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Acidux heartburn, hyperacidity, gastritis, and peptic

(Meadowsweet Combo) ulceration.”1

NPN: 80038140 Chamomile – “As a popular remedy,

(chamomile) may be thought of as the
• Calendula is traditionally used in European counterpart of ginseng,” writes
Herbal Medicine to help relieve Varro Tyler, as quoted by herbalist Steven
inflammatory conditions of the Foster.2 “The Germans describe it as alles
digestive system. zutraut – ‘capable of anything’,” Tyler adds.
The great German herbalist and physician
Rudolph Fritz Weiss, M.D. asserts that
Acidux contains (per ml): “patients with chronic stomach complaints
would greatly benefit from” chamomile.3
• 0.3 ml of meadowsweet (Filipendula Dr. James Duke calls it “the first-choice
ulmaria, flowering tops) tincture 1:4 herb for heartburn and stomach distress.”4
(QCE 150 mg)
• 0.22 ml of chamomile (Matricaria Calendula – Dr. James Duke points out
chamomilla, flowers) tincture 1:4 (QCE that, “Calendula has been shown to alleviate
110 mg) symptoms of chronic stomach inflammation,
• 0.2 ml of calendula (Calendula what doctors call hypersecretory gastritis, a
officinalis, flowers) tincture 1:4 (QCE condition that has been associated with
100 mg) ulcers. Clinical trials in Europe suggest that
• 0.14 ml of marshmallow (Althaea this herb may also be useful for treating
officinalis, root) tincture 1:4 (QCE 70 ulcers.”5 In effect, calendula protects the
mg) stomach from its own acid. David Hoffmann
• 0.08 ml of licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra, adds that, “As a cholagogue, it helps relieve
root and stolon) tincture 1:4 (QCE 40 gallbladder problems and many of the vague
mg) digestive complaints known as
• 0.06 ml of ginger (Zingiber officinalis, ‘indigestion’”.6
rhizome) tincture 1:1 (QCE 120 mg)
Marshmallow – With a medicinal history
QCE = Quantity Crude Equivalent going back thousands of years, this excellent
demulcent herb contains large amounts of
The claim given above is officially mucilage, a spongy material that soothes the
body’s various mucous membranes. For this
sanctioned by Health Canada for Acidux.
reason, it eases inflammation of the mucosa
The following is a brief explanation of the of the gastrointestinal tract.
individual herbal ingredients and the various
rationales for their use as found in the Licorice – Dr. James Duke explains that,
literature: “Commission E… approves licorice as an
ulcer treatment. This recommendation is
Meadowsweet – Renowned herbalist David based on the medical traditions of Asia, the
Hoffmann gives the lead herb in our formula Middle East and Europe, plus literally
a lavish endorsement, asserting that, dozens of scientific studies. Licorice
“Meadowsweet is one of the best digestive contains several anti-ulcer compounds…”7
remedies available. As such, it will be Also, licorice root is added to many
indicated in many conditions, if they are traditional Chinese herbal formulations
approached holistically. The herb protects because of its ability to harmonize a
and soothes the mucous membranes of the formula; in TCM terms, licorice is used to
digestive tract, reducing excess acidity and moderate drug actions, and to reduce the
easing nausea. It is used in the treatment of toxic or drastic actions of other drugs.
Asteraceae/Compositae/Daisy family; if you
Ginger – Ginger, a gastrointestinal tonic, is are sensitive to salicylates.
standard as an aid for the digestion in most
traditional systems of medicine, including 1
David Hoffmann, Medical Herbalism,
the Ayurvedic and the Chinese. Dr. Duke Rochester, VT: Healing Arts, 2003, p. 550.
notes that, “ginger contains 11 compounds Steven Foster. Herbal Renaissance. Salt Lake
that have demonstrated anti-ulcer effects.”8 City, UT: Gibbs·Smith Publisher; 1993, p. 66.
Rudolf Fritz Weiss, Herbal Medicine.
Beaconsfield, England: Beaconsfield Publishers,
Combination rationale: This synergistic
1988, p. 22.
combination is built around calendula and 4
James A. Duke, The Green Pharmacy,
meadowsweet as the principal ingredients. Emmaus,PA: Rodale, 1997, p. 239.
Their antacid, anti-inflammatory action sets 5
Ibid., p. 439.
the therapeutic tone for Acidux. Meanwhile, 6
Hoffmann, Op.cit., p. 439.
chamomile, licorice, and ginger provide a 7
James Duke, Op.cit., p. 436.
strong stomach-settling dimension. This is Ibid., p. 436.
founded on their credentials as anti-ulcer
agents. For its part, marshmallow is a
soothing demulcent that eases inflammation.

Combinations to consider: Consider

combining Acidux with Canadian
Bitters™ for the stronger digestion-
tonifying properties of the latter combo.
Also, add Strest™ if emotional factors
contribute to the condition. The traditional
Ayurvedic rasayana, Triphala, also acts as a
tonic to the entire gastrointestinal system.
Recommended Dose: Adults: Take 2 ml
(60 drops) 3 times daily, in a little water, on
an empty stomach. Take a few hours before
or after taking other medications.

Duration of Use: Consult a health care

practitioner for use beyond 4-6 weeks.

Cautions and Warnings: Consult a health

care practitioner before use: if you are
breastfeeding; if you have a liver disorder; if
you are on blood thinners. Consult a health
care practitioner if symptoms worsen or

Contraindications: Do not take: if you are

pregnant; if you are taking thiazide diuretics,
cardiac glycosides, corticosteroids, stimulant
laxatives or other medications that may
aggravate electrolyte imbalance; if you have
hypokalemia, high blood pressure, or a
kidney or cardiovascular disorder; if you are
allergic to plants of the

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