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On Sat, Aug 15, 2020, 11:30 AM Frank Anthony <frankanthony648@gmail.

com> wrote:

On Wed, Aug 12, 2020, 4:02 AM Morgan Williams <>


On Tue, Jun 23, 2020, 9:11 PM Frank Anthony <> wrote:

On Wed, Jun 17, 2020, 8:31 AM Austin Jeff <> wrote:

On Fri, Sep 13, 2019, 7:58 PM Austin Jeff <> wrote:

How are you doing?

Nice meeting you on here, it's my pleasure to be chatting with you at the moment

Well, I am new here, I don't have friends, I was searching for an old class mate
when i came across your profile, I just wanted to know the beautiful lady behind
this wonderful profile, I couldn't let go, so i decided to add you so we could be
friends and know more about each other if you don't mind

I am from Canada but i live in Rome Italy but currently in the sea coast of France
sailing to Canada i am a ship Captain
I am 59 of age
May i know you please where are you originally from?

I am DR Lee Greg, From Canada Kentucky but currently here in Rome Italy working
with the United Nations Army troops on a peace keeping mission, I am an orthopedic
surgeon medical doctor
I am 47 of age
May i know you please where are you originally from?

wow, you really look younger than your age, Anyway i think it's good to know more
about each other because that will bring more understanding
Are you married and also do you have kids?

How old are your kids ?

Your kids are all grown ups , Do they still live in the same house with you or they
live on their own with their one respective families now ?

Your kids lives in the same city as you ?

You have a very wonderful family my dear, In my own case i have been a widower for
the past 4 years now with a precious son. I divorce my wife and since then life has
been so lonely for me and my only son
His name is Jovial he is 9 of age

That's great i am a roman catholic by religion i attend saint Patrick catholic

So how long have you been here on Instagram?

Are you on any other social media aside from Instagram ?

You know Facebook is a public social media and it can easily be deactivated or
disabled here in Italy , I don't use it often as it'and the Canada are trying to
reduce the means of communications here to as minimal as possible due to Security
Reasons and privacy, So I would like us to continue our communication via Gmail
hangout as it's more private and secure
Can i please have your email address?
Here is

Please tell me more about yourself, What are some of your favorite activities? I
mean your hobbies interest

My hobbies are swimming going to Beaches, Dancing, Writing Poem, Dinner. love
animals of all kinds, I am a pretty good cook, Playing Golf, walking around,
watching TV, and Going to church as well

I can cook very well and do laundry as I have been the one doing it since I've been
lonely without a wife, I do not need a wife to be my home slave, I don't like
stressing others I like helping in the kitchen always and we do everything
together, we cook and do laundry together

You seem like a woman with a big heart which is a huge turn on for me.I admire all
you wrote about yourself I consider myself lucky having you to share my thoughts
and feelings with

So what do you do for a living? I mean your profession?

Nice profession, I work as a Marine Captain, In the United Nation cargo shipping
agency, I am also a business man, I deal with supply of gold and chemical to
companies and factories all over the world

I am caring, faithful, loyal, intelligent, future oriented, diligent, posses the

loving power and willing to be loved.I am someone who does not think love is really
about wealth....its only the heart. well I am someone who does not consider
location, racism, age or color difference at all,all it matters to me is the loving
heart to love and be loved back
What do you wish to tell me more about yourself?

That's good to know, Hope you are not worried about my questions ?

Alright, Tell me what are your plans for the future?

That's great, My plans for the future is to go into investment after my retirement,
And also to find a good and caring woman and settled down ,I am willing to Relocate
to any suitable environment as soon as I find the right woman to spend my life with
someone who is caring, Honest and God fearing, I am looking for a long term
relationship with a kind heated and God fearing woman

I am a fun loving person. I am a very caring and sensitive person, confident, calm,
and happy. An introvert by nature, I am quiet, Structured, And organized. i think
i'm a pretty easy going person. I love to be shown affection and don't have any
problem whatsoever showing the right person lots of it
I must say, its my pleasure to meet you once again

You are a very beautiful lady and I'm attracted to you, I'm sorry if you feel
offended, but I will be glad to know you more

Hope you don't mind if we become friends? because i am more interested in making
good friendship with you in honesty, trust and sincerity, even though we just met
each other, maybe, as time goes on, we maybe more than a friends.
I will really appreciate us being good friends in sincerity, honesty and trust
although we just knew each other,,, we can share good ideas and discuss about more
issues as we talk more about ourselves, and as time goes on there maybe something
great for us in the future ...What do you say?
Thanks a lot I believe that God is responsible for our meeting here and I hope we
find the good sense and understanding to discover the qualities that makes us a
better match for each other, I assure you that we will be best of friends in the
wold, Thanks also for your attention all we need to do is to be sincere in our
communication as good friends.

I am supportive and caring and have a loyal and tolerant character, very humble,
honest, understanding and truthful. I'm very passionate, physical person that
would want the same in a mate, i can be deeply romantic and sometimes optimistic, I
am a simple man, I don't smoke at all but drink occasionally, mostly in the company
of friends

Please feel free to ask me anything, my life's an open book and I am more than
willing to share anything you want to know about me, just as I would want to know
more about you
Where were you born?

Great have you ever traveled out of your country?

What are some recent places you have visited?

I have been to so many countries due to the nation of my job, I also visited china
recently before my recent trip to Canada

Do you believe in distance relationship?

Would you consider marrying someone of a different religion or from other country?

Ok Tell me about your family... Do you have siblings?

Do they leave in the same city as you?

What would be the perfect setting for a first meeting with a new friend or date?

What is your favorite food? And drink? Do you have a pet name? And how did you get

My favorite food are Bacon,Egg,Plantain,meats And I eats plenty of Fruits and

Vegetable, I also do like to eat French Pizza and Pasta

What is your favorite music?

I love listening to john legend songs(all of me)i also love Lionel riches(all night
Tell me When ever you are upset, what are some of the things you do to regain
happiness again?

What positive lessons have you learned from your past relationships that will help
you succeed in future relationships?
Marriage they say "Is For Better, For Worse" do you believe in this principle?

Do you treat others as you would like to be treated?

I am sincere and God fearing man, i was brought up in good christian background and
we were taught from a very young age to always treat others with respect, kindness
and compassion

What is the color of your eyes ?

There is a saying that the color of ones eyes is the reflection of ones soul

It is said that most people with blue eyes are attractive, in addition to having a
very calm and peaceful personality. Blue eyes are also representative of knowledge.

People with brown eyed color are said to be very independent, self-confident and
determined. You are known to be trustworthy, and when people look at you they get a
sense of security and stability.|

Green Eyes are often thought of as mysterious since they are more rare. People with
green eyes are curious about nature, very passionate in their relationships with
other people and have an overall positive and creative outlook on life. These
people tend to get jealous easily, but possess large amounts of love.

hazel eyes are a mixture of colors, but mostly green and brown. People with hazel
eyes are spontaneous and will rarely back down from a challenge. If there is more
green mixed into your eyes, you like to be mischievous. If you have more brown
mixed in, you are more approachable to other people. Hazel eyes are special because
they seem to change color depending on your mood.

People with black eyes are known to be very secretive and keep to themselves around
new faces until they feel comfortable. They are very passionate and loyal,
especially to their friends. People with black eyes are also very intuitive and
have the ability to tap into powerful energy.
If you have gray eyes, you are known to be very wise and gentile. These people are
sensitive, but have a strong inner strength and think analytically. They can also
very easily change their mood to suit any situation at hand.
What is your favorite car ?

My favorite car is a Chevrolet

Do you live in your own house or in a rented apartment ?

I have two houses , one which i Inherited from my parents and the other which I
bought for myself

What are the things that you have achieved in life as a woman ?

Wonderful, As a man I have achieved almost everything I ever wanted except a happy
and harmonious family and it hurts me so much. My priority is to have a united
family. You sounds so cool I would Love to meet you so we can get to know each
other more

Please say the truth , no lies , I hate lies and I can never say one to you . Have
you ever gone into any relationship here on the internet before and how did it
go ??

Do you have a childhood memory that makes you smile every time you think of it?

Are you considerate and thoughtful of others in life ?

I am very thoughtful and considerate of those around me, I always want to help when
i can , I have a kind heart and i cannot bare to see others suffer

Are you a God fearing woman? How often do you go to church?

I do believe in God and his word. I attend church every weekend tell me If you are
found guilty, would you admit yourself and accept your mistakes? And If you see
someone you don't know who needs help, would you be of any suppoRT?

That's Good Tell me the most special memorable moment of your life and the saddest
times of your life too(if you would love to share)

One of the most special memorable moment of my life is when I got my first and only
child,I was very happy because I have always wanted to be a father
And the saddest moment of my life was when I lost my parents and also when I lost
my wife, it really broke me into pieces but that's life for you , we just have to
move on and look forward to what the future hold for us

Oh i see So How old were you when you first fell in love?

I was actually 18 when i first fell in love, It was my first year in college

Do you love unconditionally ?

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not
proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily
angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices
with the truth.It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always
perseveres.Love never fails

Well I guess i have asked more than i should so please forgive me if some of the
questions are just too personal
just trying to know you is all have fun and hope to get answers.gotta hang it here
hope this won't scare you away from getting to know me?

I will love to go back to work now but will love to get your email address so we
can communicate better there as i am not always online here.

Thanks for the email address, It's absolutely my pleasure to chat with you today.I
hope we can also chat again tomorrow or some other time?

Ok bye for now have a nice day

Hello, How are you doing today? I hope you're having a nice day down there?

That's great, So where are you right now? At work or home?

I'm in the documentation room at this moment, It's more like my office because it's
very close to my Cabin, The weather here is actually warm, How about there?

Hope you have enough clothings to keep you warm?

Ok dear hope you don't mind sending me about 2 of your photos?

Wow,I actually lost conceteration all by stearing at your pictures, I must confess
that you are really an angel, you are such a beautiful and gorgeous lady, You must
have been the second woman GOD created after eve. Apparently GOD must have lavish
abundant time to make such an enchanting woman like you. You look so enchanting

You are Indeed an attractive Lady, am still watching your photos I like your style
of dressing and to be sincere, your beauty has captivated my soul and your charming
eyes has captured my head is going whiskey right now
Hope you don't mind me ussing your picture as my wallpaper?

Thanks Here are mine hope you like them?

Thanks dear I really enjoyed our conversation and the way you express yourself,
Although we just got to know each other not long ago, but I feel so comfortable
with you
Tell me about your parents? Are they alive?

Oh It's a pity we're both in the same situation, I hope you cherished them?
I'm the only child of my parents. My parents died long ago. my father was a
military man who died in a military war when I was 7 years old and my mother died
when I was 13 years old. I was raised by a neighbouring teacher, growing up was
quite difficult for me but I never gave up.

Do you like Americans? And have you ever been to America before?

So would you like to live or visit America some day?

There are a lot of beautiful places in america and I'm sure you will love to visit

Alright, So how long have you been single without a husband?

That's a very long time you know, So don't you feel lonely sometimes? I mean
loneliness of not having your man next to you

I feel lonely a lot of times and that's why I need to find my true love, a person
that will love me as much as I will love her. I have this feeling that destiny
brought us together for a reason. As time passes by, we'll find out if we're
compatible with each other, What do you say?

From my own opinion, when it comes to marriage, there's actually nothing superior
than being with your soul mate, Someone who truely adores you, Understands you,
Cherishes and loves you the way you are, Don't you think so?

Sounds good,Tell me will you like getting married again? If you happen to meet the
right man who will love and take good care of you as much as you will love and
cherish him?

Alright, So What are the qualities you are looking for in a man?

I think we are Looking for the same things but mine in a woman
I need a nice, Honest, Kind and Caring woman, a woman that will Love and be with me
for the Rest of my Life

Am not looking for someone to date but someone to spend the rest of my life
with,.,All my life has been engulfed with misery and loneliness, I watch my life
lay wide spread in front of me and didn't know what to do with it, My life has been
so boring and hope with someone who is ready to Love me as much as i will love and
take good care of her i promise it's gonna change for the best

I must confess you are such an attractive lady Your photos has really captured my
attention ever since the first day we meet here
I'm a very positive-thinking man, And I happen to be the type of man that goes
straight to the point because I see no reason to hide anything as long as I can
express my feelings

I'm seeking for a serious relationship with you that will lead to marriage wish was
why i wrote you
I really don't think that the distance difference between us should be a barrier,
rather, the most important thing is for us to be sure if we really find
understanding, Happiness, And joy within each other. Above all, I think love is the
must greatest thing in the world, Don't you think so?
You are right dear thanks for your attention and understanding
I guess you will never know how i feel unless I confess my feelings to you. Who
knows you might feel the same about me, Actually If we build a strong relationship
with each other, I will travel directly from here to meet you in your country so
that we can be together and make some plans towards our future. What do you say?

Thanks I think we can be Dating on here and see where it Leads to, But i believe we
will work this out fine, If truly you really want to be with a True Man of your

Thanks a lot for putting this beautiful smile on my face right now

You are the Kind of woman i want and need to be with, You are the Kind of woman I
Have been searching for so Long, I am really very Tired of Being Lonely
I 'm also Afraid of getting Hurt, I Truly want a woman in my Life To Love,
Cherish, care and be with for the Rest of my Life I will be Glad if you could be
the woman
And I don't want to share my woman with anyone else because she is my pride. I will
Never Let you down okay

Thank you very much, You sounds so cool And i will be very glad to be Part of you
I feel that I will be able to make you happy for the rest of your life please give
me the chance with open heart okay i truly need you dear, I see in you all I want
in a woman care, God fearing, Trust, Understanding, Sincerity, Faithfulness and

I like your eyes, your smile, your hair, your body when ever i look at your photo
my heart skips a beat, I am just crazy about you. I need to know how you feel
about me. Could you possibly feel the same towards me, or this can never be? I just
want you to be mine. I want to be able to say that you're my woman, Now you know
that I am falling in love with you. I just wish I could hear those same words from
you. Maybe one day, but until then I guess all I can do is waiting. Please, don't
make me wait too long

OK, Thank you very much for making this day a happy one for me, I really
appreciate, I have to go back on duty right now i will talk to you latter, Please
take good care of yourself
have a nice day

Hello, Good morning, How are you doing? And how was your night? I hope you slept

Oh that is good to know mine was amazing just missed chatting with you

So where are you right now and what are you doing at the moment?

That's nice just got back from duty, So i came here to have a chat with you after

It's......up here and there?

Oh i see, So how is work today?

Mine was also great You are all that i am thinking about here, you really match the
criteria I do need from a woman, And I really do appreciate you for that my dear, I
have no other words to describe the way you make me feel. No words, no actions
could even come close

Thanks dear can i please ask you a question?

Ok, Can i trust you? I'm saying this because to Love is to Trust and it's rather to
love and trust

Yes you are right thank you so much for your understanding I am already falling for
you dear now I think about you every second of every day. When I fall asleep, my
dreams are about you. When I wake up, I look at the empty pillow next to me and
wish you were here looking into my eyes. I wish I could tell you how I really feel
in word

In this short time that we've been together here, we have grown so much and I can't
wait to see what the future holds for us. I love you, with all my heart, It's the
end of the day and I always non stop thinking about you, as usual. I want you to
know how much I sincerely love the times we've spent talking. It means so much to
me. It truly seems like I've known you forever and I honestly can't imagine life
without you now.

Sometimes in life time, we meet people we have no expectation of meeting. Sometimes

you meet people and your whole world experience reforms. Right from the first day I
first saw you and started communicating with you, I started realizing the reason
why I have to stay longer

I need you by my side. to complete me. You mean so much to me now. You are the best
thing that has ever happened to me. You are the one I've always wished for. I never
thought that I would ever meet someone as special as you. I love each and every
moment I share with you here.

Love unlocks doors and opens windows that weren't even there before I am with an
open soul and kind heart. I dream of meeting a true love, a person who would
understand me and whom I would make happy. I think that in a marriage besides love,
there should be mutual understanding and respect, the same life philosophy and life
values, spiritual support. I hope we both can give all this to each other?

I will always be here for you because you're someone my heart can't resist, and
you’re making me insane, I am just going crazy about you. but to me that does not
really matter, because I have made up my mind to be with you and nothing will stop
me from doing that, I do not mind running around the world telling everyone how
much I love you and want to have you in my life!

I just wanted to do something simple to say I love you I want everyone to know how
much you mean to me. Ever since you have come into my life, I've been flying on
Cloud 9 and I have not come down yet I love everything about you You do something
to me that no other has, you have made me so happy the happiest I've ever been. You
give me the most amazing feelings inside, the feeling of being in love with you. I
still don't know what I did to be so lucky to have you in my life, my dream come
true... I am so thankful though

I love you so much, Sweetie. I never thought that someone like me could get so
lucky! A day without you in my life is like a day without air. I need you when I’m
cold to keep me warm; I need you in my life to keep me happy. You make me feel
wonderful. You give me strength when I just can't carry on and I truly treasure
that. Every moment spent together is another one of my dreams coming true.

I love you more and more each time i talk to you and that is the most wonderful
feeling any man can ever hope to experience. I want you to know that since the
minute we met I've fallen deeply in love with you. There are no words to express
the gratitude I feel in my heart that you came into my life, and how you make every
minute so special. You are my best friend, my one true love

Each moment that you and I spend together here is so magical that I catch myself
smiling for no reason at all. I thought that I would never find a love that is
strong as ours, you are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with,the
person I want to grow old with.

I want you to know that I love you from the bottom of my heart. From the moment I
first met you, I knew that I wanted you in my life, whether as a friend or
something a little more. Baby, I prayed for a long time to find someone like you.
Someone willing to light me up, someone to make me smile and someone who I know
truly loves me. You're in my thoughts, my dreams, and every breath I take now

The world is a better place to be because of you. You make me feel handsome. Thank
you for giving me so much more than I ever could have wanted. I am so thankful for
what we have, and for everything we will have. You are the only woman I ever want
to share my life with

I slept last night all i do is thinking of you, And i came up with an idea but i
don't just know if you will accept it or not

It is all about this will you marry me please?

Are you seriose?

Oh my God this is unbelievable, Thank you so much dear this is what i have been
looking to have for so many years, Thank you so much you have brought so much joy
and happiness into my life and for that i promise to give you the best of love in
the world

Please my queen i want you to take very good care of yourself okay, I will be back


Good moning my queen how was your night? i am really missing you so much and can't
wait to be with you soon

Where are you right now?

Ok baby i miss and love you so much

Baby gesst what?

I just finish speaking with my Son Johnson and i told him everything about us and
he was very very happy like never before saying he cant wait to meet you as his new
mom, And he also said i should extend his greetings to you, so what do you have to
say to him my queen?

Please dear will you promise to accept my son Johnson as your own and always to be
there for him as a mother? to love , care and protect, him through life? To stand
by him as a mother and never to leave or abandon him?

Ok thank you so much baby he also said he would love to have a chat with you, Hope
you don't mind?

Ok dear here is his email address you can write to him when ever you like okay

I really don't need to see you before I feel you. I judged you by the words you
that you say to me directly from your heart and that's the most important thing to
me because it touches the must tender part of my heart

You may assume that it’s too early to say I love you. But I can’t suppress these
emotions. I’ve never felt so happy, so I hope you understand that I simply can’t
contain myself. I just had to let you know the reason why

Even Sometimes I try to count the ways and reasons that I love you but I can't ever
seem to count that far, I love you in a million ways and for a million reasons, You
are my inspiration, You are my daily sunshine, and my ev'ning star, You are my
thoughts when I'm awake, And my dreams when I'm asleep, You are the same reason for
my smile,
And i am ever ready to always take the leading part in every role you wish to play
in life

I promise to always stand by you darling i will be your hero, Even when no one seem
to be there i'll honey, Because you were they for me when no one seems to be
Even if the whole of this world seems to be against you, I promise to always be by
your side no matter what
Thanks my irreplaceable baby, The one and only queen of my word, My sweet angel of
You are the best darling

I miss you more my queen, Faith moves mountains darling do you believe it?

You are sweetest darling no one has also make me feel the way you make me feel
right now, The kind of love that I have for you won’t fade even if we leave this
earth. I believe that it’s so strong that it will transcend the constraints of time
in itself

Smile darling, Whenever I'm here chatting with you, my heart beats so hard and loud

I just can't imagine a life without dear

You are the apple of my eyes dear cause without you i'm blind
You are the answer to all my prayers dear,you have always been there for me and my
son ,i just want to say a big think you once again dear am grateful

You are my source of inspiration and the sight of you gives me joy dear
My feelings for you is beyond bounds dear

The truth is that nothing in this world can change my mind towards you dear
I have written your name across my heart and nothing will ever change the way i
feel for you dear
You are like the sunlight cause you shine bright in my life dear

I'm going to take you to the movies on our first meeting there after on a night
walk around town do you like it?

My feelings for you grow more and more every day, and my love for you grows deeper
and more everlasting with every passing minute. You mean so much to me and I would
walk a thousand miles to see you for one minute and have not one question about it.
I am in love with you and have been in love with you!! I love you
Bound your life to mine and lets walk the journey of life together , side by side
and heart in heart . I will never leave your side , I will stand by you and always
be there for you for the rest of our life together

I will honor , cherish , respect and love you for the rest of my days here on
earth, my heart body and soul I have placed in your hands all I ask is that you
treasure it and you don't go around breaking it
I am yours , my mind , body and soul it all belongs to you , I love you trully

I have placed my life into you hands , our life is already bound together by God
and we will spend the rest of our life together . No matter what obstacle we come
across in life , we will never leave each other's side , we will stand by each
other side by side and heart in heart and we will get through every obstacle with
our strenght and our love as a couple and as a family

darling you shall be a part of my lonely heart, i will make you happy in every
moment of your entire life, for it is my happiness to see you smile and laugh, let
every drops of your tears become my sin, i will never let you cry for i love you
with everlasting love, baby we will live together as one family, and i will be with
you till the end of age my sweetheart

My love for you knows no bounds, It's timeless and endless. You can enrich my life
in more ways than I can never express in words. I felt strongly connected to you at
this moment. I was drawn to your soul in a way I have never experienced before. You
are the only one that can see the door to my soul
I love you endlessly and wholeheartedly
You Mean the would to me
I love and missed you so much babe you're on my mind more often than any other

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On Thu, Aug 20, 2020, 11:21 PM Frank Anthony <> wrote:

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