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Assignment 2

1. Forecast of profit by 4%

2. Sales breakdown into ship mode, region, country

3. Sub total and Grand total
Assignment 3
Check your Knowledge.

1. What is a Customer Journey map? Write in your own words (what is your personal
Understanding and why is it essential for you as a Digital Marketer?)

Ans:- In my understanding, a customer journey map is like a blueprint of a customer's experience

with a brand, from start to finish. It's like visualizing their entire walk through the door, so to
speak. It shows all the touchpoints, which are any interactions they have with the brand, like
seeing an ad, visiting the website, or calling customer service.
What makes essential for a digital marketing is that it gives the marketer an understanding of
their customers, what are their pain points and what they can do to improve their experience.

2. As per the survey that you read from the Forbes link, Do you think that the Trends in
Social Media is in Increasing stage across the Globe ? If yes, What do you think as a
Digital Marketer the potential of choosing Social Media as Tool to reach your Brand ?

Ans:- Trends in social media are definitely on the rise. Number of social media users has swelled
across the globe and people tend to spend an average of 145 minutes on social media per day.
This indicates that Social Media is a great platform for cheap and accessible marketing. It also
helps marketers understand customer preferences, insights and other useful information.

3. Which add did you choose for your analysis, mention ? Share the url to this answer

The funny Snickers ad shows celebrities turn into cranky weirdos when they're hungry. The
"You're not you when you're hungry" line is catchy. It gets repetitive, though, and some jokes
seem old-fashioned. Overall, it's a funny ad that makes you remember Snickers.

Video link: SNICKERS You're Not You When You're Hungry TVC

4. Who do you think was the target audience for that particular ad? Can you also mention
the demographic Profile of the Audience like Age, Gender, Income level, Location
Education Qualification, Martial status etc? Answer whichever is applicable for the ad
that you have chosen.

Ans.Snickers wants grown-ups (around 18 to 50 years old) who are busy and might miss meals.
Man or woman, rich or not-so-rich, city or country - if you get cranky when you're hungry,
Snickers thinks you'll like their candy bar.

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