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SPM ENGLISH 2021/2022


NAME : _______________________________________________

CLASS :________________________________________________
Task 1


It’s Grandpa’s 70th birthday next month. Let’s plan a family gathering to celebrate this special
occasion. What should we do for the gathering and when can we hold the event? What special
birthday present should we get for grandpa?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Hi Tien,

Thanks for your email. Yes, what a great idea to celebrate Grandpa’s special birthday with a family

Why don’t we have a family picnic at the beach? We all love the beach. We could celebrate the
weekend before Grandpa’s birthday. Then everyone will be able to come. As for Grandpa’s
birthday present, let’s get him a new set of gardening tools since gardening is his favourite hobby.

Well, what do you think? Let me know.

Bye for now.


Task 2


The mid – term school break is starting next week. My aunt’s children will be coming to stay with us
for a week. The two are 7 and 9 years old. I’ve never taken care of children before. What activities
shall I plan for them? How can I make their stay a pleasant one for them and for me?

Please give me your advice and suggestions. I can’t wait to hear from you.

Hello Nadine,

It was good to hear from you! How exciting that you’re having your little cousins stay with you.
Don’t be so anxious about looking after the children. The problem can be dealt with easily. The
internet has lots of information on activities for children. I advise you to choose activities that
interest you as well. Then you will have fun too! Well, that’s all for now. Let me know how it goes.

All the best.


Task 3


It’s coming to the end of the school year. Let’s plan an event to bid our dear teachers a proper
farewell. What shall we do? Where and when can we have the event? Should we give the teachers
a surprise?

Waiting for your reply.

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your email. I think it’s a wonderful idea to organise an event for our teachers before we
leave school Let’s have a barbecue dinner. We could use our class fund to pay for the food. Shall
we have the dinner on the last day of school in our school hall? It would be fun to keep it a
surprise. It might be difficult to plan this in secret, though. Let me know what you think.

Bye for now.


Task 4


You haven’t been over for some time. I’ve got some exciting news! I’ve always wanted an electric
guitar and my parents are buying me one tomorrow! It’s a reward for coaching my sister for her
music examination. Would you like to come for dinner this Saturday to see my new guitar? Mum
will cook your favourite Korean – styled fried chicken.

Do reply soon. Bye!

Hi Tien,

I’m so sorry I haven’t been in touch. Schoolwork is keeping me on my toes. I’m so happy to hear
the good news. You deserve this reward because I know you gave up all your free time to coach
your sister. Of course I’ll come over for dinner. Thanks for the invitation. This Saturday is perfect. I
can’t wait to see your new guitar and to taste Aunt’s Korean – style fried chicken again. See you
this Saturday then.



Task 5


How have you been? I just went on a class trip to the National Planetarium. There’s a fascinating
exhibition about space travel. It’s great! It’s only on for two more weeks. Admission is free so I’m
thinking of visiting again. It’s that good. Would you like to join me? Let me know.

Write back soon. Bye.

Hello Elaine,

Good to hear from you. I’m fine. I’m glad you enjoyed your class trip. Thanks for sharing this
information about the space Travel Exhibition. It does sound interesting. Sure, I’d love to go to the
National Planetarium with you. There are only two weekends before the end of the month. When
would you like to go? Let me know and then we’ll discuss where and when to meet. I’m looking
forward to our outing. Get back to me soon, ok?




Guided Writing
Task 1

Your class has been discussing how to earn extra pocket money and your teacher has asked you to
write an essay about what you would do to earn extra pocket money.
In your essay, you should write about
a) What you would do to earn extra pocket money
b) Reasons for your choice
c) What you would do with the extra money you earn.
Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.

Sometimes, the amount of pocket money we get is not enough for something we want. I think we
should not just ask our parents to give us more. In my opinion, we should earn the extra money

One way to earn extra pocket money is to be a private tutor. As a fifth – former, I have adequate
knowledge of school subjects to help younger students. The hours are flexible since I can schedule
classes to suit myself. In addition, coaching others also enhances my own knowledge.

I would use the money I earn to buy a motorcycle. Soon, I will be going to college and having my
own transport is a necessity. With the extra money from tutoring, I will not have to burden my

To conclude, private tutoring is a good way to earn extra money. It is not only easy to do but also
beneficial to me.

Task 2

Your class has been discussing Parents’ Day. Your teacher has asked you to write an essay about
celebrating Parents’ Day.

In your essay, you should write about :

a) Why people should celebrate Parents’ Day

b) What you plan to do on Parents’ Day
c) Reasons for your plan

Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.

Parent’s Day is a special occasion for people to express their appreciation to their parents. It is
similar to Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.

We should celebrate Parents’ Day because parents are the most important people in our lives.
From the day we are born, our parents care for us, guide us and protect us. They make many
sacrifices along the way. This occasion gives us an opportunity to tell our parents how much they
mean to us.

This Parents’ Day, I am going to cook a special dinner for them. Of course, I will rope in my siblings
to help. The reason for planning it this way is because my parents prefer home-cooked food to
eating out. Besides, as a student I cannot afford to bring them to an expensive restaurant.

My plan is a simple one but I believe it will make my parents happy. To me, that is the top priority. MOHANA RAM MURUGIAH

Task 3

Your class has been discussing learning languages. Your teacher has asked you to write an essay
about learning a new language.

In your essay, you should write about :

a) What language you would choose

b) Reasons for your choice
c) How would you learn the language

Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.

In today’s world, knowing more languages gives us edge. It enables us to communicate with
more people for studies, business and leisure.

Of all the foreign languages I could learn, I would choose Spanish. The reason is Spanish is
widely used all over the world including the United States and South America. In future, I hope
to travel around the world so knowing Spanish will be useful. Moreover, Spanish is easy to
learn because it is similar to English.

Learning a language requires planning and discipline. I will start by following an online course
for beginners. Once I have learned the basics, I will enrol for a Spanish class. Additionally, I will
practise with coursemates and also watch Spanish films on Netflix.

To conclude, I am convinced that learning an additional language like Spanish will benefit me
in the future. I will certainly put in time and effort to master this language.

Task 4

Your class has been discussing where to go for a class excursion and your teacher has asked you to
write an essay about a suitable place for it.
In your essay, you should write about :
• Where you think the class should go
• Reasons for your choice
• What the class would do during the excursion
Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.

The class excursion is an important part of school life. It allows us to extend our learning
beyond the classroom and enhance our social skills development. In my opinion, Putrajaya
would be the perfect place for a class excursion.

As the administrative capital of Malaysia, Putrajaya is beautifully designed with magnificent

buildings and bridges. A visit there will definitely strengthen our sense of national pride. I feel
Putrajaya is a practical, convenient choice for a day trip since it is only a short drive from our

We should take a cruise on the Putrajaya Lake and enjoy the view of the city’s modern
architecture. We could also enjoy a picnic in the Putrajaya Botanical Garden and appreciate
the beautiful natural surroundings.

In conclusion, I believe that Putrajaya is the best place for a class excursion. It would be fun
and educational to visit Putrajaya together and see for ourselves the nation’s pride. MOHANA RAM MURUGIAH


Extended Writing
Task 1

Articles Wanted
Recycling in School
• What was the most recent school recycling campaign like?
• Why do students need to be educated about the importance of recycling?
• How can we encourage more students to recycle?

Write us an article answering these questions.

The best article will be published in the school magazine.

Recycling in School

Recycling is taking what is discarded and turning it into new products. When something is
recycled, it is broken down and the materials that make it up are used for something new.

Our school, SMK Taman Damai, organised a campaign this January to promote recycling. It
lasted for six weeks, had many activities such as talks and competitions and was a success.
Students learned about the importance of recycling. This is important because when enough
people make efforts to recycle, it can reduce waste, save landfills space, use fewer natural
resources and decrease pollution. If students make recycling part of their daily lives, it will
carry over to their adult life and future generations.

A recycling campaign lasts only for a short while, so encouraging more students to recycle is
a long – term task. The school should set up a Recycling Club as a longer – term solution. It
can organise regular recycling events such as a contest for the class that contributes the
most items for recycling. It can organise ‘green’ projects such as repurposing plastic bottles
for bottle gardens and other projects that promote conversation. It can help make recycling
a permanent part of school life.

To conclude, recycling campaigns and creating a Recycling Club in schools will help young
people to be more aware of how their actions can preserve the environment. It is a step in
the right direction to protect our future. MOHANA RAM MURUGIAH

Task 2

Articles Wanted
School Walkathon for a Good Cause
• Why is a walkathon an effective way to raise funds?
• How does a walkathon benefit the students?
• What are your suggestions to make it more enjoyable?

Write us an article answering these questions.

The best article will be published in our school news letter

School Walkathon for a Good Cause

Walkathons are frequently organised by schools when they need to raise funds. They are
popular for many reasons. After all, who wouldn’t want to enjoy themselves while doing good?

A school walkathon enables students, parents and teachers to support a fundraising project
together. Walkathons are effective because anyone can participate., the more the merrier!
Participants get their friends and family to sponsor them for the walk. It’s easy to get donors
as family and friends want to support the participant and the sponsorship amount is up to each
donor. There’s no pressure, and the money goes to a good cause. The students benefit too. A
walkathon is a healthy physical activity that gets them out of the classroom. Getting sponsors
helps to build character as approaching sponsors requires determination and hard work.
Additionally, participating in a big event like a walkathon also strengthens the bond between
the students and the community.

A school walkathon has a festive feel and a themed walkathon, like a Colour Walk where
everyone wears a certain colour, or balloon theme with participants carrying a balloon would
make it more enjoyable. Additional activities like a mini fun fair or food fair can be part of the
event so that spectators can contribute to the fundraising. For entertainment, a gymnastics
display or martial arts demonstration by students would be great.

As in all, a school walkathon benefits charities, the students and also the community. This
event is a great opportunity to unite the community for a worthy cause. MOHANA RAM MURUGIAH

Task 3

Articles Wanted
A Healthy Lifestyle
• What do you think a healthy lifestyle is?
• Why should we start leading a healthy lifestyle from young?
• How do we maintain a healthy lifestyle?

Write us an article answering these questions.

The best article will be published in the school magazine.

People today are more concerned about health than ever before. This is understandable, as
the COVID-19 pandemic has made it obvious that living a healthy lifestyle should be a top

What is a healthy lifestyle anyway? It is living a life in ta way that benefits our health. This
means having good eating habits, regular exercise, enough sleep and a balanced work life. It
isn’t something that only adults have to worry about, though. Do we teenagers need to be
concerned about health when everything is functioning well? Frankly, we need to prioritise
our health even now. Poor health does not suddenly develop overnight. Many life –
threatening health conditions like heart disease and hypertension have their roots in years of
neglect. Symptoms may only appear after many years. So, if you are a young person thinking
you have loads of time before you need to think about health issues, please think again.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle as a student is not hard, but it does require willpower. Physical
activity is already part of our daily school life. Managing diet and sleep, though, is more
challenging. The solution? Self – discipline. We need to eat regularly and avoid unhealthy
snacks and fast food. To ensure we get sufficient sleep, we should keep to a sensible schedule
for studying and leisure.

Caring for our health from a young age by managing diet, exercise, sleep and having less stress
will allow us to enjoy a full life for many years. Surely it is worth it. MOHANA RAM MURUGIAH


Extended Writing
Task 1 – Film Review

Reviews Wanted
Send us a review of a film you have watched recently. Say what you enjoyed about the film.
Would you recommend it to your friends? Why?
The best reviews will be published on our website.

A review of the Film Black Panther

Recently, I watched the film Black Panther on television. It is a superhero film based on a comic
book. The story is mainly about the young king of an African country who has superpowers as
the superhero Black Panther.

The thing I like best about Black Panther is the fast – paced action. Car chases, explosions and
combat scenes keep the viewer glued to the screen. In particular, the car chase and fight scene
in South Korea is very impressive. Another positive aspect of the film is the cast of interesting
characters. The main characters, Black Panther, is a brave and responsible leader who saves
the world. His army general is a woman with incredible fighting skills. Another interesting
character is Suri his sister, who is a genius scientist.

However, the film contains a lot of violence. The story is about saving the world so why should
so many lives be lost to save it? In addition, the costumes could be improved. For instance, the
costumes of the hero and the villain look almost the same.

In summary, Black Panther is entertaining to watch with fast – paced action and interesting
characters. It has violence but not more than most other superhero films. I would definitely
recommend this film to my friends. MOHANA RAM MURUGIAH

Task 2 - Restaurant Review

Reviews Wanted
Where have you dined out lately? Write a review of the restaurant or café you visited. Say
what you enjoyed eating there. Would you recommend it to your friends? Why?

Good Eats at Ample Café

A new eatery alled Ample Café opened in my neighbourhood next to the sports centre. My
friend and I decided to check it out so we went there for tea last Saturday.

The moment we stepped into the café, cheerful voices welcomed us. The place looked cosy
with small round wooden tables and matching wooden chairs. A waitress in a pretty purple
uniform showed us to our table and handed us the menu. The food prices looked reasonable.
We ordered two cups of hot chocolate, a plate of pasta and their house specialty called the
Ample Waffle. While waiting for our food, we admired the interesting décor. The walls were
decorated with gardening tools while a few potted plants hung from the ceiling.

Our food was served after half an hour. It was worth the wait because the Ample Waffle was
the prettiest waffle we had ever seen. On it were colourful pieces of fresh fruit on a bed of
cream. The waffle was hot and the fruit and cream were cold. It was simply scrumptious. In
contrast, we found the pasta dish very ordinary. There was too little sauce so the dish was
rather tasteless.

To conclude, I think Ample Café is a cosy place to hang out. It has good service and decent
prices. On the minus side, the quality of the food is not consistent. Still, I would recommend
that my friends visit this café and try the wonderful Ample Waffle. MOHANA RAM MURUGIAH

Task 2 - Book Review

Reviews Wanted
Send us a review of a novel you read recently. Say what you like or dislike about the story.
Would you recommend it to your friends? Why? We will publish the top review in our

My Review of Cinder by Marrisa Meyer

A novel I read recently is Cinder which is written by Marissa Meyer, an American writer. I
came across the book in the public library. The book is a science – fiction story but the title is
related to the classic fairy tale Cinderella. Out of curiosity, I borrowed the book.

Cinder is indeed based on the story of Cinderella, I find this modern version of the old fairy
tale fascinating. The main character is Cinder Linh, who is a cyborg, a human that is part
machine.She works as a mechanic and lives in New Beijing with her stepmother and
stepsisters. The story is about how Cinder saves Prince Kai and her city from a deadly plague.
What an unusual tale! What I really like about the book is that the author makes the character
real and easy to relate to. I am really thrilled that the author made Cinder a strong and brave

There are a couple of flaws in the book. Firstly, the story is rather predictable. It is easy to
guess what will happen next so some of the excitement from any suspense is lacking. Also, the
story is set in New Beijing, an Asian city, but Cinder does not come across As Asian at all. Still
these flaws do not affect my enjoyment of the book.

Overall, Cinder is worth reading for its interesting take on the Cinderella fairy tale. I would
definitely recommend this title to my friends. MOHANA RAM MURUGIAH


Extended Writing
Task 1

You have been conducting a survey on people’s satisfaction on public transportation in your housing
area as part of your English language project. You have been asked to write a report on the issues and
problems faced by people using public transportation as part of your project.


Write about
- Convenience
- Cost
- _______________(your idea)

To : Pn. Lily Anita, Teacher Advisor

From : Shafriza Binti Bashri
Subject : Public’s Satisfaction with the Local Public Bus Service
The aim of this report is to present the outcome of the recent survey
done among 150 residents of Taman Chemor Idaman, on the public’s
satisfaction on the local public bus service.
From the survey it is found that the people do not find the bus service in
their residential area to be convenient. This is because the bus stops are
mostly too far from their homes and the bus service hours are irregular
and not updated much to the inconvenience of the residence.
Most of the people who were interviewed during the survey had stated
that they had no qualms on the cost of the bus service. They find it to
be reasonable and acceptable for the service they provide.
90% of the people who were surveyed stated that they do not find
comfort travelling in the local public bus as the buses are not well
maintained and very dirty. At times the stench in the bus causes
discomfort throughout their travel. They also feel that the air -
conditioners in the buses need to be serviced as they could feel the
humid air in the bus despite the air-conditioners being turned on. The
comments indicate that the residents are largely discontented with the
condition of the bus when comfort is concerned.
It is be recommended that, some improvements be made to the local
bus service in Taman Chemor Idaman, to ensure passengers’
satisfactions. The service could be improved for better with a slight
increase in the bus fare would be a welcoming move. MOHANA RAM MURUGIAH


Task 2

Your Mathematics teacher has noticed that many of your classmates have been handing in their
homework late, and she wants this matter to be resolved. As the monitor of the class she has
asked you to find out the reasons and suggestions to resolved this issue. Write a report describing
the reasons and suggest some possible ways to solve the problem.

Write about
- Time constraint
- Difficult to do alone
- _______________(your idea)

To : Pn. Tan Kah Wooi, Mathematics Teacher, 5 STEM A3

From : Norzila Binti Wazir, Monitor, Class 5 STEM A3
Subject : Late Submission of Mathematics Homework

As requested, this report is written after completing a comprehensive
survey in class 5 STEM A3 on reasons for students to handing in their
homework late. Suggestions on overcoming this issue is also provided at
the end of this report.
Reasons for Late Submission of Homework
Students have cited many reasons for not completing their mathematics
homework in time. The common reason stated by most of the students
were time constraint as due date for all their homework most of the
time fall on the same day and they could not complete all their
homework in a short span of time. Another most common reason stated
by students were difficulty in understanding the mathematics
homework. They find it strenuous when it is done at home. Many
students stated that they find it easier to do Mathematics in class with
their friends as they could understand it better. A small group of students
have stated that extra – curricular activities at school have taken up so
much time of their time that when they return home they are just dog-
tired to complete their homework.
There are many ways where students’ burdens in completing their
homework can be reduced. Firstly, arrangements should be made to set
homework timetable so that students’ have a fixed submission dates for
all the subjects. By doing this, students will not be burdened to complete
all their homework at one go. Secondly, a buddy support group can be
created to support students in completing their homework.
it is believed that the suggested recommendations will be able to resolve
the ongoing issue of students handing in their Mathematics homework


Task 3

Your school has decided to start its own Radio channel for students. You have been asked
to write a report for the principal about the types of programmes that you could broadcast
in order to provide information and entertainment for students, explaining why they would
be popular.

Report on a New Radio Channel for the School

The aim of this report is to describe the kinds of radio programmes that
would be entertaining, informative as well as suitable for students of
SMK Taman Aman Jaya.

Students often kick a fuss that they do not get the latest information in
regard to events, programmes and competitions at district level that
they can take part. Having a morning programme to share all these latest
information with students would be a welcoming move at the same time
students will be kept updated. Besides, a weekly programme sharing our
students’ phenomenal successes would motivate more students to do
better in their academic and extracurricular activities.

To keep students entertained, latest songs and short radio dramas can
be played during the recess time and after school hours before the extra-
curricular activities begin. This would keep students inspirit and
energetic the whole day as listening to music could lift our moods. Radio
documentary discussing world history, culture, scientific inventions and
well as places of interest around the world would also be a good
programme to develop students’ general knowledge.

I recommend that a good mixture of documentary, entertainment as
well as informative programmes to be aired in the radio channel. This
will keep students well- informed and motivated throughout the day. MOHANA RAM MURUGIAH

Task 4

Your teacher has asked you to write a report on a public park near your home. Give details of
the park, saying what are the facilities available and leisure activities that take place there and
provide recommendations on making the visit to the park more meaningful.

Report on Rasa Sayang Park

The report is written with the purpose to provide details of Rasa Sayang
Park and also to outline the leisure facilities available there as well as to
provide some suggestions on what can be improved.

Features of the Park

This is one of the oldest park available in Ipoh and its beauty has not
been disturbed since its creation as the people of Taman Rasa Sayang
really takes care of the park as a community. The park is surrounded by
magnificent trees with luscious flower beds. The lake in the park adds
to the beauty of the scenery one can view at sunsets. The footpaths has
always been taken care by the group of affluent people leaving among
the community in Taman Rasa Sayang as part of their community
improvement project. So, the park is always well – maintained.

The park contains all the usual amenities that children would enjoy such
as the swings, see – saw, spring rider as well as the slides. For teenagers,
there are football pitch, badminton courts as well as tennis courts. The
Rasa sayang community has also provided some dinghy boats at the lake.
However, it is only available over for weekend rides in a presence of an
expert swimmer.

The Rasa Sayang Park is also a place for community gathering for the
residents of Taman Rasa Sayang. Annually events and celebrations of
festivals as a community often takes place in the Rasa Sayang Park.

It is recommended that the lake is open for boating sessions more
frequently on weekdays so that the park will not be too crowded on
weekends.It is also suggested that the dried leaves are swept off more
frequently to ensure the parks cleanliness and sustenance. MOHANA RAM MURUGIAH

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Englishvibes.blogspot.coM Mohana Ram Murugiah
Englishvibes.blogspot.coM Mohana Ram Murugiah

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