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I’d better pass = I should say no.

Simple present tense

I had better pass

had better = should = it’s a very good idea


He should go to the office He shouldn’t go to the office

used to = HABITS in the past for emphasis

He used to play soccer. He didn’t use to play soccer.

He played soccer. He didn’t play soccer.

He used a laptop. He didn’t use a laptop

He used to go to Japan. = he went MANY TIMES in the past

Sentence He used to play soccer.

Yes/no? Did he use to play soccer?

Yes, he used to play soccer.

Yes, he did.

No, he didn’t use to play soccer.

No, he didn’t.

Info? What did he use to do? He used to play soccer.


Be used to VERB +ING

We are used to wearing chin straps now.

We are accostumed to wearing shin straps now.

We were not used to wearing chin straps in the past.

We will be used to touching elbows to greet people in the future.

You are getting used to eating quinoa everyday.

We got used to wearing chin straps everyday.

We will get used to going to work everyday.


Actually = to tell you the truth

Actually, I don’t eat meat.

Actually, I lived the US in 1995.

Actually, I will go to Japan on my next vacation.

In this moment = currently

You should have breakfast as an aristocrat.

You should have lunch as a king.

You should have dinner as a pauper.

Swimming is good for the muscles, and it is good for the heart.

You can get infections in a pool, but swimming is good for the heart.

Despite the infections, swimming is good for the heart.

Despite the benefits, it is dangerous.

There are good benefits, but it is dangerous.

It is expensive, but I love it.

Despite the price, I love it.

They have fat, but they taste good.

Despite the fat, they taste good.

It rained all afternoon, but we had fun.

Despite the rain, we had fun.

Swimming is a good sport. 3 reasons OPINION

First of all, swimming is good for all the muscles. FACT

In contrast, soccer is only good for the leg muscle.

Furthermore, swimming is good forhealth. FACT

Finally, swimming is an individual sport. FACT

However, for soccer you need other people.

In conclusion, swimming is a good sport.

Finally = the LAST specific reason

In conclusion =

Swimming is an individual sport. You need other people for soccer.

Swimming is an individual sport , but you need other people for soccer.
Swimming is an individual sport you need other people for soccer.

Swimming is an individual sport. However you need other people for soccer.

However = but

; ,
Swimming is an individual sport however you need other people for soccer.


They like to eat. They don't gain weight easily.

They like to eat, but they don't gain weight easily.

They like to eat. In contrast, they don't gain weight easily.

They like to eat. However, they don't gain weight easily.

They like to eat; however, they don't gain weight easily.


I like chicken. Chicken = good for me

It tastes (adjective)

It tastes like (noun) like = similar to

It tastes spicy. Spices = condiments

Cakes = have a lot of spices The cake tastes spicy.

A food can be very spicy. Spicy food vs spicy hot food

A lot of a lot of

Condiments locoto


Sentence = subject verb

He teaches. He is (one more thing) He is a doctor.

Complete idea = independent clause

SUBJECT(s) VERB(s) ((((and nobody is doing anything different)).



He teaches. She works.

METHOD A: IND #1 ; IND # 2 .

He teaches she works .
He teaches , and she works .


FOR He went to the hospital , for he was sick. effect/ cause


AND He teaches , and she works . Similar things

N She will not eat chicken , nor will she eat steak.
BUT He plays , but she works. Different things

Or He will eat steak , or he will eat chicken.

Yet He was sick , yet he went to the party. illogical

SO He was sick , so he went to the hospital. Cause/effect

He went to the hospital , because he was sick. INCORRECT effect/ cause

He went to the hospital because he was sick. CORRECT effect/ cause

(This is a correct sentence, but it is NOT a compound sentence.

, because because, bec,ause


# words # verbs

He went home yesterday. 1 0

He went home in the evening. Many 0

He went home when he finished his job. Many 1 “finished”



He went home because he finished his job.

Yesterday he went home.

In the evening he went home.

When he finished his job he went home.

When did he finish his job?


DEPENDENT CLAUSES ALWAYS look like sentences

He went home when he finished his job .

Did he go home yesterday ?
Did he go home in the evening ?
Did he go home when he finished his job ?


I was hungry. The house is White.


I was hungry. I ate a salteña.

(cause) (effect)

I was hungry. Therefore, I ate a salteña. 2 sentences

I was hungry; I ate a salteña. 1 sentence 2 independent clauses

I was hungry; therefore, I ate a salteña. 1 sentence 2 independent clauses

I was hungry, so I ate a salteña. 1 sentence 2 independent clauses

I ate a salteña because I was hungry. 1 sentence 1 independent clause 1 dependent clause

, so = coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS)

Because = subordinating conjunction

If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go to the park.

Unless = if not

Unless it rains tomorrow, we will go to the park.

Play I play You play He plays

Pay I pay You pay He pays

(ei) (eis)

Say I say. You say He says **********

(ei) (cez)********

Simple present tense He eats pizza.


The VERB is in base FORM

Present continuous tense He is eating pizza.


The VERB is in present participle FORM

Present participle form = -ing form of the VERB =GERUNDIO = -ANDO -ENDO

They have been going home.


Simple present tense

The verb is in base form

Direct object = nouns

I like something. = noun something. = noun something. = noun

I like pizza. I like to eat. = I like eating.

Infinitive gerund

Pizza = noun = the name of a food

to eat= noun = the name of the activity of putting food in your mouth, chewing, and swallowing.

eating= noun = the name of the activity of putting food in your mouth, chewing, and swallowing.

Pizza is delicious.

To eat is fantastic. It is fantastic.

Eating is fantastic. It is fantastic.

Eating too much fast food is bad for you.

The sentence is in simple present tense.

The verb is in 3rd person singular form


Tuesday July 18th midterm exam by ZOOM

VERB Infinitive gerund

like I like to eat. = I like eating. Approx.. 50 verbs

verb Infinitive not the same verb gerund 8 verbs

Want I want to eat. I want eating. 95%

Enjoy I enjoy to eat. I enjoy eating. Approx.. 50 verbs

I like pizza. I liked pizza.

I like to eat. I liked to eat.

I like eating. I liked eating.

Infinitive = to + a word that looks like a verb in base form

Gerund = a word that looks like a verb in present participle form

Sentence She enjoys painting.

y/n? Does she enjoy painting?

Yes, she enjoys painting.

Yes, she does.

No, she doesn’t enjoy painting.

No, she doesn’t.

Info? What does she enjoy doing? She enjoys painting.

She has class on Saturday at 7:00 am.

She dislikes going to class on Saturday. She doesn’t enjoy going to class on Saturday.

From now on, no class on Saturdays.

She enjoys not going to class on Saturdays. affirmative

She has to take care of her little brother.

She doesn’t like going to class. Negative sentence

Dislike = doesn’t like = hate

She dislikes going to class. affirmative

She hates going to class. affirmative


A: Can you help me? B:Yes, I can. Let me take it for you.

A:Do you mind helping me? B: No, I don’t mind. Let me take it.

Of course I don’t mind.

I don’t mind getting you out of my way.

verb Infinitive not the same verb gerund

verb Infinitive
He stopped to smoke He stopped (interrupted) what he was doing, and he went outside with a cigarrette

verb gerund

He stopped smoking. He doesn’t smoke anymore. (He used to smoke in the past)

He is running in the park. Verb present participle form

I like running. Noun gerund direct object

Running is my hobby. Noun gerund subject

I bought running shoes. Adjective present participial

The movied was interesting. I was interested.

I like to read. I like playing the guitar.

I like to read and to play the guitar.

I like (to read and to play) the guitar.

I like to ( read and play) the guitar.

I like to read and play the guitar.

I like to read and play the guitar.

I like reading and playing the guitar.

I like going to the movies. affirmative

I don’t like going to the movies. negative

I do like going to the movies. Affirmative/emphatic DO

He goes to class. affirmative

He doesn’t go to class. Negative

He does go to class. Affirmative/emphatic DOES

He took his test. Affirmative

He didn’t take his test. Negative

He did take his test. Affirmative/emphatic DID

I do my homework.

I don’t do my homework.

I do do my homework.


Go camping

I will go camping
I feel like going camping. Simple present tense

I am feeling like going camping. present continuous tense

I choose to learn English.

I feel like choosing to learn English.

I like running and watching series. I like to run and to watch series.

He does his homework. He does do his homework.

They do their job. They do do their job.

He did his homework. He did do his homework.

They did their job. They did do their job.




I like pizza. I like eating. I like to eat.


Pizza is delicious. Eating is necessary. To eat is necessary.

Common every day Strong language/very formal/poetic



He is in his house .

The bank is across the street.

The store is next to the school.

The bookstore is around the corner.

PREPOSITIONS: in, out, on, under, next to, with, by, off, around, beside, near, for, about……..

ONLY GERUNDS can be objects of prepositions.

INFINITIVES are NEVER objects of prepositions.

In running/to run

Noun verb adjective adverb

beauty beautify Beautiful beautifully


He wants to go/ going He wants to go

Verb infinitive

Look forward to + gerund Look forward to + infinitive

He looks forward to traveling to Miami.

He looks forward to traveling to Miami.



Simple present tense active voice Simple present tense passive voice

Auxiliary TO BE of passive voice


Mary makes cakes at ICE NORTE. ((((Mary makes cakes at ICE NORTE.))))

(((( makes cakes at ICE NORTE.))))

((((cakes makes at ICE NORTE.))))

((((cakes Auxiliary TO BE of passive voice makes at ICE NORTE.))))

((((Cakes are makes at ICE NORTE.))))


Cakes are made at ICE NORTE (by Mary).

Peter taught Silvia. Silvia was taught by Peter.

He taught her. She was taught by him.

Hemingway wrote novels. Novels were written.

The teacher corrects the tests for the next day. The tests are corrected for the next day.

Peter teaches Silvia. Silvia is taught.

Peter takes the books. The books are taken.

Bill writes reports Reports are written.

He will serve pizza. Pizza will be served.

Simple future active voice simple future passive voice

She will go downtown. No direct object can’t be changed

She will be a doctor. No direct object can’t be changed

She will play soccer. Soccer will be played (by her).


Simple present He writes reports Reports are written

Simple past He wrote reports Reports were written

Simple future He will write reports. Reports will be written.

Present continuous He is writing reports. Reports are being written.

Past continuous He was writing reports. Reports were being written.

Present perfect He has written reports. Reports have been written.

Does he write reports? Are reports written?

Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

Did he write reports? Were reports written?

Yes, he did. No, he didn’t. Yes, they were. No, they weren’t

Will he write reports? Will reports be written?

Yes, he will. No, he won’t. Yes, they will be. No, they won’t be.



Active voice passive voice

He took the books to the office. The books were taken to the office.

He took the thick books to the office. The thick books were taken to the office.

He took the books that I bought to the office. The books that I bought were taken to the office.

He took the books to the office. The books to the office were taken. (Yoda)
The man that came yesterday took the books to the office.

The books were taken to the office.

The books were taken to the office by the man that came yesterday

What is this figure made of?

It is made of wood. It is handmade.

It = this figure

Where was it made?

It was made in Mexico.


Simple present He takes the books. The books are taken.

Yes/no? Does he take the books? Are the books taken?

Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

Info? What does he take? Where are the books taken?

Simple past He took the books. The books were taken.

Yes/no? Did he take the books? Were the books taken?

Yes, he did. No, he didn’t. Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.

Info? Where did he take the books? Where were the books taken?

Simple past Peter taught Mary and I at the CBA. Mary and I were taught at the CBA by Peter.

Simple past He taught us at the CBA. We were taught at the CBA by him.

Yes/no? Did he teach us at the CBA? Were we taught at the CBA by him?

Yes, he did. No, he didn’t. Yes, we were. No, we weren’t.

Info? Where did he teach us? Where were we taught?

Present perfect He has taken the books. The books have been taken.

Yes/no? Has he taken the books? Have the books been taken?

Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t. Yes, they have been. No, they haven’t been.

Info? Where has he taken the books? Where have the books been taken?

Present continuous

Sentence They are reading the book. The book is being read

Sentence They are writing a book. The book is being written

Yes/no? Are they writing a book? Is the book being written?

Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. Yes, it is being. No, it isn’t being.

Info? What are they writing? What is being written?

Where is the book being written?

Past continuous

Sentence They were reading the book. The book was being read

Sentence They were writing a book. The book was being written

Yes/no? Were they writing a book? Was the book being written?

Yes, they were. No, they weren’t. Yes, it was being. No, it wasn’t being.

Info? What were they writing? What was being written?

Where was the book being written?

Future continuous

Sentence They will be reading the book. The book will be being read.

Sentence They will be writing a book. The book will be being written.

Yes/no? Will they be writing a book?

Yes, they will be. No, they won’t be.

Info? What will they be writing?

Simple Future

Sentence They will read the book. The book will be read.

Sentence They will write the book. The book will be written.

Yes/no? Will they write a book? Will the book be written?

Yes, they will . No, they won’t. Yes, it will be. No, it won’t be.

Info? What will they write? What will be written? The book will be written.

Where will the book be written? The book will be written in Paris.

Will = be going to

be going to + VERB (BASE FORM)

Sentence They are going to read the book. The book is going to be read.

Sentence They are going to write the book. The book is going to be written.

Yes/no? Are they going to write the book? Is the book going to be written?

Yes, they are . No, they aren’t. Yes, it is going to be. No, it isn’t going to be.

Info? What are they going to write?

What is going to be written?

The book is going to be written.

Where is the book going to be written?

The book is going to be written in Paris.

Simple present with a modal

Sentence They should write the report. The report should be written.

Yes/no? Should they write the report? Should the report be written?

Yes, they should. No, they shouldn’t. Yes, it should be. No, it shouldn’t be.

Info? What should the write? What should be written?

The report should be written.

When should the report be written?

The report should be written this afternoon.

Who should the report be written by?

The report should be written by Carlos.


What is this made of? What are they made of?

It is made of wood. They are made of wood.

Where was it made? Where were they made?

It was made in Bolivia. They were made in Bolivia.

What do you think of it? What do you think of them?

It’s fantastic. They’re fantastic.

EVERYTIME If Stephen King has a new book, I buy it.

1 opportunity If Stephen King has a new book, I will buy it. REAL OPPORTUNITY


Butter has a lot of fat even though you can eat butter on this new diet.

Even though you can eat butter on this new diet, butter has a lot of fat.

You can eat butter on this new diet even though butter has a lot of fat.

Even though butter has a lot of fat, you can eat butter on this new diet.

even though 2 words eventhough

although 1 word


INFINITIVE of purpose WHY someone does something

He studies a lot to have a good grade. He studies a lot for a good grade

She goes to the park to run.

I made the screen bigger to see better.

She went to the store to buy clothes. She went to the store for clothes.
He went to the corner to buy the newspaper. He went to the corner for the newspaper.
He wants to see the movie. He wants his parents to see the movie.


Nature inspires him. Active voice

He is inspired by nature. Passive voice

21/ 07

I want to go to the movies. Infinitive of purpose it explains WHY

INFINITIVE = to + a word that LOOKS LIKE a verb in base form.

INFINITIVE = is a name of the activity “of putting food in your mouth, chewing, and swallowing

I like to eat. INFINITIVE is in the DIRECT OBJECT position

To eat is necessary. INFINITIVE is in SUBJECT position.

INFINITIVE SUBJECTS are very strong language, very formal, very poetic.

To eat vegetables is necessary. INFINITIVE PHRASE as a subject.

(A) Vegetables are necessary.

(B) The activity of eating those green foods is necessary.

For + noun

I went to the store to buy food. I went to the store for buy food. I went to the store for food.

He studies to get a good grade. He studies for a good grade.

He studies in order to get a good grade.

He studies not to get a bad grade.

He studies in order not to get a bad grade.

He went to the store to buy bread.

He went to the store for bread.

He went to the store for buying bread. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NOW

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