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Safety Performance
Measurement in
By Matthew R. Hallowell, Elif Deniz Oguz Erkal, Fred Sherratt,
Mike Court, Brad MacLean and Michael Davis


THERE IS GROWING INTEREST in environmental, social market behavior, for example the counterproductive na-
and governance (ESG) standards, frameworks, rankings ture of investment in green firms over brown as revealed
and ratings. ESG disclosures inform economic decisions by Hartzmark and Shue (2022).
by sharing organizational activities and performance With the rapid advancement of ESG, safety profes-
related to sustainability. Investors, including individuals, sionals are at a crossroads of threat and opportunity.
brokerage firms, mutual funds and even “robo-investors” As wider critiques of ESG have noted, the metrics and
are then able to make decisions based on nonfinancial measurement found therein can be problematic, and this
risks that are material to the company and invest in or- is a major concern for occupational safety should injury
ganizations that share their values. According to the U.S. frequency rates and other flawed safety metrics become
Sustainable Investment Forum Foundation (2020), in- further institutionalized and codified (Hallowell et al.,
vestors now hold more than $17 trillion in assets selected 2021). If those who create ESG standards, frameworks,
through the application of ESG strategies. Major business reports, and ratings unknowingly further entrench and
decisions are now being made using ESG criteria, includ- reinforce flawed and misaligned safety measures, future
ing investment priorities and performance assessments of improvements could become much more difficult to af-
Fortune 500 company executives and their organizations. fect. However, if new research-backed safety metrics can
Put simply, ESG cannot be ignored. be quickly mobilized, ESG is an opportunity to promote
ESG is a complex ecosystem that broadly describes and incentivize new approaches that are statistically
sustainability. The environmental criteria reflect the valid and better reflect modern safety values, principles
preservation of the natural world and can include ele- and research. The time for changing the way we mea-
ments such as corporate climate change policies, carbon sure and report safety performance is now, and it is our
emissions and compliance with environmental regula- responsibility as safety professionals to help bring about
tions. The governance criteria reflect the transparency, that change.
integrity, equity and ethics of business decisions such as The aim of this article is to specifically inform how
accounting methods, functioning of governing boards and safety is currently positioned with ESG reporting process-
the selection of leadership. Most consequential to safety es, while also issuing a clarion call to action. The goal is
professionals, the social criteria reflect elements such as not to make a general commentary on ESG as a process
volunteer work, diversity and inclusion, sustainability in per se, rather to purposively narrow the focus to safety
supply chain management, ethics, and—critically—worker as manifested within the social ESG criteria. This article
occupational safety. The power of ESG with regard to safe- provides recommendations for the alignment of safety
ty was demonstrated in the investor-influenced removal of values, safety practices and safety metrics in ESG stan-
Suncor Energy’s CEO following a fifth worker fatality in dards, frameworks and reports.
less than 2 years (Seskus, 2022).
However, ESG is not without critics. Holistically, con- Background
cerns have been raised that ESG is a distraction from The ESG World
business operations, that it is intrinsically too difficult to ESG continues to evolve and adjust as stakeholders’
manage holistically due to the large number and inter- demand for nonfinancial disclosure continues to grow
connected nature of the disclosure criteria, that its mea- and corporations continue to incorporate sustainability
surement is inconsistent and flawed, and that it has no practices into their operations. Table 1 (p. 26) provides a
meaningful relationship to financial performance (Pérez glossary and Figure 1 (p. 26) offers an example illustra-
et al., 2022). More specifically, ESG has also been charged tion of the overall ESG ecosystem.
with creating unintended consequences in corporate and Occupational safety has a prominent role in the social
component of ESG because it is seen as vital for social
KEY TAKEAWAYS responsibility and a sustainable workforce, and likely
Environment, social and governance (ESG) standards, frame-
and ratings recommend that organizations communi-
because safety has been measured and regulated for de-
cades. In addition to the use of injury rates such as total
cate material threats and opportunities to investors and other recordable injury rate (TRIR), safety reporting can also
stakeholders. The social component of ESG disclosures fre- include progress toward a stated quantitative or qualita-
quently includes organizational values, practices and metrics tive goal, summaries of safety key performance indict-
related to occupational safety. ors or workers’ compensation insurance data. In recent
• ESG disclosures relating to occupational safety typically
reference injury rates as a meaningful indicator of safety per-
years, significant progress in the understanding of safety
metrics has occurred, however, the extent to which ESG
formance, which is antithetical to modern safety science and reporting reflects modern safety philosophy and metrics
philosophy. remains a concern.
• Misalignment in ESG reports exists between safety values
and safety metrics (i.e., what companies say they value is not Contemporary Safety Management in Brief
what they measure). ESG standards and reporting may be Since this article is intended for safety professionals,
improved by adding valid and reliable measures of safety that the authors presume a basic awareness of the history of
are better aligned with practices and organizational values. safety measurement and working knowledge of contem-
• Adopting the proposed innovative approach to safety per-
formance measurement in ESG disclosure standards setting
porary safety management practices. However, salient
points with regard to safety measurement and the current
and reporting offers an opportunity to modernize by transi- activities around ESG are briefly revisited to provide rele-
tioning toward less reliance on lagging safety indicators. vant context for the empirical work that follows. JULY 2024 PROFESSIONAL SAFETY PSJ 25

TABLE 1 Safety metrics, especially injury rates, are a critical
THE SEMANTICS component of ESG reporting. Although recently the foun-
dations of safety measurement have been challenged and
OF ESG REPORTING new methods have been proposed and evaluated, the au-
thors hypothesized that despite such advancements most
Agency support ESG reports give prominent status to injury rates.
Term Definition and notes examples TRIR is simply the count of OSHA-recordable injuries
ESG Specific, detailed and Sustainability
standards replicable requirements for Accounting Standards
divided by the corresponding number of worker hours
what should be reported for Board, Global Reporting and normalized per 200,000 worker-hours. Although
each topic, including Initiative different geographical regions may use different scalar
metrics. Standards make factors, the two variables in the injury rate tend to be
frameworks actionable,
ensuring comparable,
the same: counts of injuries and time. In addition to
consistent and reliable TRIR, other injury rates have emerged that account for
disclosure. Although there injuries of varying severity levels or classifications such
are many standards, most days away restricted or transferred (DART), lost-time
are substantially similar.
ESG Direction on the topics that Task Force on Climate-
incident rates (LTIR) and fatality rates. Unfortunately,
framework should be covered within a Related Financial there are serious limitations associated with using injury
section or the whole ESG Disclosures, Climate frequency rates such as TRIR for safety performance
report and how the report Disclosure Standards reporting and business decisions.
should be prepared. Board, IR Global
Frameworks do not specify
Contemporary occupational safety management has
the methodology of data moved on from the idea that a worker-hour without an
collection or reporting. injury was a safe hour, while a worker-hour with an in-
ESG Make up the content of the U.S. Securities and jury was an unsafe hour. Safety is no longer simply the
criteria standards. Defined aspects Exchange Commission
with associated data to be disclosure and reporting
absence of injuries but is instead the presence of controls
reported on using (ideally) requirements or capacity (Oguz Erkal & Hallowell, 2023). Safety is
consistent, comparable and the degree to which we strengthen our safety systems,
reliable information. processes, planning and operations—in other words, our
ESG Third-party collection, Morgan Stanley Capital
ratings/ measurement and reporting International, S&P Global capacity for success.
rankings of distinct ESG information, Corporate Sustainability Another contemporary and complementary shift in
typically created by research Assessment, and Dow occupational safety thinking has been a revised focus on
firms based on proprietary Jones Sustainability serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs). The recent macro-­
methods. Indexes
ESG report Document produced by a Reports are produced by level trend in incidents has seen a decrease in recordable
company to disclose its individual companies injury rates in the past 10 years, while fatality rates have
specific ESG activities, data, and reflect ESG statistically plateaued (EEI, 2023). Targeting low-severity
and plans that elucidate the frameworks and comply incidents does not necessarily help a company prevent
company's ESG position. ESG with ESG standards.
reports do not have a SIFs; simply counting near misses (or worse, setting tar-
standard format and could gets for their reporting; see Oswald et al., 2018) will not
be designed differently by prevent a fatality in the future. Work by Hallowell et al.
each company. ESG reports
(2021) demonstrates that TRIR does not have a statistical
can be viewed online for
many publicly traded association with fatality rates, even over long reporting
companies. periods. SIFs must be managed differently and must be
the priority because they are almost always infinitely
Note. Adapted from “SASB Standards Overview,” by Sustain- more impactful than low-severity injuries.
ability Accounting Standards Board, 2022 ( Statistically, TRIR raises other more serious issues.
standards). The nature of the metric means it weighs all recordable
injuries equally despite massive differences in severity

Environmental Social Governance
Climate Natural Pollution Environmental Human Product Stakeholder Social Corporate Corporate
change resources and waste opportunities capital liability opposition opportunities governance behavior
Carbon Water Energy Labor Product Controversial Access to
Waste Board Business ethics
emissions scarcity efficiency management safety sourcing communication
Product Biodiversity Packaging Health,
Green Community Access to Executive Tax
carbon and land material safety and Quality
building relations finance compensation transparency
footprint use and waste environment
Climate Raw Human
Renewable Ethical Indigenous Risk
change material Air quality capital Access to talent Cybersecurity
energy sourcing partnership management
vulnerability sourcing development
Noise and Health and Sustainable Inclusion, equity Reporting and
Archeological Supply chain
vibration wellness materials and diversity disclosure


(e.g., a two-stitch cut to the TABLE 2
finger is treated the same as a SAFETY METRICS WITH ESG STANDARDS
fatality because both are one
recordable injury). This does
Sustainability International
not align with a focus on SIFs Global Reporting Accounting Standards Electrotechnical
above all other incidents. Even Standard requirement Initiative Board Commission
more critical is the fundamen- Fatalities/fatality rate x x x
tal fact that TRIR is statisti- High-consequence work
cally invalid over most time injury rate
frames when business deci- Recordable injury rate (total
x x x
recordable injury rate)
sions are made. Hallowell et al. Types of injury x
(2021) demonstrates that TRIR Number of hours worked x
and other injury rates are not Leading indicators x
statistically valid because of Hierarchy of controls x
the rarity and randomness of Compliance items x
Near-miss x x
recordable injuries. They found
Emergency response training x
that hundreds of millions of Total vehicle incident rate x
worker-hours of exposure are Culture of safety x
needed before a TRIR carries Days away restricted or
enough statistical validity to transferred
report to one decimal place of Lost time incident rate x
precision, rendering TRIR in-
valid for nearly every practical
comparison or business decision, including those around FIGURE 2
ESG. Furthermore, the study showed that TRIR is not in- COMPOSITION BY INDUSTRY
dicative of future recordable injury rates or fatalities. TRIR
has some strengths, notably that rates are based on injury
types (e.g., recordable, lost time, fatality) that are objec-
tive, easy to communicate to all stakeholders and, most
importantly, are used consistently across industries. These
aspects ensure that the metric has a common meaning 37% Construction
that spans organizational boundaries, making direct com- 45% Commerce
parisons simple and straightforward. This helps explain
why injury rates and TRIR have been the dominant safety Technology
performance metrics for nearly 50 years despite their se- Energy
vere limitations, and through ESG there is the potential
for this misplaced and flawed reverence to continue. 10%
Safety Metrics in ESG Standards
ESG standards provide guidance on what should be
reported. Most conventional ESG standards such as the
reports produced in 2021. Forty ESG reports were
Global Reporting Initiative and Sustainability Accounting
selected from members of the Construction Safety Re-
Standards Board standards include recommendations
search Alliance and Fortune 500 companies. This was
related to safety reporting. Although they offer some
contextual information related to modern safety systems, a purposive sample of convenience, profiled to ensure
the most common metrics recommended are fatality balanced representation of large construction, technol-
rates and TRIR. In fact, TRIR and fatality rates (neither ogy and energy companies. The final sample profile
of which are statistically valid indicators of safety per- with regard to company sector is shown in Figure 2. The
formance) are the only two ubiquitous metrics across all nature of this sample therefore dictates that the findings
three frameworks as shown in Table 2. Although other in this article should not be automatically extended to
metrics are suggested, the majority are variations of inju- other populations.
ry frequency rates and other lagging indicators. Notable Each report was content analyzed to capture concepts
exceptions include leading indicators, hierarchy of con- related to the organization’s safety values, practices and
trols, training and safety culture. Unfortunately, there metrics. In this analysis, values were defined related to
is little guidance on how to measure and report these what organizations say is important, which is reflected
variables consistently, so they are comparable. Table 2 in stated goals, priorities and principles. Through an in-
provides an overview of the metrics and concepts recom- ductive process, the content analysis identified patterns
mended by the three most pervasive standards in their of common keywords within the reports under each of
2022 iterations. the three concepts: values, practices and metrics. These
keywords therefore became the safety in ESG lexicon as
Research Method manifested in the sample of reports, verified through
To better understand the current state of safety re- a constant comparison process (Silverman, 2019). Key-
porting in ESG, the authors analyzed a sample of ESG words related to organizational values included elements JULY 2024 PROFESSIONAL SAFETY PSJ 27

such as “culture,” “proactive,” “zero target,” “SIF priori- safety culture is one of the most intangible and debated
ty,” “compliance,” “human/organizational performance” aspects of professional safety management, still lacking
and “learning.” Practices relate to what an organization an agreed definition or approach to its measurement. This
says it does to keep workers safe. Safety practice key- was followed by compliance, a perhaps inevitable inclu-
words included elements such as “external partnerships,” sion to reassure investors of the law-abiding nature of the
“monitoring” and “learning teams.” Finally, safety met- organization. Proactivity was the third most common
rics include factors related to how safety performance factor mentioned, where organizations hope to be forward
is quantified and reported. Keywords for safety metrics looking, predictive and beyond compliance.
included “(safety) climate,” “leading indicators,” “pre- All companies reported at least one safety manage-
cursors,” “TRIR,” “DART/LTIR,” “first aid rates” and ment practice. These were both diverse and highly in-
“fatality rates.” In summary, the authors investigated consistent, making further analysis within this category
the relationships and trends related to what companies impractical beyond the generation of a long list of famil-
say they care about regarding safety, what they do to iar safety tactics and interventions. Reported practices
promote safety, and how they measure and report safety ranged from safety management system development to
performance. various bespoke learning and risk assessment processes.
Using the results of the content analysis, a network Additionally, 60% of companies reported some type of
analysis was performed to visualize the frequency with collaboration with a nongovernmental organization,
which concepts and keywords appear together in ESG nonprofit or academic institution related to safety. How-
reports. A collective network was built and analyzed ever, there was a lack of reported monitoring of such
through topic analysis using ORA software to generate activities, and thus a lack of demonstrable evidence of
visualizations and reports (Carley, 2015). ORA is a net- their success or failure. Although companies aspire to
work analysis tool that helps users build custom network have a proactive safety culture that exceeds minimum
models through advanced graph theory. In this study, a compliance with safety regulations, this is accompanied
“company x keyword” network folded by keyword was by seemingly disjointed safety management activities
created to model commonly occurring concepts and lacking in monitoring and control.
how they were used together. Simply, if two concepts In terms of safety metrics, almost all the companies
appeared in a company’s report together, an edge was reported a lagging indicator in the form of a recordable
formed. The more the same concept appeared in multi- incident, fatality rate or other injury rate. This was per-
ple reports, the larger the node size that results. The re- haps to be expected considering that traditional safety
sults were used to evaluate the common values, practices metrics are ubiquitous despite issues with validity. Some
and metrics, and how they were reported with respect to alternative metrics were also reported such as number
each other in ESG reports. of people kept safe, total number of hours without inci-
dent and a percentage of physically safe work. Only three
Findings & Discussion companies reported some kind of leading indicator data
Content Analysis such as leadership engagements, an automated external
Table 3 shows the percentage of ESG reports containing defibrillator program and training. Although some orga-
each of the keywords. There were three major organi- nizations claimed to collect leading indicator data, they
zational values observed. Companies broadly desire to did not report numbers.
have a strong safety culture, meet or exceed regulatory
compliance, and be proactive in their approaches to safety Networks
management. The strongest theme among them was a Three networks were built to show the extent to
strong and positive safety culture. This is interesting as which values, practices and metrics are aligned. The
Culture Compliance Proactive SIF priority Zero Learning Human/organizational
Target performance
90% 73% 63% 45% 43% 30% 25%
Safety Collaboration Monitoring Learning
management teams
100% 60% 25% 10%
TRIR Fatality rate DART/LTIR Other Leading Safety Precursors
injury rates indicators climate
80% 70% 60% 50% 38% 15% 3%


networks were constructed by forming a link between Analyzing the networks revealed that most of the
two keywords that exist together within the same re- values appeared together frequently. However, un-
port. The links between nodes were weighted depending like the other concepts, “human performance” and
on how often the keywords appear together, while the “zero targets” never appeared together in the same
nodes were sized depending on the frequency their report. This is a promising finding considering zero
appear in the reports. The resultant networks can be targets are in fact detrimental to human performance,
found in Table 4. setting an unrealistic goal for frontline supervisors


Note. Edge weight means number of times the keywords appear in the same report; node size means total degree centrality—weighted. JULY 2024 PROFESSIONAL SAFETY PSJ 29

(Sherratt, 2014). Although most companies report some measures of safety such as precursors or safety climate.
kind of safety activity, “learning teams” and “monitor- This is logical, considering such metrics are harder to col-
ing” rarely appeared in the ESG reports. lect, understand and defend, but their value is nonetheless
With regard to safety metrics, strong connections can impactful. It could reasonably be expected that such sub-
be seen between lagging indicators such as fatality rates, jective metrics would play a much more prominent role
total recordable rates and DART. Safety climate and hu- in ESG reporting given the concurrent prioritization of
man factor precursors that relate to SIF are the least com- safety culture above all else.
mon metrics mobilized in ESG reporting. This shows that As a result of this analysis, the authors identified the
ESG metrics lean heavily toward objective or regulatory most common safety values, practices and metrics report-
metrics, but do not have a strong grasp of more subjective ed by the companies in their ESG reports in this sample.

See Oguz Erkal et al. (2023) for detailed explanations and formal multidimensional assessment of each evaluation method.

Alternative metric Colloquial definition Strengths Weaknesses

Lagging: Counts of injuries over • Based on consistent definitions (e.g., • Not statistically valid for most
Injury rates (e.g., total time (normalized) OSHA recordable) practical purposes
recordable injury • Based on empirical data • Retrospective in nature
rate) • Generally based on higher-severity • Not predictive of future incidents
injuries (i.e., at least the threshold of • Injuries are numerically similar
“recordable”) despite severity
• Misaligned with modern safety
philosophies because it
measures safety as the absence
of injuries
Lagging: Injury rate where • Based on consistent definitions of • Retrospective in nature
Severity-based injuries of multiple “recordable” • Predictive capacity has not been
lagging indicator severity levels are • Based on empirical data studied
weighted based on the • Inclusion of more injury types in one • Misaligned with modern safety
magnitude of energy metric adds statistical stability philosophies because it
involved • Higher weighting of more severe injuries measures safety as the absence
better reflects company priorities of injuries
Leading: Quality and quantity of • Measures input to the system • Leading indicators are not
Safety leading the safety activities • May be collected in sufficient volume to standardized making them
indicators performed to prevent be statistically valid unclear and not comparable
injuries • Predictive of future outcomes and • Programs are expensive
proactive in nature
Monitoring: Employee perceptions • Indicates safety culture and employee • Unclear because different
Safety climate of the strengths and satisfaction with safety companies measure climate with
weaknesses of key • May be collected in sufficient volume to different definitions and
dimensions the safety be statistically valid instruments
system solicited • Enables proactive decisions before • Does not reflect objective reality
through surveys injuries occur (based on perceptions)
• Predictive of future outcomes and
proactive in nature
Monitoring: Assessment of the • Directly indicative of SIF conditions • Based on the perception of an
Precursor analysis human factors that • May be collected in sufficient volume to observer and the openness of
scores contribute to SIF be statistically valid the employee
probability based on • Predictive of future outcomes and • Expensive to integrate
field engagements proactive in nature • Challenging to understand and
Monitoring: Proportion of life- • Reflects the philosophy that safety is the • Expensive to integrate into the
High-energy control threatening (high- presence of safeguards safety system
assessments energy) hazards with • Directly indicative of SIF conditions • Requires consistent application
direct controls as • May be collected in sufficient volume to of definitions
observed during site be statistically valid • Predictive relationship between
visits • Based on empirical observations and high-energy control assessments
mathematical assessments and injury rates has not been
• Proactive in nature because it reveals studied
actionable trends in hazards and controls


The analysis yielded that companies
mostly aspire to have a proactive safety
culture that is in compliance with safety Value Practices Metrics
regulations. To achieve this target, each Culture Implement safety practices that Monitor trends in safety
company undertakes different safety may improve culture such as climate scores and human
programs and practices and collaborates learning teams, leadership factor precursors, and link
within their industry to learn from each engagements, and efforts toward observations to long-term
other. They mostly report lagging metrics diversity, equity and inclusion. outcomes.
such as TRIR and fatality rate. Consider- Proactive Implement practice safety Track the quality and
ing these findings, two strong and prob-
strategies such as prejob planning, frequency of key practices and
lematic conclusions from the review and
risk assessments and safety correlate to long-term trends
analysis of ESG reports are detailed:
1) Misalignment exists between what observations. in safety outcomes.
companies report as their values and SIF Focus on SIF hazards and controls Monitor high-energy control
their safety performance metrics. Put in worksite design, prejob briefs, assessments and correlate to
simply, companies say they care about safety observations, leadership long-term trends in safety
X, implement Y and measure Z. This engagements and learning teams. outcomes.
misalignment is problematic because it
makes it difficult for meaningful external
inspection from investors, partners and oth- Valid metrics are needed that better reflect organi-
er stakeholders. It is a well-established business principle zational goals, priorities and practices. Such alignment
that alignment among business goals, practices and met- would transform ESG reporting from being a threat to
rics is vital to ensuring that an organization is working safety performance to being an opportunity to accelerate
toward its objectives in a cohesive and efficient manner. and institutionalize innovation. ESG standards offer a
2) Inconsistency exists in the safety practices im- unique opportunity to better educate companies on the
plemented across companies, which makes compari- principles of modern safety by including them in their
sons of safety practices untenable. No two companies guidance and reporting on them as part of company ESG
reported similar safety management practices show- disclosures. Reflecting a desire to transition from reactive
ing major variability and inconsistency between how to proactive, ESG standards and frameworks should be
companies reported their various safety activities and revised to include research-validated leading indicators
programs. This makes safety management system com- and monitoring variables.
parisons across companies virtually impossible, sug- As reported in Oguz Erkal et al. (2023), viable alterna-
gesting that monitoring and measuring safety practices tives now exist that have been described, validated and
may not be viable through ESG reports without some tested by industry leaders. These include the severity-­
form of standardization. based lagging indicator, leading indicators, safety climate,
precursor analysis scores and high-energy control assess-
Proposing Alternative Safety Metrics in ESG ments. These alternatives include established metrics (e.g.,
A principle of effective business is alignment between leading indicators, safety climate) and novel metrics that
values, practices and metrics. In the analysis of ESG re- are still nascent in practice (e.g., severity-­based lagging
ports, the authors found reasonable alignment between indicators, high-energy control assessments). These al-
safety values and practices. For example, companies re- ternative metrics are briefly reviewed in Table 5, with the
porting a desire for a strong safety culture often reported reported strengths and weaknesses. For a complete com-
leadership engagements and other safety activities that parison, TRIR is also reviewed in this table.
could reasonably connect to this loose idea of culture. When considered holistically, Table 5 reflects that all met-
However, metrics were largely misaligned and antiquated. rics (including TRIR) have both strengths and weakness and
For example, companies reported safety culture as a value no single metric is strong in all areas. This indicates that for
but had no corresponding measure. Instead, they illogi- more effective and accurate ESG reporting, a suite or combi-
cally pair a desire for safety culture with injury rates. The nation of metrics would be most appropriate to more mean-
one notable alignment was between SIF reduction as a fo- ingfully measure and report on the practices and values of
cus and reporting of fatalities; however, it should be noted firms within their safety operations. While the ideal bal-
that neither the count of fatalities nor fatality rates are anced scorecard approach has not yet been established, now
statistically meaningful over annual reporting periods. is the time to redesign safety performance measurement,
Given the evidence that injury rates such as TRIR are responding and leveraging the momentum of ESG itself.
statistically invalid for virtually all business decisions The ideal ESG report would contain carefully selected
(Hallowell et al., 2021), their prevalence in ESG safety goals that reflect an organization’s values, specific prac-
reporting is worrisome. If this trajectory is sustained, tices intended to advance those goals, and metrics that
organizations bear the risk of reporting ineffective, incon- indicate the extent to which the organization is progress-
sistent and unactionable metrics that have the potential ing toward those goals. For example, if a company wishes
to mislead stakeholders. More critically for the safety pro- to achieve excellence in being proactive, it may consider
fession, inclusion of flawed metrics in ESG may further optimizing leadership engagements, safety observations
crystallize this practice and thwart future efforts toward and safety planning activities. It could also gauge progress
progress and innovation. toward the goal by measuring leading indicators such JULY 2024 PROFESSIONAL SAFETY PSJ 31

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This work was supported by the Construction Safety Re- Cite this article
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analysis and visualization.

Matthew R. Hallowell is executive di- providing technical, analytical, operational from the British Columbia Institute of Tech-
rector of the Construction Safety Research and organizational support in various indus- nology, and an executive sustainability
Alliance (CSRA). He is also a President’s tries including utilities and construction. program at New York University Stern School
Teaching Scholar and an endowed professor of Business.
Fred Sherratt, MCIOB, C.BuildE,
of construction engineering at the University
MCABE, AMICE, is associate director of Brad MacLean is senior vice president
of Colorado. Outside academia, he is the is
research at CSRA. She is a chartered builder of safety and organizational effectiveness
the founder and executive director of Safety and building engineer, and an associate for the Wolfcreek Group. He is a found-
Function LLC, and serves as a technical advi- member of the Institute of Civil Engineers ing member and past chair of the INGAA
sor to the Edison Electric Institute and In- with more than 10 years’ on-site experience Foundation Health and Safety Committee
terstate Natural Gas Association of America in the U.K. construction industry. Sherratt is in ­Washington, DC. He is also the advisory
(INGAA). Hallowell is a professional member joint coordinator of the International Coun- board chair emeritus to CSRA at the Univer-
of ASSP’s Rocky Mountain Chapter. cil for Research and Innovation in Building sity of C
­ olorado Boulder.
Elif Deniz Oguz Erkal is a senior associ- and Construction’s Working Group for Work-
Michael Davis, CSP, ARM, is a senior
ate in the construction consulting practice of er Safety, Health and Well-Being.
vice president at Lockton Co. with 43 years’
Exponent. She holds a Ph.D. in Construction Mike Court is senior vice president of experience focused on special projects, in-
and Engineering Management from the health safety environment quality and sus- cluding private equity safety due diligence
University of Colorado Boulder specializing tainability for Graham. He has more than 25 for acquisitions and Lockton’s partnership
in safety performance measurement and years of proven leadership and governance of with the University of Colorado’s CSRA, the
predictive analytics for serious injury and health safety environment and quality man- University of Colorado’s Buff Works student
fatality prevention. Her focus is on data and agement systems and corporate sustainabil- research projects and capstone graduate
knowledge management systems, predic- ity. His qualifications include a diploma in student research projects at the University of
tive analytics and organizational design, Occupational Health and Safety Technology Texas at Dallas.


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