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From a distance, it appears as though the tower is tipping over

An overhang provides shade.

The runner won the grueling 100 kilometer race.
The freestanding Excalibur was built in 2004 at a climb center.
I stopped and looked at a picturesque sunset on the beach.
In a world with uninterrupted connectivity, There's no telling the power we will hold in our hands
Despite her efforts to stay awake, fatigue eventually won, and she drifted off during the movie.
I'm sure that Stonehenge will continue to stump scientists for centuries more.
Fingerprints stand the test of time
One of his fingers was identified in a trout
Fingerprints certainly comes in handy when the police are looking for criminals.
The have-nots rose up against the haves.
We must keep the door locked lest our things be stolen.
The scientist warned of the imminent eruption of the dormant volcano based on seismic activity.
The integration of AI in financial markets brings a two-fold implication, offering opportunities for
algorithmic trading strategies while also introducing risks of market manipulation.
The venerated soldier was given a medal for his bravery.
Muslims are involved in religious observances during Ramadan.
The policy prescribed physical examinations for all workers.
I felt a deep kinship with the other students
A virus got in the computer, rendering it useless.
Some ads use fearmongering to make people buy things.
She reclaimed the doll her brother took away from her.
Dead bodies left on the battlefield became food for the vultures
It turns out she knows the truth
The defending champion seems to have the upper hand in the match, but the challenger isn't
giving up easily.
People who smoke incur a great danger to their health.
Odysseus incured the wrath of the gods
My grandfather recounts his adventures when he was young.
The Greek Pantheon is a dangerous mix of divine power and human insecurity, prone to
jealousy and grudges of epic proportions.
The novel began in medias res, throwing readers into the heart of the action without preamble.
Odysseus's passage home has been fraught with mishap after mishap.
With trouble brewing at home and the gods discussing his fate, Odysseus begins the account of
those missing years to his hosts.
I will always stand by your side under any circumstances.
We get many benefits in return for our taxes.
The hungry kid gobbled up the hamburger.
All in all, your problems are not so bad.
The revolutionaries succeeded in toppling the president.
I unwind with my friends after a long week at work.
He wears a satin cummerbund beneath his jacket when wearing a tuxedo.
I picked up a few basketball tricks from my father.
The man's face turned crimson with anger at this insult.
The lawyers argued over the defendant's innocence.
Her incosistent stories are casting doubt on her honesty.
The actor's career skyrocketed after the success of the film.
Thomas Jefferson is credited with introducing the fries to America
The celebrities' fashion styles catch on because everyone is copying them.
We'll use titles of movies in a game of charades.
The clock's pendulum swings left to right and back.
Farming is a means of subsistence for people in remote areas.
You can substitute hazelnut for walnut in baklava, if you have an alergic to it.
It was documented that potatoes were first started to sell in Istanbul in the middle of the 19th
century as an imported product.
In Turkey, people who are not at least high school graduates should be banned from voting for
She is the perfect wife for him in many respects.
Konya is known as the breadbasket of Turkey
Roadworks are causing disruptions in traffic flow.
Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine and rising energy prices are the two main reasons why
food is getting more costly.
We've had the Ukraine crisis, which has really thrown the world's food system into disarray in
some respects.
Farmers right now in Ukraine are meant to be planting the next season's crops, and they haven't
been able to.
The strong winds on the ocean surface caused a storm surge.
The hotel has excellent catering facilities, with a fully equipped kitchen and a team of
experienced chefs who can prepare a variety of cuisines for events and conferences.
Incorporate this document with those pertaining to the same case
The drinking vessel can only hold about a liter of liquid
The containment structure prevents the uncontrolled release of radioactive material from the
The new study suggests that the health risks associated with air pollution are much greater than
previously thought.
Hector, who is the hero of the Trojans, was slain by Achilles.
In the early days of humanity, people foraged their food.
Water is dripping from the faucet
The temperature was so stifling at 45 degrees Celsius.
I have an excruciatingly painful headache.
We use a sprinkler to water the grass in the yard.
During the monsoon season, the city experienced torrential rainfalls that caused flooding in
many areas.
Mudslides usually happen in the rainy season.
"The novel was infused with the writer's views and perspectives.
I like to infuse my tea with fresh herbs to enhance its flavor and aroma.
The doctor will infuse the patient with antibiotics to treat the infection.
The chef decided to infuse the dish with a hint of spice to give it an extra kick."
The intricate design of the antique vase featured delicate patterns, making it a valuable
collector's item.
He went out of his way to help the customer find the right product.
The sudden swell scared the swimmers on the beach.
The new project is going to be challenging, but I believe we have our team cut out for it.
The president is appealing for aid for the earthquake victims.
Ancient people respected the divinity of the natural world.
World leaders want terrorists to renounce their use of violence.
He dispensed with the usual protocol and walked alone, leaving the guards behind.
It is unusual for a commoner to marry royalty.
The Queen is a figurehead in the UK parliament.
Fat-soluble vitamins can't make use of the blood's watery nature.
In 1932, global trade crashed to half of the pre-crisis volume.
Prior to the pandemic, most of us just took it for granted that we could get things ever faster.
The mother taught her children to work hard and willingly do chores.
I enjoy the exhilarating feeling of rollerblading along the scenic coastal path on a sunny summer
Gym cardio machines such as treadmills, stationary bikes, elliptical trainers, and rowing
machines are exercise equipment specifically designed to provide cardiovascular workouts.
I dipped my chips into different sauces.
I will ask her to dance with me at the prom.
They had fixations about cars and comic books.
The runner had a big frown on his face when he lost the race.
In times of crisis, misinformation can spread rapidly, often out-swamping accurate information.
if I were president, the first thing I would do is rip out the White House lawn and put in a
vegetable garden.
Mimic the cooling effects of AC by putting a heaping bowl of ice in front of a fan.
A half-assed air conditioner is better than no air conditioner.
Take warm baths or showers, which will trigger your body to cool off.
Don't drink the water too cold, or your body will go into overdrive trying to warm you up.
When emotions are running high, it's important to take a step back and consider the
consequences of our actions.
Check comparison sites and reviews to ensure you're getting a good deal.
Teenagers occupy themselves with sports after school.
Cheating is frowned upon in any school.
The global health crisis has turned the working world on its head.
It may take some time, but we're determined to sort the situation out for everyone's benefit.
Despite the seriousness of the situation, the politician tried to play down the impact of the
The company was caught in a quagmire of debt.
It's not just employees who are disgruntled; it's store owners too.
He managed to rack up an impressive score in the video game tournament.
The programmer is savvy about computers.
The data showed prices for the staples rose in every EU country bar Malta.
The survey also found that workers fear they could lose their livelihoods to AI.
Livestream will be on this platform and meta.
The orphanage received all the proceeds of the fund raising event.
Musk threw down the gauntlet to Zuckerberg in a June 20th post.
The boutique downtown sells the most unique and funky clothes you've ever seen.
Tilting the jug will allow water to pour into the glass.
Factoring in the cost of materials, we realized our project budget needed adjustment.
"So long!" echoed through the halls as students bid farewell to their favorite teacher at the end
of the school year.
Don't be off, we need your help with the project.
The clock seems to be off; can you adjust it to the correct time?
The price of the product is expected to be off during the sale.
I think the milk might be off; it has a strange smell.
I'll be off next week, so I won't be able to attend the meeting.
"My pleasure!" she responded with a warm smile after receiving a heartfelt thank you for her
All of a sudden, the power went out, plunging the entire neighborhood into darkness.
By all means, feel free to borrow my umbrella if it starts raining while you're out.
there is no greater cliche in a commencement address than "follow your dream".
We had refreshments like sandwiches and sodas at the meeting.
We can expect more problems to pop up if we keep ignoring this.
They conspired to overthrow the government
Tom is a promising young man with a bright future ahead of him.
The town's infrastructure took the brunt of the storm's fury, leaving roads flooded and buildings
Despite his efforts, the manager had to admit that his team was stuck in a quagmire of
The community raised concerns about the pollution in the river. In response, local authorities
initiated a cleanup campaign.
The disgruntled employees demanded better working conditions and higher wages from their
As the lunch rush began, customers crowded around the hot dog stand, eager to load up their
wieners with condiments.
The automatic dispenser at the hot dog stand malfunctioned, causing a mess of ketchup and
The inventor proudly showcased his new contraption, a revolutionary device designed to
streamline household chores.
The struggling company sought a bailout from investors to stay afloat amidst financial troubles.
The manager was tasked with overseeing the construction project to ensure it met safety
She demonstrated her chop on the piano, playing a complex piece with grace and precision.
The interim solution, though not ideal, helped alleviate some of the immediate issues the team
was facing.
After the CEO stepped down, a new leader was needed to take the helm of the company.
The HR narrowed down the candidates and created a shortlist for interviews.
The lawyer advised his client to file a complaint with the relevant authorities regarding the unfair
The family estate was sold off to settle the outstanding debts left by the deceased.
The probationary period serves as a trial period before employees become full-fledged
members of the team.
Today was a busy day; the doctor dealt with a lot of walk-ins.
The resident provided invaluable guidance to the intern, nurturing their skills and confidence in
the medical profession.
Let's plan a dinner this weekend to catch up with Sarah and hear about her recent travels.
Students are required to sit exams at the end of each semester.
Learning CPR can empower individuals to save lives in emergency situations.
Employees clamor for better working conditions and fair wages.
She considered it to be beneath her to argue over trivial matters.
Rehearsing the negotiation strategies beforehand gave them confidence in facing the tough
business meeting.
This year's medical conference will take place at the convention center downtown.
Whenever inspiration strikes, I grab my notebook and start jotting down ideas before they slip
Study successful comedians for tips on delivery, timing, and attitude.
Be prepared to stray from your material and improvise to mine comedy from spontaneous
situations, and defuse hecklers.
Once you have down the basics of coding, you can start tackling more complex programming
The professional comics showcased at the comedy club last night had the audience roaring with
Keeping the workspace tidy and being punctual are important for staying in good graces with
the boss.
They made him audition for the prestigious acting school against his will.
The seasoned detective easily solved the case that had baffled his younger colleagues.
After completing a set of pull-ups, I moved on to do some sit-ups to work on my core strength,
followed by a round of push-ups to target my chest and arms.
If you really want your presentation to pop, treat it like a show with ebbs and flows, themes and
He seems to have a natural flair for public speaking, captivating the audience with his
eloquence and charisma.
David's knack for problem-solving made him the go-to person whenever issues arose in the
For those of us who aren't up on our body language lingo, adaptors means fidgeting.
Don't rock, drum fingers, glance around or shake your foot
Slumping, fidgeting or apparent impatience comes off as low self-esteem, or worse, disinterest
As a teacher, she was known for her personable approach, fostering strong relationships with
her students beyond the classroom.
Outplacement assistance can include resume writing workshops, interview preparation
sessions, and career counseling.
He was devastated by the layoff but remained optimistic about finding a new job soon.
By 1985, faltering sales and competition with Windows PCs forced Jobs from the company he
helped found.
He eventually sold Pixar to Disney for so much stock that he became Disney's largest individual
On stage, in his uniform of jeans and a black turtleneck he'd entranced audiences with new
Macs, iPhones and iPads.
His genius was in spotting and bringing new technologies to the masses.
The scientists conceived a groundbreaking experiment to test their hypothesis about dark
The sudden change in plans caused us to scramble to rearrange our schedule.
The company's profitability was at stake until it decided to come to terms with its unionized
It's risky to bank on just one potential client for your business's success; diversify your customer
How to ace an interview with your body language?
You decadent dastard!
He had to overcome his inertia and get back to work.
The heat of the moment tested her conviction, but it did not wilt under pressure.
Captain Sparrow's reputation as a swashbuckling rogue preceded him wherever he sailed.
She pursued her goals with relentless determination, never wavering in her resolve.
I will hazard a prediction of who will win the elections.
The CEO always insists on having his way, even when others disagree.
The wind mussed her hair, turning her neat ponytail into a tangled mess.
The shoppers were indecisive and took forever to make up their mind on which dress to buy.
We need to get going if we want to catch the early train.
She remained indifferent to the loud music blasting from her neighbor's apartment, focusing on
her book instead.
You're in a dark, powerful suit and then you negated it by wearing a very soft, blue tie.
If your pitch is veering in the "spiel" territory, remind yourself that you're not a carnival barker.
If your pitch is veering in the "claptrap" territory, remind yourself that you're not in a screwball
comedy from the 1930s.
If your pitch is veering in the "jibber jabber" territory, wrap the pitch while backing out of the
room quietly because this partnership will probably not be flowering.
Please go easy on the salt when you’re cooking; I’m trying to cut down on sodium.
"Easy on the gas pedal; we're not in a hurry.
Easy on the spending this month, as we need to save for the upcoming vacation.
The teacher was easy on the students with the homework load this week because they had

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