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Musanze district

Literature in English test /100 marks

2nd Term

Level 5




1. Attempt the following questions on the key terms
related to prose /10
a) Literary traditions mean some common
features/characteristics that define literature of people
at certain period of time. These features relate to form
and meaning of literature of given place or time
b) In politics the renaissance contributed to the
development of the customs and conventions of
diplomacy whereas in science it increased reliance on
observation and inductive reasoning.
c) Two types of plot may be linear and circular.
d) Theme is the central idea of the story whereas
message is the lesson from the story.
e) Corruption in African novels is highly discussed for
instance in Mine Boy by Peter Abrahams, Leah had a
police who used to inform her when the police were
going check the illegal business via the payment.
In a Man of the People, Nanga tried to bribe Odili to
withdraw the candidacy in the next elections. Etc

2. Attempt the following questions on key terms related

to poetry./9
 The is a figure of great national or even of cosmic
importance, and represent culture’s heroic deeds,
 Devine intervention or super natural forces,
 They are written in verse style,
 Use of enumerations of deeds ,actions ,etc
 Omniscient narrator…

b) Concrete poetry is a type of poetry where a poem’s
meaning is conveyed through its graphic shape
whereas acrostic is a type of poem where certain
letters in each line spell out word or a phrase.
c) Rhythm in poetry is the flow of sound produced when
certain beats are stressed or accented and others
3. Read the passage below and answer the questions
that follow. /28
a) What is the job of the woman said in this passage?/1
 A tailor
b) Describe apparently MrVelji. /3
 He had a large egg-shaped head and a small
compact body.
 With his large forehead and big black spectacles he
looked the caricature of the archetypical wise man.
 He also has the bearing of one.
c) Who is telling us the story? How do you know? /3
 Aloo’s brother/ the mother’s son. There is where he
says “our father died”
d) What can you say about Aloo’s performance in his
secondary studies? /3
 He was a smart student as his result in the final
exam shows that he got onlyA’s in all subjects.
 He got scholarship of studying abroad
e) Which advice does MrVelji give this mother and her?/2
 He said that it would be good for his education,but
she sends her son, she will lose him.
f) Discuss whether MrVelji’s and Aloo’s mother’s fears are
 They are justified on one hand and not justified on
the other hand
 Some students go to study abroad in the developed
countries and don’t wish to back to this continent
which is still in the way of development
 Others got jobs and other benefit that they think
can’t be gotten to this continent.
 On the other hand, MrVelji’s and Aloo’s mother’s
fears are not justified because many people who
studied abroad came back to work in their countries
 So it depends on one’s personality because some
people are patriots of their motherland.
g) Find the words in the passage that match the following
definitions: /10
i. advice
ii. forehead

iii. stiffly
iv. sofa
v. throat

4. After Reading carefully the following poem and

answer the questions below./22
a) What is this poem about? 2
The poem is about a young girl exploited/ mistreated
overworked at a low age
b) How appropriate is the title? 2

The title is appropriate because it recalls the freedom,
protection and the respect of human right
c) Briefly, explain the rhyme and the rhythm of this poem.4
 The poem is rhymed on the second and the fourth line
of each stanza. Example chicken/kitchen, pay/day
 It has rhythm because it has repetition. In the first
stanza Atieno is repeated three times.Q
 There is a refrain Atienoyo at the end of each stanza
d) Explain the following expressions as used in the poem /6
i) A narrow life: short life
ii) Fifty-fifty: probably
iii) Gone to glory: died
e) How does this poem make you feel? Why? /3
Sympathetic, because Atieno went through a pitiful

5. Read the following sentences and decide which

literary devices (figures of speech) are they. Give
reason to each one /6

a) I am not black, I am not red, I am not white, but I am only a

Repetition: because many words are repeated more than
two times
b) A man is found by a woman, urinating in public and the
woman says, “You are such an intelligent man.”
Verbal irony: an intelligent person can’t urinate in public

c) Tom passed away last year.
Euphemism: this means he died
d) She was very hungry that she could eat a whole bull.
Hyperbole: the sentence is full of exaggeration. No one can
eat a whole bull
e) Mary’s voice is music to my years.
Metaphor: her good voice is directly compared to the
music. And no comparisonwords, as and like are used.
f) The shirts of these students are as blue as sky.
SIMILE: the word as is used to compare the shirts to the
(3 marks each one)
6. Attempt ONE of the extracts below.
i. There is inequality at work in Animal Farm.
Discuss giving a typical example from the
All animals were working (weeding), while the pigs were
supervisors. The pigs are the leaders of the farm and while
other animals were working like slaves.
ii. Why did Benjamin come to the field of work
galloping? /1
He came to inform other animals that Boxer was being
taken away. He wanted other animals to come for rescue.
iii. The animals crowded round the van. “Good
bye, Boxer!” what happened to Boxer and
where was he going?/2
Boxer collapsed when he building a windmill. Even though
Napoleon through his propagandist Squealar lied that the
van came to take Boxer to wellington hospital to be treated,
he was sold to a horse slaughterer to be slaughtered.
iv. Referring to what happened to Boxer; discuss
how Napoleon was a wicked character of
Animal farm./4
Napoleon was a wicked leader of Animal farm in different
ways: He sold Boxer to a horse slaughterer after his
collapsing on windmill. Yet Boxer is the only animal
worked harder
and he was loyal to Napoleon as he used to say “napoleon
is always right”
he helped Napoleon to win the battles and defeated the
attacks from human being (jones and Frederic. After the
death of Boxer, Napoleon took a speech and praised boxer,
telling the animals to imitate boxer’s behaviors…..

( b) The Pearl by John Steinbeck

1. Juana went to the fireplace for searching the pearl

because she wanted to throw it back to the sea due to the
fact that, she had realized, it was a curse to the family./3
2. Kino’s feeling, while he was following Juana, was harsh,
raged and angry./2
3. Kino ended by beating Juana fiercely./2

4. After this incident, Kino returned immediately home and
met two thieves with whom they fought and happened to
kill one of them./3
7. Attempt one question
Either A) PETER ABRAHAMS Mine Boy /10

Discuss how PETER ABRAHAMS portray the theme of

racism in the story Mine Boy
 PETER ABRAHAMS portray the theme of racism in
the story Mine Boy: he wrote this story talking about
the problems the African miners experienced during
the apartheid in south Africa.
 The story shows us how the innocent black people
were beaten by police. For instance Xuma is clubbed
on his second day when he arrived in the city.
 Dr Mini is also shamefully slapped by police for
demanding humanity for an injured man.
 It is illegal for black people to brew or drink beer.
 A black should have a pass wherever he is in the
 The law encourage this sense of inferiority
 Mine boys slave long hours for a little wage,
 The white used terminologies of oppression like Mine
boy, kaffir etc.

 On the other hand, white men were free with wealth of
the country
 They were superior and had total liberty to everything
Or (B) Theme of corruption in A Man of the People/10
 Mr. uses his wealth to bribe others and garner more
political power
 He uses his political power to acquire more wealth
 Mr. Nanga paid money to get place in the
parliament, “no matter what you know but who you
 Nanga tried to bribe Odili to withdraw the
candidacy in the next elections. Etc
 Chief Koko bribes Maxwell and the late reats
money and refuses to withdraw his candidacy
 Mr. used to bribe journalist so that they could not
write rubbish stories about him
HENRIK Ibsen: An Enemy of the People /15 Marks

a) Where does this scene take place? /2 marks

 In DR STOCKMANN’S compound
b) What has happened so that DR Stockman needs a
glazier? /4 marks
The people has called Dr Stockmann an enemy of the
people then they went break the windows of Dr
STOCKMANN’S compound, So he needs he glazier
to repair these windows
c) Why do you think the glazier won’t come? /4 marks
 The glazier won’t come because he doesn’t need
to help an enemy of the people
 He can be condemned by the leaders (Peter
stockman) because of helping an enemy of the
people etc

d) What message is in the letter that DR Stockmann

receives? Why do you think the sender did so?/5 marks
 It is a letter from the landlord. The message
Notice to quit. To mean that he is chasing
DrStockmann from his house
 The reason is that he also, doesn’t need to
accommodate the enemy of the People
 He can be condemned by the leaders (Peter stockman)
because of helping an enemy of the people etc


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