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Aadarsh Balireddy

469-408-2037 | aadarshb09@gmail.com | LinkedIn.com/in/aadarshb09 | Github

Cornell University May 2025
Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science GPA: 3.89/4.0
Notable Courses: Game Development and Design, Functional Programming in OCaml, Object Oriented Program and
Data Structures, Linear Algebra, Algorithms, Discrete Math

CME Group May 2023 – Aug 2023
Software Engineer Intern Chicago, IL
• Worked on expanding Google Cloud Infrastructure as part of a company-wide migration

• Configured containerized development environments for financial software engineering teams using Docker tailored

for project needs

• Expanded internal developer tooling by deploying a local Backstage instance for better consolidation of project

information and status.

• Expanding cloud-based workstations for streamlined and maintainable environments to reduce friction in setup,

development, and deployment

• Setup and deployed a PostgreSQL CloudSQL database for use in a containerized environment, configuring service

accounts to allow it to communicate with the application

Cornell Course Management System January 2023 – present
Backend Developer Ithaca, NY
• Part of the CMS team, managing Cornell’s CMSX software that is responsible for the grades of 8000 students

utilizing Java Persistence API

• Refactored OOP design by developing a ’StudentBuilder’, consolidating 11 initialization calls used to make a

’Student’ object into 1, increasing safety by 90% through ensuring a single point of failure.
• Expanded CSV capabilities to increase access to student data for streamlined metrics for faculty, reducing the

amount of clicks needed to access certain data by 60%


Flight of Vanity | Java, LibGDX, OpenGL

∗ Developer and music composer on Flight of Vanity, a video game where the player solves complex puzzles by
navigating 2D splices of an ultimately 3D Cube world
∗ Researched and developed low-level 3D graphics rendering of the cube game world using OpenGL in LibGDX and
figured out a way to allow the player to move across the sides of the cube by applying frames as unique textures
onto the cube sides
∗ Implemented 2D to 3D transitions using Orthographic camera rotations to navigate the game world
∗ Implemented enemies, spikes and death, as well as a pause screen
∗ Designed and implemented an AudioController which managed all kinds of sound related actions including music,
volume, and sound effect triggers

RPG Game via Functional Programming | OCaml

∗ Developed CornQuest, a Role-Playing game made exclusively in OCaml with 3 other members
∗ Exclusively designed and implemented a robust battle system from the ground up in a functional manner,
including things such as complex stat calculations, consumable items, temporary buffs/debuffs, leveling up, and
∗ Implemented the system in a way such that the many different complex effects, actions and items all interacted
with each other to create a varied and interesting experience
∗ Designed the interface and menus for battle system such that it was intuitive, readable, and interactive.

Technical Skills
Languages: Java, C#, OCaml, Python
Developer Tools: Docker, PostgreSQL, Google Cloud Platform, Kubernetes, CloudSQL, Linux, Unity

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