only 1 seed germinated at 15 cm depth. From the results it can
concluded that deep sowing depth has a negative effect on bean seed germination: deep depth
delays the germination and lowers the number of seed that germinate. 3 to 5 cm is therefore
the optimum sowing depth of Beans.


From the findings of the investigation is it recommended that Beans should be sowed at
depths between 3 cm and 5 cm for fast germination and more seed yield.

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Appendix: Pictures

Figure 2: Organic manure in the garden

Figure 1: Bean seeds

Figure 3: Ruler and the stick showing the 15 cm marking Figure 4: Levelling of the Seed bed/ Garden

Figure 6: Hole for seed sowing

Figure 5: Mixing the manure with soil

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Figure 7: 8 Bean plants that germinated from the 5cm holes Figure 8: 1 Bean plant that germinated from the 15 cm

Figure 9: The Garden, the left side showing more plants is where the 5 cm holes were made and the left side showing one
plant is where the 15 cm holes were made/

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