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7/1/23, 9:33 AM IEO (International English Olympiad) Class 9 Past Paper (Previous Year) 2015 Set a Part 1 Download

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IEO (International English Olympiad) Class 9 Past Paper (Previous

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Word and Structure Knowledge

Q 1. Choose the best word to complete each sentence

The ________ was escorted by the hostel warden to well decorated dais.

A. disciplinary

B. dispensary

C. dignitary

D. distributary

Q 2. Choose the best word to complete each sentence

He was partially mindful to keep away from his ________ friends

A. reckless

B. needless

C. ceaseless

D. regardless

Q 3. Choose the best word to complete each sentence

He spent significant time in his lab to find proof to ________ his theory.

A. accumulate

B. consolidate

C. amalgamate

D. coalesce

Q 4. Choose the best word to complete each sentence

A/An ________ of owls.

A. parliament

B. assembly

C. flock

D. swarm

Q 5. Choose the best word to complete each sentence

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7/1/23, 9:33 AM IEO (International English Olympiad) Class 9 Past Paper (Previous Year) 2015 Set a Part 1 Download All the Papers for 2023 …

An ________ person is one who does not make mistakes.

A. incorrigible

B. infallible

C. indelible

D. infeasible

Q 6. Choose the best word to complete each sentence

One diagnosis, many ________.

A. diagnosi

B. diagnosus

C. diagnoses

D. diagnose

Q 7. Choose the best word to complete each sentence

The doctor advised him to pour cold water on the affected area to ________ the pain.

A. alleviate

B. appreciate

C. annihilate

D. influence

Q 8. Choose the best word to complete each sentence

The government decided to ________ the usage of renewable sources of energy to promote them.

A. capitalise

B. exploit

C. endow

D. subsidise

Q 9. Choose the best word to complete each sentence

He was sure that in the end logic and reason would________ .

A. curtail

B. avail

C. prevail

D. trail

Q 10. Choose the best word to complete each sentence

An emergency meeting was held to discuss some very ________ questions.

A. abstinent
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7/1/23, 9:33 AM IEO (International English Olympiad) Class 9 Past Paper (Previous Year) 2015 Set a Part 1 Download All the Papers for 2023 …

B. relevant

C. deponent

D. component

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