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Environ Sci Pollut Res (2016) 23:1234–1245

DOI 10.1007/s11356-015-5335-4


A comparison of risk modeling tools and a case study for human

health risk assessment of volatile organic compounds
in contaminated groundwater
Lu Han 1 & Linbo Qian 1 & Jingchun Yan 1 & Rongqin Liu 1,2 & Yihua Du 3 & Mengfang Chen 1

Received: 5 June 2015 / Accepted: 27 August 2015 / Published online: 10 September 2015
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Abstract In order to promote the risk-based strategy in the chloroform may cause the highest unacceptable carcinogenic
investigation, assessment, and remediation of Chinese brown- risk at 2.31×10−3 under the residential scenario. Therefore, it
field sites, the Health and Environmental Risk Assessment is recommended that a risk-based remedial strategy be
(HERA) software was developed. It is vital to validate the developed to ensure the safe and sustainable redevelop-
HERA model and compare the inter-model differences of HE- ment of the site.
RA model against other available risk assessment tools. This
paper discusses the similarities and differences between the Keywords Health risk assessment . Groundwater . Volatile
Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Tool Kit and the HE- organic compounds . Principal component analysis . Model
RA model by evaluating the health risk of organic contami- validation
nated groundwater sources for a chemical works in China for
the first time. Consequently, the HERA and RBCA models
yielded the identical results for Site-Specific Assessment Introduction
Criteria (SSAC) under the commercial redevelopment. How-
ever, the HERA estimated more conservative and stringent Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have been used ex-
SSACs under the residential scenario based on the different tensively as raw materials or industrial degreaser in pet-
exposure calculations. The inhalation of indoor vapors was the rochemical manufacturing and the synthesis of pesticide,
most predominated exposure pathway for all the volatile or- resins, and plastics (Fan et al. 2009; Ma et al. 2011).
ganic compounds (VOCs) determined using the RBCA and However, they are ubiquitously present at many indus-
HERA models. According to the HERA model, inhalation of trial and disposal sites due to the improper storage, ap-
plication, and disposal during manufacturing processes.
Responsible editor: Marcus Schulz They are considered to be the primary contaminants in
groundwater due to the better transportation ability and
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
water solubility (Kitwattanavong et al. 2013; Lopez
(doi:10.1007/s11356-015-5335-4) contains supplementary material,
which is available to authorized users. et al. 2008; Lapworth et al. 2012). The VOCs may po-
tentially destroy the groundwater environment and pose
* Mengfang Chen a threat to the safety of public water supplies. In addi- tion, these organic pollutants can migrate upward into
the atmosphere, causing public health threats from
Key Laboratory of Soil Environment and Pollution Remediation,
chronic inhalation pathway (Cachada et al. 2012; John-
Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ston and Gibson 2013).
Nanjing 210008, China To restore groundwater to generic standards such as
School of Environmental Studies, China University of Geosciences, drinking water standards is challenging in time and ef-
Wuhan 430074, China fort. To minimize expenditure and avoid excessive re-
Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of mediation while protecting human health and the envi-
Sciences, Beijing 100190, China ronment, a risk-based and sustainable environmental
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2016) 23:1234–1245 1235

management approach recommended by the United Therefore, the purpose of this study is to quantify the
States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has potential risks from organic contaminated groundwater
been widely accepted in many developed countries sources for a chemical works in China using the HERA
(Baciocchi et al. 2010; Bardos et al. 2008; Cachada model (version 1.01), interpret the technical algorithms
et al. 2012; Nieuwenhuijsen et al. 2006; USEPA 1996, recommended by the CRAG framework, and compare
2012; Faerber and Herzog 2010). Risk assessment deter- the inter-model differences of HERA model with RBCA
mines the need for environmental remediation, quantify- Tool Kit. The specific studies undertaken include (1)
ing the probability and the deleterious implications of using statistical methods to analyze the sampling data
contaminants to human health and the environment as and to enhance data interpretation; (2) applying HERA
defined by the International Organization for Standardi- model and RBCA Tool Kit to derive the Site-Specific
zation (ISO 2012). Currently, many risk assessment Assessment Criteria (SSAC) through individual expo-
models and tools have been freely or commercially ap- sure pathway, evaluating the risk modeling outcomes
plied in developed countries, such as the Risk-Based and discussing the inter-model differences; and (3) un-
Corrective Action (RBCA) Tool Kit developed by GSI dertaking a detailed quantitative risk assessment for the
Environmental Inc. (GSI 2014) and Contaminated Land VOCs contaminated groundwater using HERA model. It
Exposure Assessment (CLEA) model (Jeffries and Mar- is envisaged that conclusions of this study will assist in
tin 2009). The quantitative environmental models effi- making informed decisions in sustainable management
ciently support the risk-based assessment approach and of remedial activities at the site.
assist in the subsequent environmental decision-making
process (Carlon et al. 2008). Additionally, a comparison
of tools for contaminated sites and brownfield assess- Methodology
ment has been already performed (Pinedo et al. 2014;
Stezar et al. 2013). Site description
The risk-based management of brownfield sites is
still in its infancy and is receiving increasing attention The former chemical works is located in Jiangsu province in
in China (Chen 2010; Luo et al. 2013; Ren et al. 2015; China, which has been operating for more than 30 years. The
Wei et al. 2015; Zhou et al. 2012). In July 2014, the manufacturing activities were ceased following the national
Ministry of Environmental Protection of China pub- policy of shutting down and relocating contaminated indus-
lished the technical guideline for risk assessment of tries. The main products consisted of methamidophos pesti-
contaminated sites (CRAG 2014). In order to develop cide, chloral-alkali, ethers, acetals, and chlorobenzenes.
a predictive model of risk assessment supporting the Monochlorobenzene and carbon tetrachloride were used as
implementation of CRAG guideline, the Health and En- raw materials in manufacturing 3-methyl-diphenyl ether and
vironmental Risk Assessment (HERA) model was de- 3-phenoxy-benzaldehyde. The site investigation has revealed
veloped. The HERA model has fully complied with a leakage around the wastewater treatment plant. Additional
the CRAG guideline (2014) and incorporated the tech- spillage from the pipelines containing the raw materials was
nical algorithms in extensive validation against RBCA also identified. This is as a result of improper excavation in the
Tool Kit and CLEA model. Under the CRAG frame- historical reconstruction of the plants.
work, HERA can develop site-specific environmental As shown in Fig. 1, the site with an area of 85,476 m2 is
cleanup criteria from multimedia exposure for human surrounded by roads on western, eastern, and southern bound-
health and/or environmental receptors through a back- aries, and a river to the north. A village is situated approxi-
ward calculation based on the acceptable target hazard mately 85 m to the south west of the site. The geological
quotient (THQ) and/or target cancer risk (TCR) and sequence of the site is characterized by backfill, silt clay, silt,
evaluate the potential cancer risks and/or hazard quo- and clay (Fig. 2a) with the line of the geological section (1-1′)
tients to humans through a forward calculation on the being shown in Fig. 1. The silt clay layer acts as an aquitard
basis of the actual concentration in the media, using a and some discontinuous perched water bodies exist between
tiered risk evaluation approach (CRAG 2014). The ex- backfill and silt clay layers. The silt layer, located approxi-
posure pathways mainly consist of oral ingestion and mately between 9.5 and 17 m below ground level, is relatively
dermal contact with soil, plant uptake from soil, inges- permeable compared with the silt clay and clay layer encoun-
tion of contaminated groundwater, inhalation of vapors tered at the site, as the hydraulic conductivity was measured in
and particulates from the soil source, and inhalation of the range of 2.53×10−4 to 3.5×10−4 cm/s. The static ground-
vapors from the groundwater. The validation and the water table is recorded in the geological section (Fig. 2a). The
inter-model differences of HERA model against other groundwater contour is illustrated in Fig. 2b, suggesting
established models are still not well known. groundwater predominantly flowing from south west to north
1236 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2016) 23:1234–1245

Fig. 1 Site layout showing groundwater sampling locations

east. Physical parameters were determined including the frac- location was calculated in PCA and was plotted to clus-
tions of organic carbon, porosity, moisture content, and bulk ter sampling location with similar contaminants (Critto
density in unsaturated and saturated zones. et al. 2003).

Sample collection and analysis Conceptual site model

The sampling location map is presented in Fig. 1. Six- A conceptual site model will identify relations of con-
teen groundwater monitoring wells were installed in the taminant sources–exposure pathways–potential recep-
study area and the screening depths of the wells ranged tors at the specific site (USEPA 1996). The conceptual
from 9 to 15 m below the ground level. The sample site model for the chemical works is presented in
collection from groundwater each monitoring well was Fig. 3. The contaminant sources are likely to be locat-
analyzed for VOCs and semi-volatile organic com- ed within the manufacturing workshops, wastewater
pounds (SVOCs) within 24 h according to the protocols treatment plant, and storage areas to the west of the
of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China site. Leakage of toxic waste into the underlying
(MEPPRC 2009). Ten VOCs including benzene, tolu- groundwater may have occurred. As the future land
ene, ethyl benzene, monochlorobenzene, 1,2-dichloro- use for the site has not been decided, the site will be
benzene, 1,3-dichlorobenzene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, car- evaluated under both residential and commercial sce-
bon tetrachloride, chloroform, and dichloromethane narios for the purpose of protecting human health.
were initially selected for this study based on their de- Children up to 6 years old, adults under residential
tection during the monitoring process. Correlation anal- scenario, and adults under commercial scenario are
ysis and multivariate principal component analysis considered on-site human receptors. Vapors are mainly
(PCA) were performed on the sampling data in order transported vertically through the diffusion in the pores
to identify likely groupings between the contaminants. of aquiclude and bio-decay is not considered for the
In addition, the Bfactor score^ for each sampling purpose of conservatism. The on-site receptors may
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2016) 23:1234–1245 1237

Fig. 2 The geologic profile of the

site (a); groundwater contours (b)

inhale indoor and outdoor vapor emitting from ground- Health risk assessment
water pollution sources. The off-site villagers are un-
likely to inhale outdoor vapor through atmospheric dif- The TCR level of 10−6 for the carcinogenic contaminants
fusion as the prevailing wind direction is in an east- and the THQ of 1 for the non-carcinogenic contaminants
northeasterly direction. In addition, the villagers will as recommended by the CRAG (2014) were used for the
not be affected by inhalation of groundwater indoor backward SSAC derivation. The Johnson-Ettinger model
vapor since the groundwater flows from southwest to (Johnson and Ettinger 1991) and ASTM guidelines
northeast (Fig. 2b). The risk of drinking groundwater (ASTM 2004) were used to predict indoor or ambient
is considered low as the shallow aquifer is not potable. vapor concentrations through the migration from
1238 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2016) 23:1234–1245

chloroform, and dichloromethane have been assigned both

cancer unit risk (UR) and RfC. Toluene, monochlorobenzene,
1,2-dichlorobenzene, and 1,3-dichlorobenzene have been
assigned reference concentration parameters only. The detailed
input parameters necessary for the risk assessment are listed in
Table S3. The exposure parameters and indoor air and building
parameters were default values adopted from the CRAG
(2014). The outdoor air parameters, soil parameters, and
groundwater parameters were mostly site-specific value.
A parameter sensitivity analysis was undertaken in the
study to evaluate the sensitivity of an individual parameter
used in the health risk assessment (USEPA 2001). The sensi-
tivity ratio (SR) was calculated on the bases of the ratio of the
percentage change in output to the percentage change in input
for a specific input variable and Eq. 13 which is shown in
Table S1.
Fig. 3 Conceptual site model for the chemical works

groundwater sources into buildings and atmosphere Results and discussion

(Eqs. 1 and 2 in Table S1).
The HERA model and RBCA Tool Kit were selected to Contaminant levels in groundwater
calculate the SSAC through indoor vapor and outdoor vapor
inhalation pathways, respectively. Technical algorithm for the The concentration of contaminants is shown in Fig. 4a–c and
derivation of SSAC and calculation of carcinogenic risks (CR) the statistical summaries including the maximum, minimum,
and non-carcinogenic hazard quotients (HQ) is summarized in and average concentrations of the contaminants in groundwa-
Table S1 (Eqs. 3 to 12). The calculation of total cancer risks ter and their detected frequencies of 16 sampling points are
(CRT) or overall hazard index (HI) for each chemical of con- summarized in Table 1. A significant variation in the contam-
cern was the sum of CR or HQ of individual exposure path- inant levels in groundwater can indicate the presence of highly
ways. It should be noted that the groundwater allocation factor heterogeneous aquifer. The average contaminant concentra-
(WAF, 0.2) was taken into account for the calculation of Site- tions were decreased in the order of chloroform >
Specific Assessment Criteria in case of the non-carcinogenic monochlorobenzene>carbon tetrachloride>benzene>dichlo-
contaminants (SSACnc) to take account of background expo- romethane>1,3-dichlorobenzene>1,4-dichlorobenzene>eth-
sure in accordance with the CRAG guideline (2014), as shown yl benzene > toluene > 1,2-dichlorobenzene. Chloroform,
in Eq. 3 in Table S1. In order to facilitate the comparison of the monochlorobenzene, carbon tetrachloride, benzene, and di-
results, the effect of background exposure was also considered chloromethane were detected at the maximum concentrations
in RBCA Tool Kit through multiplying the input parameter of of 670.00, 130.36, 26.00, and 10.37, 3.19 mg/L with their
reference concentration parameters (RfC) by the same coeffi- detection frequency being 81.25, 75.00, 25.00, 62.5, and
cient (0.2) for each chemical of concern (Eq. 4 in Table S1). 18.75 %, respectively. Concentrations of the remaining con-
The physiochemical and toxicity parameters for each chem- taminants were lower than 0.1 mg/L and were occasionally
ical are reported in Table S2. In the study, the toxicity param- detected in the samples. The aqueous solubility in water for
eters of chemicals were mainly from the USEPA Integrated chloroform, monochlorobenzene, benzene, and carbon tetra-
Risk Information System (IRIS 2011), the Texas Risk Reduc- chloride are higher relative to other contaminants. Therefore,
tion Program (TRRP 2013), and the California Office of Envi- they may be the major contribution to the contaminated
ronmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA 2013) in order groundwater. Additionally, bivariate correlation analysis indi-
of decreasing preference. According to the International Agen- cated that the half lives derived from the first-order decay were
cy for Research on Cancer (IARC 2014), benzene is classified notably correlated with the maximum concentrations of the
as a human carcinogen (Group 1); dichloromethane is regarded contaminants (Spearman r=0.914, p<0.01).
as a probable carcinogen to humans (Group 2A); ethyl ben- Contaminant concentrations for the ten pollutants and chlo-
zene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, carbon tetrachloride, and chloro- ride ion were statistically analyzed using PCA. The results of
form are possible carcinogens to humans (Group 2B); and the the corresponding analysis are presented in Table S4 to
remaining chemicals of concern are not classifiable as to carci- Table S6. The correlation matrix revealed strong correlation
nogenicity to humans (Group 3). Therefore, benzene, ethyl between chloride ion and benzene, between 1,4-dichloroben-
benzene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, carbon tetrachloride, zene and 1,2-dichlorobenzene and 1,3-dichlorobenzene, as
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2016) 23:1234–1245 1239

a 10
b 1000

Benzene Chloroform

Concentration (mg/L)
1 Toluene Carbon tetrachloride
Concentration (mg/L)

Ethyl benzene 10

0.1 1


1E-3 1E-3

























Monitoring wells Monitoring wells

c d
100 GW14
10 1,4-dichlorobenzene
Concentration (mg/L)


PC2 (26.83 %)
1 0.5

GW16 GW12
0.1 GW13 GW11
0.0 GW5
-0.5 -0.5
0.0 )
0.0 GW1
1E-3 PC 0.5













1 (4 1.0
0.5 1.0 3(
9 %)
Monitoring wells 1.5 2.0

Fig. 4 The individual contaminant concentrations in sampling location, chemicals at GW11, GW12, and GW16 being not detected (a–c). Principal
component analysis (PCA) scattergram of Bfactor scores^ for each sampling location (d)

Table 1 Summary of
contaminant concentrations in COCs Concentration (mg/L) Detected frequency (%)
Max Min Average

Benzene 10.37 bdl 1.34 62.50

Toluene 0.026 bdl 0.0078 43.75
Ethyl benzene 0.043 bdl 0.016 25.00
Monochlorobenzene 130.36 bdl 30.53 81.25
1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0084 bdl 0.0039 25.00
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.11 bdl 0.041 43.75
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.067 bdl 0.025 37.50
Carbon tetrachloride 26.00 bdl 6.62 25.00
Chloroform 670.00 bdl 51.70 75.00
Dichloromethane 3.19 bdl 1.13 18.75
Cl− 4790.00 61.00 533.75 100.00
Depth (mbgl) 9.5 8.3 9
pH 7.6 5.9 7.2
Temperature (°C) 19.9 18.4 19.3

Groundwater samples were taken between November 7 and May 8, 2013

bdl below detection limit, mbgl meters below ground level
1240 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2016) 23:1234–1245

well as between dichloromethane and carbon tetrachloride and sampling locations in the first subgroup including GW14,
chloroform, respectively (Table S4). The first three principal GW10, GW15, GW7, GW8, GW9, GW3, GW16, GW13,
components (PCs) were extracted, accounting for approxi- GW5, GW11, and GW12 with relative lower concentration
mately 82 % (PC1, 40.58 %; PC2, 26.83 %; PC3, 14.64 %) were related to PC2 and PC3 mainly. The second subgroup
of the total variance of the outcome (Table S5). The first prin- was associated with GW1, GW2, and GW4, which was clus-
cipal component (PC1) was associated with toluene, carbon tered in the plane of PC1 and PC3 attributable to higher con-
tetrachloride, and chloroform. The second principal compo- centrations of monochlorobenzene and benzene and trace
nent (PC2) was related to ethyl benzene, 1,2-dichlorobenzene, amounts of dichlorobenzene. The most highlighted sampling
1,3-dichlorobenzene, and 1,4-dichlorobenzene. The third location for GW6 in the plane of PC1 and PC2 was ascribed to
principal component (PC3) was linked to benzene, the highest level of chloroform and carbon tetrachloride and
monochlorobenzene, and chloride ion (Table S6). The PCA relative higher concentration of monochlorobenzene. There-
scatter diagram of Bfactor score^ for each sampling location is fore, the characterization of contaminated groundwater by
presented in Fig. 4d. The figure revealed that the sampling principal component analysis may provide the potential risk
locations could be clustered into two subgroups. Most hotspot. GW1 is situated in the manufacturing workshop,

Table 2 The specific technical algorithms for SSAC calculation in RBCA and HERA

Commercial scenario

T HQ  Rf Di  W AF  BW a  AT nc  365 days=year
carcinogens SSAC HERA ¼ ¼
V F  RV a  E F  EDa
T HQ  R f C  RV a  W A F  BW a  AT nc  365 days=year T HQ  R f C  W AF  AT nc  365 days=year
¼ (1)
BW a  V F  RV a  E F  EDa V F  E F  EDa
nc 365 days=year
nc ¼ T HQR fVCAT
FE FEDa  W A F (2)
T CR  BW a  AT ca  365 days=year T CR  BW a  AT ca  365 days=year
S F i  V F  E F  EDa  RV a RV a  V F  E F  EDa  RV a
T CR  AT ca  365 days=year
U R  V F  E F  EDa
ca 365 days=year
ca ¼ T CRAT
U RV FE FEDa (4)
Residential scenario
T HQ  Rf Di  W AF  BW c  AT nc  365 days=year
carcinogens SSAC HERA ¼ ¼
V F  RV c  E F  EDc
T HQ  R f C  RV a  BW c  AT nc  365 days=year
 W AF (5)
BW a  V F  RV c  E F  EDc
nc 365 days=year
nc ¼ T HQR fVCAT
FE FEDc  W A F (6)


¼ BW
BW c =RV c (7)

T CR  AT ca  365 days=year EDc RV c EDa RV a  T CR  AT ca  365 days=year EDc RV c EDa RV a 
SSAC HERA ¼ þ BW a ¼ þ BW a
S F i  V F  E F BW c U RBW a
RV a  V F  E F BW c


ca 365 days=year
ca ¼ T CRAT
U RV FE F ðEDc þ EDa Þ (9)
¼ BW
RV a 
BW c ðEDc þ EDa Þ (10)

SSAC (mg/L), site-specific assessment criteria; subscripts Bnc^ and Bca^ mean non-carcinogens and carcinogens, respectively; superscript BHERA ^ and
BRBCA ^ mean HERA model or from the RBCA Tool Kit; THQ (unitless), target hazard quotient; TCR (unitless), target cancer risk; RfDi (mg/kg/day),
reference dose; UR (1/mg/m3 ), unit risk; SFi (1/(mg/kg/day)), cancer slope factor; RfC (mg/m3 ), reference concentration; VF (mg m−3 /mg L−1 ),
volatilization factors; ATnc or ATca (year), averaging time for non-carcinogens or for carcinogens; EF (days/year), exposure frequency; ED (year),
exposure duration; RV (m3 /day), the daily inhalation rate; BW (kg), body weight; subscripts Bc ^ and Ba ^ mean child and adult, respectively
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2016) 23:1234–1245 1241

while GW2, GW4, and GW6 were within the raw material and similarities exist between the two models (Table S1). In detail,
product warehouse. Therefore, these monitoring wells are HERA model applied reference dose (RfDi, mg/kg/day) and/
considered within the potential groundwater pollution or cancer slope factor (SFi, 1/(mg/kg/day)) as the acceptable
sources. daily exposure reference to the human receptor and considered
body weight (BW) and daily inhalation rate (RV) for specific
Model comparison between RBCA and HERA models receptors at the same time (Eqs. 3 and 7). Compared with
HERA model, RBCA Tool Kit used the RfC (mg/m3) and/or
The technical algorithm to calculate SSAC is listed in UR (1/mg/m3) as the acceptable daily exposure reference
Table S1. As illustrated in Eqs. 1 and 2, both RBCA and without respect to the parameters of receptors (Eqs. 4 and 8).
HERA models have implemented identical transport models RfC and UR can be converted into RfDi and SFi through mul-
for the calculation of volatilization factors (VF) for individual tiplying by the ratio of RV and BW for adult or their inverse
exposure route under commercial and residential redevelop- form, respectively (Eqs. 5 and 9). Therefore, the same result
ment scenarios. Therefore, the identical results for VF will be obtained when the adult receptor is taken into account
were obtained using HERA model and RBCA Tool Kit but different outcomes when multiple receptors are considered
(Table 3). Additionally, the calculated VF indicates that using the two models.
the human receptors in future may be more vulnerable to The specific technical algorithms for SSAC calcula-
the VOCs volatile into the closed space because the VFs tion using RBCA and HERA is listed in Table 2 and
calculated for indoor vapor pathways were approximately the calculated results are listed in Table 3. As shown in
three orders of magnitude higher than those for outdoor Table 3, identical SSACs under the commercial redevel-
vapor exposure pathways (Table 3). opment scenario were calculated through the conversion
For the SSAC calculation, there is a fine distinction be- between RfDi and RfC or between SFi and UR for only
tween HERA model and RBCA Tool Kit, although most adult receptors (Eqs. 1 to 4 in Table 2). However,

Table 3 Volatilization factors and Site-Specific Assessment Criteria from RBCA and HERA tools

Chemicals RBCA Tool Kit HERA model


mg m−3/mg L−1 mg/L mg m−3/mg L−1 mg/L

Commercial scenario
Benzene 9.52E−07 1.77E−04 14.36 >1770 9.52E−07 1.77E−04 14.36 >1770
Toluene 9.09E−07 1.70E−04 >530 >530 9.09E−07 1.70E−04 >530 >530
Ethyl benzene 8.57E−07 1.60E−04 14.00 >169 8.57E−07 1.60E−04 14.00 >169
Monochlorobenzene 7.93E−07 1.47E−04 132.01 >502 7.93E−07 1.47E−04 132.01 >502
1,2-Dichlorobenzene 6.51E−07 1.20E−04 97.71 >150 6.51E−07 1.20E−04 97.71 >150
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 7.51E−07 1.40E−04 22.28 >110 7.51E−07 1.40E−04 22.28 >110
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 6.74E−07 1.25E−04 4.09 >73.8 6.74E−07 1.25E−04 4.09 >73.8
Carbon tetrachloride 1.71E−06 3.22E−04 2.90 >805 1.71E−06 3.22E−04 2.90 >805
Chloroform 9.19E−07 1.71E−04 1.43 795.69 9.19E−07 1.71E−04 1.43 795.69
Dichloromethane 9.67E−07 1.78E−04 67.11 >15400 9.67E−07 1.78E−04 67.11 >15,400
Residential scenario
Benzene 9.52E−07 4.44E−04 3.42 >1770 9.52E−07 4.44E−04 2.92 >1770
Toluene 9.09E−07 4.25E−04 >530 >530 9.09E−07 4.25E−04 >530 >530
Ethyl benzene 8.57E−07 4.01E−04 3.33 >169 8.57E−07 4.01E−04 2.85 >169
Monochlorobenzene 7.93E−07 3.69E−04 37.72 >502 7.93E−07 3.69E−04 20.41 >502
1,2-Dichlorobenzene 6.51E−07 2.99E−04 27.92 >150 6.51E−07 2.99E−04 15.11 >150
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 7.51E−07 3.49E−04 6.37 >110 7.51E−07 3.49E−04 3.45 >110
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 6.74E−07 3.12E−04 0.97 >73.8 6.74E−07 3.12E−04 0.83 >73.8
Carbon tetrachloride 1.71E−06 8.05E−04 0.69 >805 1.71E−06 8.05E−04 0.59 >805
Chloroform 9.19E−07 4.27E−04 0.34 473.62 9.19E−07 4.27E−04 0.29 404.96
Dichloromethane 9.67E−07 4.44E−04 15.98 >15400 9.67E−07 4.44E−04 13.66 >15,400

The subscripts Biv^ and Bov^ are for indoor and outdoor vapor pathway; B>value^ indicates that the calculated SSAC exceeds the compound’s solubility
1242 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2016) 23:1234–1245

SSACs under the residential redevelopment scenario cal- are slightly less with 1.17 times higher than those derived
culated using HERA software were more conservative from HERA model. Therefore, the main discrepancy in
than those calculated using RBCA Tool Kit, especially exposure calculations was responsible for the different
for the non-carcinogenic contaminants. The differences SSACs calculated using RBCA and HERA tools.
in SSACs from these two models are explained. The
critical receptors for carcinogenic contaminants under Detailed quantitative risk assessment using HERA model
the residential scenario are children and adults. As a
result, the individual RV and BW of the receptor were Integrated SSAC comparing with actual concentration
taken into account in HERA model (Eqs. 8 in Table 2), of chemicals
whereas RBCA Tool Kit considered the exposure dura-
tion (ED) of individual receptor only (Eqs. 9 in The technical algorithm for integrated SSAC is listed in
Table 2). Although the toxicity parameter of SFi could Eqs.11 and 12 in Table S1. The results for SSACs for single
be converted into UR, an identical result could not be exposure pathway and the integrated SSACs from multiple
obtained and the ratio of SSAC for carcinogen derived exposures derived by HERA are summarized in Tables 3
from RBCA (SSAC ca R BC A ) and that from HERA and 4. Typically, SSACs for indoor vapor inhalation route
(SSACcaHERA) is shown in Eqs. 10 in Table 2. In the under both residential and commercial scenarios were almost
case of non-carcinogens, children were selected as the identical to their respective integrated SSACs indicating that
most sensitive receptors under the residential scenario. the inhalation of groundwater indoor vapor was a critical path-
SSAC was predicted in the same way and the specific way. This is because of the larger exposure frequency (EF)
technical algorithms are listed in Eqs. 5 and 6. Like- setting (Table S3) and stronger volatilization factor (VF). The
wise, the ratio of SSAC for non-carcinogen (SSAC nc) results shown in Table 4 revealed a variety of target cleanup
from the two models is shown in Eqs. 7 in Table 2. Con- criteria for different chemicals of concern. The SSAC values
sequently, the SSAC derived from RBCA Tool Kit for under residential scenario were more conservative than those
non-carcinogenic chemicals under the residential scenar- under commercial scenario as children were considered to be
io are 1.85 times higher than those derived from HERA the critical receptors under the residential scenario. From the
model, whereas the SSAC derived from RBCA Tool Kit toxicity point, SSAC values for carcinogenic compounds were
for carcinogenic chemicals under the residential scenario basically more stringent due to their serious toxicity, thus the

Table 4 Site-Specific
Assessment Criteria for COCs Residential Commercial
contaminants of concerns
SSACint (mg/L) SSAC exceedance SSACint (mg/L) SSAC exceedance

Benzenea 2.92 GW1 (10.37) 14.33 –

Tolueneb >530 – >530 –
Ethyl benzenea 2.85 – 13.97 –
Monochlorobenzeneb 20.40 GW1 (72.01) 131.77 –
GW2 (130.36)
GW4 (120.66) –
GW6 (63.90) –
1,2-Dichlorobenzeneb 15.10 – 97.53 –
1,3-Dichlorobenzeneb 3.44 – 22.24 –
1,4-Dichlorobenzenea 0.83 – 4.08 –
Carbon tetrachloridea 0.59 GW6 (26.00) 2.90 GW6 (26.00)
Chloroforma 0.29 GW1 (0.49) 1.42 GW6 (670.00)
GW6 (670.00)
GW13 (0.73)
GW15 (0.78)
Dichloromethanea 13.65 – 66.99 –

B>value^ indicates that the calculated SSAC exceeds the compound’s solubility; SSACint, integrated SSAC for
multiple exposure pathway. a carcinogenic chemical; b non-carcinogenic chemical.
Carcinogenic chemical
Non-carcinogenic chemical
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2016) 23:1234–1245 1243

target threshold level of the contaminants in the groundwater and GW6 were in the range of 3.13 to 6.39 times over the
had to be strictly restricted ranging from 0.29 to 13.65 mg/L. SSACs. The concentration of benzene (10.37 mg/L) also
In terms of non-carcinogenic substances, SSACs for 1,3-di- exceeded the SSAC of 2.92 mg/L at GW1. Under the com-
chlorobenzene, 1,2-dichlorobenzene, and mercial scenario, contaminant concentrations for chloroform
monochlorobenzene were relatively lenient in the range of and carbon tetrachloride at GW6 are 470.63 and 8.98 times
3.44–20.40 mg/L under residential scenario, whereas SSACs above their respective SSACs. Therefore, potential risks
for toluene was greater than their corresponding solubility associated with inhalation of indoor vapor have been
(530 mg/L), suggesting that toluene may pose a negligible identified for benzene, monochlorobenzene, carbon tetra-
health effect. chloride, and chloroform under the residential redevelop-
Contaminant concentrations at several groundwater moni- ment, and carbon tetrachloride and chloroform under
toring locations were in excess of SSACs for chloroform, commercial scenario.
carbon tetrachloride, monochlorobenzene, and benzene under
the residential scenario (Table 4). The level of the exceedance Carcinogenic risk and non-carcinogenic hazard assessment
was increased in the order of chloroform>carbon tetrachlo-
ride>monochlorobenzene>benzene. The concentrations in The results of CRT and HI via multi-exposure pathways for
groundwater for chloroform (670.00 mg/L) and carbon tetra- each chemical of concern under residential and commercial
chloride (26.00 mg/L) at GW6 were found to be 2309.29 and scenarios are explained in Fig. 5a–d. The collected data for
44.05 times over their respective SSACs. The levels of CRT and/or HI exhibited that the unacceptable risk or hazard
monochlorobenzene in groundwater at GW1, GW2, GW4, effects were associated with benzene, monochlorobenzene,

a 4
b 3
10 10
Residential 2 Commercial
2 10
0 10
Cancer risk*10


Cancer risk*10

10 -3
10 10

-10 -5
10 10

c 2
Monitoring wells d 10 1
Monitoring wells

1 Residential 10
0 -1
10 10
-1 -2
10 10
Hazard index

Hazard index

-2 -3
10 10
-3 -4
10 10
-4 -5
10 10
-5 -6
10 10
-6 -7
10 10
-7 -8
10 10


Monitoring wells Monitoring wells

Fig. 5 The total carcinogenic risk and hazard index under residential and 1,3-dichlorobenzene; open triangles, 1,4-dichlorobenzene; open down-
commercial exposure scenarios. Filled squares, benzene; filled circles, pointing triangles, carbon tetrachloride; plus symbols, chloroform;
toluene; filled triangles, ethyl benzene; filled down-pointing triangles, asterisks, dichloromethane
monochlorobenzene; open squares, 1,2-dichlorobenzene; open circles,
1244 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2016) 23:1234–1245

chloroform, and carbon tetrachloride. The remaining exposure parameters related to the indoor vapor inhalation
chemicals showed negligible harmful effects. The calculated were more sensitive and profoundly affected the assessment
carcinogenic risk levels were in the range of 10−10 to 10−6 at of CRT and HI.
most of the groundwater monitoring wells, with the exception
of GW1, GW6, GW13, and GW15. Under the residential
scenario, the cancer risk at GW1 for benzene and at GW13
and GW15 for chloroform was 3.55×10−6, 2.46×10−6, and Conclusions
2.67×10−6, respectively, which are considered as Bpossible
risk^ between 1×10−6 and 1×10−5 proposed by Sexton et al. In this study, modeling validations and comparisons including
(2007). The calculated cancer risk of 4.40×10−5 for carbon the similarities and differences between HERA software that
tetrachloride at GW6 under residential redevelopment falls implemented technical algorithm and exposure scenarios of
into Bprobable risk^ between 1×10−5 and 1×10−4. The cancer Chinese risk assessment guideline (CRAG 2014) and an inter-
risk of 2.31×10−3 for chloroform exceeds the regulatory limit nationally accepted RBCATool Kit have been undertaken. Fol-
of 1×10−4 classified as a Bdefinite risk^. In comparison with lowing the validation, human health risk assessment of volatile
the residential scenario, the cancer risks for benzene and organic solvents in groundwater has been presented under the
carbon tetrachloride under commercial scenario were de- commercial and residential scenarios for a former chemical
creased one order of magnitude, but the risk of 4.71× works in China. Detailed model comparisons indicated the
10−4 for chloroform and 8.98×10−6 for carbon tetrachlo- identical SSACs under the commercial redevelopment scenario
ride at GW6 still posed a considerable risk for inhala- from both models, but more conservative and stringent SSAC
tion of groundwater indoor vapors. In terms of the non- values under the residential scenario using HERA model than
carcinogenic hazard index under the residential scenario, those obtained from RBCATool Kit. These are attributed to the
carbon tetrachloride, benzene, and monochlorobenzene identical algorithms on transport models implemented in both
were found to be of concern as the HI in the range of models and the difference in exposure calculation under the
1.02 to 6.39 at GW1, GW2, GW4, and GW6 exceeded residential scenarios. The inhalation of indoor vapor was iden-
the threshold value of 1. Furthermore, chloroform with tified to be the most predominant exposure pathway for VOCs
the highest HI of 19.62 for residential scenario and 3.04 determined using the RBCA and HERA models.
for commercial scenario were considered to pose the The outcome of the risk assessment using HERA model
most serious toxic effect to human health. identified unacceptable carcinogenic risks posed by benzene,
monochlorobenzene, carbon tetrachloride, and chloroform in
Sensitivity analysis of parameters the range of 2.46×10−6 to 2.31×10−3 and the unacceptable
highest non-carcinogenic hazard quotient for chloroform of
The parameter sensitivity analysis was performed under resi- 19.62 under the residential redevelopment. Under the commer-
dential scenario as an example. The SR of the parameters for cial scenario, carcinogenic risk levels of 4.71×10−4 and 8.98×
residential redevelopment is shown in Table S4. The outcomes 10−6 have been calculated for carbon tetrachloride and chloro-
indicated that volume/area ratio (LB) and indoor air exchange form, respectively. Finally, it is revealed from the parameter
rate (ER) were the extraordinary sensitive parameters with an sensitivity analysis that the most sensitive parameters are those
SR value of −0.95, and they were negatively correlated with relating to the pathway of indoor vapor inhalation and pro-
both CRT and HI. While the SR for areal fraction of cracks (η), foundly affect the assessment of CRT and HI.
the depth to the foundation (Zcrack), and the foundation thick- It can be concluded from the above analyses that
ness (Lcrack) was approximately 0, indicating that the parame- potential health risks exist under future redevelopment
ters were relatively insensitive to both CRT and HI estimates. scenarios and development of a risk-based remedial
With regard to the exposure parameters of receptors, data of strategy is recommended to ensure the safe and sus-
adults were more sensitive (SR>0.65) relative to those of tainable redevelopment of the site.
children (SR<0.32) including the BW, the indoor vapor ex-
posure frequency (EFiv-a), the exposure duration (EDa), and
daily inhalation rate (RVa) in terms of CRT assessment. Addi-
tionally, the BW was inversely related to both CRT and HI,
suggesting that increasing the BW of receptor would weaken Acknowledgments The National High Technology Research and De-
the deleterious effects of pollutants regardless of other factors. velopment Program (863 Program, 2013AA06A208), the Science and
In contrast to CRT, children were taken into account only for Technology Service Network Initiative (STS, KFJ-EW-STS-091), the
Public Health Research Funding from the Ministry of Environmental
the HI calculation. Therefore, the exposure parameters
Protection of the People’s Republic of China (201309005), and the Na-
discussed above for children were the most sensitive parame- tional Science Foundation of China (41471404 and 51309214) are
ters with SR values between 0.95 and 1.00. Consequently, the acknowledged.
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2016) 23:1234–1245 1245

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