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Q1. Define soil as per IS

IS Definition of Soil: Soil (Earth) - Sediments or other unconsolidated accumulations of
solid particles produced by the physical and chemical disintegration of rocks, and which
may or may not contain organic matter.
Q2. Q. Define geology and state its branches. Or. Define geology, mineralogy, petrology.
State any 4 branches of geology. Or State any 4 branches of geology
Geology- It is the science that deals with the study of Earth as a whole. It includes studies
dealing with origin, age and structure of the earth.
Mineralogy: The branch that deals with the study of minerals, their formation, and
properties is called mineralogy
Petrology: The branch that deals with the formation of rocks, their composition, types and
distribution is called petrology.
Oceanology: It is the branch of geology which deals with the study of ocean, rivers, and
other water bodies present on earth.
Physical Geology: It is the study of physical agents like rain, wind, water, snow, glaciers etc.
on earth and its effects.
Q3. State and explain classification of rocks on the basis of their origin or gneiss.
Classification Based On Genesis (Mode of Origin):
The rocks may be classified broadly on the basis of their mode of origin, into the following
three groups:
a) Igneous rocks b) Sedimentary rocks c) Metamorphic rocks
A) Igneous Rocks: At a depth of 40km where the temperature is high, rock exists on molten
state called ‘magma’ and when forces out on the earth’s surface are called ‘Lava’. Igneous
rocks are formed by the cooking and solidification of molten magma or lava at the surface of
the earth’s crust or deep beneath the crest. They are normally hard, tough and dense.
Examples of Igneous Rocks:
a) Granite: as building stone for decorative & architectural purposes
b) Baslalt: as road metal and concrete aggregates
c) Dolerite: as road metal and concrete aggregates
d) Syenite: decorative purposes
B) Sedimentary Rocks: Igneous and Metamorphic rocks are subjected weathering. These
weathering agencies like wind, running water etc. decompose, transport and deposit the
particles of rock deep beneath the ocean bed where they are cemented together. Due to
pressure of water, they get compacted and get lifted up. They have a stratified structure.
Sedimentary rocks vary from soft to hard, porous to dense and light to heavy.
Examples of Sedimentary Rocks:
a) Breccais: for ornamental work
b) Sandstone: for all types of buildings
c) Shales: brick and tile manufacturing
d) Limestone: in cement industry
C) Metamorphic Rocks: The rocks formed from the pre-existing rocks (igneous and
sedimentary) by the process of metamorphism under the influence of heat and pressure or
both are known as metamorphic rocks. Whenever some change in temperature, pressure or
both takes place, the equilibrium of rock is disturbed and there is a change in texture,
structure or mineralogical composition resulting in the formation of a new rock.
Examples of Metamorphic Rocks:
a) Slate: roofing material, table tops, staircase
b) Gneiss: road metal and concrete aggregates
c) Marble: as building stone for decorative purpose
d) Quartzite: road metal and concrete aggregates.
(Any One type of explanation of rock to be studied)
Q4. State any 4 points stating importance of geology
Importance of Geology:
i) Geology provides the engineer, guidance about the ability of a site for a proposed project.
It will tell us about the nature of the project to be constructed.
ii). It gives an idea about the availability of different construction materials.
iii) The existence of hard strata and their depth below the ground can be known.
iv) Properties of the rock such as shear strength, permeability etc. can be studied. .
v) In the end all type of structures like buildings, roads, bridges, canals dams etc.…rest on
soil hence geology is important.
vi) Position of underground water table can be known
Q5. State and explain any 4 applications of GTE. OR. Explain various field applications of
geotechnical engineering in detail.
Field applications of Geotechnical Engineering:
1) Foundations: All the civil Engineering structures ultimately rest on the soil. They transfer
their whole load to the soil. The stability of a structure depends on the stability of soil.
Hence it is necessary to know the strength of the soil as nature of the soil decides the type
of foundation.

2) Pavement Design: A road provides a smooth surface for the movement of the vehicles.
The strength of the road depends upon the thickness of the soil below it.

3) Earthen Dams and canals: these are structures constructed to store water. These
should be watertight. Thus it is necessary to study the properties of soil like strength,
earth pressure, shear failure, specific gravity.
4) Retaining wall: Geotechnical engineering is also applicable to design and construct
earth retaining structures like retaining wall for hilly areas and landslides.
Q6. Explain the use of soil in civil engineering
Importance of Soil in Civil Engineering:
a) As a Construction material:
 Soil is always easily available.
 Clayey soil can be easily molded into clay bricks
 It is cheap
 It is used as a construction material for housing, road, railway, embankment,
dam etc…
 Plastering, plinth filling etc…
Q1. Explain soil as a 3 phase system
 A soil mass is a three phase system consisting of solid particles, water and air.
 The void space between the soil grains is partly filled with water and partly with air.
These three constituents are intermixed with each other and complicated for analysis.
 However for calculation purpose, it is done as follows

For partially saturated soil: The diagram shows the three phase system for partially
saturated condition, combination of solids, air and water. When the soil mass is not
fully saturated, the voids present are filled by both liquid and as well as air.
For such type,
Total weight, W = Wa + Ww+ Ws
= Ww+Ws …… (Since Wa = 0)
Also, Wv = Ww
Total volume, V = Va + Vw+ Vs
Also, Vv = Vw + Va
Vv = Vw…………………. (Since Va = 0)
Where, W = total weight, Wa= Weight of air, Ww= weight of water, Ws= weight of soil,
V= total volume, Va= volume of air, Vv = volume of voids, Vw=volume of water, Vs=
volume of soil.
Q. Draw phase diagrams for two phase systems
Q2. Define void ratio, n, S, G, w, bulk density, specific weight, atterberg’s limits, plastic
limit, liquid limit, shrinkage limit, plasticity index.
1) Void Ratio €: It is defined as the ratio of Volume of Voids to Volume of Solids
e = 𝐕𝐬
2) Porosity (n): It is defined as the ratio of the Volume of Voids to Volume of Volume.
n= 𝐕
3) Degree of Saturation (S): The degree of Saturation is the ratio of Volume of water to
Volume of Voids.
S= 𝐕𝐯
4) Water Content (w): It is the ratio of weight of water to the weight of solid. It is
expressed in percentage.
w= × 100

5) Unit Weight: It is defined as the ratio of Weight of soil per unit Volume. Unit is Kn /

6) Bulk Mass Density/ Wet density/ Moist density ( ): It is the total mass (M) per unit
volume (V).
7) Consistency Limits or Atterberg’s Limit: The water contents at which the soil
changes from one state to other are known as consistency Limits or Atterberg’s
8) Liquid Limit (WL): Liquid limit is the water content corresponding to the arbitrary
limit between liquid and plastic state of a consistency of soil.
It is defined as the minimum water content at which the soil is still in the liquid state
9) Plastic Limit (Wp): Plastic limit is the water content corresponding to an arbitrary
limit between the plastic and the semi-solid states of consistency of a soil.
It is defined as the minimum water content at which the soil is still in plastic state
10) Shrinkage Limit (Ws): Shrinkage Limit is defined as water content corresponding to
the arbitrary limit between semi-solid and solid state.
It is the minimum water content at which the soil is in the semi-solid state.
11) Plasticity Index (Ip): The plasticity index is defined as the numerical difference
between liquid limit and plastic limit of a soil,
Ip = WL – Wp

Q3. State the step wise procedure for finding water content of a soil sample. OR
Determination of Water Content By Oven Drying Method:
This test is done to determine the water content in soil by oven drying method. The water
content (w) of a soil sample is equal to the mass of water divided by the mass of solids.
1) Take a small, airtight container. Clean the container, dry it and weight it with lid (M1)
2) The wet soil samples is then taken in the container and closed with lid. Take the mass
3) The soil sample in the container is then dried in an oven at a temperature of
110⁰ C ±5⁰C for 24 hours.
4) Find the mass (M3) of the container with lid and dry soil sample
The water content of the soil sample is calculated from the following equation:
Mw M2−M3
= = × 100
Ms M3−M1
Where, M1 = mass of container with lid, M2 = Mass of container + lid+ wet soil
M3 = Mass of container + lid+ dry soil.
Q4. Determination of Specific Gravity by Pycnometer:
Specific Gravity is defined as the ratio of the mass of a given volume of solids to the mass of
an equal volume of water at 4⁰C.
Equipment & Apparatus
 Pycnometer
 Oven
 Weighing balance
 Glass rod
1. Dry the pycnometer and weigh it with its cap(W1)
2. Take about 200 g to 300 g of oven dried soil passing through 4.75mm sieve into the
pycnometer and weigh again(W2)
3. Add water to cover the soil and screw on the cap.
4. Shake the pycnometer well and connect it to the vaccum pump to remove entrapped
air for about 10 to 20 minutes.
5. After the air has been removed, fill the pycnometer with water and weigh it (W3).
6. Clean the pycnometer by washing thoroughly.
7. Fill the cleaned pycnometer completely with water upto its top with cap screw on.
8. Weigh the pycnometer after drying it on the outside thoroughly (W4).
The Specific gravity of soil solids (G) is calculated using the following equation.

Where W1=Empty weight of pycnometer, W2=Weight of pycnometer + oven dry soil

W3=Weight of pycnometer + oven dry soil + water
W4=Weight of pycnometer + water full
Q6. State the step wise procedure for finding plastic limit of a soil sample.
Determination of Liquid Limit as Per Is Code:
Casagrande’s limit apparatus, oven, spatula, oven.
1. A portion of the paste is placed in the cup of the Liquid limit device.
2. Level the mix properly
3. cut the soil pat in the cup from the centre.
4. After the soil pat has been cut by proper grooving tool, the handle is rotated at the rate of
about 2 revolutions per second and the nos. of blows counted till the two parts of the soil
sample come into contact.
5. The number of blows required to cause the groove close is recorded
6. Mix the soil in the cup immediately and repeat the above steps.
7. A representative portion of soil is taken from the cup for water content determination.
8. Repeat the test for 4 to 5 soil samples with varying moisture
9. Liquid limit is determined by plotting a ‘flow curve’ on semi-log graph between nos. of
blows on logarithmic scale and water content on arithmetical scale.
10. Generally these points lie in a straight line.
11. Water content corresponding to 25 blows is the value of Liquid limit.
Q7. Explain Determination Of Plastic Limit:
The Plastic limit of a fine-grained soil is the water content of the soil below which it ceases to
be plastic. It begins to crumble when rolled in to threads of 3 mm diameter.
Spatula, Container to determine moisture content, Oven, Ground glass plate for rolling
1) A soil sample of 20 gm. passing 425 micron IS sieve is to be taken.
2) It is to be mixed with distilled water thoroughly in the evaporating dish till the soil
mass becomes plastic enough to be easily moulded with fingers.
3) 10 gms. of the above plastic mass is to be taken and is to be rolled between fingers and
glass plate with just sufficient pressure to roll the mass into a thread of uniform
diameter throughout its length. The rate of rolling shall be between 60 and 90 stokes
per minute.
4) The rolling is to be continued till the thread becomes 3 mm. in diameter.
5) The soil is then kneaded together to a uniform mass and rolled again.
6) The process is to be continued until the thread crumbled with the diameter of 3 mm.
7) The pieces of the crumbled thread are to be collected in a air tight container for
moisture content determination
8) The moisture content is determined by:

W1 − W2
= × 100
Where, W = moisture content
W1 = weight of wet soil thread
W2 = weight of dry soil thread
Q8. Explain Atterberg’s limits with sketch.

1) Consistency Limits or Atterberg’s Limit: The water contents at which the soil
changes from one state to other are known as consistency Limits or Atterberg’s
2) Liquid Limit (WL): Liquid limit is the water content corresponding to the arbitrary
limit between liquid and plastic state of a consistency of soil.
It is defined as the minimum water content at which the soil is still in the liquid state
3) Plastic Limit (Wp): Plastic limit is the water content corresponding to an arbitrary
limit between the plastic and the semi-solid states of consistency of a soil.
It is defined as the minimum water content at which the soil is still in plastic state
4) Shrinkage Limit (Ws): Shrinkage Limit is defined as water content corresponding to
the arbitrary limit between semi-solid and solid state.
It is the minimum water content at which the soil is in the semi-solid state.
5) Plasticity Index (Ip): The plasticity index is defined as the numerical difference
between liquid limit and plastic limit of a soil,
Ip = WL – Wp

Q9. Explain procedure for mechanical sieve analysis. Or Draw PSDC. Explain mechanical
sieve analysis for grading of soil with sketch.
Sieve Analysis:
The sieves are stacked one over the other with decreasing size from the top to bottom as
shown in the diagram below. Thus the sieve of the largest opening is kept at the top. A lid
cover is placed at the top of the largest sieve. A receiver known as pan, which has no opening
is kept at the bottom. Take about 500 to 1000 gms of soil sample.
The sample is placed on the top sieve and the set of sieves is kept on a mechanical shaker and
the machine is started. Take out the soil from each sieve using steel brush. Measure the
weight of soil fraction retained on each sieve separately.
Record the same in observation table. Calculate the cumulative percentage finer using
tabular format give below.
IS sieve (mm) Mass retained Cumulative Cumulative of % finer
mass retained retained
Draw the Particle Size Distribution Curve (PSDC) on semi logarithmic graph as particle size
as abscissa (log scale) versus cumulative percentage finer as ordinate (natural scale). 8. From
nature of PSDC, classify the given soil in the categories given below. Well graded soil, poorly
graded soil, uniformly graded soil, fine grained soil, coarse grained soil.
The results are plotted on semi-log graph

Q10. Explain particle size distribution curve and define all the types of soils.
Particle Size Distribution Curve:
The results of sieve analysis experiment are plotted to get the particle size distribution
The particle size distribution curve is also known as grading curve.
The percentage finer N as the ordinate on natural scale and the particle size diameter as the
abscissa on log scale.
A curve with a Hump, such as curve A, represents the soil in which some intermediate size
particles are missing. Such s soils are called as Gap-Graded Soil.
A flat S-curve, such as curve B, represents a soil which contains the particles of different
sizes in good proportion. Such a soil is called as Well-Graded Soil.
A steep curve like C indicates a soil containing excess of certain particles and deficiency of
others. Such soils are known as Uniformly graded Soils.
The particle distribution curve also reveals whether a soil is coarse grained or fine grained.
A curve situated towards the left top corner curve D represents relatively fine grained soils
and curve situated to the right curve E represents a coarse grained soil.
Q11. Define Gap graded and uniformly graded soil.
Q12. Explain PSDC and state its application.
1) It can be used for coarse grained soils
2) It is required for design of drainage particles
3) The particle distribution curve also reveals whether a soil is coarse grained or fine
4) The particles size distribution curve indicates the mode of deposition of soil.
For ex: a gap graded soil indicates deposition by two different agencies.
5) It is useful in soil stabilization and for the design of pavements.
Q13. Define Cu, Cc or D10 (effective diameter), D30, D60 along with formula
Uniformity Co-efficient (Cu): The uniformity of soil is expressed qualitatively by a term
known as Uniformity co-efficient, given by,

Where, D60 = particle size such that 60% of the soil is finer than this size
D10 = particle size such that 10% of the soil is finer than this size.
The uniformity of soil (the degree to which the soil particles are of same size) can be defined
as by an index called as Uniformity Co-efficient.
Effective Size or Effective Diameter: The D10 is also known as effective size.
Co-Efficient of Curvature (Cc): The general shape of the particle size distribution curve is
described by co-efficient known as the Co-efficient of curvature (Cc) or Co-efficient of
Gradation (Cg).
Where, D30 = particle size corresponding to 30% finer.

Q14. Explain determination of dry density by core cutter method

Q1. Define Permeability: It is the property of a soil which permits the flow of water or
passage of water through its voids (gaps)
Q2. State Darcy’s law and explain with formula
Darcy’s Law of Permeability: The law of flow of water through the soil was first studied by
Darcy who stated that,
For a Laminar flow conditions in a saturated soil, the rate of flow of the discharge per unit
time is proportional to hydraulic gradient.

Q. Define co-efficient of Permeability: The co-efficient of permeability is defined as the

average velocity of flow that will occur through the total cross-sectional area of soil under
unit hydraulic gradient
Q3. State and explain any 4 factors affecting permeability
a) Grain size or Size of the particles: The Permeability varies approximately as the square of
grain size. Permeability of coarse soils is very large as that of fine soil.
b) Properties of pore fluid: Pore fluids are fluids that occupy pore spaces in a soil or rock.
Permeability is directly proportional to the unit weight of pore fluid and inversely
proportional to viscosity of pore fluid.
c) Temperature: As the viscosity of the pore fluid decrease with the temperature,
permeability increases with temperature.
d) Void ratio: Increase in the void ratio increases the area available for flow hence
permeability increases.
e) Entrapped air and organic impurities: The organic impurities and entrapped air obstruct
the flow and coefficient of permeability is reduced due to their presence.
Q4. Explain the falling head method to determine coefficient of permeability.
1) Take 2.5kg oven dried soil passing 10mm
IS sieve and add water to bring the moisture
content to desired level.
2) Apply grease to the mould and fill it with
soil in three layers, each layer rammed 25
times with a 2.6kg rammer falling through
3) Cover the specimen on both sides with
filter paper.
4) Immerse the mould with the specimen in
a water tank for saturation for 12-24hrs.
5) Connect the specimen to the Falling Head
water tank.
6) Arrange the apparatus as shown in the figure
7) The head above the soil sample is allowed to
fall from h1 to h2 for a time (t)

8) Calculate co-efficient of permeability (k):

a= cross section area of the stand pipe or burette 2.303aL h
t = time, L = Length of the soil sample k log 10 1
A = cross section area of soil, k = Coefficient of permeability At h2
h1= Initial head, h2= final head
Q5. Explain the constant head method to determine coefficient of permeability.
1) Take 2.5kg oven dried soil passing
10mm IS sieve and add water to bring
the moisture content to desired level.
2) Apply grease to the mould and fill it
with soil in three layers, each layer
rammed 25 times with a 2.6 kg rammer
falling through 310mm.
3) Cover the specimen on both sides
with filter paper.
4) Immerse the mould with the
specimen in a water tank for saturation
for 12-24hrs.
5) Connect the specimen to the
Constant Head water tank.
6) Arrange the apparatus as shown in
the figure.
7) Measure the head (h) causing the
8) Collect the quantity of water (Q) in a
measuring cylinder for a convenient where, k = Coefficient of permeability
period of time (t). Q = discharge,
9) Calculate co-efficient of permeability t = time, L = Length of the soil sample,
(k): h=constant head, A= area of soil sample
k 
Ait Aht
Q6. Define phreatic line, flow line and equipotential line
Phreatic Line: When the earthen structures are constructed to retain water, the topmost flow
line through the soil mass is called a Phreatic Line. It is also called as Top Flow Line. Or
The Phreatic line means that the portion above the phreatic line is dry and the portion below
the phreatic line is wet.
Flow line: When seepage takes place through soil mass, the path along which water will
flow under laminar flow conditions, is called Flow line.
Equipotential Line: An equipotential is also the line which is always perpendicular to flow
Q7. State the characteristics of flow net with sketch OR Draw flow net and write any 4
characteristics or properties of flow net.
Characteristics of Flow Net:
1) The flow lines and equipotential lines meet at right angles to each other.
2) The quantity of water flowing through each flow channel is same.
3) The fields are approximately squares.
4) The flow net represents the flow pattern.

Q8. State 4 situations for shear failure of soil

1) Sloping sides of embankment of road.
2) Sloping sides of embankment of earthen dams.
3) Earth pressure against retaining structures
4) Sloping sides of open cuts etc…
Q9. State the field situations where permeability of soil is necessary.
Ans. 1) The design of earthen dams is dependent upon the permeability of soil
2) The stability of slopes and retaining structures can be greatly affected by permeability of
3) Filters of soils are designed based upon their permeability
4) It affects the rate of settlement of saturated soil under loads.
Q10. Draw failure envelopes for cohesive and cohesionless soils. Or Draw shear strength
envelopes for cohesive, cohesionless and C-Ǿ soils

Q11. Explain direct shear test with sketch also advantages and disadvantages
Advantages of Direct Shear Test:
a) It is convenient to perform and it gives good results for strength parameters.
b) Due to less thickness of sample, pore water can be drained quickly.
c) It is ideally suited for conducting drained tests on cohesionless soils.
d) The apparatus is relatively cheap
Disadvantages of Direct Shear Test:
a) If any gravel piece is at the plane of the failure, it may be apparently show increase in
shear strength
b) Measurement of pore water pressure is not possible
Q12. Define shear strength, cohesion and angle of internal friction
The shear strength of soil is its maximum resistance to shear stresses just before failure.
Cohesion is the binding property which holds the particles together.
The angle of internal friction represents the frictional resistance between the particles.
Q13. Explain Mohr-Coulomb Failure theory

Q1. Define safe bearing capacity and ultimate bearing capacity
Ultimate Bearing Capacity (qu): The Ultimate Bearing Capacity is the gross pressure at the
base of the foundation at which the soil fails in shear
Gross Safe Bearing Capacity (qs): It is the maximum gross pressure which the soil can carry
safely without shear failure. It is equal to the net safe bearing capacity plus the original
overburden pressure.
Q2. State the assumptions of Rankine’s theory of earth pressure and Terazaghi’s analysis
of bearing capacity
Rankine’s Theory and Assumptions Made for Non-Cohesive Soils:
a) The soil mass is homogeneous and isotropic
b) The soil is dry and cohesionless
c) The back of the retaining wall is smooth and vertical
d) The soil element is in a state of plastic equilibrium i.e. at the verge of failure.
Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory:
i) Depth of foundation is less than or equal to its width.
ii) Base of the footing is rough.
iii) Surcharge up to the base of footing is considered.
iv) Load applied is vertical and non-eccentric.
v) The soil is homogenous and isotropic.
vi) The footing is long. i.e. L/B ratio is infinite.
Q3. Explain the effect of water table on bearing capacity of soil
Q4. Define active earth pressure and passive earth pressure with sketches
Active Earth Pressure:
In this type, the soil is active and exerts a pressure on the wall and retaining wall when
moves away from the backfill.
When the retaining wall moves away, the soil moves downwards and outwards.
Passive Earth Pressure: In this type, the wall exerts a pressure on the soil and the retaining
wall when moves towards the backfill.
Q. State the difference between active and passive earth pressure.

Q6. State any 4 methods to improve bearing capacity of soil

Q7. Explain Plate load test with a neat sketch.
Q1. State the difference between compaction and consolidation
Compaction Consolidation
Instant compression of soil under sudden Gradual compression under a stead load
load where air gets removed where water is removed from voids
It takes place before the structure is Consolidation takes place after building
constructed of structure
It is a very fast process It is a very slow process
It is carried out for improving properties It occurs due to load of structure and it
of soil does not improve the property of soil
natural process artificial process
Q2. Explain standard proctor with neat sketches
This test provides a relation between the water content and the dry density.
a) Take 3kg of air-dried sample passing through 4.75mm sieve.
b) Apply water to bring water content to about 10% less than the estimated optimum water
content (OWC).
c) Clean the mould and take the mass or weight as M1.
d) Apply grease to the inside of the mould, top of the base plate and inside of the collar.
e) Fit the base plate and collar to the mould.
f) Fill the mould in three equal layers and give 25 blows to each layer using the rammer
having a mass of 2.6kg, dropping from a height of 310mm.
g) Scratch with a spatula every compacted layer before putting the soil for the succeeding
h) Remove the collar and level the soil till the top of mould.
i) Weight or take the mass of the mould with soil again as M2.
j) Determine the moisture content of the soil w.
k) Add more water to the soil sample and repeat the whole procedure.

The COMPACTION CURVE is then drawn as follows:

A compaction curve is
plotted between the
water content as
abscissa and the
corresponding dry
density as ordinate.
OMC and MDD is thus

Q. Draw the curve for standard proctor test and show and define zero air voids line
The line indicating the theoretical maximum dry density can be plotted along with the
compaction curve. It is known as Zero-Air Void Line or 100% Saturated Line.
Q. Difference between SPT and MPT
Standard Proctor Test Modified Proctor Test
1) For medium compaction 1) For heavier compaction
2) 2.6kg rammer is used 2) 4.89kg rammer is used.
3) Rammer is falling from a height of 3) Rammer is falling from a height of
310mm 450mm
4) Soil is compacted in 3 layers. 4) Soil is compacted in 5 layers
5) Compactive effort = 592 KJ/m³ 5) The Compactive effort is 4.56 times
than that in standard proctor test. When
measured in KJ/m³ = 2700 KJ/m³
Q3. State various field compaction methods. Explain briefly. OR. Give 4 compaction
equipments along with its suitability.
a) Tamper/Rammer:
A hand operated tamper or rammer consists of a block of iron or stone about 3 to 5 kg in
mass attached to a wooden rod.
It is lifted for a height of 0.30m and dropped on the soil to be compacted.
Suitability: Suitable for all inorganic soils and where access is difficult for common rollers i.e.
backfilling of a trench.
b) Rollers:
Different types of rollers are used for the compaction of the soils. The types of rollers are:
i) Smooth Wheeled Roller: These are used for finishing operations after compaction of fills
and for compacting granular base courses of highways.
ii) Pneumatic – Tyred Rollers: These rollers are effective for compacting cohesive as well as
cohesionless soil. These rollers are the best type of equipment for general use.
Light rollers are affective for compacting soil layers of thickness upto 15cm, whereas heavy
rollers are useful for thickness upto 30cm.
iii) Sheep-foot Roller: These are ideally suited for compaction of cohesive soils.
c) Vibratory Compactors: In vibratory compactors, vibrators are induced in the soil during
compaction. The compactors are available in a variety of forms. When the vibratory is
mounted on a drum, it is called as vibratory roller. Mainly used to compact granular base
courses for highways and runways where the thickness of layers is small.
Q4. State the methods of soil stabilisation. Explain any one in detail. Also state the
necessity of the same.
Methods of Soil Stabilization:
a) Mechanical Soil Stabilization
b) Soil-cement Stabilization
c) Soil-lime Stabilization
d) Stabilization by chemical
e) Stabilization by Bitumen.
Mechanical Stabilization of Soil: Mechanical Stabilization means stabilization of soil by
mechanical means without adding any chemical or admixtures.
a) Excavation of subgrade soil should be done by JCB.
b) Pulverization should be done to form fine particles.
c) A specified size of aggregates as per IRC is added in soil to improve soil particles. The fine
particles impart cohesion or binding properties, water retention capacity and acts as a filler
for the voids present in the coarse fraction.
d) Then suitable compaction is done using heavy compaction roller followed by curing.
e) After alternate curing and compaction for minimum 7 days. The road is said to be
Soil-Cement stabilization of Roads: In this method, the binding property of Portland
cement is made use of to stabilize an earth roads and such a road is known as Soil-Cement
a) Excavation of subgrade soil should be done by JCB.
b) Pulverization should be done to form fine particles.
c) A specified size of aggregates as per IRC is added in soil to improve soil particles. The fine
particles impart cohesion or binding properties, water retention capacity and acts as a filler
for the voids present in the coarse fraction.
d) The surface is then covered by a layer of cement and the spreading of cement may be
done either by hand or by mechanical spreaders
d) Then suitable compaction is done using heavy compaction roller followed by curing.
e) After alternate curing and compaction for minimum 7 days. The road is said to be
Necessity of Soil-Stabilization: Stabilization is used for:
i) It is used to increase the shear strength of the soil
ii) It is used to enhance the stability of slopes in soil
iii) It also reduces the construction cost by making best use of locally available materials
iv) It increases the density of soil
v) It also increases strength of soil against deformation and displacement of loads.
Q5. State field identification tests on soil. Explain any one OR Explain Dilatency test to be
carried on soil.
1. Dilatency
2. Dry strength test
3. Toughness test
4. Visual inspection
1. Dry Strength Test: The prepared soil sample is completely dried in the sun. Its
strength is tested by breaking between fingers. Dry strength or resistance to breaking
is the measure of plasticity. If the dry sample can be easily powdered, it is said to have
low dry strength, whereas if considerable finger pressure is required to break the
lump, it is said to have medium dry strength and if it cannot be powdered at all, it is
said to have a high dry strength. Dry strength is characteristics of clays of high
2. Dilatency (Reaction or Shaking Test): About 5cm³ of soil sample is taken and enough
water is added to nearly saturate it. This soil is placed in open palm of the hand and
shaken horizontally, striking against the other hand several times. The pat is then
squeezed between the fingers. The appearance and disappearance of water with
shaking and squeezing is referred to as a positive reaction. This reaction is called
quick, if water appears and disappears rapidly and it is called slow reaction if water
appears and disappears slowly and no reaction if water does not appear. Inorganic
soil exhibit quick reaction.
3. Toughness Test (Consistency near plastic limit): The moisture content of the soil is
reduced by rolling and re-rolling in to 3mm diameter thread till it reaches plastic limit.
The resistance to moulding at the plastic limit is called Toughness. After the thread
crumbles, lump also crumbles. If the lump can still be moulded slightly drier than the
plastic limit and if high pressure is required to roll the thread between the palms of
the hand, the soil is said to have high toughness
Q6. State and explain any 4 factors affecting compaction
The dry density of soil is increased by compaction. The increase in the dry density depends
a) Water Content: As water content is increased, the dry density also increases till a
maximum value and then starts decreasing. At low water content, the soil is stiff and offers
more resistance to compaction. As the water content is increased, the soil particles get
lubricated. The soil mass becomes more workable and the particles have closer packing. The
dry density of the soil increases with an increase in the water content till the optimum water
content in reached.
b) Method of Soil Compaction:
The dry density achieved depends not only upon the amount of compactive effort but also
on the method of compaction.
c) Type of Soil:
The compaction of soil depends upon the type of soil. In general, coarse grained soils can be
compacted to higher dry density than fine-grained soils.
Cohesive soils require more water than cohesionless soils and therefore the optimum water
content is high.
d) Amount of Compaction: The compaction of soil increases with the increase in amount of
compactive effort.
e) Admixture: The compaction characteristics of soils are improved by adding admixtures
like cement, lime, bitumen etc.
Q7. State the Criteria for Deciding the Location and Number of Test Pits and Bores
 The lateral extent of exploration and the spacing of bore holes depend mainly on the
variation of the strata in the horizontal direction
 For small and less important buildings, even one bore hole or a trail pit in the centre
may be sufficient.
 For compact buildings, covering an area of 0.4 hectares, there should be atleast 5 bore
holes, one at the centre and four near the corners.
 For large multi-storeyed buildings, the bore holes should be drilled at all the corners
and also at the important locations. The spacing between the bore holes is generally
kept between 10 to 30m.
 For highways, the spacing of bore is between 150m and 300m along the centre line.
Q8. Define Soil exploration ans state its necessity.
Site investigation or soil exploration consists of determining the profile of the natural soil
deposits at the site by taking the soil samples and determining the engineering properties of
Necessity of Site Investigation or Soil Exploration:
i) To select the type and depth of foundation for a given structure
ii) To determine the bearing capacity of the soil
iii) To establish the probable settlements
iv) To establish ground water table
v) To predict lateral earth pressure against retaining wall.
Q9. State various methods of site investigation.
Methods of Exploration:
The methods of exploration are i) Open Excavation ii) Boring
i) Open Excavation: In this method an open excavation is made to inspect the sub-strata. The
method can be divided into two:
a) Pits and Trenches: The size of the pit should be sufficient to provide working space (1.2m
× 1.2m). The depth of the pit depends upon the requirement of the investigation. Shallow
pits up to a depth of 3m can be made without providing lateral support. For deeper pits,
supports are needed.
Trenches are long shallow pits, used in the exploration of slopes.
b) Drifts and Shafts: Drifts are horizontal tunnels made in the hillside to determine the
nature and structure of the geological formation. Shafts are large size vertical holes made in
the geological formation.
ii) Boring: When the depth of exploration is large, borings are used for exploration. A
vertical bore hole is drilled in the ground to get the information about sub-soil strata.
Samples are taken from the bore hole and tested.
Different methods of boring are:
a) Auger Boring:
b) Wash Boring:
c) Rotary Drilling:
d) Percussion Drilling:
e) Core Drilling:
Q12. Define compaction. State its purpose and filed situations.
Compaction means pressing the soil particles close to each other by mechanical means.
During compaction air is expelled from the void space in the soil mass and thus increasing
mass density.
Purpose of Compaction:
a) Air is expelled.
b) Mass density of soil is increased
c) Shear strength of soil is increased and hence the stability and bearing capacity.
d) Reduce the compressibility and permeability of soil.
Field situation where compaction is required:
a) For the construction of embankments.
b) For the construction of earthen dams.
c) For the construction of highways, runways
d) For the foundation soil in buildings
Q13. Explain CBR test with sketch
CBR TEST: This is a penetration test developed by California Division of Highways for
design of flexible pavements.
This method considers characteristics of subgrade soil and properties of materials.
The CBR is defined as the ratio of the test load to the standard load expresses as percentage,
for a given penetration of the plunger,

The CBR apparatus consist of a mould 150mm diameter and 175mm high, having a separate
base plate and a collar.
Load is applied by a loading frame through a plunger of 50mm diameter on the specimen in
the mould.
Dial gauges are used to measure the penetration of the plunger. The plunger is made to
penetrate the sample at the rate of 1.25mm/minute.
The test is made on a sample of the subgrade soil in a standard loading device which
measures the load required to cause 2.5mm penetration of a plunger having c/s area of
1960mm². The pressure at 2.5mm penetration is worked out and it is expressed as a
percentage of unit standard pressure. This percentage is known as CBR.
This test is repeated for 5mm penetration and CBR is worked out.
The higher value is adopted. Generally, the value of 2.5mm is higher.
The load penetration curve is drawn as follows:
Generally, the value of penetration obtained is higher for 2.5mm. But if CBR value obtained
of 5mm penetration is higher than 2.5mm, then the test has to be repeated and checked.
The laboratory CBR apparatus consists of a mould 150mm diameter with a base plate and a
collar, a loading frame with cylindrical plunger of 50mm diameter and dial gauges for
measuring the expansion on soaking and the penetration values.

Q14. State any four methods to find water content of soil sample.
The direct determination of moisture content can be made by
a) Oven drying b) Infrared c) Sand bath method.
The indirect method are
a) Calcium carbide
b) Penetration resistance (proctor needle)
c) Nuclear
d) Pycnometer
Q15. Numerical on permeability, Cu and Cc and graphical numerical on OMC MDD and
C Ǿ.

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