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A Project Report

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the

requirements for the award of the Degree of

Harsh Padaya
Seat Number:________
Under the esteemed guidance of
Mrs. Leena Jadhav
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology
And Data Science



(Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
MUMBAI, 400 037
2023 - 2024
(Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

This is to certify that the project entitled, "AI HEALTHCARE CHATBOT SYSTEM", is
bonafied work of HARSH PADAYA bearing Seat No: _________________ submitted in
partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE
in INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY from University of Mumbai.

Internal Guide Coordinator

Internal Examiner External Examiner

Date: College Seal Principal


Artificial intelligence (AI) healthcare chatbot systems are computer programs that use natural
language processing (NLP) to interact with users and provide healthcare information and
services. They are trained on large datasets of medical knowledge, including symptoms,
diagnoses, treatments, and medications. This allows them to answer users' questions in a
comprehensive and informative way, even if they are complex or open ended.

AI healthcare chatbot systems can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

• Providing general healthcare information: Chatbots can answer users' questions about
a wide range of health topics, such as symptoms, diseases, treatments, and
medications. They can also provide information about healthy living habits, such as
diet, exercise, and stress management.

• Triaging patients: Chatbots can be used to assess patients' symptoms and determine
whether they need to see a doctor or other healthcare professional. This can help to
reduce the burden on healthcare providers and improve efficiency.

• Providing remote care: Chatbots can be used to provide remote care to patients with
chronic conditions or who are unable to travel to see a doctor in person. For
example, they can monitor patients' vital signs, provide medication reminders, and
offer support and advice.

AI healthcare chatbot systems have the potential to revolutionize the way healthcare is delivered.
They can make healthcare information and services more accessible and affordable for everyone.
Additionally, they can free up healthcare providers to focus on more complex tasks, such as
diagnosing and treating patients.

AI healthcare chatbot systems have the potential to revolutionize the way healthcare is
delivered. They can make healthcare information and services more accessible and affordable
for everyone. Additionally, they can free up healthcare providers to focus on more complex
tasks, such as diagnosing and treating patients.

It gives us immense pleasure to express our sincere gratitude to those who are associated with
our project “AI HEALTHCARE CHATBOT SYSTEM” which is a online Medicine
donation portal as a Part of the Course of BSc(IT) affiliated by the University of Mumbai.

A special thanks to my project guide Prof. Leena Jadhav for her most sincere efforts, support
and encouraging contribution throughout the project. Last but not the least, I would like to
thank all my friends & family for their support, motivation, and encouragement.

I hereby declare that the project entitled, “AI HEALTHCARE CHATBOT SYSTEM” done
at Vidyalankar School of Information Technology, has not been in any case duplicated to
submit to any other universities for the award of any degree. To the best of my knowledge other
than me, no one has submitted to any other university.

The project is done in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of
semester project as part of our curriculum.


Signature of Student
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................9
1.1 Background ..................................................................................................................................10
1.2 Objectives ....................................................................................................................................11
1.3 Purpose, Scope, Applicability (Feasibility Study) .........................................................................12
Chapter 2 Survey of Technologies .........................................................................................................14
Chapter 3 Requirements and Analysis ...................................................................................................15
3.1 Problem Definition .......................................................................................................................15
3.2 Requirement Specification ..........................................................................................................17
3.3 Planning and Scheduling ..............................................................................................................18
3.4 Software and Hardware Requirement.........................................................................................20
Chapter 4 System Design .......................................................................................................................21
4.1 Basic Modules ..............................................................................................................................21
4.2 Data Design (Table Design) ..........................................................................................................22
4.2.1 Schema Design ......................................................................................................................22
4.2.2 Data Integrity and Constraints ..............................................................................................22
4.3 Diagrams ......................................................................................................................................24
4.3.1 E-R Diagram ..........................................................................................................................24
4.3.2 Class Diagram ........................................................................................................................25
4.3.3 Use Case Diagram .................................................................................................................26
4.3.4 Sequence Diagram ................................................................................................................27
4.3.5 Activity Diagram....................................................................................................................28
4.3.6 Data Flow Diagram................................................................................................................29
4.3.7 Menu Tree.............................................................................................................................30
4.3.8 Event Table ...........................................................................................................................31
4.3.9 Security Issues.......................................................................................................................32
4.3.10 Test Cases Design................................................................................................................33
References .............................................................................................................................................34
Bibliography ...........................................................................................................................................34
Website Used .........................................................................................................................................36
Summary ................................................................................................................................................37
Plagiarism Report ...................................................................................................................................37
List of Tables

Table-1 Functional Requirements and Non-functional Requirements .................................................17

Table 2: User Details ..............................................................................................................................23
Table 3: Appointment Details ................................................................................................................23
Table 4: Health Records Details .............................................................................................................23
Table 5: Chatbot Details.........................................................................................................................23
Table 6: Event Table...............................................................................................................................31
Table 7: Test Cases Design .....................................................................................................................33
List of Figures

Figure-1 Gantt Chart ..............................................................................................................................18

Figure-2 Agile Model..............................................................................................................................18
Figure-3 Schema Design........................................................................................................................ 23
Figure-4 Entity Relationship Diagram ....................................................................................................24
Figure-5 Class Diagram ..........................................................................................................................25
Figure-6 Use Case Diagram ....................................................................................................................26
Figure-7 Sequence Diagram ...................................................................................................................27
Figure-8 Activity Diagram ......................................................................................................................28
Figure-9 Data Flow Diagram ..................................................................................................................29
Figure-10 Menu Tree .............................................................................................................................30
Chapter 1 Introduction

An AI healthcare chatbot system is a computer program that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to
interact with users and provide healthcare information and services. AI healthcare chatbots are
trained on large datasets of medical knowledge, including symptoms, diagnoses, treatments,
and medications. This allows them to answer users' questions in a comprehensive and
informative way, even if they are complex or open ended.

AI healthcare chatbots can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

• Providing general healthcare information

• Triaging patients

• Providing remote care

AI healthcare chatbots have the potential to make healthcare more accessible and affordable
for everyone by providing 24/7 access to healthcare information and services. They can also
help to reduce the burden on healthcare providers by freeing them up to focus on more complex

Here is an example of how an AI healthcare chatbot system might be used:

A user is experiencing chest pain and shortness of breath. They are unsure whether they should
go to the hospital, so they decide to use an AI healthcare chatbot. The chatbot asks them a
series of questions about their symptoms and medical history. Based on the user's responses,
the chatbot determines that the user is likely experiencing a heart attack. The chatbot then
advises the user to call 911 immediately.

Here are some specific examples of how AI healthcare chatbot systems are being used today:

• Babylon Health

• K Health

• Virtual Nurse
1.1 Background

AI healthcare chatbot systems can be traced back to the early 1970s, when the first chatbot,
ELIZA, was developed. ELIZA was a simple program that could simulate human conversation
by using pattern matching techniques. However, ELIZA was not able to understand the
meaning of the user's input or provide any meaningful information.

In the early 2000s, there was a renewed interest in chatbot development, as advances in natural
language processing (NLP) made it possible to create chatbots that could understand and
respond to human language in a more sophisticated way. This led to the development of the
first AI healthcare chatbots, which were designed to provide users with general healthcare

In recent years, there has been a rapid growth in the development and use of AI healthcare
chatbot systems. This is due to a number of factors, including:

• Advances in NLP technology

• The increasing availability of large datasets of medical knowledge

• The rising demand for affordable and accessible healthcare

AI healthcare chatbot systems are now being used by a wide range of healthcare organizations,
including hospitals, clinics, and pharmaceutical companies. They are being used to provide a
variety of services, including:

• Providing general healthcare information

• Triaging patients

• Providing remote care

• Managing chronic conditions

• Educating patients about their health

1.2 Objectives

AI healthcare chatbot system can vary depending on the specific needs of the healthcare
organization that is developing or using it. However, some common objectives include:

• Improve access to healthcare information and services: AI healthcare chatbots can

provide 24/7 access to healthcare information and services, even for people who live in
rural areas or who have limited transportation options.

• Reduce the burden on healthcare providers: AI healthcare chatbots can help to reduce
the burden on healthcare providers by handling tasks such as answering patient
questions, triaging patients, and providing remote care. This can free up healthcare
providers to focus on more complex tasks, such as diagnosing and treating patients.

• Improve the quality of care: AI healthcare chatbots can help to improve the quality of
care by providing patients with personalized information and support. For
example, they can help patients to manage their chronic conditions, learn about their
medications, and make informed decisions about their healthcare.

• Reduce costs: AI healthcare chatbots can help to reduce healthcare costs by providing
patients with more affordable access to information and services. They can also help to
reduce the number of unnecessary visits to the doctor.

In addition to these general objectives, AI healthcare chatbots can also be used to achieve
specific goals, such as:

• Increase patient engagement: AI healthcare chatbots can be used to increase patient

engagement by providing patients with an interactive way to learn about their health
and manage their care.

• Improve patient satisfaction: AI healthcare chatbots can help to improve patient

satisfaction by providing patients with convenient and accessible access to information
and services.

• Reduce readmission rates: AI healthcare chatbots can help to reduce readmission rates
by providing patients with remote care and monitoring.
1.3 Purpose, Scope, Applicability (Feasibility Study)


The purpose of an AI healthcare chatbot system is to provide users with access to healthcare
information and services in a convenient and affordable way. AI healthcare chatbots can be
used for a variety of purposes, including:

• Providing general healthcare information about symptoms, diseases, treatments, and


• Triaging patients to determine whether they need to see a doctor or other healthcare

• Providing remote care to patients with chronic conditions or who are unable to travel
to see a doctor in person

• Educating patients about their health and helping them to make informed decisions
about their care


AI healthcare chatbot systems can be used by a wide range of users, including:

• Patients and their families

• Healthcare providers

• Insurance companies

• Pharmaceutical companies

• Public health agencies

• Employers
AI healthcare chatbot systems can be deployed in a variety of settings, including:

• Hospitals and clinics

• Pharmacies

• Insurance companies

• Employer workplaces

• Public health websites and apps


AI healthcare chatbot systems are applicable to a wide range of healthcare needs, including:

• Providing general healthcare information and education

• Triaging patients and providing remote care

• Managing chronic conditions

• Educating patients about their medications

• Supporting patients through their healthcare journey

AI healthcare chatbot systems are particularly well-suited for populations that have limited
access to traditional healthcare services, such as people in rural areas or people with low
incomes. AI healthcare chatbots can also be used to provide supplemental support to patients
who are already receiving care from a healthcare provider.
Chapter 2 Survey of Technologies

AI healthcare chatbot systems are a rapidly developing field, and new and innovative
technologies are being developed all the time. Here is a survey of some of the key technologies
that are used in AI healthcare chatbot systems:

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

• NLP is a field of computer science that deals with the interaction between computers
and human language. NLP is essential for AI healthcare chatbot systems, as it allows
them to understand and respond to human language in a natural way.

Machine Learning (ML)

• ML is a type of artificial intelligence that allows computers to learn from data without
being explicitly programmed. ML is used in AI healthcare chatbot systems to train them
on large datasets of medical knowledge. This allows the chatbots to answer users'
questions in a comprehensive and informative way, even if they are complex or open

Deep Learning (DL)

• DL is a type of ML that uses artificial neural networks to learn from data. DL is often
used in AI healthcare chatbot systems to improve their accuracy and performance.

Knowledge Graphs

• Knowledge graphs are databases that represent real-world entities and their
relationships to each other. Knowledge graphs are used in AI healthcare chatbot
systems to provide them with a rich source of information about medical knowledge.

Dialogue Management

• Dialogue management is the process of controlling the flow of conversation between a

user and a chatbot. Dialogue management is essential for AI healthcare chatbot systems,
as it allows them to engage in natural and informative conversations with users.
Chapter 3 Requirements and Analysis

3.1 Problem Definition

AI healthcare chatbots are a promising new technology, but they also have several challenges
that need to be addressed. Here are some of the key problem definitions on AI healthcare
chatbot systems:

• Accuracy and Reliability: AI chatbots are trained on large datasets of data, but the
quality and accuracy of this data can vary. This can lead to chatbots providing
inaccurate or misleading information to patients.

• Transparency and Explain ability: It can be difficult to understand how AI chatbots

make decisions, which can make it difficult for patients to trust them.

• Bias and Discrimination: AI chatbots can be biased, which can lead to them providing
different levels of care or support to different patients.

• Privacy and Security: AI chatbots collect and store sensitive patient data, which raises
concerns about privacy and security.

• Ethical considerations: There are a number of ethical considerations that need to be

addressed when using AI chatbots in healthcare, such as how to ensure that patients
have informed consent and how to protect patients from harm.

Here are some specific examples of problems that can occur with AI healthcare chatbots:
• An AI chatbot might misdiagnose a patient's condition, leading to the patient receiving
incorrect treatment.

• An AI chatbot might give a patient unsafe or outdated medical advice.

• An AI chatbot might leak a patient's personal health information.

• An AI chatbot might be biased against certain groups of people, such as people of color
or people with low incomes.

• An AI chatbot might be used to manipulate patients into making decisions that are not
in their best interests.

It is important to be aware of these challenges when using AI healthcare chatbots. Patients

should always consult with a healthcare professional before making any decisions based on
information from a chatbot
3.2 Requirement Specification

Table-1 Functional Requirements and Non-functional Requirements

Functional Requirements Non-functional Requirements

• The chatbot must be able to answer • The chatbot must be accurate and
common questions about health reliable.

• The chatbot must be able to schedule • The chatbot must be transparent and
appointments and manage referrals. explainable.

• The chatbot must be able to provide • The chatbot must be free from bias
medication reminders. and discrimination.

• The chatbot must be able to monitor • The chatbot must protect patient
patients' health conditions and privacy and security.

• The chatbot must be able to provide • The chatbot must be ethical and
support to patients and their responsible.
3.3 Planning and Scheduling

Figure-1 Gantt Chart

Figure-2 Agile Model

1. Brainstorm

The first step in developing an AI healthcare chatbot system is to brainstorm ideas about what
the system should be able to do and how it should be used. This can be done by talking to
healthcare providers, patients, and other stakeholders. Some questions to consider include:

• What are the most common questions that patients have about their health?

• What tasks are healthcare providers spending too much time on that could be

How can we use AI to provide patients with better access to healthcare information and

2. Design
Once you have a good understanding of the requirements for your AI healthcare chatbot
system, you can begin to design the system. This includes defining the system's
architecture, user interface, and conversational flows. It is important to consider the
needs of all users, including healthcare providers, patients, and family members.
3. Development
Once the design is complete, you can begin to develop the AI healthcare chatbot system.
This involves developing the system's backend code, training the chatbot's language
model, and integrating the system with any existing healthcare systems
4. Quality Assurance
Once the AI healthcare chatbot system is developed, it is important to test the system
thoroughly to ensure that it is accurate, reliable, and secure. This can be done by
conducting unit tests, integration tests, and system tests. It is also important to have beta
testers use the system and provide feedback.
5. Deployment
Once the AI healthcare chatbot system has been tested and approved, it can be deployed
to production. This involves making the system available to users and providing support
and training.
3.4 Software and Hardware Requirement

Recommended Operating System

• Window: 7 or newer
• MAC: OS X v10.7 or higher
• Linux: Ubuntu

Hardware Requirements

I strongly recommend a computer fewer than 5 years old.

• Processor: Minimum 1 GHz; Recommended 2 GHz or more.

• Ethernet Connection (LAN) or a wireless adapter (Wi-Fi)
• Hard Drive: Minimum 32 GB; Recommended 64 GB or more.
• Memory (RAM): Minimum 1 GB; Recommended 4 GB or above.
• Graphics card: not recommended.
• Other accessories (camera, microphone): not recommended.

Software Requirements

• Vs code: VS code is a powerful and versatile code editor that can be used for a
variety of tasks related to website making. VS Code is also lightweight and fast,
making it a good choice for working on large and complex website.
• Browser: Browser are important in website making because they are the software that
users use to view and interact with websites. When a user types a web address into a
browser, the browser sends a request to the web server that hosts the website.
• FTP client: An FTP client is used to upload and download files to and from your web
server. Some popular FTP clients include FileZilla and WinSCP
Chapter 4 System Design

4.1 Basic Modules

When creating a website, there are several modules that may be useful, such as:

• User Module: This module would allow users to create an account, browse for

• Communication Module: This module would allow user and system to communicate
with each other through the website.

• Security Module: This module would help to protect the website from security attacks.

• Search Module: This module would allow users to search for doctors by location, type
of specialization, and other criteria.

• Blog Module: This module would allow people to write and send their blog to the
server where it will be verified and then posted on website.
4.2 Data Design (Table Design)
4.2.1 Schema Design

Figure-3 Schema Design

4.2.2 Data Integrity and Constraints

Table 2: User Details

Name Data Type Size Description Constrains

user_name Varchar 30 Username Primary key
user_mail Varchar 50 Email ID Not null
password Varchar 25 Password Not null
user_contact Number 10 Contact number Not null
user_add Varchar 150 Home address Not null

Table 3: Appointment Details

Name Data Type Size Description Constrains

Appointment_id Varchar 50 Appointment Primary key
unique ID
user_name Varchar 30 Username Foreign key
user_mail Varchar 50 User’s Email id Foreign key
date Date 25 Date Not null

Table 4: Health Record Details

Name Data Type Size Description Constrains

record_id Varchar 50 Unique ID Primary key
user_name Varchar 50 Password Foreign key

Table 5: Chatbot Details

Name Data Type Size Description Constrains

chat_id Varchar 30 Unique ID Primary key
user_name Varchar 30 User details Foreign key
user_mail Varchar 50 Email address Foreign key
date Number 25 Date Foreign key
4.3 Diagrams
4.3.1 E-R Diagram

Figure-4 Entity Relationship Diagram

4.3.2 Class Diagram

Figure-5 Class Diagram

4.3.3 Use Case Diagram

Figure-6 Use Case Diagram

4.3.4 Sequence Diagram

Figure-7 Sequence Diagram

4.3.5 Activity Diagram

Figure-8 Activity Diagram

4.3.6 Data Flow Diagram

Figure-9 Data Flow Diagram

4.3.7 Menu Tree

Figure-10 Menu Tree

4.3.8 Event Table

Table 6: Event Table

No. Events Triggers Source Activity Response Destination

1 Registration Sign In Page Admin Take details Store details Database

from the users. in database

2 Login Login Page Admin Match Login

username and successfully Database
password with or failed
user details

3 Chat New chat User User chat with Chat Database

button the chatbot AI Generated

4 Appointment Appointment User Make and Appointment

field show all is successful Database
appointment or not.

5 Profile Profile view User View all the Profile Database

Update user details and updated or
update them. not.

6 Blog Blog menu User According to Blogs

their health suggested Database
blogs will be
4.3.9 Security Issues

There are several security issues that need to be considered when making a website. Here are
some of the most common issues:

• Data breaches: Data breaches can occur when sensitive information, such as donor
names, addresses, and credit card numbers, is stolen from a website. This information
can then be used for identity theft or other fraudulent purposes.

• Phishing attacks: Phishing attacks are attempts to trick users into revealing sensitive
information, such as passwords or credit card numbers. Phishing emails can be very
convincing and can look like they are coming from a legitimate source, such as a bank
or credit card company.

• Malware attacks: Malware attacks are attempts to infect a user's computer with
malicious software, such as viruses or spyware. Malware can be used to steal data,
damage files, or take control of a computer.

• SQL injection attacks: SQL injection attacks are attempts to exploit vulnerabilities in
database servers to gain access to sensitive data.

• Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks: XSS attacks are attempts to inject malicious code
into a website. This code can then be executed by other users when they visit the
4.3.10 Test Cases Design

Table-7 Test Cases Design

Inspection Check Pre-Condition Test Data Priority

Login Module All users will have Username and

to register in system Password compared Medium
with registered details
in database.

Chat Module All users can chat Unique chat id

with the AI chatbot generated with user
and know about their details and store in High
health. database

Appointment User can add and Appointment id

Module check there all generated with user High
appointments. details

Data store Module All input of user Using the input data
store in database AI enhance their self High
for better response.

User can read blogs According to their

Blog Module related to Health. health status blogs Medium
will be suggested.

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Computing Technologies for Healthcare, ACM, 2017, pp.261–265.

[7] Comendador BEV, Francisco BMB, Medenilla JS, et al. Pharmabot: A pediatric generic
medicine consultant chatbot. J Automat Control Eng 2015; 3(2): 137--140.

[8] Abashev A, Grigoryev R, Grigorian K, et al. Programming tools for messenger-based

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Website Used

Agile software development - Wikipedia

AI healthcare chatbot systems are computer programs that use artificial intelligence to interact
with users and provide healthcare information and services. They are able to understand and
respond to user queries in natural language, and can be used for a variety of tasks, such as:

• Answering questions about health conditions, treatments, and medications

• Providing symptom checking and triage
• Managing medications and appointments
• Offering health and wellness advice
• Escalating to a human agent when necessary

AI healthcare chatbot systems have the potential to improve access to healthcare information
and services, reduce the burden on healthcare professionals, and empower patients to manage
their own health and well-being.

Here are some of the benefits of using AI healthcare chatbot systems:

• Increased accessibility: AI healthcare chatbots can provide 24/7 access to healthcare

information and services, regardless of the user's location or socioeconomic status.
• Reduced burden on healthcare professionals: AI healthcare chatbots can automate
many of the tasks that are currently performed by healthcare professionals, such as
answering questions and managing appointments. This can free up healthcare
professionals to focus on more complex and time-sensitive tasks.
• Empowered patients: AI healthcare chatbots can help patients to better understand their
health and manage their own care. They can provide patients with personalized advice
and support and can help them to make informed decisions about their health.
AI healthcare chatbot systems are still under development, but they have the potential to
revolutionize the way that we access and receive healthcare.

Plagiarism Report

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