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Story The Story of an hour Silver Water by Amy Some are born to The immaculate

All my sons (play) by Kate Chopin Bloom sweet delight by bridegroom by Helen
Nadine Gordimer Simpson
An average-length This is the story of a This is the story of a This is the story of a This is the story of a
sentence woman who is told girl with a psychiatric girl who falls in love woman in her mid-
that her husband has disorder, her family with a lodger that was thirties, Dawn, who is
died and immediately and the way their lives living in her house and fed up of not being
begins to feel free and changed and started he was from a married and, with her
happy about it, until to spin around Rose´s complete different mother’s help, Sylvia,
she discovers that he issues. culture, she got makes up a wedding to
is not dead and she pregnant and when Tony, a man who
dies. she goes to his doesn’t appear to
country to meet his exist.
family she had a plane
accident that then
was discover to be a
terrorist attack.
Setting in time & place America, outskirts of a . Mrs. Louise Mallard’s Between 1995-2000. London, mid 80’s England
town house in USA ( an Great Neck, New York: The Mitre: well known End of 20th century
August 1940's, WWII, English speaking "...there had been the building near Hyde
planes p40's community because prettiest girl in Park
of the character’s Arrandale Elementary
names) School..." (page 194,
XIX C (telegram, no second paragraph)
TV or telephone)
springtime, during the
day (no exact date, no
Time span Acts: 1 The conflict is -The story develops in Fictional past: 16
introduced one hour. years
2: Truth about Keller is -Shows how quickly Fictional present: 1
revealed she accepted the hour(the she takes to
3: Characters make event write the story)
final choices after
facing the truth
Atmosphere Sad Sad, tense, humorous, First was relaxed and Shifting atmosphere
Tense (overall) Relief (when she gloomy, melancholic. calm. And at the end dividing into 11
experiences the was disappointing, segments.
epiphany) sad, pessimistic,
Mysterious tragic, hopeless
Tense (at the end)
Point of view No point of view in 3rd person limited 3rd person 3rd person limited

Characters & Mrs Mallard, Louise Rose: Lively, Good Mother: Mediator, Dawn: dishonest,
characterization Access to her mind- singer, Beautiful blond open-minded, happy clever, conservative,
name- description, defender, Defiant, about the baby. manipulated,
action- Stubborn, Mentally ill. Father: Impulsive, speculator.
Submissive, faithful, Violet: Sensitive, conservative. Sylvia: influential,
obedient, frustrated, Obedient, Interested Rad: Meaning of dishonest, insincere,
repressed. in gardening, "Rad" : Thunder, superstitious,
Louise (when we Constant, Arabic origin. Passive, superficial.
know her name we Understanding, not very affectionate, Harry: submissive,
know that): strong, Caring. detached, cold, money-minded, naïve,
independent, Galen: mother, reserved, secretive, uncaring, not
demonstrative, Realistic mysterious, dishonest, affectionate.
sensitive, emotional. Determined, Caring unreliable, faithful to Vicar: dishonest,
-Josephine (sister) Eccentric musician, his origin, smart. persuadable.
speech: caring, Reticent, Calmed Vera: Meaning of DAWN: Day break. A
helpful, Persuasive, Proud of "Vera": faith. beginning of
understanding, her daughters. Innocent, naive, something new.
sympathetic. David: Sad, Kind, affectionate, trustful, - SYLVIA: Forest –
-Richard (husband’s conciliatory, Helpful, brave. Wood
friend) actions: loyal, Untidy. - HARRY: Ruler of the
respectful, thoughtful, state. House protector.
quick reactions. - ROGER: Warrior.
Mr. Mallard, lack of - TONY: Worthily of
actions. praise
building that can be
defendant of attacks.

Symbols: Tree: death; blossom: West: In American Woods: cycle of life,

relationships don't literature (eg. The freedom, the
grow Great Gatsby) moving unknown
West symbolizes violet: flower of
gaining freedom. Also greece, intuition,
symbolizes death, delicate
endings (the sun dies nuts: crazyness, love,
in the west) toughness, the godess
Blue: Blue skies and of the sky
blue water are full of
positive meaning in
every culture.
-Freedom, strength
and new beginnings.
-Blue skies symbolize
optimism and better
-Loyalty and faith.
Window: It opens up
to a new life
Spring: Is well known
as symbol of the
beginning of life.
Armchair: She feels
comfortable there,
she feels comfortable
Contrasts and Life vs. Death Life vs death Life-death Truth/lies
oppositions Submissions vs re- sanity bs mental ilness Lies/truth Reality/fake realities
pression. Faithfulness/deceit superficiality/sincerity
Themes Self.repression Mental illness Superficial Superficiality
Woman’s unfulfilled death relationships; Appareances are
desires. family relationships Innocence; lack of deceptive
Pursuit of freedom communication Importance of keeping
up reality
The story of pretence
Title All the events took silver:Artemis godess, Auguries of Very ironic; the
place in a short period strength, purity, innocence: Poem of bridegroom is so
of time. Happiness femenin energy william Blake perfect that he doesn
just for one hour, water: change, Auguries: a sign of exist.
when he arrives it is life/death, purity, what might happen in
over. cleansing, health the future;


Gnat: an insect.
Boudoir: a beautifully decorated room used in the past by a woman forsleeping, dressing, relaxing, and entertaining.
Onset: a beginning.
Thwart: to stop something from happening or someone from doing something.
Scowl: to look at someone or something with a very annoyed expression.
Prowl: to move around quietly in a place trying not to be seen or heard, such as when hunting.
Taut: tight or completely stretched
Mauve: a pale purple colour.
Pomander: an object containing dried herbs, spices, flowers, etc., used to make a room, drawer, or cupboard smell pleasant
Flit: to appear or exist suddenly and for a short time.
Bugger off: to leave or go away.
Shrewdly: having or based on a clear understanding and good judgmentof a situation, resulting in an advantage:
Verger: an official in some Churches who takes care of the inside of achurch building and performs some simple duties during services.
Envisage: to form a mental picture of something or someone you have never seen.
Gasp: to take a short, quick breath through the mouth, especiallybecause of surprise, pain, or shock.
Spruce: tidy and clean.
Shoo: an exclamation.
Insouciance: a relaxed and happy way of behaving.
Subdued: not loud.
Bereft: feeling great loss.
To cherish: to keep hopes, memories, or ideas in your mind because they are important to you and bring you pleasure.
Beau: a boyfriend.

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