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Lesson 7.

Name Enrich

Fraction Fun
Solve each problem.

1. Gina ate 1_6 of an apple pie. Greg 2. So far, John has run 1_4 of the way to
ate 1_2 of the same pie. How much of school and walked 3_8 of the way. What
the apple pie was left? fraction of the distance to school does
John have left?

3. Ann, Nan, and Jan snacked on a 4. While watching a movie, Ned, Fred,
plate of fruit slices while doing their and Jed shared a bowl of popcorn. Ned
homework. Ann ate 1_5 of the fruit ate 1_2 of the popcorn, Fred ate 1_4 of the
slices, Nan ate 2_5 of the fruit slices, popcorn, and Jed ate 1_8 of the popcorn.
and Jan ate 1_5 of the fruit slices. What fraction of the bowl of popcorn
What fraction of the fruit slices are is left?
left on the plate?

5. In a grid of squares, Alice colored 3_4 6. Pierre bounced a ball for 1_3 of his recess
of the squares blue. She colored time. He threw the ball in the air and
_ of the squares red. She colored
caught it 3_6 of the time. He carried the ball
the rest of the squares yellow. What the rest of the time. For what fraction of
fraction of the squares did Alice his recess time did he carry the ball?
color yellow?

7. How did you solve Problem 6? Explain.

Enrich E54 Grade 4

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Lesson 7.2
Name Enrich

Mixed-Up Sums
Match each fraction on the left with an addition problem on the right.

1. 7
__ 312
__ __ 1 1
8 8 8 8

2. ___
2 1 ___
___ 2 2
1 ___
10 10 10 10

3. 4 ___ 3
1 1 ___ 2 1 ___
__ 1 ___
8 10 10 10 10

4. ___
__ __ 1 1
10 8 8 8

5. 6
__ 1 1 ___
___ 3 1 ___
2 1 ___
8 10 10 10 10

6. ___
__ __ 1 2
10 8 8 8

7. Stretch Your Thinking Write another possible sum for

Exercise 4.

8. Stretch Your Thinking Write another possible sum for

Exercise 5. Use 1_4 for one of the addends. Explain how you found your

Enrich E55 Grade 4

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Lesson 7.3
Name Enrich

Sum Fractions!
Find the two fractions that have the sum shown. Use each
fraction only once. Use fraction strips to help.

The sum is __ 2.
The sum is __
8 6

__ 2
__ 3
__ 5
__ 7
__ 1 2
__ __ 3
__ 5
__ 8
8 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 6

9 .
The sum is ___ 4.
The sum is ___
12 10

____ 2
____ 3
____ 5
____ 8
____ 1
___ 2
___ 3
___ 4
___ 6
12 12 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 10

The sum is __ 6. The sum is 1.
1 2
__ __ 3 5
__ __ 7
__ 1
__ 2
__ 3
__ 5
__ 6
4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5

7. Stretch Your Thinking Suppose you could use a fraction

more than once. What other answer could you find for Exercise 5?
Which other exercise would have more than one answer?

8. Write a fraction sum problem similar

to the ones above.

Enrich E56 Grade 4

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Lesson 7.4
Name Enrich

Fraction Food
The Foodly family just finished dinner. Help them determine
how much food is left. Shade the models to help.

1. The lasagna was cut into 12 equal

pieces. The Foodly family ate 7 pieces
of lasagna. What fraction of the
lasagna is left?

twelfths 2 twelfths 5 twelfths or

2. The green bean casserole was
divided into 6 equal servings. The
Foodly family ate 5 servings. What
fraction of the casserole is left?

sixths 2 sixths 5 sixth or

3. The gelatin salad was cut into 8 equal
servings. The Foodly family ate
6 servings of the salad. What fraction
of the gelatin salad is left?

eighths 2 eighths 5 eighths or

4. The pumpkin bread was cut into
10 equal pieces. The Foodly family ate
5 pieces. What fraction of the
pumpkin bread is left?

tenths 2 tenths 5 tenths or

5. Stretch Your Thinking The Foodly family had 2 pans of

cornbread. Each pan was cut into 5 equal pieces. They ate
only 2 pieces. What fraction of the pans of cornbread is left?
Draw a model to help.

Enrich E57 Grade 4

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Lesson 7.5
Name Enrich

Fraction Equations
Record the equation shown by the model. Write the answer in
simplest form.






To answer the riddle, write the letter above its answer.

Why did all the fractions think 6 was special?

Because it had a sense!

_ 11
__ 2
_ 1 5
4 12 5 6

Enrich E58 Grade 4

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Lesson 7.6
Name Enrich

The Rename Game

Find the missing number.

51 ___ 5 ____ 2.
72 ___ 5 ____
5 5 3 3

1 5 422
__ ____ 4.
1 5 506
__ ____
2 4 4 8

5 5 ___
102 ___ 1 5 224
5. 6. 37__ ____
12 12 3

7. Tell how you rename fractions greater than 1 as

mixed numbers and mixed numbers as fractions greater than 1.

8. Stretch Your Thinking Is it possible for two fractions greater

than 1 that have different numerators and denominators to be renamed
as the same mixed number? Give an example.

Enrich E59 Grade 4

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Lesson 7.7
Name Enrich

Finding Mixed Numbers

Solve each problem.

1. Find two mixed numbers so that the 2. Find two mixed numbers so that the
sum is 8 4_8 and the difference is 2 2_8 . sum is 7 2_4 and the difference is 5.

3. Find two mixed numbers so that the 4. Find two mixed numbers so that the sum
sum is 7 2_8 and the difference is 2 4_8 . is 21 1_6 and the difference is 4 3_6 .

5. Find two mixed numbers so that 6. Find two mixed numbers so that the sum
the sum is 15 __
10 and the difference is 16 and the difference is 5.
is 8 __
10 .

7. Stretch Your Thinking Find three mixed numbers so that the

sum is 18 and the difference between the greatest number and
the least number is 5 1_5 .

Enrich E60 Grade 4

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Lesson 7.8
Name Enrich

The fraction strips shown represent the whole number 33.
Subtract the numbers below from 33 by shading the
fraction strips. The fraction 3_4 is shown as an example.

__ 9
3 ___ 17__ 24__ 7
1___ 5
__ 11__ 5
___ 13__ 13
__ 21
__ 12
__ 1
4 16 8 5 10 6 3 12 8 5 2 3 6
___ 3
1___ 5
__ 7
___ 15
__ 12
__ 3
__ 3
1__ 1
__ 1
__ 1
___ 9
1___ 1
16 10 8 12 6 3 4 5 3 6 10 10 4

1. List the leftover fractions in the fraction 3. Stretch Your Thinking How can you
strips. model subtracting 1_5 if you have only
10 fraction strips?

2. What is the difference represented by

the leftover fractions?

Enrich E61 Grade 4

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Lesson 7.9
Name Enrich

Mixing Properties
Use addition properties to help you solve each problem.

1. Robyn cut a length of ribbon into 2. Emily enjoys riding her bike. During a
four pieces to wrap four gifts. The four-day biking trip, she rode 8 1_8 miles,
lengths she cut were 16 __ 7
12 inches, 4 3_8 miles, 5 4_8 miles, 2 7_8 miles, and 6 1_8
10 __
3 __
9 __
12 inches, 4 12 inches, and 10 12 miles. How many miles in all did she
inches. If she used the whole ribbon, ride during the trip?
how long was her ribbon?

3. Ben’s family likes bananas. On 4. Ms. Cleary runs a catering business.

Monday, they ate 1 3_4 pounds of She is buying fruit to make a large order
bananas. On Tuesday, they ate 2 2_4 for fruit salad. She buys 5 __
10 pounds
pounds. On Wednesday, they ate of apples, 3 __4
10 pounds of oranges,
2 1_4 pounds. On Thursday, they 2 __
1 __
10 pounds of bananas, 4 10 pounds of
ate 1 2_4 pounds. How many pounds of green grapes, and 5 __4
10 pounds of red
bananas did Ben’s family eat during grapes. How many pounds of fruit did
the four days? Ms. Cleary buy in all?

5. Explain how you used the commutative and associative

properties to help you add the mixed numbers.

Enrich E62 Grade 4

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Lesson 7.10
Name Enrich

Problem Solving with Fractions

Solve each problem.

1. Cornelia cut equal lengths of ribbon 2. Tim walks 2_3 mile to school each day. He
each __ 7
10 feet long. The ribbon was walks the same distance home. How far
3 1_2 feet long. How many pieces did does he walk to and from school during
Cornelia cut? a regular school week (5 days)?

3. At a class pizza party, each pizza 4. A teacher had 10 pounds of raisins.

ordered had 2_8 of the pizza left over He has 16 students. He gave each
after the party. In all, 1 1_2 pizzas were student 3_5 pound. The teacher kept the
left over. How many pizzas were leftover raisins for himself. How much did
ordered? he keep for himself?

5. Stretch Your Thinking Explain how you solved Exercise 4.

Enrich E63 Grade 4

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

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