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Product Analyst
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Product Analyst
Appy Pie
2 Elevating Visitor-to-Customer Conversion
11/2022 - Present Noida Successfully executed innovative pricing
model conversions that led to a remarkable
With Appy Pie, anybody can create applications, websites, chatbots, and more on
25% increase in visitor-to-customer
any internet-connected device without having to hire a programmer or agency.
conversion rates. This achievement not only
• Innovatively Enhanced Product Portfolio: boosted revenue but also showcased my
Collaborated closely with engineering teams to devise tailored technical prowess in strategic product management
solutions, addressing intricate client needs and boosting product performance. and data-driven decision-making.
• Revolutionized Chatbot Solutions:
Spearheaded the analysis and refinement of Chatbots, incorporating advanced
features and custom LLM models for user-specific data training. Seamlessly
integrated conversational models to elevate user experiences.
• Transformed Helpdesk System: MY TIME
Managed the evolution of the Helpdesk system, introducing a collaborative
Community platform, an extensive Knowledge base, and advanced Livechat
features. This greatly empowered self-serve customer support.
• Strategic Product Management: D
Expertly applied skills in Analysis, Product Management, Wireframing, and User A
Stories to guide product development and improve user interaction.
• Data-Driven Product Analytics:
Leveraged a suite of analytical tools including Jira, Confluence, Adobe XD,
Mouse-flow, SQL, and Big Query for in-depth product analytics and continuous
improvement efforts. C
• Pioneered Product Enhancements:
Led R&D initiatives, employing User Acceptance Testing (UAT) to refine and
expand product functionality, ensuring a cutting-edge user experience.
• Revenue-Boosting Strategies: B
Implemented innovative pricing model conversions that significantly increased
visitor-to-customer conversion rates, driving revenue growth.
• Personalized Email Campaign Success: A Wireframing/ Data analysis
Achieved exceptional results by capturing visitors data to tailor and optimize
email campaigns. Achieved impressive open and click rates of 35% and 8.6%, B Study Market trends/ Identify blockers
showcasing campaign modification prowess.
C Creating Reports/ Data Analysis

D Improve processes/ Collaboration

Business Analyst
Sudofire Technologies
04/2022 - 11/2022 Gurgaon
Founded in 2015, Sudofire is recognised as an Innovative Solution Provider by SKILLS
D.P.I.I.T for developing a framework that enables our developers to be more efficient
with their coding skills.
JIRA SQL Mouse Flow
• Client-Centric Project Management:
Conducted thorough client needs assessments and managed diverse business
projects, leveraging in-depth data analysis. Produced comprehensive SRS, BRD, Google Analytics Big Query Firesbase
and FRD documentation to ensure precise project alignment.
• Wireframe Expertise:
Power BI No Code Automation
Proficiently designed high and low-fidelity wireframes, facilitating stakeholder
understanding of web and app functionalities, thus enhancing project cohesion.
• Effective Project Coordination: Growth Strategist
Skillfully coordinated project timelines and bridged communication gaps among
stakeholders, consistently delivering projects on schedule.
• Innovative Technical Solutions:
Collaborated with external stakeholders, proposing inventive, technically feasible
solutions that fueled project innovation and success.
• Usability Testing and Reporting Innovation:
Conducted comprehensive usability testing and created efficient test cases,
contributing to product reliability. Developed a real-time reporting system for
data-driven decision-making, enhancing customer satisfaction insights. Powered by

Quality Analyst
Grenada services pvt ltd.
09/2019 - 03/2021 Noida
Company Description
• Optimized quality assurance through behavior modification and continuous
• Accumulated query resolution rate of 95%, the highest among
the Tier 1/ Tier 2 support.
• Improved customer satisfaction by 20% through developing and implementing
high quality service policy.
• Documented all inquiries; develop and review technical content for
support knowledge base.
• Worked closely with the live operation team to help track down
bugs and glitches and report them to developers.
• Helped the dev team by reporting various issues that needed to be
eliminated in timely manner for a better visual and gaming experience.


Business Metrics for Data-Driven Customer Analytics | Wharton

Companies | Duke University University
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BBAU (A Central University)
05/2016 - 07/2019 e Lucknow
• Business concepts, Economics, Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Management,
Financial systems, Business communication, Corporate accounting, Holistic
development, Insurance principles, IT and products. Powered by

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