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Adv. Radio Sci.

, 6, 35–38, 2008
Advances in
© Author(s) 2008. This work is distributed under Radio Science
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Considerations on the frequency resource of professional wireless

microphone systems
S. Dortmund1 , M. Fehr2 , and I. Rolfes1
1 Institute for Radiofrequency and Microwave Engineering, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
2 Sennheiser Electronic GmbH, Wedemark, Germany

Abstract. This Paper presents the results of spectral obser- assured access to the frequency resource. For the protec-
vations in the UHF TV Bands IV and V from 470 MHz up tion of PWMS a default signal strength of (68 dBµV/m) is
to 862 MHz with focus on the TV-Channels 61 to 63 and 67 specified in CEPT (1997). This value is also used for sev-
to 69. Concerning the discussions on WRC (2007) this fre- eral other governmental issues (e.g., ERC Report 88, 2000).
quency range is in great demand of several applications and is PWMS manufacturers suppose that this level is about more
usually treated as a ”white space” in the TV-Bands. Accord- than (10 dB) too high for a secure PWMS connection in on
ing to typical scenarios, two different spectral loads will be stage environments. According to ETSI (2006) a new sug-
presented considering the requirements of professional wire- gestion for the default protected signal strength in PWMS
less microphone receivers with respect to in-band intermod- for future frequency allocation in UHF is given, adapted from
ulation. the demands on PWMS in Sect. 2 of this paper. In Sect. 3 the
spectral loads of two different applicable cases are presented.
Futhermore one of them is evaluated from an objective point
1 Introduction of view by the aid of frequency availability and from a sub-
jective point of view with respect to in-band intermodulation
In the course of the digitalisation of the UHF TV-Bands a in PWMS receivers as well. Finally, in Sect. 4 the results are
reallocation of the UHF frequency spectrum will take place. concluded.
This is based on the presumption that Digital Video Broad-
casting (DVB-T) will occupy less spectrum than the ana-
logue counterpiece. On the other hand the increasing demand 2 PWMS – an application with high demands
on digital broadcasting for hand-held devices (DVB-H) may
require the vacant frequency resource, especially in urban ar- PWMS is a common application in the cultural industry and
eas. Furthermore several providers are interested in installing includes wireless microphones for professional usage, In-
new mobile multimedia-based services in UHF in so called Ear Monitoring Systems (IEM), Electronic News Gather-
“white spaces“. Applications like Professional Wireless Mi- ing (ENG) and wireless audio systems. These applications
crophone Systems (PWMS) which actually use these “white can be found in studios, theatres, musicals, politics, sports,
spaces” are not often mentioned as secondary users of the broadcasting and on stage. Thus PWMS is a core applica-
UHF frequency spectrum. Additionally unlicensed devices tion in the production of multimedia content and is used for
with cognitive skills may become access to the UHF fre- recording and archiving unique events. This leads to very
quency spectrum. On WRC (2007) the possibility to hold an high demands on the reliability and sound quality of PWMS.
auction on the upper TV channels was discussed. According Furthermore sound engineers and musicians have high de-
to BNetzA (2005) PWMS are allowed to operate on these mands on latency. Therefore PWMS, unlike wireless micro-
channels without individual permission until 2015, named phones, headphones or loudspeakers for consumer applica-
channel 61 to 63 (f =790 MHz to f =814 MHz) and channel tions, are not able to operate on Industrial, Scientific, and
67 to 69 (f =838 MHz to f =862 MHz) which were former Medical Bands (ISM). In contrast to daily usage, today’s
used by military applications. PWMS is a strongly grow- mass events, for example in sports, generate a temporary
ing application with high demands on reliability, latency and much higher demand on a useful frequency resource.
sound quality which in practice can only be faced with an
2.1 Requirements of PWMS

Correspondence to: S. Dortmund According to ETSI (2006) a high audio quality can be
( achieved with an Audio Signal-to-Noise Ratio SNRAF of

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the URSI Landesausschuss in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.
36 resource of professional
he frequency S. Dortmundwireless
et al.: Considerations
the frequency resource of professional wireless microphone systems

Hence, the maximum range for a secure and reliable

y PWMS link considering the antennas in use, human body
absorption and fading effects is about r=21.1 m with-
out and rdiversity =47.3 m with an additional diversity gain
Gdiversity =7 dB. For the most applications, this range is barely
adequate. Thus, we suppose Psens =−80 dBm for the PWMS
be protection level. With SNRRF,min =20 dB the resulting maxi-
of mum interference level is Pif =−100 dBm. The correspond-
o- ing field strengths are 51.5 dBµV /m and 31.5 dBµV /m with
n an antenna factor k=24.5 for isotropic antennas operating at
f =800 MHz. The calculated value for the protected field
strength is lower than the one given in CEPT (1997) for
PWMS 1 with 68 dBµV /m.

ee 3 Spectral load
od For the spectral loads the concrete PWMS application is not
n necessary. However, it is important to distinguish two differ-
n Fig. Fig. 1. Measurement
1. Measurement locationin
location in the
the center
Berlinwithin a diam-
within a diam- ent applicable cases, on the one hand the daily use of PWMS
eter of 1 km (marked by white, dotted circles), with known PWMS
m eter of 1 km (marked by white, dotted circles), with known PWMS in an urban area with a high concentration of PWMS users
users (marked by black circle).
users (marked by black circle) with a moderate frequency load, on the other hand a mass
is event with a high frequency load (see Sect. 2). For record-
(80 dB (A)) at the NF-Path of a PWMS receiver. The associ- ing the daily use of PWMS, an area with a diameter of 1 km
al ated Radioload Frequency Signal-to-Noise Ratio SNRRF can be
3 Spectral within the center of Berlin was chosen (see Fig. 1). In this
a calculated from area at least 20 PWMS users were known (marked with black
the spectral SNR
loads the
AF concrete PWMS application(1)
− Gdemod
is not circles). The measurement took place from 17th to 18th July
e- RF =
necessary. However, Kcompandit is important to distinguish two differ- 2007. For a mass event the biggest international music fair
(”Musikmesse”) was chosen. This Measurement took place
ent applicable
where Kcompand cases,represents
on the onea hand the daily
coefficient for use
the of PWMS from 28th to 31th March 2007 in the exhibition hall 4, Frank-
2) in anof urban area with
companding a highKconcentration
(typically compand =2) andof GPWMS
demod rep- users furt/Main.
a moderate frequency load,
the demodulation gain of on the
the used
hand a mass The spectral load was recorded in both cases using as re-
h eventscheme. Actually
with a high PWMS load
frequency works(seewithsection
frequency modula-
2). For record- ceiving antenna a Sennheiser type A 5000 CP , which is
a tion (FM) with
ing the daily use of PWMS, G demod =20 dB. This leads to a minimum
an area with a diameter of 1 km an applicable, directional antenna installed by many PWMS
or SNRRF,min of typically 20 dB. The thermal noise level
within the center of Berlin was chosen (see Fig. 1). In this users, connected to a Rohde & Schwarz FSP 3 spectrum an-
or Nthermal for a PWMS channel with 200 kHz Bandwidth is alyzer. The data was measured with 1f =20 kHz, RMS de-
at least
−12020 dBm.
PWMS users were
According known
to ETSI (2006)(marked with black tection and a reference level P =−20 dBm. The analyzer
other technical
d- circles). The measurement took place
on-stage-applications, for example lightfrom 17th to 18th
installations, add aJuly was software controlled and the measured data stream was
B 2007. For a mass
cumulative event the biggest
man-made-noise NManMadeinternational
of 10 dB. Withmusic
a typ- fair mapped with a measurement PC. The whole analysis was
d- (”Musikmesse”)
ical noise figurewas F ofchosen.
a PWMSThis Measurement
receiver the minimumtook receiv-place performed by use of MATLAB. The surface plots in Fig. 2
d ing level
from 28th to 31thP can be calculated by
sens March 2007 in the exhibition hall 4, Frank- and Fig. 3 show the recorded signal levels PMusikmesse and
5) furt/Main. PBerlin (color coded) over frequency (abscissa) and measure-
Psens = Nthermal + NManMade + F . (2) ment cycle (ordinate) and will be discussed in detail in the
The spectral load was recorded in both cases using as re-
The output power of PWMS is limited to 17 dBm. With following subsections.
ceiving antenna a Sennheiser type A 5000 CP , which is
3) a typical stationary antenna gain Gstatic =5 dBi and a mobile
an applicable, directional antenna installed by many PWMS 3.1 PWMS in daily use
antenna gain Gmobile =0 dBi of a hand-held or of a body-
users, connected
mounted device, to the
a Rhode
maximum & Schwarz
path lossFSPL for3 aspectrum
gaussian an-
alyzer. Theisdata
channel givenwas
Lgauss =87 dBwith
including kHz, RMS In Fig. 2, an overview of the spectral load in Berlin is dis-
∆f =the20absorption
y played. The measurement equipment was placed in a car.
of the and
human a reference
body Dhuman =30PdB
level = −20
refdefined in dBm. The ana-
ETSI (2006).
ut The car stopped at numerous stop stations, as close as pos-
a reliable PWMS
software link, fading
controlled andbreak-ins up to 30data
the measured dB have
stream sible to the known PWMS users, and continued in place for
was tomapped
be considered
with aandmeasurement
lead to Lrayleigh =57The
PC. dB. According to
whole analysis several measurement cycles. The recording was continued
is Meinke et al. (2005) the range r for f =800 MHz is calcu-
was performed by use of MATLAB. The surface plots in Fig. during driving from one stop station to another. The light
or lated with
2 and Fig. 3 show the recorded signal levels PM usikmesse 1
he r over frequency f PWMS are part of Service Auxiliary Broadcasting (SAB) / Ser-
and LP= 32.44dB
Berlin (color coded)
+ 20log + 20log . (abscissa)(3) and vice Auxiliary Program making (SAP) in CEPT (1997)
m. 1000m and willMHz
measurement cycle (ordinate) be discussed in detail
in the following subsections.
ic Adv. Radio Sci., 6, 35–38, 2008
3.1 PWMS in daily use
S. Dortmund et al.: Considerations on the frequency resource of S.
Dortmundwireless microphone systems
et al.: Considerations 37
on the frequency resource of prof

blue horizontal bars between measurement cycle 350 and 400

result from a temporary increase of the noise floor because
of problems with the measurement equipment. In spite of
the at least 20 known PWMS users the spectral load is very
weak. This leads to the presumption, that not all known de-
vices were in use during the measurement periode. Probably
this is caused by the fact that the measurement period coin-
cided with the holiday season in Berlin. Thus a higher spec-
tral load than the one displayed in Fig. 2 might be more rep-
resentative for PWMS in daily use. Moreover, because of the
overall measured weak levels, we suppose that not all PWMS
in indoor use can be recorded by observing the outdoor area
using the chosen measurement technique. The whole mea-
surement took place in parallel to a measurement campaign
Fig. 2. Spectral load from 17th to 18th July 2007 between
of BNetzA which observed the same frequency range at the Fig. 2. Spectral load from 17th to 18th July 2007 between f =
f =790 MHz and f =862 MHz in the center of Berlin.
S. same
Dortmund et al.: Considerations
stop stations. The results areon the frequency
nearly equal. Byresource
simply of 790
MHz and wireless microphone
f = 862 MHz systems
in the center of Berlin 3 790
cumulating the amount of measured levels higher −100 dBm
(excluding the light blue horizontal bars between measure-
ment cycle 350 and 400) multiplicated with 1f =20 kHz the sible to the known PWMS users, and continued in place for in F
used frequency can be calculated. In maximum 5.04 MHz several measurement cycles. The recording was continued the
are in use simultanously. With a typical bandwidth of 200 Hz during driving fromt one stop station to another. The light tion
this value corresponds to 25 PWMS. star
blue horizontal bars between measurement cycle 350 and 400
result from a temporary increase of the noise floor because of 7pm
3.2 PWMS during mass event rate
problems with the measurement equipment. In spite of the at
least 20 known PWMS users the spectral load is very weak. be s
In contrast to the low daily spectral load Fig. 3 gives an
This leads to the presumption, that not all known devices to 9
overview of the spectral load of a mass event. The measure-
were in use during the measurement periode. Probably this abo
ment equipment was placed in an office at the face side of
is caused by the fact that the measurement period coincided 30th
the exhibition hall with an antenna height of 5 m. The hall is
145 m in width and 133 m in length. With a 3 dB-angle of 60◦ with the holiday season in Berlin. Thus a higher spectral load f =
◦ , the antenna covers the whole than the one displayed in28th
Fig. 2 might tifie
Fig. 2. a Spectral
0dB-angle of from
load nearly17th
180to 18th July 2007 between f = Fig.
Fig. 3.3. Spectral
fromfrom 28th 31thbeMarch
to March
to 31th
more 2007
2007 between be-f =
tive for PWMS in daily use. Moreover, because of the overall On
MHz andhall. The MHz
f = 862 lowestin expected
the centerlevel was calculated to
of Berlin tween f =790 MHz and f =862 MHz in the
790 MHz and f = 862 MHz in the exhibition hall4, ”Musikmesse” exhibition hall4,
−70 dBm excluding attenuation or fading. Via a simple test “Musikmesse”.
measured weak levels, we suppose that not all PWMS in in- bea
measurement with a hand-held microphone, the level calcu- door use can be recorded by observing the outdoor area using ing
lation could be confirmed. The spectral load in Fig. 3 has the
in chosen
Fig. 3 measurement
has a very strong technique.
varianceTheinwholetime measurement
especially in betw
sible to the known PWMS users, and continued in place for another exhibition hall or pavillion. By simply cumulating
a very strong variance in time especially in the lower TV- took place in parallel to a measurement
the lower TV-channels (below f = 814 MHz) in campaign of conjunc-
BNetzA able
(below f =814 cycles.
MHz)The recording was
in conjunction withcontinued
the open- the amount of measured levels higher −100 dBm multipli-
tion withobserved
the =20 the
opening samehoursfrequency range at the same stop TV-
ing hours of the fair. The measurement started atThe
driving fromt one stop station to another. the light
28th cated with 1f kHz the usedoffrequency
the fair. The
range measurement
can be cal- sup
blue horizontal bars between stations. The
the results
28th are
March nearly
at aboutequal.
1pm. By
culated. In maximum 11.32 MHz are in use simultanously. at
started at simply
After doorcumulating
March at about 01:00 p.m. measurement
After door closing cycleat350 andp.m.
07:00 400
result from a temporary increase of the noise floor because of the
With amount
typicalof bandwidth
some measured
PWMS did levels
of 200 higher
not kHz
−100 dBm
because (exclud-
corresponds corpo-
only some PWMS did not switch off, because of corporate othe
functions with
in the
the measurement
The sameInbehaviour
spite of thecan at to 56 PWMS. On the average f =5.58 MHz are in use, corre-can
ing functions
the light in
blue the evening
horizontal hours.
bars The
between same behaviour
measurement cy-
cle seen
350 after
and door
400) opening
multiplicated at about
with ∆f
8am = 20 kHz
between cycle
the 500
used amo
be 20
seenknown PWMS
after door usersatthe
opening spectral
about 8am load is very
between cycle weak.
500 sponding to 28 PWMS.
to 900, analogue
frequency to the second
can be calculated. maximum 5.04
In measurement dayMHzas wellare as
in with
This leadsanalogue
to 900, to the presumption,
to the second that not all known
measurement day as devices
well as
3.2.1 cycle
simultanously.1125, analogue
Frequency availability to the third measurement
With a typical bandwidth of 200 kHz this day on cula
were in use
above cycleduring
1125, the measurement
analogue to the thirdperiode. Probably
measurement daythis
30th corresponds
value March till about to 25 2pm.
PWMS. At the upper TV-channels (above Wit
is 30th
caused by the
March tillfact
aboutthat the measurement
02:00 p.m. At the upper period coincided
with the holiday
(above f =838season in Berlin.
MHz) also Thus PWMS
continuous a highersignals
be f =
In the838 MHz) the
following alsospectral load PWMS
continuous of the ”Musikmesse”
signals can bewill iden- to 5
identified, presumptively belonging to not
than the one displayed in Fig. 2 might be more representa- battery powered be evaluated
tified, more
3.2 PWMS during mass event objectively.
belonging Therefore
to not the frequency
battery powered avail-
IEM. corr
tive On TV-channel
for PWMS 64 (f
in daily use. =814 MHz
Moreover, to f =822
because of theMHz)
overall a ability is calculated
On TV-channel 64 by(f = 814 MHz to f = 822 MHz) a dead-
deadbeat DVBT signal can be recognized, because of an ev- beat DVBT signal can be recognized, because of an everlast- 3.2.
measured weak levels, we suppose that not all PWMS in in- In contrast to the low daily spectral load Fig. 3 gives an
use canincrease of thebynoise floor. the
Additional PWMS is AV = P̃
ing increase of µσ
+ thePnoise floor. Additional PWMS is apparent (4)
door be recorded observing outdoor area using overviewmeas meas
of the spectral load of a mass event. The mea- In t
apparent between f =814 MHz and f =838
the chosen measurement technique. The whole measurement MHz out of the between f = 814 MHz and f = 838 MHz out of the oper-
surement equipment was placed in an office at the face side be e
took place in frequency
parallel torange according BNetzA
a measurement campaign(2005), includ-
of BNetzA able frequency
where range the
P̃meas represents according
median BNetzA (2005), spectral
of the measured including
of the exhibition hall with an antenna height of 5 m. The abil
which observed the same frequency range at the samebelow
ing TV-channel 64. Additionaly, weak PWMS signals stop load and µσP64.
hall is 145 mmeas
the weighted
inetwidth and a133
weak PWMS in
m in length.
time. According
the supposed
stations. levelsare
The results belonging to PWMS
nearly equal. placedcumulating
By simply inside the to Konstantinos al. (2005) frequency
supposed levels belonging to PWMS placed inside the ex- availability of
angle of 60 °and 0dB-angle
a µ=2.33 of nearlyas180 °, the avail-
antenna AV
amount of hall can be detected,
measured levels higherprobably
−100 transmitted
dBm (exclud- from corresponding
hibition hall can withbe detected,is determined a suitable
probably transmitted
covers the whole exhibition hall. The lowest expected level
from an-
ing the light blue horizontal bars between measurement cy- other exhibition hall or pavillion. By simply cumulating the
was calculated to −70 dBm excluding attenuation or fading. whe
350 and 400) multiplicated with ∆f = 20 kHz the used amount of measured levelsAdv. higherRadio
−100 Sci.,dBm multiplicated
6, 35–38, 2008
Via a simple test measurement with a hand-held microphone, load
frequency can be calculated. In maximum 5.04 MHz are in with ∆f = 20 kHz the used frequency range can be cal-
the level calculation
culated. In maximum could
11.32 beMHzconfirmed.
are in use Thesimultanously.
spectral load to M
use simultanously. With a typical bandwidth of 200 kHz this
value corresponds to 25 PWMS. With a typical bandwidth of 200 kHz this value corresponds
4 38 S.Dortmund
S. Dortmundet et
al.:al.: Considerations
Considerations on theonfrequency
the frequency
resourceresource of professional
of professional wireless microphone
wireless microphone systems system

−30 24
lation cannot be generalized. Therefore a nonlinearity of a
measured ressource
−40 typical PWMS with an input intercept point I P3 =0simulated
dBm was
with respect to IM3
−50 burdened with the measured spectral load at several measure-

used ressource / [MHz]


−60 ment cycles in a system simulation, considering only inter-
+µ σ

−70 modulation of the third order (IM3). The resulting spectral


load was again compared with Pif =−100 dBm. The simu-


lation results are displayed in Fig. 5. It is obvious, that the
peak-periode of the spectral load with respect to IM3 at cy-
cle 0 to 125, 500 to 750 and above 1125 exceeds twice the
790 800 810 820 830
freq / [MHz]
840 850 860 amount of the objective
0 spectral
125 250 load.
375 500 In625
the 750
cycle cycles
875 between
1000 1125

125 and 500, IM3 raises the spectral load insignificantly. The
99% availability
availability atat“Musikmesse”. maximum load was detected for cycle 1 with a spectral load
Fig. ”Musikmesse” Fig. 5. Subjective spectral load with respect to IM3, ”Musikmess
of 7.2 MHz excluding IM3 and 18 MHz including IM3.
measured resource
simulated resource
99% corresponding with µ = 2.33 is determined as a suitable4 Conclusions 4 Conclusions
with respect to IM3
availability for PWMS. The availability AV (see Fig. 4) isThis paper shows that PWMS in daily use only requires a
used resource / [MHz]

This paper shows that PWMS in daily use only requires
now compared with Pif = −100 dBm defined in sectionsmall part of the available spectrum and that not all PWMS
small part of the available spectrum and that not all PWM
2.1. This leads to in use can be made visible easily. In contrast the results based
in use can be made visible easily. In contrast the results base
AV61−63 8 = 11.88 MHz/24 MHz for the frequency rangeon the on objective frequency availability as well as on the sub-
the objective frequency availability as well as on the su
from f = 790 MHz to f = 814 MHz, jective spectral load including IM3 show that a generously
jective spectral load including IM3 show
determined headroom of the allocated frequency resource that
fora generous
AV67−69 = 18.06 MHz/24 MHz for the frequency rangePWMSdetermined headroom
is strongly required of the
for mass allocated
events and thefrequency
recording resource f
from f =0 838 125
f 500
= 862
875 1000 1125 PWMS
of unique is strongly
multimedia required
content. for mass events and the recordin
AVtotal = 50.78 MHz/72 MHz for the frequency rangeAcknowledgements. of unique multimedia content.
We thank K.-H. Schwaiger (IRT) for post-
from f Subjective
Fig. 5. = 790 MHz f =with
to load
spectral 862respect IM3, ”Musikmesse” processing suggestions and M. Fiks (FHH) for the measurement
support.Acknowledgements. We thank K.-H. Schwaiger (IRT) for pos
3.2.2 Spectral load with respect to in-band intermodulation processing suggestions and M. Fiks (FHH) for the measureme
ability for PWMS. The availability AV (see Fig. 4) is now support.
compared with Pif = − 100 dBm defined in section 2.1. This
For thetousage in different scenarios a PWMS receiver has to
leads BNetzA: Allgemeinzuteilung von Frequenzen für drahtlose Mikro-
be designed
AV61−63 =11.88with aMHz/24
tradeoffMHz between frequency
for the frequency selectivity,
range to foneReferences
für professionelle Nutzung in den Frequenzbereichen 790–
from in-band
f =790 MHz intermodulation,
to f =814 MHz, and frequency agility for the 814 und 838–862 MHz, Bonn, Germany, 2005 (http://www.
option to cover
AV67−69 =18.06 different
MHz for frequencies.
the frequencyIn range BNetzA: Allgemeinzuteilung von Frequenzen für drahtlo
a from
typical frontMHz
f =838 endtobandwidth
f =862 MHz is and
24 MHz or 3 TV-channels. CEPT: TheMikrofone
Chester 1997fürmultilateral
professionelle Nutzung
coordination in denre-Frequenzber
total =50.78 lated toichen 790-814 und 838-862 MHz, Bonn,proce-
technical criteria, coordination principles and Germany, 200
TheAV spectral loadMHz/72 MHz for
of a mass the frequency
event like the range from
f =790 MHz to f =862 MHz. dures for the introduction of Terrestrial Digial Video Broad-
causes in-band intermodulation inside the receiver front end, casting (DVB-T), Chester, England, 1997 (
CEPT: The Chester 1997 multilateral coordination agre
resulting from the
3.2.2 Spectral loadhuge
respect toofin-band
in use. This leads 132D67A4-8815-48CB-B482-903844887DE3?frames=0).
ment related to technical criteria, coordination princ
to a subjective higher spectral load inside the PWMS receiverERC: Compatibility ples inand
and sharing analysis between DVB-T and radio
procedures for Italy,
the 2000
For the
the objective one presented
usage in different scenariosinasection
PWMS 3.2.1.receiverThehasamount
to microphones bands IV and V, Naples, (http://www.of Terrestri
Digial Video Broadcasting (DVB-T), Chester, Englan
increase withofa spectral
tradeoff between
load due frequency
to in-band selectivity, to
intermodula- 1997
ETSI: Electromagnetic (
compatibility and Radio Spectrum Mat-
tion in-band
cannot be intermodulation,
generalized. Thereforeand frequency agility for of
a nonlinearity thea typ-
ters (ERM), Technical characteristics for Professional Wireless
option to cover different operating frequencies.
ical PWMS with an input intercept point IP3 = 0 dBm was MicrophoneIn Germany, Systems (PWMS),
ERC: Compatibility and System
between DVB-T an
a typical front end bandwidth is 24 MHz or 3 TV-channels. Sophia-Antipolis, France, bands IV and V, Naples, Italy, 200
burdened with the measured spectral load
The spectral load of a mass event like the “Musikmesse”
at several measure- radio microphones
Konstantinos, M., Athanassios, A. V.,Petros, V. P., Elias, K. K.,
ment cycles in intermodulation
a system simulation, considering only (
causes in-band inside the receiver front end,inter- Nocolaos, R. E., and Constantinou, P.: A new methology for
resulting from of the
order of (IM3).
PWMSThe resulting
in use. ETSI:coordination
spectral frequency
This leads Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio Spectrum Ma
of wireless microphone systems over oc-
loadPinside ters (ERM); Technical characteristics
on wirelessforandProfessional Wirele
to a was againhigher
subjective compared
spectralwith if = the−100 PWMS dBm. The sim- cupied TV-spectrum, IEEE Conference
receiver mobile
than the results
objective are one
presentedin in
Fig. 5. 3.2.1.
Sect. It is obvious,
The amount that the Microphone
computing, networking Systems
and (PWMS);
communication, System
Montreal, Reference
Canada, Documen
Sophia-Antipolis, France, 2006
of the increase
peak-periode of of
spectralload duewith
load to in-band to IM3 at cy- 2005.
MeinkeM. H. Konstantinos,
and Gundlach, F. A.V.
W.: Athanassios,
Taschenbuch der V.P.Hochfrequen-
Petros, K.K. Elias, R.
cle 02 Into the
125, 500 to 750 and above 1125 exceeds twice the ztechnik,
following this value will be used, although PWMS Springer Verlag,
Nocolaos R.E., andBerlin, Germany, 1968. A new methology for fr
P. Constantinou:
users and ofmanufacturers
the objective spectral
suppose that aload.
higherIn the cycles
frequency betweenWRC: World
availabil- Radiocommunication
quency coordination ofConference, Provisional Final
wireless microphone systems over o
ity and
might500, IM3 raises
be necessary the spectral
for a reliable PWMSload link. insignificantly. The Acts, International Communication Union, Geneva, Swiss, 2007.
cupied TV-spectrum, IEEE Conference on wireless and mobi
maximum load was detected for cycle 1 with a spectral load computing, networking and communication, Montreal, Canad
7.2 MHz
ofAdv. excluding IM3
Radio Sci., 6, 35–38, 2008 and 18 MHz including IM3. 2005
H. Meinke and F.W. Gundlach: Taschenbuch der Hochfreque
In the following this value will be used, although PWMS ztechnik, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1968
users and manufacturers suppose that a higher frequency availabil- WRC: World Radiocommunication Conference, Provisional Fin

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