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Since = begin (specific time) for = (duration/period of time)

Simple present She is a student. She’s a student.

Present continuous She is playing. She’s playing.

Present perfect She has seen the movie. She’s seen the movie.


Play played played REGULAR

Show showed shown IRREGULAR

Go went gone IRREGULAR

The man has been here. He has been here.

The big tall man has been here. He has been here.

The big tall man with the hat has been here. He has been here.


He went home. # WORDS # VERBS

He went home yesterday. 1 0

He went home in the evening. MANY 0

He went home when he finished his job. Many 1 (finished)

This is the first time that you have worn 3D glasses .

Is this the first time ? Is this the first time (that) you have worn 3D glasses ?
Is this the first time ? Is this the first time you have worn 3D glasses ?

The Green Tree is the worst documentary ______________.

The Green Tree is the worst documentary (that) Tom King has ever made.

The Green Tree is the worst documentary Tom King has ever made.
I’ve just streamed a great movie.

I’ve recently streamed a great movie. I’ve streamed a great movie recently.

I’ve lately streamed a great movie. I’ve streamed a great movie lately.

He was late. He was late yesterday. Ted’s late because he overslept.

Mauade probably couldn’t find a parking space.

They are going to be late. They are going to be late today.

They are going to be late because they got stuck in traffic.

He cooks dinner. He eats.

He cooks dinner and eats.

He cooks dinner and eats in the evening.

He cooks dinner and eats when he is hungry.

He cooks dinner and eats when he arrives home. Peter and Tom are friends.

Peter Tom , and George are friends.

Tom cooks eats , and watches TV.

They missed the bus . They probably couldn’t get a taxi . 2 sentences

They missed the bus , and they probably couldn’t get a taxi. 1 sentence

NEVER (EVER) combine 3 sentences into 1 sentence.

He went home. Complete idea INDEPENDENT CLAUSE

He went home yesterday. ,

Yesterday he went home.

He went home in the evening. ,

In the evening he went home.

He went home when he finished his job. ,

When he finished his job he went home.

I play defence. It is funny. It is fun.

Fun = you have a good time.

Funny = You laugh (ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha)

The trip to Villa Tunari was fun.

I would like to see a comedy. I would not like to see a drama.

Aux verb infinitive I wouldn’t like to see a drama.



I would rather see a comedy. I would rather not see a drama.

Aux ………. Verb base form I’d rather not see a drama.

I would like to see a comedy.

Would you like to see a comedy? Yes, I’d like to see a comedy.

Would you rather see a comedy? Yes, I’d rather see a comedy.

What would you like to see?

What would you rather see?

I want pizza.

I would like pizza. I’d like pizza. “I like pizza.”

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