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Occupational Health and Safety


Workplace Health and Wellness

Learning Objectives

1. Describe some of the key elements of workplace

wellness programs (knowledge).

2. List and explain the organizational benefits of workplace

wellness programs (knowledge, comprehension).

3. Prepare an awareness communication campaign and

strategy about a workplace wellness program for
employees (application).

• Leading a healthy life is 24/7

• Many organizations have grown to understand this.
• Workplace wellness policies can address physical, emotional, mental,
and spiritual well-being.
Wellness in the Workplace

Active attempts should be made to ensure healthy and safe work


90% of mid-sized American companies offer health-related programs.

64% of Canadian companies offer wellness programs.

$2B cost of absenteeism stemming from work-life conflict

Workplace Health and Wellness Programs

Copyright © 2021 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Family-friendly Policies in the Workplace

Copyright © 2021 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Family Friendly Policies
Health Promotion Programs

Copyright © 2021 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Health Promotion Programs

• Health Promotion:
− Combination of
diagnostic, educational,
and behavioural
modification activities
designed to support
attainment and
maintenance of positive

Copyright © 2021 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Benefits to Organization
Benefits to Employee

• Increased wellness awareness and education such as leaning how to

reduce stress
• Healthy minds, healthy body, health attitude toward work
• Greater sense of work-life balance
• Increase morale
• Connectedness and camaraderie
Health Promotion Programs and Prevention


Screening Behavioural


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Health Promotion Programs

• Support all three levels of prevention

− Most common programs are
designed to identify health risks and
support health and wellness
 Physical fitness
 Cognitive behavioural skills training
 Health risk assessments and
 Smoking cessation
 Drug and alcohol programs
 Nutrition and weight control
 Flu prevention
 Financial wellbeing
 Employee and Family Assistance
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Developing a Successful Program

• Important Considerations
− Keep program in line with workplace goals and values.
− Consider multiple factors that influence health, including those at
the individual, cultural, and policy factors.
− Target programs to a range of health issues.
− Tailor programs to meet specific needs.
− Aim for high participation.
− Engage in thorough evaluation.
− Communicate program success to the stakeholders.

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Monitor Program Results

• Rate of absenteeism
• Cost of absenteeism
• Rate of turnover
• Cost of group insurance (prescription drugs, dental, etc.)
• Accident/incident rates
• Number of events or activities held last year
• Participation in program events
• Changing behaviours or attitudes towards more healthy habits
• Number of employee promotions/year
• Return to work rate from injuries or illnesses
• Cost for Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)/year
• Percentage of employee suggestions that are implemented

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety


o Workplace health and wellness programs can:

− Improve the health and wellbeing of the workplace’s most important
asset – its employees
− Enhance safety outcomes, business results and corporate social image.
− Reduce workplace injuries, accidents and illnesses and disability and
worker’s compensation claims.
o Important to be strategic, identifying needs and priorities and
methods for evaluating the program’s success
o As a student, it’s important to take care of your own health and
wellness during high-demand periods, such as final assignments and

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