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Black Walnut NPN: 80055248 Community Medicine at the University of

Arizona’s College of Medicine, writes that

• Black Walnut is traditionally used in black walnut hull does indeed help with a
Herbal Medicine to help expel variety of health conditions, from ridding
intestinal worms the body of intestinal parasites and
(vermifuge/anthelmintic) and help tapeworms to reducing constipation and
eliminate ringworm (tinea corporis) healing skin conditions like acne, canker
sores, psoriasis, and other fungal
Black Walnut Combo contains (per ml): infections.”i associate professor of Family
• 0.70 ml of black walnut (Juglans
nigra, unripe fruit hull) tincture 1:4 Black walnut works better against Candida,
(QCE 175 mg) remarks herbal botanist James Duke, than a
• 0.10 ml of spilanthes (Spilanthes commonly prescribed antifungal drug.ii
acmella, whole plant) tincture 1:4 (QCE
25 mg) Spilanthes – Health writer Alison Cullen
remarks that, “Research has confirmed the
• 0.07 ml of usnea (Usnea barbata, lichen
antifungal activity of Spilanthes, especially
thallus) tincture 1:4 (QCE 17.5 mg)
against the Trichophyton species of fungi
• 0.04 ml of Oregon grape (Berberis
responsible for athlete’s foot infections.”iii
aquifolium, root) tincture 1:4 (QCE 10
Usnea – Physician and herbalist Rudolf
• 0.03 ml of sweet fennel (Foeniculum Weiss points out that usnic acid, the bitter
vulgare, subsp. vulgare var. dulce, seed) principle in usnea, has been shown to have
tincture 1:4 (QCE 7.5 mg) “marked antibiotic properties. Even in high
• 0.03 ml of white atractylodes dilutions it inhibits the growth of such
(Atractylodes macrocephala, root) dangerous bacteria as Salmonella typhosa,
tincture 1:4 (QCE 7.5 mg) which causes typhoid fever.”iv This valuable
• 0.03 ml of licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra, herb also has immunostimulatory properties.
root & stolon) tincture 1:4 (QCE 7.5 The German Commission E has approved
mg) the use of usnea for mild inflammations of
the oral and pharyngeal mucosa.
QCE = Quantity Crude Equivalent
Oregon grape – The Eclectic physicians
The claims given above are officially saw this as an alterative herb for the
sanctioned by Health Canada for Black treatment of a sluggish liver. It is a bile
Walnut Combo. stimulant that exerts a strong tonic action on
The following is a brief explanation of the the liver and gall bladder. Herbalist Michael
individual herbal ingredients and the various Tierra notes that Oregon grape “is used as a
rationales for their use as found in the gentle hepatic-biliary stimulant. By
literature: enhancing the flow of bile through the liver
and gallbladder, the entire function of the
Black walnut – Black walnut hulls have liver is improved. Thus the blood is purified
been employed from ancient times in both of toxins.”v
Western and Eastern medicine to treat
worms and skin diseases. Sweet fennel – The German Commission E
approved the internal use of fennel for
In her excellent article on black walnut, dyspepsias such as mild, spastic
Tamara Orr relates that it “is considered to gastrointestinal afflictions, fullness and
be an antiseptic, a germicide, a parasitic, and Fennel is considered
a laxative… H. Winter Griffith, M.D., antispasmodic, promoting relaxation of the
intestines through the effect it is thought to Duration of Use: For occasional use only.
have on beta 2 receptors. Herbalist Kerry For use beyond 14 days, consult a health
Bone notes that a study “found that fennel care practitioner.
appeared to relax smooth muscle by a direct
local activity and to stimulate it via the The regimen should be two weeks on, then
sympathetic nervous system.”vii TWO weeks off, followed by two weeks on,
for a total of SIX weeks.
White atractylodes - In addition to its
immune-enhancing benefits, atractylodes Cautions and Warnings: Consult a health
acts to support good appetite, as well as care practitioner if symptoms worsen or
improving the digestion of food and persist.
absorption of nutrients. One study found that
atractylodes improved cancer cachexia Contraindications: Do not use: if you are
(wasting).viii pregnant or breastfeeding; if you are allergic
to anethole or plants of the Apiaceae/Carrot
Licorice: Licorice is the great harmonizer in family; if you have liver or gallbladder
TCM. A great number of traditional disorders.
formulas utilize licorice for this purpose, in
order to reduce the potential toxicity of Known Adverse Reactions:
some ingredients while also amplifying the Hypersensitivity, such as allergy, has been
therapeutic properties of them all. Licorice known to occur; in which case, discontinue
improves adrenal function. use. Discontinue use if you develop
symptoms of liver trouble.
Combination rationale: The herbs in this
formula work together in a well-matched
T B Orr, “Black walnut”, Better Nutrition,
1999, Vol. 61, Issue 3, found online at:
synergy, each with its complementary and
reinforcing strengths. The lead ingredient, ii
James Duke, The Green Pharmacy, Emmaus,
black walnut, is a particularly strong PA: Rodale, 1997, p. 203.
antiparasitic and antifungal agent. iii
Alison Cullen, “Herbs for Healthy Living:
Spilanthes”, found online at:
When faced with parasitic or fungal
infections, consider our carefully formulated Rudolf Fritz Weiss, Herbal Medicine.
Black Walnut Combo as a natural Beaconsfield, UK: Beaconsfield Publishers,
therapeutic alternative. Deep Immune® is 1988, p. 49.
beneficial in conjunction with Black Michael Tierra, The Way of Herbs, New York:
Pocket Books, 1998, pp. 173-174.
Walnut Combo, especially for those with a vi
Mark Blumenthal et al., ed., The Complete
weakened immune system. Also consider German Commission E Monographs, Austin,
BulkLax™ to improve elimination of killed TX: American Botanical Council, 1998, p. 129.
fungal and parasitic materials from the vii
Kerry Bone, A Clinical Guide to Blending
colon, for its probiotic function in helping to Liquid Herbs, St. Louis, MO: Churchill
re-establish healthy bacterial flora in the gut, Livingstone, 2003, p. 207.
and for the bentonite component of the Liu Y, Ye F, Qiu GQ, Zhang M, Wang R, He
formula which absorbs toxins from the gut. QY, Cai Y. [Effects of lactone I from Atractylodes
macrocephala Koidz on cytokines and proteolysis-
inducing factors in cachectic cancer patients] Di Yi
Recommended Dose: Adults: Take 2 ml Jun Yi Da Xue Xue Bao. 2005 Oct;25(10):1308-11.
(60 drops) three times daily, in a little water,
on an empty stomach.

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