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Present continuous

Sentence They are reading the book. The book is being read

Sentence They are writing a book. The book is being written

Yes/no? Are they writing a book? Is the book being written?

Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. Yes, it is being. No, it isn’t being.

Info? What are they writing? What is being written?

Where is the book being written?

Past continuous

Sentence They were reading the book. The book was being read

Sentence They were writing a book. The book was being written

Yes/no? Were they writing a book? Was the book being written?

Yes, they were. No, they weren’t. Yes, it was being. No, it wasn’t being.

Info? What were they writing? What was being written?

Where was the book being written?

Future continuous

Sentence They will be reading the book. The book will be being read.

Sentence They will be writing a book. The book will be being written.

Yes/no? Will they be writing a book?

Yes, they will be. No, they won’t be.

Info? What will they be writing?

Simple Future

Sentence They will read the book. The book will be read.

Sentence They will write the book. The book will be written.

Yes/no? Will they write a book? Will the book be written?

Yes, they will . No, they won’t. Yes, it will be. No, it won’t be.

Info? What will they write? What will be written? The book will be written.

Where will the book be written? The book will be written in Paris.

Will = be going to

be going to + VERB (BASE FORM)

Sentence They are going to read the book. The book is going to be read.

Sentence They are going to write the book. The book is going to be written.

Yes/no? Are they going to write the book? Is the book going to be written?

Yes, they are . No, they aren’t. Yes, it is going to be. No, it isn’t going to be.

Info? What are they going to write?

What is going to be written?

The book is going to be written.

Where is the book going to be written?

The book is going to be written in Paris.

Simple present with a modal

Sentence They should write the report. The report should be written.

Yes/no? Should they write the report? Should the report be written?

Yes, they should. No, they shouldn’t. Yes, it should be. No, it shouldn’t be.

Info? What should the write? What should be written?

The report should be written.

When should the report be written?

The report should be written this afternoon.

Who should the report be written by?

The report should be written by Carlos.


What is this made of? What are they made of?

It is made of wood. They are made of wood.

Where was it made? Where were they made?

It was made in Bolivia. They were made in Bolivia.

What do you think of it? What do you think of them?

It’s fantastic. They’re fantastic.

EVERYTIME If Stephen King has a new book, I buy it.

1 opportunity If Stephen King has a new book, I will buy it. REAL OPPORTUNITY

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