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Dragonkin Ancestry

for pathfinder 2nd edition

Dragonkin Ancestry.

Though much smaller than a true dragon, if you told them they were not truly dragons
you would be facing a fury and scorn no different then who they gain their lineage

Dragonkin are often feared by communities outside of throughout their lifetime and like true dragons only
their clans due to their draconic origins and while at grow stronger with age.
times a dragonkin’s appearance in a small village is an
omen of war, more often than not it’s misplaced fear Society
and nothing more. Dragonkin clans have earned their Dragonkin generally live in clans of 15 to 30
reputation as all accepting monastic monks and interrelated family groups, containing between 100 to
territory claiming conquerors as barbarians and 200 dragonkin. Some clans join together to expand
fighters. Though many dragonkin of all colors have their territories and to benefit from mutual gain
weaved themselves into the communities of other forming a council consisting of each clan’s most
humanoids, most prefer not to stray far from the deserving members. The criteria for which is
traditions and territories of their clan. If you want a determined through each of their deeds and titles
character who is community-driven, fearsome, and earned whether mental or physical. When more than
seeks to achieve grand feats either of mental or two clans come together the members of the council
physical prowess, you should play a dragonkin. each fill a different role such as an ambassador, lore
keeper, territory management, and warlord. While the
You Might… council is seen as leaders of their clans some still look
Take pride in your clan's draconic connections or towards a dragon for the final say and some clans even
purely your clan and its people. worship a powerful ancient dragon, enacting the
Constantly analyze your surroundings and the dragon’s will. For many dragonkin, self-sufficiency is
people around you, always looking for the important above all else but one would never turn a
moment of attack or when you have an blind eye to another seeking help for only the foolish
advantage to strike. selfishly try to push beyond their own means. As they
Naturally observe, adopt, and respect group are well adapted to different environments even harsh
dynamics, while being eager to prove you deserve places such as deserts, mountains, swamps, and
a particular role. tundras will have dragonkin amongst them.

Others Probably… TABLE 1-1: DRACONIC LINEAGE

Assume you are beholden to tradition and Dragon Breath Weapon Damage Saving
Shape Type Throw
have ancient knowledge.
Black Line Acid Reflex
Fear you for your draconic appearance.
Blue Line Electricity Reflex
Look towards you for personal or sound tactical
Green Cone Poison Fortitude
Red Cone Fire Reflex
Physical Description White Cone Cold Reflex
Brass Line Fire Reflex
Dragonkin are broad-shouldered draconic
Bronze Line Electricity Reflex
humanoids with fine small scales, four-fingered claws
Copper Line Acid Reflex
and feet, and long tails. They come in many different
Gold Cone Fire Reflex
colors and often aren’t limited by their lineage
sporting a mixture of colors. However, all dragonkin Silver Cone Cold Reflex
tend to be born with a physical trait displayed by their Alignment And Religion
draconic ancestries such as spine like horns, fins,
Most dragonkin are beholden to their clan and its
webbed hands and feet, thicker dense scales, or
traditions and so dragonkin are mostly lawful,
exaggerated claws and fangs. Newly hatched whelps
although a dragonkin who exists outside of their clan
are usually walking about after a few hours, growing
or as an adventurer might lean towards a more
quickly into adults at 15 years of age. A typical
neutral alignment. Religion is common amongst
dragonkin can live to around 500 years old. The
dragonkin, especially when a deity aligns heavily
average dragonkin stands 6 to 8 feet tall, but grows
with a clan’s traditions and morals. Many gravitate
towards the worship of a dragon or the dragon gods.
Dragonkin Ancestry.

Depending on the deity a clan can vary wildly in its alignment such as RARITY
Apsu, believed to be one of the oldest gods and protector of all good Rare
dragons that many monastic clans worship promoting honor, open HIT POINTS
community, and peace putting the clan and its people in a good 8
alignment. Clans that worship Dahak typically seek out other SIZE
communities to conquer and destroy, raiding metallic dragon nests and at Medium
times sacrificing a metallic in the name of Dahak, such dragon clans lean
heavier into evil or neutral alignments. Some clans that are nomadic
25 feet
believe that the natural elements and disasters are caused by slumbering
great wyrms and that one day they will find and awaken them.
Names Charisma
Dragonkin often inherit part of their name from their parents or adopt
part of a name from a true dragon that is held high in their clan. As a ABILITY FLAW
dragonkin performs great deeds and feats for its clan it earns additions to Dexterity
its name, creating a complex and unique title. Most dragonkin are very LANGUAGES
particular about their names for if you do not have time to learn their Common
name they don't have time for you. Draconic
Additional languages equal to
Sample Names your Intelligence modifier (if
Aoethin, Clexulthilyx, Derathesivox, Doronis, Enclax, Narauxia, it’s positive). Choose from Aklo,
Tepevorn, Thuveragaragix, Varadengrix, Vorinvox, Zephyrtherathilyx, Aquan, Dwarven, Iruxi,
Zorfo Shadowtounge, Terran, and any
other languages to which you have
Dragonkin Heritages access (such as the languages
Ferocious, prideful, and tactical, dragokin exemplify the power of prevalent in your region).
dragons and loyalty. Choose one of the following dragonkin heritages at TRAITS
1st level. Dragon
Amphibious Dragonkin
Your body is adapted to subsist and traverse aquatic environments using Darkvision
your frills and fins to move easily through water. You gain the Breath You can see in darkness and dim
Control general feat. Additionally, whenever you roll an Athletics check light just as well as you can see in
to Swim you roll one degree of success higher than the result. bright light, though your vision in
darkness is in black and white.
Conqueror Dragonkin
Your clan has always been a warfaring and territory-driven people, giving Draconic Lineage
you the upbringing of a conqueror and tactician. You gain the Weapon You draw power from your
Proficiency general feat. Additionally, you become trained in Warfare draconic lineage. Choose a type of
Lore. chromatic or metallic dragon to be
your draconic lineage. This
Ferocious Dragonkin determines your scale color and
Your claws, fangs, and tail are as strong and formidable as the dragons appearance, and dragons
you come from. You gain the following unarmed attacks that have the sometimes look more favorably
listed damage die and traits. upon those dragonkin who
Claw 1d4 slashing (agile, finesse, unarmed) resemble them, at the GM’s
Fangs 1d8 piercing (unarmed) discretion. Your exemplar may also
Tail 1d6 bludgeoning (sweep, unarmed) determine details of other abilities
you have, using the Draconic
Thick Scaled Dragonkin Lineage table.
Your scales have grown thick to better suit your lineage allowing you to
fight in the midst of their breath weapons. You gain resistance equal to Draconic Form
half your level (minimum 1) to the damage type associated with your Your larger draconic frame allows
draconic lineage (see Table 1–1). Additionally, you gain a +2 you to lift far more. You gain the
circumstance bonus to saving throws against dragons’ Breath Weapons.
Hefty Hauler general feat as a
bonus feat.
Dragonkin Ancestry.

Treasure Gleaner Dragonkin DRAGONKIN LORE FEAT 1

You have a habit of hoarding treasure and with that a DRAGONKIN
knack for finding and identify things worthwhile and
Every lesson your clan’s lore keeper gave was always
quickly gathering as many of them as well. You gain
accompanied by you, listening to stories of your clan
the Eye For Numbers skill feat, even if you don’t meet
and every great deed a past member had achieved
the prerequisites. Additionally, you have a +1
circumstance bonus to checks to Identify Magic when
being told and the lesson the clan and its people could
attempting to identify a magic item. pull from them. You become trained in Athletics and
Religion. If you would automatically become trained in
Ancestry Feats one of those skills (from your background or class, for
At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain example), you instead become trained in a skill of your
an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at choice. You also become trained in Dragonkin Lore.
5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels). As a dragonkin, you
select from among the following ancestry feats. DRAGONKIN WEAPON FAMILIARITY FEAT 1
In combat, you favor strategic and versatile weapons
DRACONIC GLARE FEAT 1 that are traditional for your draconic ancestors. You
DRAGONKIN are trained with the Fauchard and Warhammer. In
Prerequisite trained in Intimidation addition, you gain access to all uncommon dragonkin
You are able to flare your eyes with primal draconic weapons. For the purpose of determining your
fury and send lesser creatures running. You gain the proficiency, martial dragonkin weapons are simple
Intimidating Glare skill feat. In addition, when you weapons and advanced dragonkin weapons are martial
attempt to Demoralize a creature that doesn’t have the weapons.
Dragon trait, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the FANG SPARK FEAT 1
Intimidation check.
DRACONIC RESILIENCE FEAT 1 Frequency once per day
DRAGONKIN You scrap your weapon against your fangs igniting it
Just as true dragons are immune to the paralyzing and with the draconic energy of your lineage. Until the end
slumber-inducing effects of magic and other sources, of your next turn, your Strikes deal an additional 1d6
you have a similar but lesser resilience to such effects. damage of the damage type that matches your
You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saves against draconic lineage (see Table 1–1). This ability has the
effects that would impose the paralyzed condition or trait associated with the type of damage it deals.
cause you to fall asleep. If you roll a success on a
saving throw against an effect that would impose the
paralyzed condition or cause you to fall asleep, you get
a critical success instead. Minor drakes are a common sight in your clan and
serve as companions, hunting partners, and scouts, to
DRAGONKIN BREATH FEAT 1 your people. You gain a minor drake as a familiar.
You channel the power of your draconic lineage's
power into a gout of energy that manifests as a 30-
foot line or a 15-foot cone, dealing 1d4 damage. Each You have an innate connection to non-sapient dragon
creature in the area must attempt a basic saving throw kind and their distant cousins able to train and
against the higher of your class DC or spell DC. You command them. You become trained in the Nature skill
can't use this ability again for 1d4 rounds. and gain the Train Animal skill feat, you may use this
At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, the damage feat on creatures with the Dragon trait.
increases by 1d4. The shape of the breath, the damage
type, and the saving throw match those of your
draconic lineage (see Table 1–1). This ability has the
trait associated with the type of damage it deals.
Dragonkin Ancestry.

5TH LEVEL hit with an unarmed attack you gained from the
ferocious dragonkin heritage, you apply the unarmed
AID THE FOOLISH FEAT 5 attack’s critical specialization effect.
DRAGONKIN FORTUNE Additionally, those attacks become part of the
brawling group.
Frequency once per day
Trigger An ally attempts a saving throw while 9TH LEVEL
adjacent to you, but they haven't rolled yet.
In stressful circumstances, some try to go beyond their
means and you find pity for them using your strength
to aid your allies. Target ally rolls the save using your Frequency once a day
modifier for that type of saving throw instead of its You can strain to call upon your draconic lineage to
own. bring forth the wings of a true dragon. Once
manifested, these wings remain for 10 minutes. You
gain a fly speed equal to your land Speed while you've
DRAGONKIN manifested your wings.
Your body is covered in hard spikes like a red dragon
that you have learned to use defensively, curling into a DRAGONKIN WARBEAST RIDER FEAT 9
rounded posture. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to DRAGONKIN

AC until the start of your next turn. Prerequisite Scale Speaker

Your clan uses non-sentient dragons and reptiles
instead of warhorses to dominate the battlefield. You
gain a +2 circumstance bonus when you attempt to
Prerequisite Dragonkin Breath Make an Impression on a creature with the dragon
Immense success sends you into a prideful momentum trait and animals that are reptiles (the GM determines
rejuvenating spent energy. Whenever you critically which animals count as reptiles). You gain access to
succeed on a roll while your Dragonkin Breath is the Riding Drake animal companion.
unusable, it immediately becomes available.
DRAGONKIN Prerequisite Dragonkin Breath
Like a true dragon, you have an enhanced sense of You can put more effort into your Dragonkin Breath to
smell. You gain Scent (imprecise) of 30 feet. channel greater draconic power, though it takes more
DRACONKIN WEAPON TACTICIAN FEAT 5 out of you. When you use Dragonkin Breath, you can
increase the damage dice to d8s and increase the area
to 60 feet for a line breath weapon or 30 feet for a
Prerequisite Dragonkin Weapon Familiarity cone. If you do, you can't use Dragonkin Breath again
You have learned to make precise and devastating for 1 hour.
strikes with your clan’s weapons. Whenever you
critically hit with a Fauchard, Warhammer, or a DRAGON SLAYER FEAT 9
dragonkin weapon, you apply the weapon's critical DRAGONKIN

specialization effect. Your clan hunts dragons of all manner. You gain a +1
circumstance bonus to saving throws caused by
creatures with the dragon trait and to attack rolls
FRENZIED BRAWLER FEAT 5 made against creatures with the dragon trait.
DRAGONKIN Additionally, if you get a critical failure on a saving
Prerequisite Ferocious Dragonkin heritage throw against a dragon’s frightful presence you
You make heavy and debilitating blows with your instead get a failure.
dragonkin unarmed attacks. Whenever you score a
Dragonkin Ancestry.



Prerequisite Ferocious Dragonkin heritage Prerequisite Draconic Glare

You have developed strong muscles in your jaw able to Frequency once per hour
crush and lock in place holding your prey in place. Your very presence sends creatures running as you
When you successfully make an attack roll using your channel the primal fury of your draconic lineage. Each
unarmed fangs attack on a foe you may use an foe in a 20-foot burst must make a Will save against
additional action to automatically grab the creature. the highest of your class DCs.
While a creature is grabbed in this way you may make Critical Success The creature is unaffected by the
a fang attack against the grabbed creature. presence.
Success The creature is frightened 1
Failure The creature is frightened 2
DRAGONKIN Critical Failure The creature is frightened 3
Prerequisite Ferocious Dragonkin heritage
Your claws have grown to be long, serrated, and
gruesome weapons. Your claw attack deals 1d6 AUDITORY DRAGONKIN EMOTION MENTAL

slashing damage instead of 1d4 and gains the versatile Prerequisite Aid The Foolish
(piercing) trait. In addition, your claws become part of Frequency you roll a critical success
the knife group. Your very presence on the battlefield vitalizes and
strengthens your allies. You and all allies in a 30-foot
emanation gain a +1 status bonus to checks and DCs
CONCENTRATE DRAGONKIN until the end of your next turn.
Prerequisite Fang Spark
You have learned to maintain the draconic energy you
bestow onto your attacks. After using Fang Spark you DRAGONKIN

may use an action on each of your turns to sustain the Prerequisite Dragonkin Lore
draconic energy as if sustaining a spell. You have studied and kept the lore of your clan and its
associated council, putting you well on your way to
becoming your clan’s lore keeper. You become an
DRAGONKIN expert in Dragon Lore and two other lore of your
Prerequisite Draconic Glare choice. Additionally, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus
Trigger you roll a critical success when using Lore to Recall Knowledge.
You lean into your boastful nature and turn it into a
terrifying presence when amidst great success. You
can use a reaction to Demoralize your foe when you
critically succeed on a roll. Prerequisite Dragonkin Warbeast Rider
Since the first warlords, the mightiest dragonkin
warlords bonded with their warbeasts through a
DRAGONKIN WEAPON EXPERTISE FEAT 13 magical ritual binding their souls, causing them to
manifests qualities that are akin to your people.
Animal companions or bonded animals you have gain
Prerequisite Dragonkin Weapon Familiarity
the benefits of the Thick Scaled Dragonkin heritage of
You fight with effortless expertise with dragonkin
your draconic lineage and level, and they become a
weapons. Whenever you gain a class feature that
Savage animal companion.
grants you expert or greater proficiency in a given
weapon or weapons, you also gain that proficiency in
the Fauchard, Warhammer, or dragonkin weapons in
which you are trained.
Dragonkin Ancestry.



Price 1 gp; Damage 1d6; Bulk L
Prerequisite Worshipper of Apsu or Dahak
Hands 1
Whether from the dragon god of destruction and Catagory Martial
chaos or given by the protector of dragons, through
Group Shield
your worship you have been blessed with the form of
Typically fashioned after the faces of prominent
a true dragon. Once per day, you can cast dragon form
dragons, shield maws are either attached to a shield or
as a 6th-level arcane innate spell, you gain temporary
made part of it during a shield's creation. A shield maw
hit points equal to your level, and when determining
increases the damage of a shield bash allowing you to
your DC for your breath weapon you may use the
use the maw of the dragon to do piercing damage or or
higher of your class DCs instead. Your dragon form
simply bashing them with the face to deal
must be a chromatic dragon if you worship Dahak or a
bludgeoning, the shield maw can also grapple
metallic dragon if you worship Apsu.
creatures with its opening and closing mechanism.
Ranged Weapons

Prerequisite Draconic Wings DRACONIC PEPPERBOX ITEM 0

The wings you manifest have become a permanent RARE ALECHEMICAL CAPACITY 3 CONCUSSIVE FATAL D8

part of your physiology. You gain the effects of Price 30 gp; Damage 1d4; Bulk 1
Draconic Wings at all times, rather than just once per Hands 1; Range 40ft.; Reload 1
day for 10 minutes and the feat loses all traits except Catagory Martial
dragonkin. Ammunition Firearm Ammunition (10 rounds).
Group Firearm
Ancestry Equipment This weapon originated as a specialty of the smiths of
The following lists equipment that is rare to find
Alkenstar, but the dragonkin have since then taken its
outside of a dragonkin clan and shares the same rarity
design and pridefully made it their own. The draconic
as the people that made them, though for a dragonkin
PC these items are merely Uncommon. Each piece is as pepperbox has three barrels that have been modified
unique as the dragonkin that made them and each to infuse each shot with the properties of an
one's design is held secret by its creator with pride. alchemical bomb. As an action, you can pour a single
lesser alchemical bomb into a barrel; the bomb must
Melee Weapons be one that deals energy damage (such as an acid
CLUTCHED CLAW HAMMER ITEM 0 flask, alchemist’s fire, bottled lightning, frost vial, or
thunderstone). The next three attacks made with the
firearm deal 1d4 damage of the bomb’s damage type in
addition to the firearm’s normal damage. If the second
Price 4 gp; Damage 1d8; Bulk 2 and third attacks are not all made within 1 minute of
Hands 1 the first attack, the bomb’s energy is wasted.
Catagory Advanced Alternatively, each barrel may be loaded with a
Group Hammer different alchemical bomb each having the same
Fashioned after the fists of a dragonkin clutching an limitations and duration. These attacks never deal
object, what the fists grasp varies wildly from creator splash damage or other special effects of the bomb
to creator but its design always includes a counter and are not modified by any abilities that add to or
balance causing each subsiquent swing to grow in modify a bomb’s effect. The process of infusion slows
momentum. This powerful hammer can be wielded the speed of the ammunition fired, reducing its range
with one hand or two. to 40 feet. It otherwise functions as a pepperbox.

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