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word formation

common suffixes
In English many words are formed with suffixes (rows of letters that are added to the end
of a word). Suffixes change the kind of word, so knowing them is very useful; you learn
one new word and with the help of suffixes you can use it in many contexts. Here are the
most common examples:

 nouns for things: -ment -ity -ness -tion -ence/-ance

 nouns for people: -er -or -ist -ee
 verbs: (usually it’s simply the shortest word form) –ify -ise -en en-
 adjectives: -ous -able/-ible -al -ed/-ing -ful/-less -ic -ive
 adverbs: -ly (surprise, surprise!!!
task for you!
Find examples for as many of these suffixes as possible and write them on a piece of
form the words
Complete as much of this table as is possible for you. (These words do not count towards
the task above.)

verb noun(s) adjective adverb

to develop
to depend

affixes to make words negative

Here are the most common affixes which are used to express the negative meaning of a
word. You usually see them with adjectives, but they also work for other kinds of words.
 negative affixes: dis- un- in- im- il- ir- mis- -less
See if you know which prefixes you need to make these words negative

expected regular behave efficiency honest

probable known believable logical carelessly
interpret help appropriate patient legal
use able possible approve literate
word formation - solutions

form the words

Complete as much of this table as is possible for you. (These words do not count towards
the task above.)

verb noun(s) adjective adverb

to beautify beauty beautiful beautifully
to solve solution solved -
to develop development developed -
- happiness happy happily
to impress impression impressive impressively
to depend dependence dependable -

affixes to make words negative

Here are the most common affixes which are used to express the negative meaning of a
word. You usually see them with adjectives, but they also work for other kinds of words.
 negative affixes: dis- un- in- im- il- ir- mis- -less
See if you know which prefixes you need to make these words negative

unexpected irregular misbehave inefficiency dishonest

improbable unknown unbelievable illogical carefully
misinterpret helpless inappropriate impatient illegal
misuse unable impossible disapprove illiterate
In a sentence or text you have to change the form of a word, e.g. from a noun to an
adjective, or from a verb to a noun. For example:

The _____ was very nervous. (sing)

You have to complete the sentence with the person noun (singer). You change the verb
(sing) into the person noun (singer).

 Look at the word you have to change. Which words do you know that are in the same word
 The beginning of the word is often the same and the end of the word changes.
 What form is the new word? A verb? A noun? An adjective? An adverb?
 Nouns often end: -ment, -ion, -ness, -ity.
 People nouns often end: -er, -or, -ist, -ian.
 Adjectives often end: -able, -ible, -ive, -al, -ic, -ed, -ing.
 Some verbs end: -ise, -ate, -en.
 Adverbs often end: -ly.
 Is the new word negative? If so, you may need a prefix, e.g. un- (unhappy), im- (impolite),
in- (inexperienced), dis- (dishonest), etc.
Use the words in capitals to form a new word that fits into each blank!

1. people are not always the happiest. (WEALTH)

2. There was an line of cars waiting to cross the border. (END)
3. He runs a restaurant near the beach. (FASHION)
4. The new cars are equipped with very engines. (POWER)
5. It was at a very early age that she decided to become a . (MUSIC)
6. She deserved the she was given by the headmistress. (PUNISH)
7. The refugees got from the local police force. (PROTECT)
8. , a number of people died in the accident. (FORTUNATE)
9. It was very at the disco, so we decided to go somewhere else.
10. We eat out. In most cases we get some takeaway food. (RARE)
11. There are thousands of people in the large cities of the world.
12. Use your and think of something that will work. (IMAGINE)
13. If you accept this job you will have an enormous_______towards your
colleagues. (RESPONSIBLE)
14. The test was easy. We were finished in no time. (SURPRISE)
15. The pupils thought they were treated by the teacher and
wrote a protest letter to the headmaster. (FAIR)
16. She didn't give us any information that turned out to be very .
17. The politician's did not come to the event. (SUPPORT)
18. It was to see anything in the thick fog. (POSSIBLE)
19. There are methods of succeeding. (VARY)
20. The train was very , and we had to stand. (CROWD)
21. He took a lot of with him because it would be a long expedition.
22. I eating alone. I always have to have someone to talk to. (LIKE)
23. The student council provided financial and help for new students.
24. The newspaper is delivered to my doorstep______at 5 in the morning. (REGULAR)
Fill in the gap in the sentence with the correct form of the root word. This examples
shows how to convert verbs into nouns:
1. (COMMUNICATE) between all members of staff is essential.
2. (PREPARE) is the key to passing the exam.
3. Could you give us a (DESCRIBE) of the suspect?
4. I fell in love with my wife at fist sight, it was an instant (ATTRACT).
5. I have an (IMPRESS) that some people are against the project.
6. I lack the (IMAGINE) to become a fiction writer.
7. I’m sorry, it was not my (INTEND) to scare you.
8. If we get (PERMIT), we will start the project as soon as possible.
9. It is clear that (ACT) speak louder than words.
10. Many endangered species need a lot of (PROTECT).
11. Might I make a few (SUGGEST)?
12. The most important thing when buying a property is the (LOCATE).
13. The musician did a fantastic (COMPOSE) of the theme tune.
14. The (DEFINE) of awkward is hard to explain.
15. The (DESTRUCT) of our rainforests is a huge problem.
16. The (SELECT) process of potential employees can be complicated.
17. The (VARY) in work conditions is surprising everyone.
18. There are many candidates under (CONSIDER).
19. There are many rules and (REGULATE) in my workplace.
20. There is an art (EXHIBIT) in the Tate this weekend.
21. There is too much air (POLLUTE) in capital cities.
22. We have really high (EXPECT) about next year’s project.
23. You can do what you like, it is your (DECIDE).
word formation theory
word formation theory

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