A Secure and Scalable IoT Data Management System Based on Blockchain

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2022 5th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I)

A Secure and Scalable IoT Data Management System

based on Blockchain
2022 5th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I) | 979-8-3503-9826-7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/IC3I56241.2022.10073182

Dr. Arvind Kumar Pandey Prof. Sumitra Maneria

Assistant Professor Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science Department of CSE, PIT
ARKA JAIN University Parul University
Mohanpur, India Waghodia, Gujarat, India
dr.arvind@arkajainuniversity.ac.in sumitra.menaria@paruluniversity.ac.in

Abstract: Today's market is home to an increasing number standard security blockchain, IEEE 802 Privacy (IPSec), and
of Internet of Things devices. We often talk about gadgets like Tls (Transport layer Security DTLS).
the Amazon Echo, Chromecast Mini, watches, and others. Since
the majority of these systems employ a centralized architectural
strategy, a single entity or organization often controls the
majority of the online data. Although these firms have rigorous
regulations against data abuse and illegal change, the fact that
they have the authority to do so must be taken into account.
Blockchains are decentralized, so if someone attempts to alter
data on one blockchain, other blockchains will stay intact and
the hashes of that particular blockchain will no not match,
invalid that particular blockchain and protecting users' data.
Running a complete Chain server on all connected systems,
especially low power or data storage devices, is challenging due
to the extensive resource needs. In just this manuscript, we
Figure 1. A parallel chain architecture for hybrid IoT networks
developed a modular approach blockchain based, as well as a
centralized cloud architecture alternative that is a traditional
user structure with a fundamental Blockchain at power or However, in resources-constrained Smart objects,
ability, as well as a solidity-written smart contract application complexity in implementation is a challenge due to the
on the Ethereum platform. By using Blockchain characteristics, additional resources needed. Blockchain is a brand-new,
we build this framework and show how it avoids data ground-breaking technology.
exploitation without requiring all IoT technologies to run a
Chain node. From the standpoint of the user, it will show up to Its foundation is the idea of digital currencies, which are
be the same as a typical web app, and from the standpoint of the inner and [2] inner contracts. Cyber security is used to
developer, the reference implementation application will have
provide digital signatures that may be used to validate user
equivalent software design to interactive web apps, enabling for
an interesting experience for both centralized and decentralized data. Incentives or prizes are given to miners in exchange for
methods while still upholding the trust of decentralization. utilizing resources in block chain technology, which employ
a majority voting technique to settle consensus issues using
Keywords: Blockchain, IoT, Data Exchange, Smart tiny nodes. Blockchain is used in a variety of industries,
Contracts, Central Authority. including banking, transport systems, smart factories, and
crypto currency.
Despite its many benefits, it has certain downsides, such
In today's culture, IoT devices are widely used in the as the need for high processing power, a lot of storage,
telecommunications market. These are heterogeneous scalability, etc., which prevents its use in the real world, as
network systems that communicate data through a lossy, low- shown in my example of Internet - Connected devices. [3]
power network. His IoT gadgets range from computers to Blockchain is used with other technologies, like cloud
smartphones, which have plenty of capacity, to watches and services, edge or cloud technology, low latency networks,
smart fans, which have resource-constrained features like algorithms, , to solve its shortcomings. In this research, we
little memory and disk space. [1] Similar to those in a regular provide a blockchain-based method for securing IoT device
network, those machines and the data they contain need data. Minimizing the limitations of blockchain to a minimal.
security characteristics like secret, authenticity, e-
centralization, and so forth. As a consequence, central We construct a duplicate set-chain admission control
authorities or intruders are prevented from tampering with, method for the FISCO-BCOS blockchain architecture as the
compromising, or abusing private information for their own main chain for handling other kinds of chains. Parallel set
benefit. These issues may be effectively addressed by chains are constructed from several side chains. In order to
link set chained to the road chain and designate connected

979-8-3503-9826-7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE

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2022 5th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I)

devices from various businesses or service types to various said anything about data security at the threshold
set chains, we design a routing system. [4] The routing chain software platform, and the only other.
controls how IoT devices are authenticated. Based largely on
device characteristics and service types, it divides IoT 3. Although IOTA and some other leaf databases have
devices into various set chains. Set chains are anti - anti not yet been fully implemented, they have centrally
networks that handle several business reasoning concurrently operators and are potentially [8] scalable.
while differentiating the services from one another. They
alter data by using connected access to update rules that are 4. These solutions also call for advancements in the use
defined as consensus mechanism and work on the route of tri schedulers for the congestion control of
network. They share information via specified access control entering blockchain transactions.
limitations implemented as route chain consensus
mechanism. 5. It also asks for the elimination of excessive latency
while spanning many chains as well as cooperation
II. LITERATURE REVIEW processes or structures across different types of
blockchain architectures.
In our literature study, we identified a number of IoT
security issues and their possible solutions using a variety of 6. For IoT devices with limited resources, the key item
technologies, including public cloud, edge or cloud, device deployment approach should be subtle.
mastery or deep learning techniques, hardware and software
connectivity, as well as several encryption primitives. All 7. Many of those responses aren't standard and are built
systems, however, have drawbacks, such as a single point of specifically to fit circumstances or domain names.
failure, an excessive level of complexity, and the need for
additional money. [5] As a consequence, a number of experts 8. How particular and relevant cutting-edge
suggest crypto currency as a workable approach for easing It technology and in-depth algorithmic expertise may
is challenging to builds on the assumption of factors, be for the blockchain of elements.
nevertheless, because to the limited sources of particular IoT
devices or the more complex and less flexible nature of crypto We chose one common ledger to just be preserved in a
currency. On the web, there are several answers to address consolidated cloud system with data center task scheduling
implementation problems for bitcoin of things. and side devices (excessive water IoT devices), in order to
retain the decentralized feature of blockchain, as a result of
They use one maybe more slashing technologies, such as the aforementioned limitations or challenges. Low-electricity
cloud services, network virtualization, even cloud, [6] a IoT devices may also connect simultaneously with this crypto
cutting-edge platform like IOTA, or several chains to address currency to speed up data processing and data input; it makes
these problems. But every technique suggested in the proper use of the web.
literature has the same drawbacks:
1. All IoT + crypto solutions that need to be deployed
on cloud infrastructure, whether they are centralized In a block - chain system, users and nodes need to have
or centralized, have a tendency to depend on some fully linked implementations of a crypto currency node
kind of centralized commission or raise concerns running on their device in order to execute any data or asset
about a single point of failure at the user end. transactions. However, with IoT devices with limited
resources, this is challenging to implement. In order to
2. To reduce access delays caused by virtualized maintain the distributed nature of blockchain, [9] our
environments and to carry out complex blockchain proposed solution mixes a regulated or 3–4 or cloud ledger
activities within the cloud, most researchers use a model with just a crypto currency approach. In order to avoid
mix of on-premises and cloud-based computing a 51% attack, we maintain 50–60% of different blockchains
systems. However, they add more [7] overlay at both the middle cloud and the edge. To divide incoming
networks to the mix and maintain an access control query demand and conduct trades, we always have X heap
list on the local blockchain to create a more complex bitcoin nodes running in the centralized cloud. Now, we'll
method for ensuring cloud security. This method employ two different kinds of IoT gadgets to connect with
makes the assumption that all IoT devices are of the blockchain:
same kind rather than being disparate devices. They
take incompatible devices and use an edge cloud Case 1: useful resource-limited gadgets use the net
platform to deliver resources to IoT devices while interface to conduct Blockchain transactions. Nodes aren't
also recording IoT tool activity on blockchain in a required to shop blockchain statistics or perform blockchain
unique Edge Chain structure. However, they haven't functions which include mining or statistics storage on those
devices. These tactics may be carried out on the central


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2022 5th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I)

authority blockchain and on edge computing devices. on their blockchain outside of the agreed-upon parameters,
However, the important thing introduction method ought to they risk punishment. When the user gives up, the Ethereum
be finished in the conclusion. will then go out of sync with both the Blockchain nodes,
resulting in a conflict.
Case 2: Large resources edge Internet of Things devices
trade directly on Blockchain through a web interface. Node With addition, a community key pair for transactions
must do blockchain mining on their own machines and store signing is included in each Ethereum Account. [11]
the resulting blockchain. Edge computing is effective in both Normally, such keys are kept at the location where it
IoT device situations for reducing the needless data access blockchain node is running, but in Instance 1, we would keep
time caused by cloud or third-party blockchain. Figure 2 them on the IoT device rather than the crypto currency node
depicts the suggested system framework. that is managed by a third-party authority managing servers
and perhaps other edge devices. This suggests that each
We create a smart settlement software or simulation Internet of Things device manages its own key procedure. A
environment on the personal Ethereum blockchain transaction must thus pass via an IoT device each time it
community due to the fact it's far a take a look at network, occurs in order to sign the transaction using the private key.
which means that that [10] only Because the switching cost Only then would this secured action been able to occur on the
of the ledger is so cheap, we are conducting trades there; else, database, and in situation 2, Smart objects will already be
the high survey needs of the operations on HDD storage capable of acting as a node. All transactions must be signed
occurring at blockchain pose a challenge for Chain by the registered owner before they may be completed since
synchronizing. blockchain data is very secure. It guarantees that even if
information is stored on a third party's computer or other
Consider a situation where both scenarios 1 and 2 device, those parties or devices will not be able to access it or
involve transactions being completed by consumers or IoT use it even without owner of the IoT phone's permission.
devices. Since the relevant country no longer has control over Therefore, even if a help-restricted IoT device doesn't run a
all Crypto currency nodes, they are unable to modify or delete blockchain node, it may still totally control its bitcoin
anything on the network. Furthermore, if they alter anything account.

Figure 2 Proposed Model

For what the stairs are create a genesis file with a number the same backbone using a sq. [13] MySQL. It must be noted
of blockchain configuration options, such as the difficulty that this method of software development is similar to the one
level, fuel limit, and many more, in order to build a private now used by web developers.
Ethereum blockchain network. The genesis block, which is
the first component on the Blockchain, is produced using it. IV. RESULTS
A smart solution was developed using the solidity
programming language using the truffle framework (a The data integrity of homogenous IoT devices might be
venture and testing environment for blockchains using the a concern in applications like enrollment control systems,
Crypto currency vms (EVM)) (settlement orientated certificates restoration, clever domestic energy governance,
language). The agreement is then implemented on a private water delivery, and so forth. Our special arrangement is able
Ethereum network. a crypto currency node that mimics a side to generalize and may be used in these and other applications.
server, an IoT device, or a third birthday server. Then, using Below is a discussion of the effects for one specific instance
Web3JS, I built an ui for its features on a Java web server. of a depart programming control device. We developed and
This allowed me to build a number of interfaces, including an launched a web application and a crypto currency with smart
app, an iPhone device, and an online interface, all based on contracts. here, We provide everyone some alcohols


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2022 5th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I)

(limitless for the transaction in our work) to start interactions,

and for consolidated blockchain, we use a wholly Start Amount = 2.94e+20wei
inexperienced failover algorithm that starts mining on some
of the one x nodes upon indication as well as certain small Cost of per transaction = 9.96e+14wei
edge Equipment (that is finished for balancing the energy of
cloud and side). In this application, ether is used.


Time taken(ms) for given percentage of Requests to
Number of Complete
Request types Concurrency Requests/
Second (RPS)
50 90 95 99

100 10 57 11 19 25 28

10000 100 1215 76 110 135 212

10000 500 1377 280 545 1230 1360

10000 1000 1137 470 1490 1560 3560

100 10 4 3190 5190 5220 5254

10000 100 25 4150 7220 8525 12354

10000 500 36 14520 21510 22700 28030

10000 1000 29 33910 47350 49275 54412

All findings are for a single Blockchain node that is up and operating.

The load testing results for the departure application 2. To handle transactions more effectively, we will
machine computation on an i7 Intel Core i5, 8 GB RAM, deploy software-based load balancer algorithms
walking Java web server with cubical database and (machine learning techniques).
additionally keeping bitcoin instances as focused blockchain
terminal and part crypto currencies node with far more than 3. Implement more secure public-private key
just crypto currencies debts as Iot applications at truffle management at the client to prevent unauthorized
framework are shown in Table 1. Excellent and clear-cut access.
effects resulted. Because write activities must be performed
on disk space only after process dispersion and cryptographic 4. To observe further implementation issues, we apply
certification on the community, but read operations do not, our approach in a real-world setting.
write procedures have a lower RPS. In order to avoid the
inconvenience of lengthy write times, one solution is to REFERENCES
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2022 5th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I)

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