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[R] Triple sulfa is the combination of

sulfadiazine, sulfomerazine and
[S] In quinolones and sulfonamide, the
1. Lactose can’t be used as diluents in excretion is mainly through glomerular
case of which of the following drug
(a) Ciprofloxacine (b) Sulfonamide
(a) P and S (b) P, R, S
(c) Quinolones (d) Tetracyclines (c) P and Q (d) All
2. Non aniline sulfonamide is 7. Which one of the following drugs
(a) Sulfadoxine specifically inhibits calcineurin in the
(b) Sulfadiazine activated T-Lymphocytes
(c) Sulfamethoxazole (a) Daclizumab (b) Prednisone
(d) Mafenide acetate (c) Sirolimus (d) Tacrolimus
3. Which sulfonamide is used for treatment 8. Match the following-
of rheumatoid arthritis [P] PenicillinG [1] Benzylpenicillin
(a) Sulfadoxin [Q] Penicillin V [2] Phenoxy methyl
(b) Sulfamethopyrazine penicillin
(c) Sulfadiazine [R] Penicillin F/I [3] Pent-2 enyl penicillin
(d) Sulfasalazine [S] Penicillin K [4] n- Heptyl penicillin
4. All flouroquinolones have fluorine at [T] Penicillin X [5] p-hydroxy benzyl
6thposition and piperazine at 7th position penicillin
except- (a) P[1] Q[2] R[3] S[4] T[5]
(a) Ciprofloxacine (b) Pefloxacine (b) P[2] Q[1] R[4] S[5] T[3]
(c) Ofloxacine (d) Sparfloxacine (c) P[1] Q[2] R[5] S[3] T[4]
5. Because Trimethoprim enters many tissue (d) P(1) Q[2] R[4] S[5] T[3]
has a larger Vd than sulfamethoxazole,
therefore for obtaining optional 9. Which of the following drug/drug
synergistic, which will be the correct dose combination is correct regarding it
ratio- Banned state in India
(a) Sulfamethoxazole 5: Trimethoprim 1 [P] Fixed dose combination of penicillin
(b) Trimethoprim 5: Sulfamethoxazole 1 and Macrolide antibiotics is banned
(c) Sulfamethoxazole 5: Trimethoprim 1/5 in India
(d) Trimethoprim 5: Sulfamethoxazole 1/5 [Q] Neomycin containing antidiarrhoeal
6. Which of the following statements are formulation
correct [R] Oral use for streptomycin
[P] Floroquinolones antibacterial action [S] Chloramphenicol with any other drug
is due to digesion of DNA by exonuclease, for internal use
whose production signalled by damaged [T] Tetracycline with vitamin C Choose
DNA. correct option
[Q] Negative supercoiling occurs in ‘A’ (a) P, Q, R, S (b) Q, R, S, T
(c) P, Q, S, T (d) ALL
subunit of DNA gyrase.


10. An aminoglycoside antibiotics preferred (a) Minocycline, Oral

as drug of choice of tularaemia and plague (b) Minocycline, Topical solution
on hydrolysis with methanolic (c) Minocycline, Rectally
hydrochloric acid Lgiven (d) Minocycline, Intravenous
(a) Streptidine + streptose +N-methyl 16. Match the following-
glucosamine 1. Streptomycin a. Equally active in
acidic and alkaline
(b) Streptidine+ methylstrepto
biosaminido dimethylacetate 2. Isoniazide b. More active in acidic
(c) Streptamine+ streptose dimethyl medium
acetal+N-methyl glucosamine 3. Pyrazinamide c. Less active in
(d) Streptamine+ streptose+ N-methyl acidic medium
glucosamine (a) 1(a) 2(b) 3(c)
11. Which of the following statements about (b) 1(c) 2(a) 3(b)
tetracyclines is false? (c) 1(b) 2(a) 3(c)
(a) They are teratogenic (d) 1(a) 2(c) 3(b)
(b) They cause photosensitivity 17. What is incorrect about isoniazid (INH)
(c) Enhanced absorption if taken with food (a) Aluminum hydroxide increases its
(d) They can inhibit matrix metalloproteinases absorption
12. All of the following antibacterial agents act (b) PAS inhibits INH metabolism
by inhibiting cell wall synthesis EXCEPT (c) INH inhibits phenytoin diazepam
and warfarin metabolism
(a) Carbapenems (b) Monobactams
(d) Peripheral neuritic is the most important
(c) Cephalosporins (d) Nitrofurantoin
dose dependent toxic effect of INH
13. Which of the following set of statement
18. Rifampin acts by
regarding Tyrothricin is correct
(a) Inhibiting RNA dependent DNA
(a) Mixture of gramicidin and Tyrocidin
(b) Responsible for uncoupling of oxidative
(b) Inhibiting DNA dependent RNA
(c) Belongs to glycopeptide antibiotics
(c) Inhibiting mycolic acid synthesis
(d) Blocks protein synthesis by binding with
(d) Inhibiting arabinosyltransferase
23s fraction of 50s ribosome.
19. The adverse effect of Rifampin includes
(a) a & c (b) a & b
following except-
(c) b & c (d) a & d
(a) Flu- syndrome
14. Find the cephalosporin pair not available
(b) Cutaneous syndrome
in India
(c) Respiratory syndrome
(a) Cefactor and Cefoxitin
(d) Stevens Johnsons syndrome
(b) Cephaloxin and Cefoxitin
20. The enzyme required fobioactivation of
(c) Cephalothin and Cefoxitin Isoniazid is
(d) Cephalothin and Cephaloridine (a) Catalyase peroxidase
15. The tetracycline derivative - Tigecycline (b) Endo peroxidase
are derivatives of ........... and can only be (c) Peroxidase
administered via which route (d) Catalyase


21. Which of the following antileprotic drug III. Thymidylate

is a dye and also have antiinflammatory synthesis
property inhibition (c) Amphotericin B
IV. Micropore
(a) Clofazimine
fomation with
(b) Ethionamide ergosterol (d) Griseofulvin
(c) Diaminodiphenyl sulphone Chose the correct option –
(d) Clarythromycin (a) 1 (d) , 2 (a), 3 (c) , 4 (b)
22. Following antibiotics can be used as (b) 1 (b) , 2 (d), 3 (a) , 4 (c)
antileprotic except- (c) 1 (d), 2 (b), 3 (a) , 4 (c)
(a) Ofloxacin. (b) Ciprofoxacin. (d) 1 (d) , 2 (b), 3 (c) , 4 (a)
(c) Minoycline (d) Clarithromycin. 28. Adverse effect of Ketoconazole include
23. Following are the adverse effects of following except
Dapsone except (a) Gynaecomastia (b) Loss of hair
(a) Mild haemolyticaneamia (c) Oligozoospermia (d) Renal failure
(b) Gastric intolerance 29. Antifungal drugs which is not effective
(c) Reddish black discoloration of skin against Aspergillosis is-
(d) Lepra reaction
(a) Voriconazole (b) Fluconazole
24. Which one is used as dispensing agent in
(c) Intraconazole (d) All of the above
a suspension of Amphotericin B for its i.v
30. Terbinafine acts by
(a) Competitive inhibition of
(a) Darvans lanosterol 14- demethylase
(b) Diethyl carbamazine citrate (b) Non-competitive inhibition
(c) Deoxycholate lanosterol 14- demethylase
(d) Daxads (c) Competitive inhibition of squalene
25. Most important toxicity of epoxidase
Amphotericin B is (d) Non-competitive inhibition of squalene
(a) Bone marrow suppression epoxidase
(b) Hepatotoxicity 31. Which is not topical antifungal agent
(c) Neurotoxicity (a) Itraconazole (b) Butenafine
(d) Nephrotoxicty (c) Tolnaftate (d) Undecylenic acid
26. Which of the following drug gives supra 32. “Malabsorption Syndrom” due to
additive action with Amphotericin B damaging effect on intestinal villi is
(a) Nystatin (b) Itraconazole caused by oral administration of –
(c) Fluconazote (d) Flucytosine (a) Kanamycin (b) Cephalosporin
27. Match the following – (c) Azithromycin (d) Neomycin
Mechanism of Action Drug 33. Anti enzyme involved in conversion of
I. Microtubule acyclovir to acyclovir monophos -phate is
disorientation (a) Flucytosine (a) Herpes virus specific thymidine kinase
II. Squalene (b) Herpes virus specific guanosine kinase
epoxidase (c) Herpes virus specific uracil kinase
inhibition (b) Terbinafine (d) Host cell specific cellular kinase


34. Acyclovir is the active against following (d) National Vector Borne Drug Commission
except Programme
(a) H. simplex type – I 42. Which antimalarial drug has largest
(b) H. simplex type – II volume of distribution (Vd)
(c) Varicella zoster
(a) Quinine (b) Chloroquine
(d) Cytomegalo virus (c) Mefloquine (d) Primaquine
35. Select the odd one 43. Choloroquine should not be administered
(a) Foscarnet (b) Acyclovir with following except –
(c) Idoxuridin (d) Valaciclovir
(a) Mefloquine (b) Proguanil
36. The drug which decrease HIV viral when
(c) Amidarone (d) Quinidine
uses to treat associated CMV/H.
44. Read the statement given below
Simplex/ Varicella zoster infection in AIDS
Assertion (A) :- Mefloquine can be used in
patient but is not used primarily for HIV
1st trimester in a pregnant female suffering
(a) Zidovudine (b) Famciclovir
from Malaria
(c) Ganciclovir (d) Foscarnet
Reason (R):- It is safe during pregnancy
37. Active metabolite of zidovudine
(a) Both (A) & (R) are true but (R) is not the
selectively inhibit
correct reason for (A)
(a) DNA dependent RNA polymerase
(b) (A) is true but (R) is not the correct
(b) RNA dependent DNA polymerase
reason for (A)
(c) Hepatitis B virus DNA polymerase
(c) Both (A) & (R) are true & (R) is the correct
(d) None of the above
reason for (A)
38. Tamiflu which is mediated for prophylaxis
(d) Both (A) & (R) are false
and treatment of influenza A, B and Bird
45. What is true of Quinine
flu is the brand name of
(a) It is dextrorotatory alkaloid obtained from
(a) Zanamivir (b) Amantadine
cinchona bark
(c) Oseltamivir (d) None
(b) It is more effective and less toxic than
39. Who got the Nobel Prize for work in
(c) It has no effect on pre-erythocytic stage
(a) Ronald Ross (b) Robert Hooke
and on hypnozoites ofrel apsing malaria
(c) Leuwenhoek (d) A. Fleming
but kills vivax gametes
40. Active metabolite of Artisunate is
(d) All of the above
(a) Cycloartesunate
46. Drug of choice for Cerebral malaria is
(b) Dihydroartemisin
(a) Chlorouidine (b) Mefloquine
(c) Trihydroartemisin
(c) Quinidine (d) Quinine
(d) Tetrahydroartemisin
47. Given are the statements about
41. NVBDCP is
(a) National Venue Bureau Of Bacterial
[P] It can be used orally for intestinal
Drug and Disinfectant Commission Policy amoebiasis
(b) National Venom Bacterial Drug Control [Q] It can be used intravaginally for
Programme Trichomonas vaginitis
(c) National Vector Borne Disease Control [R] It is used in Leishmaniasis

[S] It’s prolong use causes Subacute 52. Spastic paralysis of the worms is caused
Myeloptic Neuropathy(SMON) by –
(a) P, Q and R are true while S is false (a) Piperazin (b) Praziquental
(b) P, Q and S are true while R is false (b) Pentamidin (d) Pyrentel pamoate
(c) Q, R and S are true while P is false 53. Choose the incorrect statement about
(d) All are true Piperazine-
48. Sodium stibogluconate is the drug of (a) It is safe and well tolerated
choice for following except (b) It is contraindicated in renal insufficiency
(a) Kala-azar and in epileptics
(b) Giardiasis (c) It is contraindicated in pregnancy
(c) Leishmaniasis (d) Its toxic doses may be lethal due to
(d) Dum-dum fever respiratory failure
49. Given are the statements about Kala-azar 54. Read the statement given below
[P] It is caused by L. donovani Assertion (A) – Praziquantel is preferred
[Q] Metronidazole is the drug of choice our niclosamide for T. sodium infection
for it Reason (R) – Praziquantel does not lead to
[R] Amphotericin B can also be used in digestion of the worm & kills encysted larvae
Kala-azar so that chances of cysticercosis are
Choose the correct combination minimized
(a) P, Q and R all are true Choose the correct option
(b) P and Q are true while R is false (a) A is true but R is false
(c) P and R are true while Q is false (b) Both A & R are false
(d) Q and R are true while P is false (c) Both A & R are true & R is the corrected
50. Select the incorrect statement about reason for A
Mebendazole (d) Both A & R are true but R is not the
(a) It produces nearly 100% cure rate in correct reason for A
round worm and hook worm 55. The drug of choice for tropical
(b) It is less active on strongyloides eosinophilia is
(c) Single dose cures round worm and hook (a) Metronidazole (b) DEC
worm infections (c) Emetine (d) Albendazole
(d) It has broad-spectrum anthelmintic 56. The mechanism of action of Ivermectin
activity is
51. Albendazole- (a) Interferences with carbohydrate
[P] Is embryotoxic in animals metabolism due to inhibition of
[Q] Has adjuvant value in treating lymphatic fumaratereductase
Filariasis (b) Activation of nicotinic cholinergic
[R] Safe in patients with hepatic or renal receptor in worms resulting in
diseases persistent depolarization
Choose the correct combination of statement (c) Inhibition of glucose uptake
(a) P & Q (c) Q & R (d) Activation of a special type of glutamate
(c) P & R (d) All gated Cl- channel


57. Which of the following is aziridine (a) Ifosamide (b) Cisplatin

derivative (c) Carboplatin (d) Imatinib
(a) Thiothepa (b) Carmustine 65. Match the following Cytotoxic drugs
(c) Lomustine (d) Procarbazine Specific adverse effect
58. Ara-c is the marine anticancer drug , is the Adverse Effect Drug
name of which drug and it comes under 1. Alopecia and cystitis (a) Ifosfamide
which class of anticancer drugs 2. Neuropathy (b) Cyclophosphamide
(a) Doxorubicin, Antibiotics 3. Cardiomyopathy (c) Vincristine
(b) Antimycin D, Antibiotics
4. Hemorrhagic cystitis (d) Doxorubicin
(c) Cytarabine , Pyrimidine antagonist
(a) 1 (b), 2(c), 3(d), 4(a)
(d) Carboplatin , Miscellaneous drugs
59. The compound which inactivates the (b) 1 (a), 2(c), 3(d), 4(b)
vasicotoxic metabolite of ifosamide (c) 1 (b), 2(c), 3(a), 4(d)
andcyclophosphamide (d) 1 (b), 2(c), 3(a), 4(d)
(a) Sodium 2 mercapto methane sulfonate 66. Busulphan is the drug of choice for
(b) Sodium 2 mercapto ethane sulfonate (a) Multiple myeloma
(c) Sodium 2 mercapto propane sulfonate (b) Chronic myeloid leukemia
(d) Sodium 2 mercapto ethyl sulfonate (c) Acute leukemia
60. The drug which is primarily used (d) Chronic lymphatic leukemia
immunosuppressant in organ 67. Select the incorrect statement about
transplantation is Methotrexate
(a) Cytarabine (b) Fludarabine (a) It inhibit tetrahydrofolate reductase
(c) 5FU (d) Azathioprine (b) The inhibitory action of methotrexate is
61. Peripheral neuropathy and neurotoxicity pseudo irreversible
are the adverse effect of (c) It kills cells in M phase
(a) Oncovin and Vinblastine (d) Both (a) and (c) are correct answer
(b) Docetaxel and Paclitaxel 68. Which of the following is/are true
(c) Topotecam and Irinotecam about the methotrexate toxicity
(d) Etoposide and Tenoposide [P] Major toxicity is on bone marrow
62. Mitoxanthrone is an analogue of [Q] Low dose repeatedly cause pancytopenia
(a) Adriamycin (b) Daunorubicin [R] N5 formyl Tetrahydrofolic acid causes its
(c) Plicamycin (d) Bleomycin toxicity
63. Cardiomyopathy is the adverse effect of (a) P and Q are true, R is false
(a) Doxorubucin (b) Daunorubicin (b) P and R are true, Q is false
(c) Mitoxanthrone (d) All
(c) Q and R are true, P is false
64. The drug that inhibits tryosine protein
(d) P, Q and R all are true.
kinase in chronic myeloid leukaemia and
69. The anti-biotics which is highly effective
the ones that are activated by platelet
in tumours as well as rhabdomyosarcoma
derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor ,
(a) Mitomycin (b) Doxorubicin
stem cell receptor and C-kit receptor found
(c) Actinomycin (d) Bleomycin
in GIST. The drug is


70. Anticancer having tetrahydronapthra

Urinary tract infection(UTI) then
-cene at structural component.
reatment with which drug may cause
(a) Daunorubicin (b) Doxorubicin
(c) Both A and B (d) None
(a) Methenamine (b) Nalidixic acid
71. The 1 peptide used as anticancer drug is
(c) Nitrofurantoin (d) Phenazopyridine
(a) Bleomycin (b) Dactinomycin 76. Drug that is used in Wilson’s Disease
(c) Mitomycin C (d) Methotrexate (a) Penicillamine (b) Deferiprone
72. Match the following Drug with their (c) Dimercaprol (d) Desferrioxamine
mechanism of action 77. The first vaccine for human use produced
1. Procarbazine (a) Inhibition of nucleic
using recombinant DNA technology was
acid synthesis
2. Cisplatin (b) Inhibition of
(a) Polio vaccine (b) MMR vaccine
diphosphate (c) AIDS vaccine (c) Hepatitis B vaccine
reductase 78. A living microbe with reduced virulence
3. Hydroxyurea (c) Conversion of that is used for vaccination is considered
L-Asparagine to (a) A toxoid (b) Virulent
L-Aspartic acid (c) Attenuated (d) Denatured
4. L- Asparaginase (d) Inhibit Cross linking 79. Which is the example of Live attenua-ted
of DNA
bacteria vaccines
(a) 1 (a), 2(d), 3(b), 4(c)
(a) BCG vaccine (b) TAB vaccine
(b) 1 (a), 2(d), 3(c), 4(b) (c) Salk (d) Sabin
(c) 1 (d), 2(a), 3(b), 4(c) 80. Gene therapy’ refers to the process of
(d) 1 (a), 2(c), 3(b), 4(d) (a) Identifying disease causing genes and
73. Clinical uses of immunosuppressive drugs activating them for therapeutic benefits
[P] Organ transplantation (b) Increasing the expression levels of the set
[Q] Hemolytic disease of the newborn of genes involved in a given disease
[R] Autoimmune disorders inaffected cells through selective
[S] In treatment of Asthama modulating agents
choose correct combination (c) Transfer of new genetic material to the
(a) P, Q (b) P, Q, R cells of an individual for therapeutic
(c) Q, R, S (d) All are correct benefit
74. The initial doses of which drug in related (d) Removal of thproteincorresponding to
to cytokines release syndrome with the the disease causing genes from the cells
like symptoms of the affected individual
(a) Cyclosporine
(b) Mycophenolic acid (MMF)
(c) Anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG)
(d) Muromonab
75. A Patient suffering from chronic gout is 81. Which is not an aromatic amino acid?
undergoing treatment with uricosuric (a) Threonine (b) Phenylalanine
(c) Tyrosine (d) Tryptophan
drug probencid. If he suffers from lower


82. Which amino acid is neutral in 87. Which statement is false for reducing
nature? sugar?
(a) Arginine (b) Lysine (a) These are carbohydrates with free
(c) Aspargine (d) Glycine aldehyde or free keto group
83. Identify the correct statement? (b) They form oxime
(I) Angiotensin- I is an octapeptide (c) They exhibit muta-rotation
(II) Encephaline contains 5 amino acids (d) They are having hemi acetal or hemi
(III) Oxytocin & Vasopressin contain 9 ketal structure
amino acids.
88. Which nonprotein amino acid act as
(IV) Glucagon contains 29 amino acids
precursor for melanin pigment?
(a) I & II correct only
(a) Homocysteine
(b) II & III correct
(b) 3, 4- dihydroxy phenyl alanine
(c) I & IV correct
(c) - alanine
(d) II, III & IV correct
(d) - amino butyric acid
84. Identify the correct match?
89. Which is not a globular protein?
(a) Isocitrate to oxalo acetate > Isocitrate
(a) Elastin (b) Albumin
dehydrogenase > NADH as coenzyme
(c) Globulin (d) Histones
> 2 ATP
(b) Keto glutarate to succinyl coenzyme 90. Ramachandran’ s plot is associated with
A >  Keto glutarate dehydrogenase (a) Primary structure of protein
> NADH as coenzyme > 3ATP (b) Secondary structure of protein
(c) Succinyl coA to succinate > Succinyl (c) Tertiary structure of protein
thiokinase > FADH as coenzyme > 2 ATP (d) Qurternary structure of protein
(d) Succinate to Fumarate > Succinate 91. Which amino acid is an important
dehydrogenase > GTPas coenzyme constituent of bile acid?
> 1 ATP (a) Cysteine (b) Glycine
85. Deficiency of phosphofructokinase in (c) Tryptophan (d) Aspartic acid
muscle & RBC leads to 92. Which is an example of
(a) Mc-ardle syndrome (b) Taruis disease heteropolysaccharide?
(c) Her’s disease (d) Pome’s disease (a) Keratan sulphate (b) Inulin
86. Identify the correct statement? (c) Glycogen (d) Dextrin
(I) D-Ribulose act as intermediate in
HMP Shunt 93. Consider the following statements about
(II) D-Xylose act as intermediate in Uronic - oxidation of fatty acid & identify the
acid pathway wrong one?
(III) D-Glucose is carried by the blood & (a) It occurs in muscle & liver
used by tissues. (b) Acetyl co- A is the end product
(IV) D- Mannose is the constituent of (c) Malonyl co- A is an inhibitor of
prosthetic polysaccharide -oxidation
(a) I & II correct only (b) II & III correct (d) NADPH is the coenzyme that is necessary
(c) I & IV correct (d) All are correct for - oxidation .


94. Identify the wrong match. Defective 101. Seliwanoff’s reagent is

enzyme Associated disease (a) Neutral copper acetate in acetic acid
(a) Sphingomyelinase Niemen- Pick disease (b) Resorcinol & conc. HCl
(b) Ceramidase Faber’s disease (c) - naphthol & conc. H2SO4
(c) -Galactosidase Gaucher’s disease (d) Phenyl hydrazine, Sodium acetate &
Acetic acid
(d) Hexosaminidase Tay- Sache disease
102.Alkaptonuria is due to metabolic defect
95. Identify the wrong statement?
(a) HMG- coA reductase is the rate limiting
(a) Tyrosinase
enzyme for cholesterol synthesis (b) Glycine transaminase
(b) Acetyl coA carboxylase is the rate limiting (c) Tyrosine oxidase
enzyme for fatty acid synthesis (d) Homogentistate oxidase
(c) 7 Hydroxylase is the rate limiting 103.Metabolic defect in branched chain -Keto
enzyme for bile acid synthesis acid dehydrogenase enzyme gives rise to
(d) HMC coA carboxylase is the rate limiting (a) Hartnup disease
enzyme for ketone body synthesis (b) Maple syrup urine disease
96. For detection of ketone bodies, which (c) Crystathionuria
(d) Phenyl ketonuria
test is used?
104.Sanger reagent is
(a) Gerhard’s test
(a) 2, 2- dihydroxy indane 1, 3-dione
(b) Rothra test
(b) Conc. HNO3 & Resorcinol
(c) Salkowaski’s test
(c) H2SO4 & Mercuric sulphate
(d) Libermann Burchard test
(d) 1- Fluro 2,4-dinitro benzene
97. Identify the wrong match about the
105.For isolation of cocaine, credit goes to
glycosidic linkage of carbohydrates?
(a) Derosne (b) Neumann
(a) Lactose =(1, 4)
(c) Pelletier (d) Posselt & Reimann
(b) Inulin =  (1, 2)
106.Consider the following statements about
(c) Chodrotin sulphate = (1, 3)
Lycopodium spore method & identifythe
(d) Heparin sulphate = (1, 4)
correct statements?
98. Which is a ketogenic amino acid
(I) Evaluation of powdered drugs
(a) Phenyl alanine (b) Tyrosine
(II) Size of lycopodium spore is 25 µm
(c) Lysine (d) Tryptophan
(III) 1 gm of powder contains 94000 spores
99. Number of carbon atoms present in
N  W  94,000
myristic acid (IV) %purity of drugs =  100
S M P
(a) 18 (b) 14 (c) 16 (d) 12 (a) I & II correct only
100.Identify the wrong match. (b) I, II & III correct
Pathway Rate limiting enzyme (c) I & IV correct
(a) Glycolysis Phospho (d) II, III & IV correct
fructokinase 107.Identify the wrong match.
(b) Glycogenolysis Phosphorylase (a) Nutmeg = Aril
(c) Glycogenesis Glycogen synthetase (b) Cardamom = Arrilode
(d) Gluconeogenesis Fructose 6 (c) Arista = Castor
phosphatase (d) Caruncle = Croton


108.Which hormone of plant is responsible for (a) Turret (b) Camtrack

promotion of senescence of leaf? (c) Tooling (d) Die cavity
(a) GA3 (b) Abscisic acid 116. Taxol belongs to BCS class
(c) Ethylene (d) IAA (a) I (b) II (c) III (d) IV
109.Identify the wrong match 117. Which USP dissolution test apparatus is
(a) Senna- Paracytic stomata used for evaluation of non disintegrating
(b) Vasaka- Diacytic stomata oral formulation?
(c) Clove- Anomocytic stomata (a) VII (b) V
(d) Coca- Anisocytic stomata (c) IV (d) II
110.Identify the wrong match 118. Zeparox is the brand name of
(a) Benzoin- Styraceae (a) Dextrose (b) Starch
(b) Ipomea- Convolvulaceae (c) Spray dried lactose (d) Cross povidone
(c) Turpentine oil- Pinaceae 119. Amberlite is the brand name of
(d) Cinnamom- Zingiberaceae (a) Mannitol (b) Colloidai silica
111.Identify the wrong match (c) Ion exchange resin (d) Cellulose
(a) Tropane alkaloids- Vitali Morin test 120. For filling of oleaginous solution, which
(b) Quinoline alkaloid- Thalequine test type of glass containers are used?
(c) Opium alkaloids- Meconic acid test (a) Type-I (b) Type-II
(d) Ergot alkaloid- Murexide test
(c) Type-III (d) Type-I V
112. Blood red test is the typical evaluation
121. In the diagnosis of Myasthenia Gravis
test of
drug of choice is
(a) Opium (b) Datura
(a) Edrohonium (b) Atropine
(c) Hyoscyamus (d) Cinchona
(c) Organophosphate (d) Nitrates
113. For the identification of triterpinoid
122. In Narcolepsy the drug of choice is
saponin, which test is used?
(a) Modafinil (b) Dantrolene
(a) Foam test (b) Haemolytic test
(c) Atropine (d) Lithium
(c) Libermann test (d) All the above
123. Goldbeater's Test is for
114. Identify the correct sequence for the
(a) Resin (b) Tannin
manufacturer of empty capsule shell?
(c) Glycoside (d) Flavanoids
(a) Dipping > Spinning > Drying > Stripping
124. Weight Variation limit as per UPS for the
> Trimming > Joining >Polishing
tablet weight more than 324 mg
(b) Dipping > Spinning > Stripping > Drying
(a) 7.5 mg (b) 7.5%
> Trimming > Joining >Polishing
(c) 5% (d) 5 mg
(c) Dipping > Spinning > Drying > Stripping
125. According to Biopharmaceutical
> Joining > Trimming >Polishing
classification system class-IV drugs are
(d) Spinning > Dipping > Drying > Stripping
(a) High Permeability, High Solubility
> Trimming > Joining > Polishing
(b) High Permeability, Low Solubility
115. Parts of tablet compression machine
(c) Low Permeability, High Solubility
which guides the movement of punches is
(d) Low Permeability, Low Solubility
known as

End of test paper


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