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Sr. No.

Questions A B C D Answer

1 Which of the following is not a Design Methodology DFSS DMADV DMAIC None of the above
According to the new business reality, what is the best way to
2 Increase price Reduce price Increase cost Reduce costs
increase profits?
3 A DMAIC project is usually initiated when The Solution is Known The problem is known Both i) and ii) Either i) or ii)

4 What is the new equation of the business Cost + Profit = Price Price - Cost = Profit Price + Profit = Cost Price + Cost = Profit
Which of the following methodology is associated with the term
5 Six Sigma TRIZ PDCA Theory of Constraints
Which of the following tools can be used for sourcing of project
6 I and II II and III III and IV I, II, III and IV
Which of the following methods of collecting VOC is low on cost,
7 promotes honest answers but doesn’t allow any further probing or Telephone Surveys Focus Groups Email Surveys Face to Face Interviews
opportunity for clarification:
A view of Balanced Scorecard can help in :
i) Provide a view of lagging indicatorsonly
8 ii) Choose a project that is critical to theorganization i, ii and iii ii, iii and iv i, iii and iv i, ii, iii and iv
iii) Understand the strategy of a company
iv) Understand which metrics are trendingRed
Different categories of
All categories of customer All pricing categories have Different pricing categories have a
customer requirements have a
9 What is the fundamental idea of the Kano model? requirements have the same impact the same impact on different impact on customer
different impact on customer
on customer satisfaction customer satisfaction satisfaction
Which of the following categories of need best describe the following
10 situation. "Customer is dissatisfied if there is no restaurant in the Basic Performance Excitement Reverse
hotel but is not excited if there is one"
What %age of the total employees are being addressed in the project
with the Decision tree below :

11 80% 70% 56% 50%

Which of the following tool helps you identify internal and external
12 Quality Function Deployment SIPOC Decision Tree Gantt Chart

13 Which of the following is not an outcome of the Define phase : Approved Project Charter SIPOC Critical X's Project Team
Provides the view of
Which of the following statements is NOT true about Value Stream Depicts the flow of materials and Highlight waste in the value complete System and
14 None of the above
Mapping : information and their linkages stream hence avoids sub-
In the given Value Stream Map , What is the Value add time :

15 60 Sec 190 Sec 28 Days 9 Days

In the given Value Stream Map , What is the Non-Value add time :

16 60 Sec 190 Sec 28 Days 9 Days

Estimate the sigma level for a process which has Specification Width
17 3 sigma 1.5 sigma 4 sigma 6 sigma
twice as much as the Process Width :
The FTY for 3 consecutive processes is 90%. What would be the RTY
18 90% 81% 73% None of the above
of the overall process :
Baseline or current Baseline or current
19 What is the output of Measure Phase Approved Project Charter ii) & iii)
performance of Y performance of X
Basis the given scatter plot , which of the following is correct about
correlation coefficient :

Correlation coefficient is Correlation coefficient is

20 Correlation coefficient is Positive Can't say
Negative zero

Which Statistical test you will do in the below case :

"Response time" of a phone is tested on same set of 20 phones with
21 5 applications open and then 10 applications open. 2 Sample t test Paired t test Regression None of the above
Time is measured using a calibrated digital clock with a least count of
0.1 sec

22 Sample size does not depends on ------------------------------ . Population Size Variation in the population Confidence level None of the above

In context to DOE ( Design of Experiments) , Replication is : Running trial combination twice

23 without changing the setting Running trial combination Two operators taking the None of the above
twice with a change in setting trials

24 A factor 5 design with 8 runs is a : Resolution IV design Resolution III design Resolution V design Resolution VI design

25 Which of the LEAN tool you will use first in a cluttered work place : SMED Kanban 5S VSM
Which of the 5S step helps in significant reduction of SEARCH TIME
26 Set in Order Shine Standardize Sustain
and Frustration in searching the item
"Quick Changeover" term is associated with which of the following
27 5S Pull SMED Push
lean tools :
In which of the LEAN tool , we "Convert Internal activities to External
28 5S SMED Kanban All of the above
Activities" :
A tool that requires minimal investment, involves making small
29 Pareto Force Field Analysis Kaizen VSM
improvements on a continual basis is:
30 Control charts and their limits are the? Voice of the customer Voice of the team Voice of the process Voice of the employee
31 Which is the most preferred method of ensuring process control : Visual Control Statistical Process Control SOP Poka-Yoke

32 Which of the following among Control Methods in "Least Effective" : Verbal instruction Statistical Process Control SOP Poka-Yoke
33 Which of the following is the best method of Poka-Yoke : Detection Elimination Facilitation Mitigation
34 is the traditional approach of defect detection : Poka Yoke SPC Inspection All of the above
Handoff meeting with the Identifying Best Practices and
35 Which of the following is NOT a part of the Control phase? Creating a Control Plan Optimizing the Solution
process owner Replication opportunities

Random and non-random

36 Control charts show : Only random variation Only non-random variation Different types of variation
depending on the type of process
Both Random and non- Different types of variations are
While using SPC , When there are NO out-of-control signals : Only non-random variation is
37 Only random variation is present random variations are present , depending on the type
present of process

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