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Jeevniya Mahakashay:
About Jeevniya Mahakashay : I consider Jivaniya Mahakasaya as the nectar of Ayurveda. Jivaniya Mahakasaya is said to
rejuvenate the body. When a person is suffering from a chronic illness, there is a lack of vitality in the cellular level of the
body or rather in the blood cells, due to which the person becomes in the grip of death. At such a time, Jeevan Mahakashay
should be used with confidence.
It is used to treat all immune disorders like psoriasis replacement. All types of diseases caused by virus like ovulation,
spermatogenesis, hair growth along with karma increases strength and complexion.
Benefits :
 Jeevan Mahakashay should be used with confidence.
 It is used to treat all immune disorders like psoriasis replacement.
 All types of diseases caused by virus like ovulation, spermatogenesis, hair growth along with karma increases
strength and complexion.
Ingredients: जीवक, ऋष्भक, मेदा, महामेदा, काकोली, क्षीरकाकोली, मुदगपर्णी, माां सपर्णी ,जीवन्ति, मुलैठी
MRP: 165 Rs 200 ml size

2. BRIMHANEEYA Mahakashay:
About Brimhaneeya Mahakashay Charakokta Brihaniya Mahakashay is said to work as a brahmin. In the state
of metal decay where there is a need for chemical action in the body, Charakokta Brihaniya Mahakashay will be
helpful in keeping the body healthy. After all types of major operations, if the patient feels weak and the body is
becoming weak, then there is a practice of giving Charakokta Brihaniya Mahakashay in the form of decoction.
1) . In the state of metal decay where there is a need for chemical action in the body.
2) If you are weak please I recommended you to take this mahakashaya.
Ingredients :
1.काकोली, 2.क्षीरकाकोली,3. पीतबला, 4.अश्वगां धा, 5.ववधारा, 6.दु न्तिका, 7.क्षीरववदारी, 8.वनकपास, 9.ववदारीकन्द
MRP : 165 per 200 ml size
3. BHEDNEEYA Mahakashaya:
About Bhedneeya Mahakashaya: All the herbs mentioned in Charakokt Bhendiya Mahakashay are used in conditions
like stones with sharp, bitter, hot qualities, it is necessary to reduce the size of the stone a little to take it out or to break the
stone and take it out, Charkokt Bhendiya Mahakashay will work well. Charakokta Bheniya Mahakashaya works best in
problems like musculature, external lipoma or small flesh sprouts visible here and there in the body, tumors, leukoderma and
fibroids. Bhendiya Mahakashay main function is penetration, whether it is penetration of stool or any stuck foreign
1. Bheniya Mahakashaya works best in problems like musculature, external lipoma external lipoma or small
flesh sprouts.
2. there in the body, tumors, leukoderma and fibroids.
3. All the herbs mentioned in Bhendiya Mahakashay.
 अकक, एरां ड, वनशोथ, लाां घली, शांन्तिनी, वित्रा, वित्रक, विरवबल्व, कुटकी, स्वर्णकक्षीरी
MRP – 145 RS per 200 ML bottel
4. Lekhaniya Mahakashaya: Charakkot Likhniya Mahakashay can be used well for weight
loss. For those who are obese, Likhniya Mahakashaya works best. Charakokta Likhniya
Mahakashaya should be used to destroy all types of lumps and any type of body lump like
lipoma. Its main function is Lekhan Karma. Its plays a major role in lipoma PCOD fibroids.
1. Its plays a major role in lipoma PCOD fibroids.
2. Lekhneeya Mahakashaya can be used well for weight loss.
3. It play a major role to destroy all types of lumps and any type of body lump like lipoma.
4. Best Product for weight loss.
Ingredients: 1.हररद्रा,2. दारुहररद्रा,3. विा,4. सफेदविा,5. कुष्ठ,6. नागरमोथा,7. अवतववषा,8. कुटकी,9. वित्रक,10. िीरवबल्व
MRP 180.00 rs/200 ml

5. Sandhaniya Mahakashaya:
About Sandhaniya Mahakashaya : Works best for the work of bringing together all types of body parts, like if
someone is not having a child then here this sandhan will work in the Venus of man and menstruation of woman.
It will restore the life of a dying person. If the bones are broken, it will restore the bones. Sandhaniya
mahakashaya all type of right ligament teer.
 If the bones are broken, it will restore the bones.
 It will restore the life of a dying person.
 Works best for the work of bringing together all types of body parts.
6. वगलोय,2. मुलैठी,3. पाठा,4. पीवठका,5. मांवजष्ठा,6. मोिरस,7. धातकी पु ष्प,8. लोदर,9. वियां गु, 10.
MRP: 385 RS/ per 500 ml bottle size
6.Deepniya Mahakashaya:
About Deepniya Mahakashaya: It is a substance that activates fire in the body. These days, Charakokta
Deepaniya Mahakashay is being used successfully in diseases like Thyroid Diabetes. Charakokt Deepaniya
Mahakashay: will be helpful in igniting all types of fires.
1. It is a substance that activates fire in the body.
2. It is being used successfully in diseases like Thyroid Diabetes.
3. Mostly successful tonic in Ayurveda for Thyroid Diabetes.
1. वपप्पली, 2. वपप्पलीमूल,3. िव्य,4. वित्रक,5. मरीि,6. सोांठ,7. वभलावा की गु ठली,8. अजमोदा,9. हीांग,10.
MRP:- 165 RS per 200 ml bottle Size.
7.Balya Mahakashaya: The most effective use of Charakkot Balya Mahakashaya is seen in the duodenum.
Chapter of Duodenal Disease. It is also called Agni Dhara Kala. It is very important to be strong in the place
from where Agni appears. It is written in the book that if the duodenum is weak, then stays there. Vala Agni
automatically becomes weak and if Agni is weak then Agni Dhara Kala i.e. the duodenum automatically
becomes weak. Agni itself has been described as the strength of the body, Ojas and Varna. Charakokta Balya
Mahakashaya should do the work of strengthening the duodenum. Charakokta Balya Mahakashay discharges the
power required for the formation of flesh and bone from blood. Charakkot Balya Mahakashay is especially
effective on the flesh, blood and bone dhatu in the body. In case of depletion of strength in any of these,
Charakokta Balya Mahakashay is to be given. Charakkot Balya Mahakashay works best in problems like
rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis.
Ingredients: बबब, बबबबबब, बबबबबब, बबबबबब, बबबबबबबब, बबबबब, बबबब बब बबब, बबबबबबब,
बबबबबबबबबब, बबबबबबबबबबबब
MRP 155.00 /200 ML
8.Varnya Mahakashaya:
About Varnya Mahakashaya is used to create varnyata in body and organ level. Ayurveda instructs to treat blemishes on the
face or body and face that are devoid of beauty due to various reasons with Charakokta Varnya Mahakashay. With the
combination of varnya mahakashaya and sandhaniya mahakashaya, we can prepare the best face cream.Charakokta varnya
mahakashaya is not only for the beauty of the face, but if the hair on the head turns white again and again, then for that also
the scriptures tell to apply Charakokta varnya mahakashaya mixed with Stantyajanana mahakashaya.
By oral consumption, this Bhrajak works for balancing Pitta and Dhatu. Skin is also related to the mind, that is, whenever
the mind is polluted, skin disorders also occur. Skin disorder is also related to Arsh disease. In such a condition, judicious
use of Charakokta Varnya Mahakashay is of great benefit.
1 It is used to skin disorder.
2 It is also used to face cream of beauty of face.
3 Its use is beneficial in the disease which causes discoloration in the body.
MRP 185 Rs per 200ml Bottle size.

9.Hridya Mahakashaya: It has been said to strengthen the heart and Hridya Mahakashaya is beneficial for overall heart health.
C Hridya Mahakashaya: Astringent juice is the main medicine. Kashaya juice is similar to phlegm and bile. When the amount of Al amvak
Kapha increases in the heart, the heart suffers from the Tamasic guna. In such a case, Hridya Mahakashaya: By increasing the heart's
seeker's bile (here Kashaya Rasa is said to be bitter because it is more bitter than Vipaaka, which pierces the Kapha, Vipak of Tiktaa,
Kashay is bitter) makes a person faithful towards religion, artha, kama, moksha. Kashaya Rasa increases Vayu. Prana Vayu is considered
to reside in the heart. Along with this, Udaan and Bayan Vayu are related to the heart only, hence due to increase in the kar ma of Vayu in
the heart, Vayu's knowledge, speed and attainment karma in the body becomes proper. begins. A similar situation occurs in the condition
of heart failure, where the effect of air in the heart starts decreasing and the dependent phlegm covers the heart, then heart failure starts,
but when the consumption of astringent juice based Hridya Mahakashay, the heart condition gets cured. The covers open due to the speed
of air in such a situation. Hridya Mahakashay: is used in mania, epilepsy, OCD or all types of mental disorders. Even when Pandu disease
starts increasing due to Ojakshaya, it is best to give Hridya Mahakashaya.
1. आम, 2.अमलवेतस,3. आम्रा,4. बेर,5. बड़ी बेर,6. दावड़म,7. कर द
ां ा,8. बड़हल,9. वृक्षामल,10. मातुलूूँग
MRP 175 Rs /200 ml
About Triptighna Mahakashya : If I say clearly about Triptighna Mahakashaya, then this substance will help wherever
there is energy creation in the body. When the fire of seven metals becomes weak due to some reason, then Triptihan
Mahakashaya acts like nectar there. In diabetes, when glucose cannot be converted into glycogen due to it not being able to
enter the cell, due to lack of converter into energy, it ultimately takes the form of diabetes, where Triptihan Mahakashaya:
Directly producing insulin performs all these functions. I am an ally.
I see the maximum function of Triptihan Mahakashaya in Samana Vayu and digestive bile because a special function of both
of them is to divide the circuit. Diabetes is also a disease caused by similar air problems. If there is diabetes, then Deepaniya
and Triptighna Mahakashay should be given by mixing them.
1. Energy creation tonic for Diabetes
2. Directly producing insulin performs all these functions.
3. Deepaniya and Triptighna Mahakashay should be given by mixing them.
MRP 185 RS /200 ml
Ingredients : 1. िव्य,2. वित्रक,3. सोांठ ,4. वपप्पली,5. पटोल,6. वगलोय,7. विा,8. नागरमोथा,9. मूवाक ,10. ववडां ग

11.Arshoghna Mahakashaya :
About Arshoghna Mahakashya : All the Ayurvedic medicines present in Arshoghn Mahakashay are bitter,
pungent and hot in nature. Arshoghan Mahakashay: Can be used in the condition of anal fissure, varicose veins,
stabbing pain and all types of gout and mastitis.

1. It is use in the condition of anal fissure, varicose veins, stabbing pain.
2. It is bitter, pungent and hot in nature.
3. It is all types of gout and mastitis.

Ingredients :
1. िव्य, 2. वित्रक,3. सोांठ,4. हरीतकी,5. वबल्व,6. दारुहररद्रा,7. विा,8. अवतववषा,9. कुटज,10. यवासा
MRP : 155 Rs / 200 ML
12.Vishghna Mahakashaya:
About Vishghna Mahakashaya: Before understanding where to use Vishaghna Mahakashaya, we have to understand what poison is.
In fact, all the foreign substances in the body organs which the body does not want to accept are poisons.
Be it radiation or any kind of infection, all come under the category of poison. 10 qualities like guru of ojas, aliphatic etc. have been
described in the body. Any substance that is contrary to these qualities is ready to destroy the worshipable person, all those are poisons.
Will be called only. Vishaghan Mahakashay is going to destroy all those poisons. When chemotherapy is done to cure a terrible disease
like cancer, the body's vitality is destroyed through radiation. Any type of diagnostic procedure for which the patient is exposed to
radiation. That is, after all the procedures are done, Vishaghna Mahakashay should be given. Even in all the complications of diabetes,
Vishaghna Mahakashaya works well to destroy the poison of diabetes.
1. Vishaghna Mahakashaya works well to destroy the poison of diabetes.
2. Vishaghan Mahakashay is going to destroy all those poisons.
1. वनशोथ, 2. काली वनशोथ,3. हल्दी,4. मांवजष्ठा,5. छोटी इलायिी,6. िन्दन,7. कतक, 8. वशरीश, 9. वनगुकण्डी,10 . श्लेशमांतक
MRP 185 RS /200ml
13.Shukrajanan Mahakashaya:
About Shukrajanan Mahakashaya: Shukrajanana Mahakashaya: Will create energy in the body. Venus will
both create and protect the energy that pervades the entire body. It will also increase the production of semen, the
child producing factor located in the testicles, and increase the count of strong semen.
1. It is create energy in the body.
2. Venus will both create and protect the energy that pervades the entire body.
3. It will also increase the production of semen for child.
4. Best medicine for Semen.
1. जीवक,2. ऋषभक,3. मेदा,4. काकोली,5. क्षीरककोली,6. बनउड़द,7. शतावरी,8. जटामाां सी,9. बनमुांग,10.
MRP 220 RS/200 ml
14.Shukrashodhana Mahakashaya:
About Shukrashodhana Mahakashaya : Shukrasodhana duugs indivisully and altogether helpfull in sevral uro -
genital disorder such as urinary calculi, dysurea spermatorrhoea, haemeturia, proteinurea etc. in addition they are
useful in genial debility and in bilious health conditions. in liver disorders and immunological disorder too they
are applicable in various forms.
1. Best medicine . in liver disorders and immunological disorder.
2. It is support genital disorder such as urinary calculi.
3. It is useful in genial debility and in bilious health conditions.
1. kustha,2. Elavaluka 3. Katphala, 4. Samudraphena, 5. kadamba 6. ikshu 7. Kandeksu 8. Ikhsuraka 9.
Vasuka 10. Ushira
MRP 220 RS/ 200 ml

15.Swedopag Mahakashaya:
About Swedopag Mahakashaya: In Panchakarma therapy, we have read about this process called Snehana, which
is called lubrication, to create lubrication inside the small veins for vomiting, purgation and Vasti. Another
process has to be done to flush out the stubborn toxins from there, under which a lot of sweat comes out of it.
Engaged in what we call sweating process. When sweat along with greasiness is produced in those veins, then by
doing Abhyanga i.e. massage, that toxin gradually comes into the cell through the veins. After that, those toxins
are removed from the body through vomiting and purging. Swedopag Mahakashaya is also an important
component to achieve the same purpose.

1. अकक,2. एरां ड,3. सवहजन,4. यव,5. वतल,6. कुलथ,7. उड़द,8. बे र,9. शवेत पु ननकवा,10. रक्त पु ननकवा

MRP 340 RS/500 ML

16.Trishna Nigrahan Mahakashaya:
About Trishna Nigrahan Mahjakashaya:
Trishna means thirst, Nigrahan means to control, that is, controlling the thirst is called Trishna
Nigrahan Karma. Now you see which diseases cause thirst and in all those conditions, Trishna Nigrahan
Mahakashay can be given. When the liquid quality of bile increases in the body, one feels excessive
thirst and starts indigestion after drinking water. In such a condition, if we consume Trishna Nigrahan
Mahakashay, it is very good.

MRP 155 RS /200 ML

1. धवनया, 2. सोांठ,3. पटोल,4. वासा,5. नागरमोथा,6. िन्दन,7. वपत्तपापड़ा,8. वगलोय,9. विरायता,10. सुगन्धबाला

17.Purisha Sangrahaneeya Mahakashaya:

About Purisha Sangrahaneeya Mahakashaya:
Purish Sancharaniya Mahakashaya also helps in carrying out the work of Samana Vayu. The main
function of Purish Sancharaniya Mahakashaya is to create Purisha and to collect all the wastes of
Panchmahabhoota and Sapta Dhatu scattered here and there in the body. This work is done by Vyan
1. वियांगु,2. साररवा,3. श्योनाक,4. लोध्र,5. मूि् छक रस,6. लज्जालु,7. धतकीपुष्प,8. पदम्,9. कमलकेसर,10. आम की गुठली
MRP 365 RS/500 ML

18.Mutra Virechaniya Mahakashaya:

About Mahakashaya: Sometimes due to some reason urine does not come out in the right quantity or there is too much
urine in the stomach but it does not come out, then to remove the urine containing such impurities, Urine Virechinay
Mahakashaya should be given to the patient. Urine Virechinay Mahakashaya kidney stones are easily removed through
urine test. It eliminates the accumulated Klad in the body. Due to which the foreign elements of the body are removed and
internal purification takes place.
1. It eliminates the accumulated Klad in the body.
2. Purified urine
1.गोक्षुर,2. कुश,3. काश,4. दभक,5. गुन्द्रा,6. पाषार्णभेद,7. पुननक वा,8. वृत्वदानी(ववदारीकन्द),9. वशीर(रक्त अपामागक),10. शरमूल
MRP 155 RS/200 ML
19.Kasahar Mahakashaya: Charakota Kashara mahakasaya can be used well in cough. To cure
cough disease, a decoction of available medicine of Charakota Kashara mahakashaya can be given.
Charakota Kashara mahakasaya effective in all types of KasRog described by Vatika, Pattik, Kaphaj,
Tridosha, Kshayaj and Kshayaj etc. Charakota Kashara mahakasaya effective in all types of cough diseases
classified as Vatik, Pattik, Kaphaj, Tridosha, Kshayaj etc.
1. It is effective in all types of cough diseases classified as Vatik, Pattik, Kaphaj, Tridosha, Kshayaj etc.
2. Kashara mahakasaya can be used well in cough.
3. Charakota Kashara mahakasaya effective in all types of cough diseases classified as Vatik, Pattik,
Kaphaj, Tridosha, Kshayaj etc.
Ingredients: आमलकी, हरीतकी, पीप्पली, मुनक्का, दु रालाभा, कांटकारी, कककट् ्ृांगी, श्वेतपुननकवा, रक्त पुननक वा, भूम्यालवक
MRP 410 RS /500 ML
20.Shwashar Mahakashaya: It is good to use Swashara Mahakasaya in all types of Urdhva Jatrugat diseases.
When the pranavah source and rasa dhatu gets affected by the aggravated phlegm due to self-diagnosis, then affected
udana and prana vayu cause of the diseases like svas, hikka, pratisaya etc. If Charakokta Shwasahar Mahakashaya is
given to a person suffering from asthma, keeping in mind the patient's body strength, disease strength, nature, season,
country, time, etc., a decoction is prepared and the appropriate liquid is prepared and given to drink in the morning and
evening, then it gives great benefit. Charakokta Shvasahar Mahakashay's pulp can also be made and licked by mixing
it with honey. Some people also give it to the patient after making it alkaline.
Benefits :
 It is good to use Swashara Mahakasaya in all types of Urdhva Jatrugat diseases.
 Swashara Mahakasaya also give it to the patient after making it alkaline.
 Swashara Mahakasaya is also used to ASTHAMA.
Ingrideints: अगरु, िोपिीनी, तुलसी, छोटी इलायिी, हीांग,जीवांती,भूम्यालवक, किूर, पुष्करमूल, अमलवेतस
MRP 399 RS /500 ml

21.Shothahar Mahakashaya: All types of infections come under the category of Soth. Most of the content
of Dashmool is present in Shothahar Mahakashay. Dashmool is mostly used for Vata Anuloman Karma, Colic
relief and to cure inflammation. Shothahar Mahakashay is also an excellent pain reliever and is often found
wherever there is pain.
 Useful in eliminating any type of swelling anywhere in the body
 It eliminates all local or localized inflammations as well as systemic or whole body inflammations.
 . Shothahar Mahakashay is also an excellent pain reliever and is often found wherever there is pain.
Ingredients: वबल्व, अविमांथ, श्योनाक, पाटला, गां भारी, शालपर्णी, पृ ष्णपर्णी, बृ हती, कांटकारी ,गोक्षुर
MRP 415 RS /500 ml
22.Jwarhara Mahakashaya: Jwarahar Mahakashay: is an Ayurvedic composition that cures all types of
fever mentioned in the scriptures. I had used it on a child who, due to high fever in childhood, developed
inflammation in the veins of the brain and later started having epilepsy. I used all the herbs of Jwarhar
Mahakashay on a leprosy patient. After mixing it, he was given one spoon each in the morning and evening to
eat. As a result, his epilepsy stopped. The child used to have epilepsy attacks due to frequent fever.
 Jwarhar Mahakashaya child used to have epilepsy attacks due to frequent fever.
 Ayurvedic composition that cures all types of fever mentioned in the scriptures.
 Due to high fever in childhood, developed inflammation in the veins of the brain and later started
having epilepsy.
Ingredients: हरीतकी, वववभतकी, आमलकी, मांवजष्ठा, पाठा, मुनक्का, पीलू, शककरा , साररवा, फालसा
MRP 335 RS/500 ml

23.Shramahara Mahakashaya: Shramahar Mahakashaya is to be used where any disease has arisen in the
body after getting tired after traveling a lot or due to excessive workload. Pay attention to any disease which is
caused due to excessive labor i.e. hard work. In all those diseases, Shramahar Mahakashaya should be given. It
provides instant energy and removes physical fatigue. There is no better energy drink than this.
 It provides instant energy and removes physical fatigue.
 There is no Best energy drink than this.
 Due to excessive workload Shramahar Mahakashaya best energy drink.
Ingridents: मुनक्का, िजूकर, अांजीर, फालसा, बेर, अनार, ईि, यव, साठीिावल, वियाल
MRP : 415 RS/ 500 ml

24.Shita Prashman Mahakashaya: When we carefully analyze all the herbs of Shit Prashaman
Mahakashay, it proves to be a panacea of Ayurveda. All the medicines of Shit Prashamana Mahakashay are
going to remove Kapha dosha from the body. In case of all types of pneumonia, sinus and mucus phlegm, it is
best to give cold soothing Mahakashaya. When every source of the body is filled with phlegm, then to expel it,
Shit Prashaman Mahakashay should be given. Along with this, Shit Prashaman Mahakashay can be used for
applying on the outside of the body in these diseases and also for consuming it in the form of decoction Could.
1. It remove Kapha dosha from the body.
2. All types of pneumonia, sinus and mucus phlegm, it is best to give cold soothing Mahakashaya.
3. It used for applying on the outside of the body in these diseases
Ingredients: 1. अगरु, 2. तगर , 3. धवनया 4. सोांठ 5. वपप्पली 6. विा 7. कटे री 8. शोना 9. अजवायन 10. गनीया
MRP 385 /500 ml
25.Udard Prashman Mahakashaya: If we look at the Ayurvedic properties of the herbs of Udard
Prashman Mahakashay: then all these will be understood as astringent based medicines. Udard
Prashaman Mahakashay: works very well in skin disorders and especially in the disease called pitta.
1. It works very well in skin disorders.
2. It works especially in the disease called pitta
तीन्दू क, चिर ौंजी, बेर, खजूर, सफेद खैर, सप्तपर्णी, साल, अजजुन, पीतसाल , चिटखदीर

MRP 175 /200 ml

26.Angamarda Prashman Mahakashaya: Now we will mention about the use of Angmard
Prashman Mahakashay. You must have understood where to use Angmard Prashman Mahakashay as
soon as you heard the word Angmard, which means restlessness in the body. Angmard occurs in the
body due to many reasons, especially Angastrium starts before the onset of any kind of disease, such as
duodenal disease, fever or some problem of Rajkshama. Apart from this, when the body becomes weak
due to viral infections like dengue, malaria and chikungunya, then the organs become weak. Overall,
where the weakening of strength begins, the development of body impotence begins. In all these
conditions it is best to give Angmard Prashamana Mahakashay.
िन्दन, िस, छोटी इलायिी, साररवा, मुलैठी, काकोली, एरण्ड, छोटी कटे री, बड़ी कटे री, वपवठबल
MRP 195 RS /200 ML

27.ShoolPrashman Mahakashaya: Pain occurs due to increase in air in the body. This Shool Prashaman
Mahakashaya works best in colic and rheumatic diseases, especially in Ambaat, but it is necessary to pay attention to
what are the reasons for the disease, what is the defect which is causing the disease, what is the disturbance in the
body, its identification is necessary, selection of Mahakasha is not done sequentially. Rather, the herbs mentioned in
Mahakashaya will have to be selected keeping in mind the defects and physical strength of the patient, the cause of the
disease, the strength of the disease etc. It is not that if someone has a problem then he should take the entire
Shoolprasham Mahakashaya and give it. This is the substance that performs Agnidipana Karma. Where there is pain
due to lack of fire lamp, Shulprashman Mahakashay should be given.
1. It remove pain of our body.
2. best in colic and rheumatic diseases, especially in Ambaat
Ingridients: िव्य, वित्रक, सोांठ, मरीि, वपप्पली, वपप्लामूल, जमोदा, अजगन्दा, जीरा, कण्डी
MRP 155.00 RS/200ml
28.Shonit Sthapan Mahakashaya: We have to give Shonit Sthapan Mahakashay where the blood gets
contaminated and new blood has to be supplied in such places, then Shonit Sthapan Mahakashay will work best
there. Shonit means blood with conversion face or it can be said that the new blood that is formed as soon as the
pigment bile is formed, is used for new work in the body, here the same blood is being mentioned. When the
body becomes weak due to blood loss after operation, Shonit Sthapana Mahakashay will work very well to
provide new blood. In case of disease called Thalassemia and due to any reason, when there is a condition like
anemia in the body, then to save the patient, we should have nectar like Shonit Sthapan Mahakashay with us.
1. शककरा,2. लाजा,3. लोध्र,4. अगरु,5. मुलैठी,6. मधु ,7. कुमकुम,8. वियांगु,9. मोिरस,10. मृतकपाल

MRP 175 RS /200ml

29.Prajasthapana Mahakashaya: Praja has many meanings, but in the view of Ayurveda, the seed that
produces children, which is in Shukra metal, also has one meaning. This now means that if someone lacks the
power to produce children, then Praja Sthapana Mahakashay is an ingredient that works like nectar for him. For
women, if there is a problem of infertility, then this medicine should be given 3 months before pregnancy. If
anything is being transplanted in the body, then if Praja Sthapana Mahakashay is given two-three months before
such work is done, then success is assured. Because Praja Sthapana gives the power to accept or imbibe
1. ऐन्द्री , 2. ब्राह्मी,3. शतिीर्ु,4. सहस्त्रिीर्ु, 5. अमोघा(पाटला), 6. अव्यथा, 7. चशिा, 8. कजटकी, 9. िट्यपजष्पि, 10.
चिश्वसे नकान्त(चिर्ौंगज)
MRP 390.00 /500 ml

30. Vaya Sthapan MahaKashaya: All the medicines written in Vayasthapana Mahakashaya are
substances that perform chemical action. Now you can guess for yourself that if all these medicines are mixed
properly and made into a tablet and given to the patient, then at what level it would work in the body. All the
medicines contain bitter juice. It is the bitter juice which becomes bitter in Vipaka and infuses strength in the
body by increasing the fire. Vaya Sthapana Mahakashaya: After major surgery or skin grafting, Vaya Sthapana
Mahakashaya gives very good effect on the body. It is also a purifier of the sources.
Ingredients :
1. हरीतकी, 2. आमलकी,3. गज डूिी,4. मौंडजकपर्णी,5. रासना,6. पजननुिा,7. जीिौंती,8. शतािरी,9. अपराचजता ,10.
MRP 415.00 /500 ml
31.SANGYASTHAPANA Mahakashay: Charak Samhita is an excellent book. Here, a system relating each disease
description to the disease preceding and following it is found in this book. For example, if after reading Arsh Chikitsa, we
read the method of treatment of duodenal defect and after that we read Pandu Rog Chikitsa, then the author has created this
sequence very thoughtfully. Because without knowing about Arsh, You do not understand about duodenal disease. One who
has not studied and understood these two diseases can never understand Pandu disease because these three diseases are
interdependent.See, in the same way, when we are reading Mahakashaya, here also the sequence is the same, after pain
relief, immediately noun sthapana is talking about Mahakashaya, this relationship is dependent on each other. The noun
sthapana means actions that bring consciousness, such as in a disease like epilepsy where a person becomes unconscious. In
all the diseases like intoxication, unconsciousness, Sanyas mania etc. the body becomes devoid of consciousness. Not only
this, there is a need for constant consciousness in our body, like lack of memory will also be considered unconscious, when
one becomes unconscious at the organ level, then the body has to face many problems, like suppose there is a phlegm in the
tongue. By becoming aware of all types of juices coming in the tongue, it works to awaken the fire.
MRP 195.00 RS/200 ml
Ingredients: 1.ही ौंग,2. ििा,3. गोलोिी ,4. ब्राह्मी ,5. जटामाौंसी,6. गज ग्गलज,7. कजटकी,8. अररमेद,9. मीठा नीम,10. िोरक
32 StanyaJanan Mahakashaya :- स्तन्यजनन महाकषाय का ियोग वहाां करना है जहाां शरीर में रस धातु की कमी होने के
वजह से स्तन्यजनन् कमक सही तरीका से नहीां हो रहा है। वकसी लेडीस में यवद रस दू ष्टी के कारर्ण मानवसक परे शानी है या शरीर में
रसायन कमक की अभाव है या स्तन से वनकलने वाला दु ि वपत्त दोष के कारर्ण से दोष युक्त होकर आ रहा है तो ऐसे सभी कांडीशन में
स्तन्यजनन महाकषाय ियोग करना िावहए।

INGREDIENTS : कुश, काश. िस, शालीिावल, साठी िावल, इक्षुबवलका, दभक, गुन्द्रा, इटक्त, तृर्ण

MRP – 410 RS per 500 ml bottel

33 VEDANASTHAPAN MAHAKASHAYA: है यवद वेदना अवधक बने तो भी मुन्तिल है और यवद वेदना रवहत
शरीर हो जाए तो भी मुन्तिल है। अभी हम वजस वेदना स्थापन महाकषाय के वलए वजक्र करने वाले हैं उसका काम है वेदना रवहत स्थान
में स्पशक ज्ञान का अनुभव कराना। वेदना स्थापन महाकषाय का मुख्य काम यही है वक जहाां स्पशक ज्ञान िली गई है वहाां िाकृत वेदना
स्थावपत करना ही वेदना स्थापन महाकषाय का मुख्य कमक है। अब आपका काम यह है वक क्या हम इस द्रव्य का ियोग पैरालाइवसस या
कोमा में गए हुए व्यन्तक्त के ऊपर कर सकते हैं या नहीां आप िु द ववमशक करें ।

Ingredients : कदम्ब, कठफल, मूिररस, वशरीष, शाल, एला, अशोक, तै लवल, पद्मक, जलवेतस

MRP 385 RS only

34. Stanya Shodhan Mahakashaya: स्तन्यशोधक महाकषाय भी स्तन्यजनन् महाकषाय जैसा ही कायक करने वाला द्रव्य है
इसमें बस यही अांतर है वक यह स्तन में होने वाली सभी दोषोां को नष्ट करता है और स्तन्यजनन् महाकषाय दु ि वनमाक र्ण िवक्रया में
सहयोगी होता है।

Ingregients पाठा, गुडूिी, साररवा, सोांठ, दे वदारु, नागरमोथा, मूवाक , इन्द्रज , विरायता, कटु की

MRP 430 RS 500 ml bottle size

35 KANDUGHAN Mahakashaya: कृवमघ्न महाकाषाय का ियोग शरीर में न्तस्थत सभी िकार के क्रीमीयोां को नष्ट
करने के वलए वकया जाता है ।कृवमघ्न महाकाषाय मेदोरोग में जब अती क्लेद की वनवमकती होने लगे तो कृवमघ्न महाकाषाय और
कुष्ठघ्न महाकषाय दोनोां को वमला कर दे ना िावहए ।
कृवमघ्न महाकाषाय ववषघ्न भी है शरीर में न्तस्थत सभी िकार के टॉन्तसांस के मारक िभाव को नष्ट करने वाला है कृवमघ्न
महाकाषाय है ।
वायववडां ग , वशग्रु , मरीि, नअगरमोथा, केबुक , वनगुकण्डी, गोक्षुर, मुशापर्णी, वृषववर्णकका, वकर्णही
MRP 385 per 500 ML size

36 Kusthghana Mahakashaya :कुष्ठह्न महाकाषाय का ियोग वहाां करना है जहाां जहाां नैक्रोवसस है यानी जहाां भी
फोड़ा फुांसी होगा वहाां कुष्ठघ्न महाकाषाय वसद्ध तैल,घी या काढा के रूप में ियोग कर सकते हैं ।कुष्ठघ्न महाकाषाय के सभी
जड़ी बू वटयाां रसायन कमक करने वाला भी होता है ।
इस कारर्ण से यह वववशष्ट कुष्ठरोग में बेहतर काम करे गा। त्विा और मन एक दू सरे के आव्त होते हैं दोनोां में से वकसी एक
में ब्यावध होने पर दू सरा दू वषत हो जाता है विवकत्सा होने पर जब एक ठीक हो जाता है तो दू सरा भी ऑटोमेवटकली ठीक
होने लगता है इस कारर्ण से त्विा में काम करने वाली सभी दवाइयाां मन में भी काम करता है । यह कुष्ठघ्न महाकाषाय स्पशक
हानी होने पर भी वदया जा सकता है।
Ingridients िन्दन, नीम, मुलैठी, सरसोां, नागरमोथा, दारुहल्दी, जटामाां सी, अमलतास, लताकरां ज, कुटज
MRP 345 RS per 500 Ml
37 Snehopag Mahakashaya : आयुवेवदक ग्रांथोां में पांिकमक विवकत्सा के सांदभक में स्नेहन कमक(शरीर के अांदर छोटे -छोटे नसोां
में विकनाहट पैदा करने वाली वक्रयाएां ) का बहुत बड़ा महत्व बताया गया है। िकुपीत दोष सुक्ष्म स्रोतोां मैं िवेश करके आमवात सांवधवात
वातरक्त जैसे पीड़ादायक व्यावध उत्पन्न करते है ।
जब तक छोटे -छोटे नसोां के अांदर िवेश हुए वह टॉन्तसांस को हम शरीर से बाहर नहीां वनकालेंगे तब तक वह व्यावध समन होने वाला नहीां
है । इसीवलए आभ्यिर और वाह्य स्नेहन(शरीर के अांदर छोटे -छोटे नसोां में विकना पदाथक डालने वाली वक्रया) कमक हेतु स्नेहोपग
महाकाषाय: बहुत ही अच्छा ररजल्ट दे ने वाला दवाई है।

Ingredients: मुनक्का, मुलैठी, वगलोय, मेदा, काकोली, क्षीरलकोली, जीवांती, जीवक, साररवा, ववदारीकन्द

MRP 340 rs per 500 ml size

38 Mutra Sangrahneeya Mahakashaya : मूत्र सांग्रहर्णीय महाकाषाय: उन लोगोां के वलए अमृत के समान कायक करने
वाला है जो बहुत सारे जहरीले नशा करते हैं। कफ का क्लेद की अवधकता से शरीर में जलीयाां श की अवधकता हो जाती है वजससे
वक्रएवटवनन बढने का ितरा होता है ऐसी कांडीशन में मूत्र सांग्रहर्णीय महाकाषाय: उत्तम कायक करने वाला औषवध सावबत होगा यह दवाई
शरीर में यत्र तत्र वबिरे हुए जलीयाांश को ढू ां ढ ढू ां ढ कर मूत्र मागक से बाहर वनकालने का कायक करता है।
मैंने सुना था कोई भी व्यन्तक्त लांबे समय से पान गुटिा वसगरे ट तांबाकू जैसे मादक द्रव्योां का सेवन करते हैं तो शरीर में इन मादक द्रव्योां
का एक लेयर जो क्लेद रुपा है वह तैयार होता है यवद हम मूत्र सांग्रहर्णीय महाकाषाय: ऐसे व्यन्तक्त को दे ते हैं तो कुछ समय के बाद इस
िकार के सभी मादक पदाथक सेवन का इच्छा उसके मन से ित्म हो जाता है क्योांवक मूत्र सांग्रहर्णीय महाकाषाय: उस मादक द्रव्य द्वारा
वनवमकत क्लेद को भी मूत्र मागक से बाहर वनकाल दे ता है। यहाां मूत्र सांग्रहर्णीय,मूत्र ववरजनीय,मूत्र ववरे िनीय तीनोां का कांपोजीशन वमला कर
दे ना होगा।
Ingredients: आम, जामुन, वट, प्लक्ष, उदु म्बर, पीपल, वभलावा, अश्मां तक, िदीर, कपीतन(वशरीश)
MRP 410 RS per 500 ml Bottel

39 Kanthaya Mahakashaya : िरकोक्त कांठ्य महाकाषाय का ियोग माां स सोर्णीत दु वष्ट मैं दे ना है क्योांवक स्वरक्षय मैं इन्ीां
धातुओां की वबकृवत होती है। गले में यवद टॉन्तिल हो तो भी िरकोक्त कांठ्य महाकाषाय दे ना अच्छा होता है।
Charakokta Kanthya Mahakashaya is to be used in case of flesh-sound disease because in case of vocal
decay, these metals get distorted. Even if there are tonsils in the throat, it is good to give Charakokta
Kanthya Mahakashay.
साररवा, मुलैठी, वपप्पली, ईि की जड़, मुनक्का, ववदारी कर्णक, बृहती, कांटकारी, कायफल, हांसपदी

40 DahaPrashman Mahakashaya: दाह िशमन महाकषाय सभी िकार के शारीररक और मानवसक दहा में
ियोग कर सकते हैं । दाह का मतलब होता है जलन का होना अब आप दे िो वक क न-क न सी व्यावधयोां में शरीर और मन
में जलन उत्पन्न होता है उन सभी व्यावध में एक स्थावनक लक्षर्ण जो दाह है उस की शाां वत के वलए दाह िशमन महाकषाय
दे ना अच्छा होता है ।
िन्दन, नीलकमल, िस, लाजा, साररवा, मांगूआ, सुगन्धबाला, शककरा, गुडूिी, गांभारी का फल

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