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University of Botswana END-OF-THE-YEAR EXAMINATIONS FRONT PAGE COURSE NO PHY 363 DURATION2 HRS DATE APRIL 2015 TITLE OF PAPER Vibrations, Waves and Advanced Physical Optics SUBJECT PHYSICS _ TITLE OF EXAMINATION BSc/BEdUII) cere INSTRUCTIONS: INSTRUCTIONS: 1, Answer ALL parts of Section A 2. Answer any ONE question from Section B 3. Answer any ONE question from Section C DO NOT OPEN THIS PAPER UNTIL YOU HAVE No. of Pages (including this one) BEEN TOLD TO DO SO BY THE SUPERVISOR 4 Section A (Answer ALL questions, each question carries 5 marks) AL. Write down the equation of motion for a forced mechanical oscillator defining all the terms present, [5 marks] A2. A thin shect of fluorite (CaF2) of thickness 279 jim and refractive index 1.634 is inserted normally in one arm of a Michelson interferometer. When light of a specific wavelength is used, 60 fringes pass a reference point, Calculate the wavelength of the light used, [5 marks] A3. An LCR circuit consists of an inductor L=200 mH, a capacitor C = 1.0uF and a resistor R = 0.3 Ohm. After how long will the charge oscillations decay to an eighth @ of the initial energy? [5 marks} ‘Ad. A grating has 40 000 lines uniformly spaced over a width of 8,0 cm, What is the angular width of the principal maxima formed by this grating with light of wavelength 5500 A, {5 marks} Section B (Answer any ONE question, each question carries 20 marks) BL a) Derive the differential equation for an LC circuit which proves that it is an example ofa simple harmonic oscillator. [5 marks] b) i) A mass m is attached to a spring of force constant k which has its other end fixed. The system performs damped oscillations on a horizontal surface such that the resistive force is -bv where v is the velocity, Write down the differential equation of the damped system. {3 marks] ii) Obtain the steady-state solution of the equation obtained in b (i) above for the ‘case of a critically damped harmonic oscillator, [5 marks) ©) The equation = F, sin wt describes the motion of an undamped simple harmonic oscillator driven by a force of frequency w. Show, by solving the equation in vector form, that the steady state solution is given by F, sin wt where 1) [7 marks] mw. = w") B2. a) Explain the following terms as applied to coupled, harmonic undamped oscillations by giving an example in each case: i) normal mode (2 marks] ii) degrees of freedom. {2 marks} b) Consider transverse coupled oscillations of a loaded string. Assume that the masses (m) ate equal and that the equilibrium separation (a) between any nearest neighbouring masses is the same. i) Write down the equation of motion of the r® mass. [2 marks] ii) Show that the fundamental equation for the maximum displacement of the masses may be given by: Ani-(2 - ©) Ifthe number of masses loaded on an elastic flexible string is seven, show that the 2" (2), 4" (0?) and 6" (wv) normal mode frequencies are given by: (7 marks} wi 2Q—A)— [3 marks} ma we a [2 marks] wis erat [2 marks} (Answer any ONE question, each question carries 20 marks) cL a) B/= bye" and B: Show that ifthe two beams B, and Byoverlapp, the intensity ofthe resultant wave is given by: T= [b+ |b, ?-25,d, sing gitowes) 82-7) [5 marks] b) The intensity of a two sits grating is given by :1(@) = Ipe0s% #252), show thatthe 2 positions on the screen ypa Where the intensity is half of its maximum value are such that: yn Zone ba [5 marks] c) Two waves are given as follows: x= x,sin(wi-ke+a,) y= yosin(wt-ke*a2) Show that the general expression for the resultant wave of the two waves is given by: zy dy xO So d) Find the resultant wave for the following two waves propagating along a common axis and whose vibrations are in perpendicular directions and hence identify the type of sin? (a, - a) [5 marks} cos(a, ~ a) 4x polarization of the resultant wave: y= V2 sin(wt-kx * >); 2= v2 singwtekx- 2) [5 marks} C2. 2) Distinguish between Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffractions with appropriate examples. [7 marks] b) The intensity distribution of a single slit diffraction pattern is = sine oO =5 5 Hosind i) Hlustrate graphically Lvs ® with a well labelled plot. [4 marks} ii) Deduce the condition for the secondary maximas. [4 marks] ©) Sodium light with wavelengths 5889.9 A and 5895.9 A is incident on a grating with 5500 lines per centimeter. If a screen is placed 3.0 m beyond the grating what is the distance between the two spectral lines in the second order: [5 marks] Decker fl AL idly + bd t Kx = Ret y Je At ce fl ky s restorley feece. | ig] —— by = _ Disstpebee Geo Ee lut = ee aq foc [fl 4] AL. for a tAcheleon ‘ C ee ~ iy a [i = alucd& iS) = Zest: —r24nie Se fg LD WAR for : | = SSAC TW gw > = Pod rl AZ. crergy ee =e poh« =$ =—€ al (gq at ah ig =a t= Flee if BIS ~ Bor = sk Leocee Seo —m LpOO0€ = = 2RK1O PL bse en [Petters of mabularas] ttl > pale. = L (ul => ase = P C6 = Do gseorld. ue “bh Q2KLOT = OLS . @ _scl@u9 28 ts Ao = bE Wile & petal pl Montwa = 26 = =3e WL ‘BA. cy) ee Lode Vollage OCA Cprclor a Ne cs = + it Veo (lec age SCTE Taductor = 2\L= - oe ba 22> Lab, Of oe Uollage dan wrk =© ‘a i, | =O di te 4 =o B He. Ace. mtokten e Su ple | ae Wie We pe 2 We=\te Arelyeos SL, bd dr Ae ae DV + kx =O iq oo Hace mae _ Md 4 bd LD Ida Sellen je et xedKe” oe %eo¥~ Lf es We act MOK HARE KK EO. 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