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English A: Language and Literature -Individual oral - Self-evaluation

Use the following form to mark yourself or someone else. Refer to the
assessment criteria here.

Criterion A: Knowledge, ___ out of 10

understanding, and

● To what extent does your oral

show knowledge and
understanding of the texts?
● To what extent are
interpretations relevant to the
global issue?
● To what extent are
interpretations supported by
relevant references to the texts?
Criterion B: Analysis and ___ out of 10

● To what extent does your oral

show analysis and evaluation of
how the authors use stylistic
and structural features in
relation to the global issue?

Criterion C: Coherence, ___ out of 10

balance, focus and

● To what extent does your oral

show coherence, balance, focus
and organisation?

Criterion D: Language ___ out of 10

● To what extent is your use of

vocabulary, tone, syntax, style
and terminology accurate,
varied and effective?

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