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The American Nurses’ Association (ANA,

INTRODUCTION 2003) Definition of Nursing:

📍Nursing is the protection, promotion, and

Nurses are expected to provide safe,
competent, and compassionate care in an
increasingly technical and digital optimization of health and abilities;
environment. prevention of illness and injury; alleviation of

📍A major theme in this new healthcare suffering through the diagnosis and treatment
of human response; and advocacy in the care
environment is the use of information of individuals families communities and
systems and technologies to improve the populations.
quality and safety of patient care.

📍 Nurses are directly engaged with

information systems and technologies
because they are the foundation for:
📍The focus of nursing is on the human
● Evidenced-based practice responses to actual or potential health
● Clinical-decision support tools problems, and advocacy for various clients
● Electronic Health Record
(EHR) 📍Nurses must possess the following skills:
📍Unfortunately, not all nurses are fully ● Technical Skills: to manage
equipment and perform
prepared to use these tools to support patient
care. procedures
● Interpersonal skills: to
📍A new specialty, called Nursing interact appropriately with
Informatics, has emerged over the past 20
years to help nurses fully use information ● Cognitive Skills: to observe,
technology to improve the delivery of care. recognize and collect data,
analyze and interpret data and
📍 Nursing informatics supports the reach a reasonable conclusion
that forms the basis of a
collection, storage, analysis, retrieval,
communication and use of information to decision
help nurses to: ● Information Intensive Skills:
● CARE for patients to the Nursing is an information
highest quality intensive profession
● SHARE data, information, and
● COMPARE theory and practice
to advance nursing knowledge 📍The ethical application of knowledge
and practice acquired through education research and
practice to provide services and interventions
to patients in order to maintain enhance or
restore their health; to advocate for health CRITICAL THINKING

📍Is the intellectual process of actively and

and to acquire process generate and
disseminate nursing knowledge to advance
the nursing profession skillfully using knowledge


📍Concepts propositions and definitions that 📍Is the ability to apply valuable and
represent a methodical viewpoint and practical knowledge, experience,
provide a framework for organizing and understanding and insight while being careful
standardizing nursing actions and sensible. It is focused on our own minds
and the synthesis of our experience, insight,
PHENOMENA OF NURSING understanding and knowledge.

📍The metaparadigm of nursing comprises WISDOM IN INFORMATICS

📍Is the ability of the Nurse Informatics to

four key concepts:

● The Nurse evaluate the documentation drawn from a

● The Person Health Information System (HIS) and the
● The Health ability to adapt or change the system settings
● The Environment. or parameters to improve practice and

📍Nursing actions are based upon the

decision making of the nurse

inter-relationships between these concepts

and are related to the values nurses gives to
📍Nurses make decisions about potential
problems presented by an individual and
about appropriate recommendations for
📍The characteristic of the nursing decision addressing those problems.
has two sides:
📍Computer applications designed to
● The quality of the decision facilitate human decision making processes.
● The impact of the actions
resulting from those decisions 📍In Nursing Informatics nurses use Decision
on individuals and Support Systems (DSS)

📍 The process of decision-making in nursing


is guided by the concept of critical thinking. 📍Usually DSS are rule-based, using a
specified knowledge base and a set of rules to
NURSES’ DECISION MAKING: analyze data and information and provide

📍Is described as a collection of decisions recommendations typically through the use of

a knowledge base and rules to make
that include specific behaviors, and cognitive recommendations to users
processes surrounding a group of issues
INTRODUCTION TO NI the difference between these important

📍Nursing Informatics supports consumers,


patients, nurses, and other providers in their 📍Nurses collect data when assessing and
decision-making in all roles and settings. monitoring the health of patients and record

📍The goal of NI is to improve the health of

their observations in the patient’s chart

populations, communities, families, and 📍Nurses exchange service requests to, and
individuals by optimizing information receive results from, the clinical laboratory,
management and communication. radiology and other departments

📍NI has become well established within 📍Nurses receive and review admission data
nursing since its recognition as a specialty for and discharge summaries

📍Nurses review information on the results

registered nurses by the American Nurses
Association (ANA) in 1992.
of clinical research and clinical trials

📍Nurses communicate patients’ information


📍Is a specialty that integrates nursing between service providers

📍Nurses summarize, calculate, and interpret

science computer science cognitive science
and information science to manage and
communicate data, information, knowledge, workload indices for their nursing units for
and wisdom, in nursing practice. monitoring and management purposes

📍Nursing informatics facilitates the 📍Nurse consult evidence-based clinical

integration of data, information, and guidelines and protocols to guide their
knowledge to support patients, nurses, and practice

other providers in their decision-making in all
roles and settings. knowledge workers, nurses use

📍This support is accomplished through the

concepts such as these to influence decision
use of information structures, information
processes, and information technology; NI CENTERS ON THE CONCEPTS OF
synthesis of nursing science, information
science, computer science and cognitive ● DATA
science to facilitate the management of ● INFORMATION
healthcare data for the improvement of ● KNOWLEDGE
patient care and advancement of the nursing ● WISDOM


📍Because information and knowledge are

These concepts are known as
Metastructures in Nursing Informatics
essential for nurses when interpreting data
and making decisions, it is important to know
DATA ● Effectiveness of Patient

Monitoring Program in the
facts which lacks meaning and prevention of patients falls on
described objectively without interpretation surgical wards
such as: ● Cancer treatment Protocols
● Relationship between surgical
● Age: 15, 19, 23, 60, 70, 190, 110 wards nurse absenteeism and
● Number of patients in ward: 20, 40, work load and work stress
50 ● Care plans for specific health
● Blood pressure: 120/80, 190/110 conditions

📍 Decisions such as
● Disease: DM, Hypertension
● Weight: 50 KG, 80 KG
● Height: 160 CM, 170 CM
● A diagnosis of Hypertension

📍Data that are interpreted, organized, or

● Using stage 3 Cancer protocol
to treat this patient
structured. Data that is processed using ● Refer to hospital management
knowledge. Data made functional through the records to identify staff
application of knowledge such as: working loads

● Prevalence of patients falls per HISTORY OF NURSING INFORMATICS

nursing ward per month – this year
compared to last year 📍Healthcare began to use computers in the
● Prevalence of stage 3 Cancer patients 1950’s.

per year on an Oncology Unit
Percentage (%) of staff absenteeism
📍Computers, in this era, were typically used
in the business office.
on surgical ward among staff nurses
per month
📍In the 1970’s, nursing began to realize the
importance of computers to the nursing
profession and became involved in the design,
📍Processed information that helps to clarify purchase, and implementation of information
or explain some aspects of our environment
or world that we can use as a basis for action
or upon which we can act.
📍In the 1980’s, medical and nursing
informatics specialties emerged.

NURSING KNOWLEDGE 📍1995 saw the first certification exam for

📍Is defined as information that has been NI.

synthesized so that interrelationships are 📍The post-2000 era saw an unprecedented

identified and formalized resulting in explosion in the number and sophistication of
decisions that guide nursing practice such as: both computer hardware and software.
📍Telemedicine became possible and was 📍If the study of NI was limited to what the
recognized as a specialty in the late 1990’s. computer can process, then it could not fully

📍NI has experienced rapid growth in the last appreciate the interrelationships that exist
between nursing science, practice and
40 years which does not appear to be slowing. information, science, technology.

NURSING AND KNOWLEDGE 📍The appropriate use of knowledge involves

📍Nurses are: the integration of empirical, ethical, personal
and philosophical knowledge in the process of
implementing actions.
● Knowledge Workers: working with
information and generating
information and knowledge as a
📍NI is now concerned with the use of
information technology to improve the access
and quality of health care that is delivered to
● Knowledge Acquirers: providing
individuals, families and communities.
convenient and efficient means of
capturing and storing knowledge SCIENCES UNDERPINNING NI

📍NI is a combination of nursing science,

● Knowledge Users: individuals or
groups who benefit from valuable,
viable knowledge information science, and computer science to
● Knowledge Engineers: designing, manage and process nursing data,
developing, implementing, and information, and knowledge to facilitate the
maintaining knowledge delivery of health care.
● Knowledge Managers: capturing and
processing collective expertise and 📍The combination of sciences creates a
distributing it where it can create the unique blend that is greater than the sum of
largest benefit its parts, a unique combination that creates
● Knowledge Developers or the definitive specialty of NI.
Generators: changing and evolving
knowledge based on the tasks at hand
📍Computer and information science applied
in isolation will have less impact than when
and information available
they are applied within a disciplinary
📍Data, which are processed into information NI
and then into knowledge, may be obtained
from individuals, families, communities, and
📍Many different languages and ways of
organizing data, information and knowledge
📍Knowledge focuses on what is known but exist based on different concepts.
Wisdom focuses on the appropriate
application of that knowledge.
📍Nursing knowledge is gained by the ability 📍Information management is an elemental
to extract data that specifically defines process within informatics in which one is
nursing phenomena able to file, store, and manipulate data for

📍The ANA has formalized the recognition of various uses.

these languages/vocabularies through a 📍The use of information technology

review process of the Committee on Nursing distinguishes informatics from more
Practice Information Infrastructure (CNPII). traditional methods of information

📍Examples of Language and Vocabularies management.


● Perioperative Nursing Data 📍Elements of this interaction are rooted in

Set (PNDS) psychology, social psychology, and
● Patient Care Data Set (PCDS) cognitive science.
● North
American Nursing
Association 📍Usability issues address the efficiency and
(NANDA) effectiveness of an application.
● Nursing Interventions
Classification (NIC)
● Nursing
Classification (NOC)
📍The processes, dialogues and actions that a
user employs to interact with a computer;
● Nursing Management
also the study of interaction between people
Minimum Data Set (NMMDS)
(users) and computers; deals with people,
● Systematized Nomenclature of
software applications, computer technology
and the ways they influence each other.
📍An RN with formal, graduate education in
📍Informatics tools and methods from the field of informatics or a related field and is
computer and information sciences are considered a specialist in the field of nursing
considered fundamental elements of NI. informatics.

📍Information technology includes computer INFORMATICS NURSE

📍An RN with an interest or experience

hardware, software, communication, and
network technologies, derived primarily from
computer science. working in an informatics field. A generalist

📍Information structures organize data,

in the field of informatics in nursing.

information, and knowledge for processing by

structures, information
processes, and information


● The nursing shortage

Workflow changes
Information technology as a means to
📍 Informatics
retain aging nurses ● The science and art of turning data
● Pressures to implement information into information.

The move toward Magnet hospital 📍 Medical informatics
● May be used to refer to the application
● Consumer demands for quality and
of information science and technology
cost-effective care
to acquire, process, organize,
● Remote clinical monitoring
interpret, store, use, and
HOW DO WE DEFINE NURSING communicate medical data in all of its
INFORMATICS? forms in medical education, practice

📍Scholes and Barber, 1980, p. 70

and research, patient care, and health
management; the term may also refer
more broadly to the application of
● The application of computer informatics to all of the healthcare
technology to all fields of disciplines as well as the practice of
nursing — nursing service, medicine.

📍Health informatics
nurse education, and nursing

📍Scope and Standards of Practice, ANA 2008 ● The application of computer and
information science in all basic and
● Nursing informatics (NI) is a applied biomedical sciences to
specialty that integrates facilitate the acquisition, processing,
nursing science, computer interpretation, optimal use, and
science, and information communication of health-related data.
science to manage and The focus is the patient and the
communicate data, process of care, and the goal is to
information, knowledge, and enhance the quality and efficiency of
wisdom in nursing practice. NI care provided.

supports consumers, patients,
nurses, and other providers in
their decision- making in all
roles and settings. This ● The application of computer and IT to
support is accomplished the management of biological
through the use of information information including the
development of databases and ● Current patient status &
algorithms to facilitate research. assessments

📍Consumer health informatics ● Support decisions based on

assessments to drive new
plans of care
● Study of patient use of online
information and communication to AUTOMATION OF DOCUMENTATION
improve health outcomes and
decisions. ● Why automate documentatio

📍Dental informatics — not only for nursing but for

all of patient care?

● Computer and information sciences to
improve dental practice, research,
education, and management.

📍Clinical health informatics

● Multidisciplinary field that focuses on
the enhancement of clinical
information manage- ment at the
point of healthcare through
improvement of information
processes, implementation of clinical
informa- ton systems, and the use and
evaluation of CDS tools as a means to
improve the effectiveness, quality, and
value of the services rendered.

📍Public health informatics

● Application of information and
computer science and technology to
public health practice, research, and


📍Well-documented information provides:

● What care has been provided
and what is outstanding
● Outcomes of care provided
and responses to the plan of

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