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Lungile Mandla


English Methodology and Practicum 4

Assignment 2: English FAL CAPs document

This essay will elaborate the purpose of the English Firsts Additional Language CAPS document. Analyze
the positive and challenging aspects of this CAPS document. Finally, discuss the measures that can be
utilized to improve the policy.

According to the English First Additional Language CAPS document for further education and training
(FET), learners are required to proficiently know and understand the English language by the time they
reach grade 10. However, this is not the case as many learners doing the grade do not know how to
efficiently communicate using the language. Thus, it is the CAPS document mandate to ensure that the
policy provides learners with needed support while also providing a curriculum that allows learners to
meet Grade 12 required standards (2011:8). In compliance with the standards, learners are expected to
use their additional language at a high level of proficiency in preparation for tertiary education or working
industry. English First Additional Language CAPS policy consists of numerous aims to fulfil its main
mandate. This includes ensuring that learners obtain imperative language skills to communicate
accurately and appropriately considering context, audience, and purpose. Also, prune learners and enable
them to utilize the language for academic learning across the curriculum etc. Furthermore, to accomplish
the main mandate the policy has divided and organized the curriculum to four skills and content: Listening
and Speaking, Reading and Viewing, Writing and Presenting, Language Structures and Conventions

The positive aspect about the policy is that it consists of numerous teaching approaches to fulfil specific
learning goals, including communicative approach . This approach states that the learner should have
considerably exposure to the English language and be provided with various opportunities to practice the
language. For instance, learners should frequently read and write to acquire the skills more efficiently.
Also, this approach is dependent on the continuous use and production of texts. Thus, constant exposure
of texts to learners will enable them to familiarize themselves more with the language, enabling them to
be aware of grammar, punctuation, sentence construction etc. This will improve learners' writing skills of
the language.

The policy assumes that learners did not obtain necessary language forms in earlier phases (2011:8).
Therefore, dedicate itself to revise basic forms of the English language like nouns and adjectives.
Moreover, according to the time allocated for language learners are expected to practice these basic
language forms one hour every two weeks. This is a limited time to be able to efficiently learn, understand,
and be able to apply these language forms and structures. Therefore, it will be difficult for First Additional
Language learners to obtain and use the basic language forms specified. Consequently, learners will not
be able to comprehend the importance of different words and how they are utilized to express language
used every day. This has a negative impact on how learners will interact with other individuals.

English FAL Caps document is theoretically possible but practically it is difficult and confusing to
implement. For instance, the topics in the content overview (2011:10-43)are not entirely represented in
the teaching plans (2011: 53-76)some information has been omitted. Thus, it can be concluded that the
content overview is unrealistic because it is very broad and has led to a set of lesson plans which have not
implemented the content in the available time for teaching. Consequently, topics represented in the
content overview are not similar to those represented in the teaching plan. This can lead to confusion
among teachers and different perceptions in the curriculum interpretation.

As stipulated above, English FAL caps document is founded based on assumptions. For instance, learners
are assumed to have inadequate English basic skills in grade 10. Consequently, based on this assumption
teachers are expected to revise this content. Thus, English FAL does not necessarily prepare learners for
tertiary education but predicts that they are incapable, therefore does not challenge learners to their full
potential. Therefore, it is significant that the teachers do their own research about all learners instead of
delaying them by revising content they are already familiar with. Research will allow the teachers to make
evidence-based decisions.

It is evident that the English FAL Caps document should be revised , especially the content in the overview.
This can be done by comparing similarities between the content overview with the teaching plans and
ensure that the information in both of them correspond. When the teaching plan will be reworked there
will be internal consistency in the CAPs and superficial implementation of the curriculum will be
prevented. Also, it is significant that the document should be based on evidence based decisions that are
founded on research and practical implementations. The assumption of the document is both positive
and negative. For instance, through the assumption the learners are continued to be taught basic English
skills. However, also this can deal learners progress with the language.

To conclude, this essay argued that English CAPs document is aimed to give learners needed support and
ensure that they meet the grade 12 required standards. The document utilizes numerous approaches to
meet its desired goals. Although the policy is effective there are parts that need to be amended.


Department of basic education. (2011). Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement GRADES 10-12:
English First Additional Language. Also available at:

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