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English (Topic: Degrees of Adjectives)

1. The climate of Islamabad is good than of Hyderabad.

A. The climate of Islamabad is better than Hyderabad.
B. The climate of Islamabad is better than that of Hyderabad.
C. The climate of Islamabad is more better than that of Hyderabad.
D. The climate of Islamabad is more good than that of Hyderabad.
2. He is not as stronger than his brother.
A. He is not as less strong as his brother.
B. He is not as stronger as his brother.
C. He is not as strong as his brother.
D. He is not as strongly as his brother.
3. There were no few than fifty person in the dining hall.
A. There were no fewer than fifty persons in the dining hall.
B. There were no less than fifty persons in the dining hall.
C. There were no fewer from fifty persons in the dining hall.
D. There were no few than fifty persons in the dining hall.
4. In my opinion a pencil is always more preferable than a pen.
A. In my opinion a pencil is always as preferable as a pen.
B. In my opinion a pencil is always preferable to a pen.
C. In my opinion a pencil is always more preferable to a pen.
D. In my opinion a pencil is always preferable from a pen.
5. She is both clever and intelligent than her.
A. She is both cleverer and more intelligent than her.
B. She is both clever and more intelligent than her.
C. She is both cleverer and intelligent than her.
D. She is both cleverer and as intelligent than her.
6. Choose the correct sentence:
A. This young girl is more beautiful but not more cultured as her sister.
B. This young girl is beautiful but not as cultured as her sister.
C. This young girl is most beautiful but not as cultured like her sister.
D. This young girl is more beautiful but not as cultured as her sister.
7. Choose the correct sentence:
A. The servant promised the master to be more vigilant on duty.
B. The servant promised the master to be more vigilantly on duty.
C. The servant promised the master to be vigilantly on duty.
D. The servant promised the master to be less vigilantly on duty.
English (Topic: Degrees of Adjectives)
8. Choose the correct sentence:
A. Babar was oldest son of his father.
B. Babar was old son of his father.
C. Babar was the eldest son of his father.
D. Babar was the elder than son of his father.
9. Choose the correct sentence:
A. Reeta is as tall as Rizwana.
B. Reeta is as tallest as Rizwana.
C. Reeta is as tall like as Rizwana.
D. Reeta is as taller like Rizwana.
10. Choose the correct sentence:
A. Very few students of our college are slow as Kamal.
B. Very few students of our college are as slow as Kamal.
C. Very few students of our college are slower than Kamal.
D. Very few students of our college are slowest like as Kamal.
11. Choose the correct sentence:
A. His brother is most handsomer, but he is more handsome.
B. His brother is handsomer, but he is more handsome.
C. His brother is handsome, but he is more handsome.
D. His brother is as handsome, but he is more handsome.
12. Choose the correct sentence:
A. This book is undoubtedly more preferable to that and its printing is also
comparatively good.
B. This book is undoubtedly preferable than that and its printing is also
comparatively good.
C. This book is undoubtedly most preferable to that and its printing is also
comparatively good.
D. This book is undoubtedly preferable to that and its printing is also
comparatively good.
A. Pakistan is one of the most popular and agricultural country in the world.
B. Pakistan is one of the most popular and agricultural countries in the world.
C. Pakistan is one of the more popular and agricultural countries in the world.
D. Pakistan is one of the popular and agricultural countries in the world.
English (Topic: Degrees of Adjectives)
A. She is more honest than most other girl.
B. She is more honest than more other girls.
C. She is more honest than most other girls.
D. She is honest than most other girls.
A. The computer is the useful of all.
B. The computer is the more useful of all.
C. The computer is the much more useful of all.
D. The computer is the most useful of all.
A. Sami is brave and wiser than Ali.
B. Sami is braver and wiser than Ali.
C. Sami is braver and wise than Ali.
D. Sami is braver and more wiser than Ali.
A. He is too busier to talk.
B. He is too busiest to talk.
C. He is too more busy to talk.
D. He is too busy to talk.
18. The principal has great power of making some useful plans but the professors
have even great ability to foil them.
A. The principal
B. Some useful
C. Have
D. Even great
19. Farhan is more wonderful than all other player in the team.
A. More
B. Wonderful
C. All
D. Player
English (Topic: Degrees of Adjectives)
20. Fawad is the smartest and more loyal friend in the class.
A. The smartest
B. More loyal
C. Friend
D. In the class
21. My brother is the best and the wisest boy in the school.
A. My brother
B. The best
C. The wisest
D. In the school
22. I am as stronger as or even stronger than my foe.
A. As stronger as
B. Even
C. Stronger
D. Than
23. Mr. Fazil is _________ Qadir.
A. As smart as
B. Smarter
C. Smarter as
D. As smart like
24. Mukesh is ________ Nasir.
A. Not so clever than
B. Not so cleverer
C. Not so cleverer as
D. Not so clever as
25. No other poet is _____ Shah Latif.
A. Very good as
B. Too good as
C. Enough good as
D. So good as
26. She is more clever than ______.
A. Honest
B. More honest
C. Most honest
D. Honesty
English (Topic: Degrees of Adjectives)
27. He is _____ me.
A. Senior from
B. Senior than
C. More senior to
D. Senior to
28. He is one of the best scientists _______ the world.
A. In
B. From
C. Of
D. With
29. China is _______ than most other _______.
A. Rich, countries
B. Richer, country
C. Richer, countries
D. Rich, country
30. She is _______ than all other ladies.
A. More better
B. Most better
C. Best
D. Better
31. Mr. Suresh is faster than _____ other boys.
A. Any
B. Much
C. Little
D. Less
32. There is _____ sugar than rice.
A. Less
B. Fewer
C. Little
D. A little
33. There are ______ pencils than pens.
A. Few
B. Fewer
C. A few
D. Very few
English (Topic: Degrees of Adjectives)
34. Fareed is _______ than wise.
A. More better
B. Better
C. Good
D. More good
35. He’s ________ of the two drivers.
A. The good
B. Better
C. The better
D. The best
36. He is _____ teacher in my study career.
A. My best
B. My the best
C. The my best
D. Best
37. Umerkot is _____ city in Pakistan.
A. Small
B. Smaller
C. Smallest
D. The smallest
38. Faiz is ______ of the best speakers in our class.
A. One
B. Many
C. All
D. Few
39. He is ________man.
A. The most richest
B. The richest
C. Richest
D. Rich
40. Rahat is ______boy in the college.
A. Most handsome and the smartest
B. Smartest and handsome
C. The smartest and most handsome
D. The smarter and most handsome

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