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"NEW FOR THE 2020 EXAM PART |: TRAINING ‘Look at the oxam task on pagos 8 and 9. 18 How many questions do you have to answer? 'b What co you have to decide? ‘© How many options do you have to choose trom for each question? Look ot this example below. What kind of text it? @aroiice banemall © anote Mum, ‘Please can you pth up the hook | dared foe te bookshop lohon you. ge shopping tis aftrnoon? Ie already pal for itso theres no ud ta ge thin any monay, “Thanks! Max Where might you see it? ‘What does the note say? ‘a Max will give his mum some money for the ook this attemoon. 'b Max would like his mum to collect a book for ‘im jator today. ‘© Max wants his mum to take him to the ‘bookshop when she goes shopping ‘The correct answer 10 question 4 above is b. In the text, underine the words which mean the ‘same as collect and fator today. Why is eption an queation 4 wrong? Is Max going to give his mun some money? Why not? Why Is option ¢ wrong? Does Max want to go ‘with his mum? How do you know? Eee ee 1 “4 Look at question 1 on page & What kind of texts this? 8 asign Now answer these questions about question 1. '@ Where might you s2e it? 'b What mht you do before you see it? ‘© Undetine the words in options A, B and ‘whien have the same meaning as Toke a scat. 2 b> READING PART 2 A Watch Nature: ‘The Watch Nature team spent two years fiming in and around the A‘rican rainforest. Presonted by famous biology expert Magnus Green, the series focuses as much on people's Influence on the wildife as on the lives of the creatures themealves. Several of ‘he animals appear for the frst time on fr: © Nature Planet With an amazing soundtrack provided by famous guitanst Stella Murray, Nature Planet focuses on species that live in the dest places on Earth and whose numbers are ‘80 low they're in danger of disappearing altogether. it includes information on what we ‘Gan all do to care more for the natural world. © Fragile Earth With a focus on how people and climate change are effecting nature woridwie, this ‘series is not only beautiful 10 look at, but ‘Sounds great too, with music provided by the ‘world-famous Capital Orchestra. it shows the demage humans are doing but also suggests solutions. @ Channel Nature | This woncertul sentes shows how several ‘major landscapes were created. With ‘beautiful music provided by wel-known | Slogers George and Hans Severin, ws” follow the lives of animals that make their homes on shores around the world ‘Several programmes look at how the wildlife of the Antarctic survives the freezing temperatures there. 2 PART 2 READING documentary series B Wild Wort ‘There's flm of some unusual soa creatures In this fantastic series. Some of the species ‘are shown for the fist time on fim, There are ‘amazing pictures of extremely rare sharks ‘Swimming under ice near Greenland. The ‘series was flmed in all of the world’s conan, D ourPlanet From the driest desert to tre daepest ocean, this series has everything. Recorded in over fifty counties, Our Planet explaine how the ‘2cogr—phy of each region ended up baing so ferent, a well us showing us the ves of the animals lving there. The two programmes, about life in the word's highest peaks are nat to be missed, F Third Planet from the Sun ‘You're sure to have sean Dr Joyce Angel (0n TV before. in this series, the university Physics professor explains why weather, ‘more than anything else, fluences viet lives in each region. See how creatures in the worid's oceans and mountain ranges are | attected by siall changes in temperature. | H Earth Centrat Flimed on all seven of the word's continanis, | Farth Central is science researcher and Presenter Larry Halliwell's latest series. Wo follow a family of monkeys in the jungic In one of the episodes, and discover how ‘animats thet live on beaches are affected by large numbers of people using them during the summer in another. Look at the exam task on pages 14 and 15. ‘What do you nave to read? 'b What do you have to 07 © How many questions are there? d_How many options are there for ‘each qusetion? Read the text quickly and answer tha questions, ‘a What activity is the writer malay taking ebout? b How dig Daniella frst bocome interested in furriture design? ‘¢ What problems did Daniella have with the first table site mace? ‘d What two businesses coes Daniella mention? © What had Daniolia taken part n recently? 4 Focus on the questions Read questions 11-16 on page 15. Choose the correct words to complete these statements. The information in brackets will nelp you. @ Question 11 asks about the writers family / the writer. {This s always a question about deta, attitude, feeling or opinion.) 1b Question 42 asks about the first fumiture the wniter mace / the furnmure the wnter makes now. (This is always a question about detail, attitude, feeling of opinion.) © Question 13 asks about opinion / detail. (This is always a cusstion about cetal, attitude, feeling or opinion.) 1d Question 14 aske about feeling / opinion. (This is always a question about detail, attitude, feeling or opinion ) © Quastion 15 asks about what the viriter has ‘sid / is ikoly to say. (This s etways a question which asks about information ftom several different parts of the text) Look at these sentences from the text. Put ther in the order in which they appear. 1 viudging by how many items Danita said, they thought it wes pretty good. 'b Sinos that day, stie's been making furniture. © Rather than wonying about this, Daniella was excited by the opportuni. d Twas pleased with the quality of my work, though, ‘© Ono of the organisers had bought one of my pieces off the internat. Now read question 11 again and look at ‘options A-D. A Does tho wattor tol us that her interest carne trom watching ortine films? 1B Does the writer show us thet her interest came from Felping her parents make fumiture? © Does the writer suggest that her interest ‘cae from visiting furniture shops? Does the writer sty that her interest ‘came from somewhere she visited on a ‘scn00l tip? In question 12 the correct ansvier is ©. Can ‘you underline the part of the text that includes this information? In question 19 the comtect answer is B. Can {you underine the part of tne text that includes this information? In question 14 the comect answer's A. What tells you that Daniella was ‘surprised! in the text? In question 15 the correct anawer is B. Can you underiine the parts of the text that contain this informabon? Why are options A, C and D wrong? READING PART 3: TRAINING B Questions 11-15 For each question, choose the correct answer. The Teenage Furniture Designer 15-year-old Daniella Hudson recently took part in her first design show. Daniela Hudson grew up in a very creative family. “Mum and dad made ell our fumiture sha says. ‘Not bacause we couldn’ fford it: they just prefered making stuff to buying it. So visits to city furniture shops nearty just weren't part of my childhood.’ When Daniela visited a design exhibition with her class atthe age of ten, she realised she wanted to follow her parents’ example, There were so many different styles of tables and chairs there!’ she says. Since that day, she's been ‘making furiture. ‘ve leamt by giving mum and dad a hand, and throuah watching videos on the internet. Her fist pince was a tabla, made soon after visting the exhibion, and similar to ‘one she's seen there. “They had furniture trom the last hundred years, and I copied 12 19208 design’ comments Daniella. ‘Unfortunately, no one has wanted tables like that for years. | was pleased withthe quality of my work, though. I've painted it recently because the wood I chose originally was too dark? Daniala started soling her furniture at local market. “| spend most of my trae time inside so this gave me the chance to get some fresh air and fin out what people « thought about my designs.’ Jucging by how many items Daniella sold, they thought it was pretty good. Eventually, | had to give up, saya Denisa “'d also started an Internet business, which was doing s0 wel it was taking up every spare minute | trad. The markst closed down just stir that anyway. Recently, Daniella was asked to take part in a local design show. ‘One of the ‘organisers had bouaht one of my pieces off the internet. I couldn't believe it when she told me there'd be a thousand visitors’ she comments. Rather than worrying about this, Daniella was excited by the opportunity. Iwas amazed she thought my work was good enough’ Daniela says. I hae ite ie what visitors would think about it. My furniture is quite diferent from the designers whose work I've saan in magazines ~ mine is more tracitional’ But Daniella received lots of orders at tho show and the futures looking bright for tis young design star PART 3 READING 41° Danioia’s interest in creating fumiture carne from watching online films of how to make furniture. rnelping her parents create their own furniture, ‘visitng furniture shops in a city near her home, ‘seeing a huge range of furiture on a schoo! trip. 2 *: does Daniella say ebout the first item of furniture she made? “The design she chose was original ‘She stl lkes the colour she used. twesn't a fashionable piece. Jtyvecn't very wellemade. 13 did Denieila stop selling har furniture at a market? ‘Too few people were uying ft. ‘She no longer had enough time. ‘She did't like working outdoors. “The market closed down. cheng Core ge coe > 44 When Danietia was invited to her first design show, she felt ‘A. surpriced that someone was impressed by her furniture. B_ confident her designs would be popular. © _anwous about now many people would be there. 1D curious about seeing other designers’ work. 45 What would Daniella say in advertising material for her company? {ve created furniture since | was Just ten years old. Many of the ‘thousand visitors to @ recent: design shou Uhad my work. Vim a young furniture designer, twhose work has appeared in several design shows and i sold in many city furniture shops. After starting my business at a local market, ve finally opened my own store in a local city. Vim very interested in the history of furniture but my designs are very modern ard use the latest techniques. READING PART 3 6 Ree eee cones 1 Look at the exam task on pages 17 and 18, ‘9 What do you have to read”? 'b What do you have to do? ‘© How many gaps are there? d How many sentences aro there? © Do you have to use all the sentences? Read the text quickly. What sit about? ‘Match the five peragraphts inthe text to the following topics, a The arrival of ice eream in England b The cevelopment of freezers © When and where ioe cream was frst made 4 The appearance of ice cream cones © The arrival of ioe crwam in Europe. ene eens ead the taxt again carefully and decide which Of the sentences A-H should fil eacn gap. Now answer these questions about ‘questions 16-20. 4 In question 16 the correct answer is C. ‘Underline the words in the taxt before the ‘99p which it refers to. b Is either of the ingredients mentioned in ‘sentence € milk or cream? € In question 17 the correct answer ig H. Doos then 9 sentence H mann the same thing as in the past or next? Underire the words inthe text bafore the: 98 which He in sentence H retors to. © In question 18 the correct answer is A. Undestine the words in the text before the 1920 which he in sentence A refers to ete ee 1 Undertina tne words in the text after the gap ‘wneh refer to keeping a secrat. 4 In question 19 the correct answer is F. Does therefore in sentence F mean the same things as attar or as a result? fh Underline the words in the text before the {Gap which They in sentence F roters to. 1 In question 20 the correct answer is D. Underiine the words in the text betore the ‘Gap which one in sentence D refers to, 1 Does the use ot also in the sentence attar the gap maan you are looking for another advantage of electric freazars or another way of keeping ice cream cold? 1 Read these sentences and think about the connection between them. Choose the conect ‘option to complete the second sentence. ‘The children were hungry after the journey are wanted to eat as soon as they arrived. Beceuse / So it was lucky that thew ‘granciparents cooked / had cooked a big meal for them. 1b The café where he was wrting his essay ‘was very noisy. That's why / That's how he ‘went to the library to write it also / instead. PART 4: TRAINING 3EADING © My ferity gave me a camera for my birthday. t/ They took me cut for dinner 100 / now. They don't need to get up early tomomew. Fer example / After al, they're on holiday / at school. © There were 2 lt of interesting places to see (on the island. However / Finaly, many of these / theirs were diffcult to reach by cer. 1 There are lots of usetut jobs / projects ‘that you could do when you're older. For instance 1 As a result, you could become a Purse ora frafighter Part 4 ‘Questions 16~ 20 Five sentences have been removed from the text below. For each quastion, choose the correct answor “There are three extra sentences which you do net need to use. ‘The History of Ice Cream ‘You mighit think ioe cream is a modem kind of food, but actually, ice crear was probably first eaten in China over 2000 years ago. It was made from a mixture of tc and mat and was hocen seg snow. In Europe run 20 yearn a0, Raman | leader oto eyed typeof rose deosen[E] wean tveic cram, seu altho ik or oman century. People believe that he saw ice cream being rade while he was on his trave's there, | 47. This was the frst time true ice cream was made in Italian explorer Marco Polo spent a lot of time in China curing the late thirteanth Europ. Perhape hiss why lane ae considered the Evopean masters of ie- cream makin: they have had more tne than other counties te pacts the recipe! | tn tne sevententhcontuy, King Ghats of Engle we nroduced to the pleasures ofc cream by his nee Fench chet. He was 90 amaze by its beaut taste that ne medley fered the chet £500 a your worth round £100000 in | today's money!). This wasn't just for him to make Charles lots more ice cream. | [ET] no one knows ithe ever te anyon | lee cream cones area poptlr way to serie ice cae. Theyre a convenient way to hold ic cream white you eat it and theres 0 waste tal Because you athe | container long wth the ice cea LAB] |e baeve they wore inveiad 1904 In the USA, co cream very quickly became even more popular in the middie ofthe twertith century. At tis tm, ta rst electric treezars became available tothe public. | [21] J Trey atco atiower greater access to ce cream to thom living n | hot cimates. READING PART 4 18 PART 4 READING oo o> Iwas so he kept the racine a sscret too, ‘Atthough they found there was already plenty available across Curope, ‘The simple recipe for it contained only snow and fru. (Owning one meant you could then keep ice cream at home. {As it was so cold, there was no need to have a fridge to keep i in ‘They're therefore environmentally friendly as well as tasty. ‘These were usually served to him in a small bowl of some sort. He then brought the recipe for it back home when he retumed. PART 5: TRAIN eee Look at the exam task on page 20, ‘@ What do you have to read? b How many questions are thece’? © What do you have to choose? d How many options do you have to choose trom for each question? » Read the text on page 20 and answer thece questions, 2 Ist factual or is ita story? b Is it difcutt to undorstand what the text is about? © Are there any questions about the meaning of the text? d Is along text ora short text? ees Now |ook af questions 21-26 on page 20. Answer thase questions about them. 2 Look at question 21. What do you cal the line beswesn tio countries or states? __ Which word is correct here? | 'b In question 22 which verb do we use to dascribe where a region or place is? | ¢ Look at question 23, What do we use square kilometres and square metres to measure? In question 24 notice the word tiny just after the cap. Which of the possible answers goes with this extreme adjactve to mean ‘very’? ‘© In question 25 which word means the same as stop someone doing something? Look at question 26. You need to choose an adjective that means that something happens very often, Which one is it? eee Look at the options A-D for questions 21-26 agin. Now choose one of the eptions from each question fo complete the sentences below. ‘8 Be careful because your glass is close to the,_____of the table. (Question 21) b My mum sometimes _____ really late at work. (Quuastion 22) © Thefirst___ of an oseay is usually an introduction. (Question 23) d She lost the competition, even though she was _ (Question 24) __. the best singer. 2 She ime every time I start talking! (Question 25) 1 I'm sure we've met before - your face looks very. - (Quostion 26) READING PART 5: TRAINING 9 PART S READING ‘Questions 21 ~ 28 For Bee RRR F each question, choose the correct answer. Alaska ‘Alaska's the largast of the fy states that ‘make up the USA. Although its part of the United States, it doesn't actually have a tand e__stveraoemene | states, actualy (22) between (Canada to the east and the Pacific and Arctic | (Oceans tothe south, west and north. thas a ‘otal (23)_____of over 1.7 millon square kilometres, Although Alaska is huge, its population is (24), millon people ving inthis enormous state, What probably (25). __-... tiny, with well under a 2 greater ‘number of peopte from wanting to move there isthe climate. In the state's largest ‘fy, Anchorage, the meximum dsity temperature in summer is only around 18°C. in many parts of the state, tamporaturos of -20°C are (26)_ A iit B border © edge A tests B stays © remains A area B region © section A certainy = totally © absolutay ‘A interusts Bends © avoids A common = Bnatural © familar PART 6: TRAINING gett Look at the exam task on page 22. 18 What do you have to read? 'b How many questions ere there? ‘© What do you have to do? d How many words can you choose for ‘each gap? ¢ How many options are there for each gan? ‘Read the text on page 22 and answer thase questions, a What kind of text ist? bb Is it dificult to understand what the text is about? ¢ Ave there any questions about the meaning of the toxt? d Ist along text or a short text? What kind of words are missing? ee Look at question 27. Which kind of word is missing? Answer these questions to help you decide. ‘a Which words can go between J and a verb ‘ending in ~ing, ike wondering? 'b What tense do you think the verb isin: past, Present or future? ‘© What word should you therefore put In the phrase, wondering? [Look at question 28. Which word is sometimes Used @ a subject before is, was. are oF were when you are describing a place or an event? {n question 29 which word completes the short phrase for saying how many of the fraworks were loud? 4 Look at question 30, ‘4 What is the phraso ‘soon as about here: comaering things, mos or ‘something olee? b What word cam you put in the phrase '300N as 0 that it ‘means immediatly? Look at question 31. Which word completes the short phrase that’s ussd to introduce some information? In question $2 what word goes atter AoW 10 ‘ask or talk about a number? ize eeus 1 Look at some more examples of the type of ‘words that are often tested in Part 6. Complete ‘each sentence with one word in each gap. Remember to look at the words before and after the geps carefully. @ This box's______ heavy for me to camry — leant even pickup! b That mountain is.______high that t's wory cif to cmb. © Ihaven'tseon iz. March, when she moved 10 Manchester Highlight the_____ interesting book Ive ever read. @ hate traveling loves it He couldn't decide whether to stay at home 90 out with his friends, g This sweater doesn’t cost as, that one. 1h My cousin invited his flends to the party as a8 all his farmly. i The people live next door are vory frienaly, J | enjayed most about the film was ‘he musi ‘ran but my sister READING PART 6: TRAINING 2 PART 6 READING Questions 27-32 For each question, write the correct answor. Write one word for each gap. _From: Diana Hi Yasmin, hope you and your family are doing well. I'm going to the big firework display next weokend with my family and | (27)__ wondering if you want to come with us? We went lest year and we all really enjoyed it. (28)____ wore so many different fireworks! A few (29)._____ them were incredibly loud, especially the ones near the end of the display. f you want to come with us, can you let me know (30) soon as possible? (31) _.. fact, actually free to get into the event, but we need to book tickets because the organisers put a limit on hows (32), can come, people can attend, | really hope that you Write back soon! Love Diana OVERVIEW TEST |: WRITING There are tne parts in te Writing test and you muct write te pices The frst is always an er {Part |)-The second is story at an arte (Part 2). In Part 2 you choose which type of text you ‘want to verte. You have 15 minites to do the Writing test, 90 yoxs have 20-25 minutes for cach part This ineuces the time to road the taske-ard tink about them before you Sart wai and the time to dec: stich task to choose in Part 2, You get the same menber of marks in Part | and in Part 2s you mus: try te do bot wel The examines wil give you good marks & + “you have nehuded a! the information, + your waiting laa ard easy to flow and undersanc + yot have usec some good lnauaga, wth good speling and punctuation Part 1 lh Fart I. thereis only one tak hich you must do. On the rgge you vel sae an emal fom a end, a teacher or ancther Enaksh- speaking person, wth four notes around i. Your tsk isto wet an email replying to ths person,using alle rctos You should write about (00 words Pare? tn Part 2, thar ia choice betwesn two ts: story or an ardele You must choose one of them ne write about 100 words For the story you are given the Pst senienes which isthe begining of the sory For the arte, you are ghen the tide and also some quesions that you must answe= How do I decide what to choose in Part 2? Dont waste too much time daciéing Choose the one you like moe! Think about these things t0 help you decide. + Do lithe the rope of te arice? + Dolindentard wnt | reed to write about? + Can{ thnkc of sorre as to make the arte interesting? *+ Dol krow some interesing vocabulary car use? + Do Like the way the story begs? + Dol hve some good ictus to male my story irterestng + Dol mow sors nterestng wocebulary an used See MERTENS 2° sc‘ argiage ae practice Seo REXARINIEINIY for reference and practie WA TING OVERVIEW 2 1 Lock at the exam task on page 26. '@ Do you have to do this question or can you ‘choose to do a cifferent one? 'b What are you going to write? Read question 1 and follow these steos to help Pian your answer. ‘* Why are you writing this ermal? ‘+ What wil you say first in the email? * How did you know that Max loves tennis? ‘What reason could you give? ‘+ What do you need to write about next? ‘+ What do you need to describe for the thre pont? ‘Why might there not be a good place to eat ‘near tho tonnis club? 2 Look at your answers to exercise 1. Write a Sentonce for aach of the points. Use these 10 help you write your ansiver for Part 1, 3 Rend a student's answer to question 1 09 ‘Page 25. Choose the corset answer A or B to ‘compte. TAB | BHI 2Atckd — Bead BAtd —_Bsaid 4 Acould — B would 5 ACould — B Would 6 Areed — Bcan 7Anced Bean 8 Ago B going © Whe ere you going to wirte to? How many things do you nae to write about? © How many words do you need to write? a. Ma ‘Your brother (2) tonnie actually. He (3) on TV all the tina, 114)... 90 0n Sunday Instead of Saturcay. (9)____.._that be qood for you too’? You (6)______ wear any kind of shorts ‘and T-shirt that you want athe club, but you a. to make sure that you wear proper tennis shoss. ‘me that you realy lie that you watch it | | et row at ner he ob, rob hrs even Brook Stet hae rt anv gr coke How sot (@)___ tho? Se you ste weet, | sre 1 Match the frst parts of sentences 1-6 with the second parts A-F. 1 Fdlove to go 2 There are no restaurants or cafés 3. Why don't we go into town and 4 I recommend that you bring 5 Lremember you said that you had spent 6 I'm free on Saturday $9 PART TRAINING WRITING A rear the club. B the weekend watching tennis on TV, C find somewhere to eat thee? D maybe we could play then instead, E for something to eat afterwards, F your own racket and some balls too, Part | ‘You must anower this question, \Wite your answer in about 100 words. Question 1 eas this email from your English-speaking friend Max and the notes you have made. From: Max = Subject: Playing wennis ti Hi, Thanks for inviting me to play tennis with you at your club! How did you know I love tennis? | can't actually play on the day you suggested ad? Is there another day we could go i mare know you have to wear special clothes or shoes ‘at some tennis clubs. What about at your club? We could go for something to ext together afterwards. Do you know a good place near the club? No, but. See you soon Max ‘Write your email to Max using all the notes. ‘WRITING PART I een een sat 1 Look at the exam task on page 27. a How many questions are there in this part of the exam? 'b How many questions must you answer? ‘¢ How many words do you need to write? 1d Where 6o you write your answer? eee teases 1 Read question 2 and follow these steos to help, plen your enswer. © Mako alist ofthe things you do to help you eam a language. Check the spalirgs. ‘+ Decide if you think having classes is better than visiting a country where the language is ‘spoken. White down two or three reasons 10 support your opinion. © Make a lst of advantages of wach way of leaming a language. ‘+ Make a lst of disadvantages of each way of learning a language. 2 Now read quostion 3 znd follow these steps. + Look at the sentence given and think of a ‘story you could write, ‘+ What happens in the second sentence? ‘© What will heppan alter that? + How wil your story end? * Write down five or six useful words and phrases that you can use in your story. 3 Look at your notes for exercises 2 and 8 above and choose wnich question you will answer Think about these things. + Do you have enough ideas forthe article? Do you know all the vocabulary youl nesd? Can you wrte 100 wores? + D0 you have enough ideas for the story? Do you know all the vocabulary you'll need? Can you write 100 words? ‘+ Which ofthe questions seems easier to you? 1 Read a student's answer to qusstion 2. Complete. ‘twit the words and phrases from the box. Ifyou lve you'limprove a week | teaming in class however you can't really waring «language Is thes way to arma pe by ging to dass ray 937g 0c counery ohare angus phon? Wher vuthod yeu choos, tl tae te and practice , learn a oigunge nt ust by oig or hela sowvaere suse it ong enough (2)______ there for several months, thougn, you'l use the anguage every day rd (2h______ very achly fis ott posable, then 4) sth a teacher ot fp (1, youl prey ony prt fr to cr ta hers (O)____- Thar warning argue in tis ay a te ger PART 2: TRAINING WRITING 2 Rec a student's answer io queston 3, Complete ‘itwith the words and phrases from the box. ‘started throwing fortunately were going to with the ball Kicked the ball ttwas amazing | ‘As ay at of ont es, they oe they ware ging to ‘hae an exciting day. Avdrea ard Richard had loads of things toeat and dkbucause they (1) sandy ‘he beach han they ried, ay started playing otal Richa ccetaty (2) athe sa dren no 9: When he get tot ear, he pis, ich ere to ot pay (8)____,suiiy appar ear ie Ace war into ha ctr to aay (Ath tal around Te dphins ere asinowirg cfr th al ~ O16 shay ok som proto 0 ‘yore wold line ter ony, Part 2 Choost one of these questions. Waite your answer in about 100 words. Question 2 ‘You see this announcement in your schoo! English-language magazine, | _ ~ Articles wanted! | Learning a language ‘What's the best way to leam a language? Is it to have classes with a teacher? Or is going to a country where thay speak the language better? Why? ‘The best articles answering these questions will be | published nad! month: \Wite your article. ‘Question 3 Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. Your story must begin with this sentence. ‘As they sat off on their bikes, they knew they were going to have an exciting day. Waite your story. V/RITING PART 2 a VV TEST iN ee ‘There are four parts You iten to lone ard short reconfys anal arewer diferent types of questions In Pats Land 2,you bear short recordings and arwir rx question aboat ech recording in rts 3 and you hear one long recording and atin sx cesta in each part You bear each recording wee. Tie ts ss apwoninaly 35 micutes Yeu ar gen tme at the aegring of exch part to read the cuesiors tou aho fave & minutes fer you have Mord al the record 2 “Taner your anewers to the separate answer sheet For Parts (nt, ther sone mar foreach erect enever echo Part! InPart | here are sever: erent recering ana question {> arewertbvt each ae. one recordings you Near ane pera fr empl someane lang phone messge Inttersou hear tio pease king about amethngin a every stuaton. For eich question ere are Dee pleres (A.B acd) You te Wo Ue quien end dele ich ture hows the bet nav |e evero"s are ‘realy boar i tres prices oa people tke ester nh people decd to do en crcl ooease {ee recrcg rns th Uangs fal thee ptires tut oniy en cure core aswers te qin Parez in Pet 2.tere ae sxcieret recording anc they ar comets betwee two pease Tere one questo about each recording, but this time the answers arm mudiplechoce You hear a serence tat els you who spesking and wha they ar alg about Ten you hae ‘me to read the question and three options (A,B and C), You iter ard ctoose bet opto You need rte for ‘rings be he sesh aude opinion ae ekg te con® wal her acy the are ord ht you ea ‘Pe often Birk about he mearig ow the people are saying, Some quest ons ask about one of the people, but ‘thers ac abou: what te people are o°whal hay both ‘Say. Alurays listen carefully to what each pe-vor says. OVERVIEW LISTENING. : LISTENING Pare In Part 3thorw son hong recoreing ane thew saa jst ‘ne persor tla For ecample, you may hear serneone ghrg «renal cr sexier aang 2 arnurcerer You hear a eemenoe the tele you whe is soaking and wht thy are taleng abour es then nave time io eda st of notes o senenees Fem which some of tre formation i rising Reac this careful and hin about the infarnation 704 Hed to each cf tne ix gaos When you eter follows the nformaticn i the atk and be reac 29 vite te missing information in the gaps We the exact words) orrumberte) you hous Anays Ite carcfly because you may hen seme ofthe worts that ae writen the tak or ‘words that mean the same thing You may azo hear mare ‘than one werd that ceud tina gap $0 thine carey about ‘the word youneec Somesines the recording es the spelng of word lice somabosy' name. or emo Lien tothe letters careful Pare4 tn Part 4, there is one long recercing. which is akays an interview You hear sevtance that tes you whos belng interviewed and what the Tapic is For example, coud bea schoo! stacert wie has an interesting hobby or a sportsperson or a éxiebrity You then have time to read ‘multple-choice cuestions Each one refers to one of the questions tht she irtervewer asks nthe recording You Isten ard choose which option (A,B oC) answers each ‘cueston. Remember tat the questions come'n she sire Corder the inforation in te ecercing Listen caret.ty and thse about te meaning of what the person say Yeu Gort usual hear the same words tat are writen in the questions oF options but you do heat the person taleng about the ideas, 1 ea ian JING feet ents PAR {) Lsten to the in’roduction to the test and 2 ‘answer the questions. ‘2 How many parts doos the whole Estening test have? '» How many times wil you listen to each par’? © What should you do botore you listen to each part? eee Look at question 1 and the three pktweson 9 age 30. ‘2 What does each picture show? 1b Think of citferont ways of saying the first ate. © What is tho key word in the question? Why? D) tsten to the recording for question 1. Answer these questions, ‘a Which phrase refers to ‘enter the ‘competition’? 1b Which obras means ‘the last date’? ‘© What cate wil the results be announced? ‘d_ What wil happen on 27th June? © Why Is June 24th Important? Look at question 2 and pictures A-C. Name the diferent objects in the pictures. In question 3, what makee each pizza diferent trom the othar pizzas? In question 4, think about hew to describe ‘each location. 10 Look at question 8, What is the same and ferent in each pire? 1" In question 6 name the ctferent activities. Look at question 7. Namne the oifferent animals ‘on the T-shirts, Rac the instructions for Part + and look at the task on pages 39-31. a How many questions are there? b How many picturos are there for ‘each question? ‘© What do you need to do? ‘Look at these extracts ‘rom the recordings for ‘questions 1-7, which focus on the answars to the questions. Gompiete them using the words ‘and phrases trom the 6x. [ atthe latest by change my mind gowith short so too undor that | went for 1 Yeu need to upload your photo onto the: school website _ June the twenty fourth 2 Inthoend,!___ahand-painted plate, 3 | was thinking of having the one with red Peppers on, but you've made me 4 You'll see a big tree nearby - we'll moet 7 5 This one's got__ dark hair— nothing special about itreally. 6 The frend | went wit really wanted to do that, signad up for that 7 OK, Fi __your choice then. ‘DB tisten anc check your answers, Now try the exam task, USTENING PART I: TRAINING B Questions 1-7 For each question, choose the correct ansiver. 44 Whats the last date for entering the competition? 2 What did the gil buy on holiday? 3 Which pizza does the boy decide to have? x PART | USTENING Where should tho students wait? USTENING PART 1 2 geek nee tec 1 ead the instructions for Part 2 and look at the. task on page 33. ‘8 How many questions are there? b How many options do you choose trom in ‘each question? ‘© What do you need to do? 1 eee {Dead question 8 anc tisien to the recording. ‘Answer these questions, 1 Who says the park should be brought up to dato the gi, the boy, both or neither of them? b Who says the park should be kept more tidy the gir, the boy, bath or neither of them? ‘¢ Who says the park should be left as It is the gir, the boy, both or neither of them? 1d What is the correct answer to question &? Gow tisten to the recorcing again and ‘answer these questions about it. ‘@Do you hear the words ‘brought up to date’ ‘kept more tidy or “left asi fn the recording? What do the speakers say that helps you choose the correct answer? Read question 9 and answer these cuestions. 8 How might the weather spoil the barbecue? b How might the food not be well-cocked? © How might the place be uncomiortabse? B Now listen to the recording again and ‘ansiver these questions about i ‘8 Do the git and the boy say itrained? 1b Does the boy say his food was good or ad? What about the git? ‘© What dees the gir say about where she ‘sal? What does the boy say about tha same thing? ‘d What is the correct answer to question 9? PART 2: TRAINING LIS!ENING 6 {GB Loo at qveston 10. The correct ansiver Fete is A: Now Istan tote recording for question 10, What does the git say hal tts you she didn't like either the show or the gulced tour? {Now lock at question 14 and leten to the Tecording, Answer these questions, {8 Does tha boy say hi conch is frend or unfionaly? Boes he Tike his coach anyway? Is he complaining about nar? Do you know what the coach makes ihe boy do? What is it? Doss he describe it? ¢ Does the boy want the girl to have lessons from his coact’? Is he enoouraging har? 4 Whats the conect answer to question 117 {Look at question 12 and listen to the recorcing. Answer these questions a Does the gir talk about how long the party went on for? 'b Does she say the organisation was bad? ‘© How docs the gil ay thet the party was good value for money? «d What isthe comact answer to-question 12? Gi Finaly, iook at question 13 and listen to tho recorting, Anew these quations. 2 Is the gir talking about what she expected to see in the art gallery? 'b Vlas she more interested in the etorios or in the things sh saw? ¢ Did she enjoy the tip? dd Vhat is the correct answer for question 137 nae Questions 8-13 |For each question, choose the correct answer. | 8 Youwnhmartwo tions aking abot ace park Wet doy oot? A. esol be brought up o date 8 stoud bo kpt ort © htehoudbele ati. © Youve two Han tkng bout abba they went Wet do thy apo aoa? A Trowadhar spot B_ The tood wasn't well cooked. © The place was uncomfortable. 10 You-will hear two friends talking about a class trip to the theatre. What did the gi! lke best about it? ‘A meeting the actors B watching the show having @ guided tour 11 You will near a boy taling a fend about his tennis coach. ‘What Is he doing? ‘A. explaining why he dislikes his coach B describing what his coach makes him do encouraging her to take lessons with his coach 12 You will hear a gir teling a trend about a family celebration What does she say about it? ‘A It went on too tong. B_ ttwasn’t well organised. It was good value for money. 13. Youwill hear a gir teling a friend about a schoo! trip to an art gallery. Howe did she fee! about i? ‘A surprised by things that she saw B interested in stories that she heard © disappointed by what there was to co LISTENING PART 2 3B feeteeneeerent cents 1 GBRead and fisten to the instructions on ‘page 35 and anewor the questions. a Who will you listen to and what is he doing? 'b What wit this person be talking about? © What do you need to do? d How many words should you write in cach gap? ‘8 Should you wnte the exact words you hear Cr think of othe words that mean the same? renee eee 4 What ee might you have to writen ‘part from words? What should you do before you listen"? Choose the correct answer. ‘a Read the text and think about possible answers, bb Rad the text and waite in some answers. ‘Read the task on page 25. Think abaut the 2 kin of information you will need to writen each gap. In question 14 should you write a noun or ‘an adjective? 1b In question 18 do you have to write a person ‘oran object? © What might go in the gap in question 167 d How could you complete question 17 € In question 18 should you write a place or ‘person? What might 99 in the gap in question 107 em ‘Look at the exam task on page 39. Which word {rom the bex below should go in each gap? brown drawing film geography Jcebery pencil case photographs. | subjects stipe uncle waterfall DB isten and check your answers. Choose the correct words to completo these 2 ‘extracts from the recording for the tac on page 35. @ Asa kid, sho was really keen on / with bartertes, 'b I never thought she'd win, but /and she di, ‘© As par of her course, she has to pass / ‘spend a month doing research in another country 1d Maybe that's way nobody never /ever 3888 one! € Then, on the last day, she was sitting next to-a waterfall, when / bocauso a butterfly, settled on her rucksack. 1 Mogan said it was, lke, a /0n awosome experience. PART 3: TRAINING LISTFNING @ Lister and chesk your answers. Questions 14-19 For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write ane or two words oF & number or a date or a time, ‘You will near @ boy giving a cless presentation about his alder sister. Megan, who has @ butterfly named after her. ‘Megan and the butterfly | ‘As a child, Megan's favourite (14), vmeegantenacnen | Megan's (15). persuaded her to enter a competition to name @ butterfty. | Megan is now studying (16)___._ at university, Megan's butterfly is mostly (17)_____.__ in colour. | In Brazil, Megan eventually savr her buttery near to a (18) ‘of Magan’s butterly, go to the university website, LISTENING PART 3 3 1 Read and listen to the instructions on page 37. a How many questions are there? 'b_How many options do yeu choose from? © What are you told about the situation? d What do you need to do before you listen? 1 Look at questions 20-26 trom the task on page 37. Underine the most important wore} In each question. 2 DBook at question 20 anc ston 10 the recording. 28 Doce Saina say shold awayawrted sat ‘ac, or ust tha she's played cnees since she wea a chic? b Did her school want to have a cub betore she mentioned 4? 3 Now look at question 24 and answer these questions. 8. Does Solina say i's a good idea to buy ‘equipment from d ferent places, or the ‘same place? 'b Why dows Salina say there might be = problem with the cheapest equipment? 4 Inthe recording for question 22... ‘8 Does Selina say i's possible for payers to ‘ahvays compete against the same people? Foc ee 4 These extracts show where the anewers to ‘questions 20-25 can be found. Complete them Using the words ‘rom the box. against at once ifferent jokes ‘ought to whatever work things out 1 When I heard he'd joined a chess club there, thought we have one at my school, too. 2 Bul buy thom all, from the same lace, and you'l get a pretty good ciscount. 3 I's also important that anyone coming {or the frst time ‘eels welcome, thei level PART 4: TRAINING LS/ENING 2 'b Does Selina say the best players teach the new members? Look at question 23 and fsten to the recorcing. Answer these questions, ‘a Did Setina lose any equipment? b Does the club have enough space for all ‘the players? lithe recording for question 24 Does Selina say that students can play chess online? bb Does Selina think that chess helps students with theic schoolwork directly? Now look at the last question, 25, and listen to the recording. Ansiver these questions. ‘a How good does Selina think her chess clu members are? bb Does sive recommend all students play chess? 4 Itonly over heppened once when one boy Keptteling sly and nobody ‘could concentrate. 5 Playing @ game of chess teaches you how to in your head. 6 It'd be good toplay __ clubs from other schools sometimes - it's always Interesting to meet players who approach the game in ways, BB iston ans cnack your answers, leas Questions 20-25 ‘You will hear an interview with a git called Selina Stead who runs a chess club at her school. For each question, choose the correct answer 20 Why did Solina decide to start school chess club? A. Atamity member gave her the idea. 8 itwas something she'd always wanted to do. Her school was looking for somabody to doit. 21. Selina saye that when buying chess equipment, i's best to A buylt fom different places. B get. large amount at the same tine. © gotothe company with lowest prices. 22 Atclub sessions, Sina thes to meke eure | rwmbers can always choose who they play against. Bnew members can loan from the bast players. © _allmembers get an arjoyable game. 23. Selina had to ask forthe lp o @ teacher when A some.of the chb’s property went missing Bone of the club’s members behawed badly. the club needed space for extra sessions. 24 Selina says thet piaying chess can help students to A spend less time online. B_ concentrate better in class © think more clearly 25 In future, Selina would like the chess clu to A play chess against other schools. B enter chess competitions at national level get everyone in the schoo! interested in chess. USTENING PART 4 37 OVERVIEW TEST 2SPEAK eines “Tre Sprating Tet lasts approsamatay 12 minutes and there are ‘our paris Parts | and 2 take 2-3 rrunutes each Parts 3 and 4 tale 5 maryses hn total You take che vest with a partne There are two ‘evamners. One examiner act a interlocutor and speaks to YoU the other just fstens in sore parts you tak to the examiner and in ether parts you talk to each othe The exasnes who lizens marks you ll throvah the test and ges marks for the granmrar and vocabulary you se, how you organise what you sax your pronunciation, and the way you interact wih your parwier ard with the exarane The interfacuto” aso ges you a global ark The speaking werk s 25 percent of your total score fr the whole tet How to do the paper Part 1 In Part |. 216 eceineat each ofyou questions abour oursshes You speak to the earn nthe pprtard nto each oherThe fis: few questans are smmpie ones fr eal you name ha ck ose, were you ve and who yo. i wth YOU At pve Short simples anseers these questions ‘Aker she the earner ke you cach one or tie more personal questions for example ct your tes ad dies or our ely routines You ead ie longs arses t these questions Ty to thik of something interesing 10 sy and ep taking ul the examiner says Thnk you” Part? In Part youaleo sped to the examine bt there are no questions to ansvecln this pars the ceamine: shes you each a shotogrzoh ofan everyday sturzon to tak abovt Your photo il show people at hore ora shook or ray doing an Gutdboraciv. You shout sy what you cen soe In the photoaracn and ceseribe al the detais for example, here tis what the peoole ave dog hat theyre wear How theyre feng and so o7- Keep talking vl the mariner sy Thark you! ‘ou shave try to organize what you sy for examle, bein by eserbng the peoole ad wt theyre csi, before mang ot ta about he tings nthe backed. Pare3 InPart3.the examiner describes & station to you. and ges yeu a picture wth some ideas 10 dec with your porter The ecarinar does atk you queso send, yu have to pede to your partnar-Listen carol tothe stuation zt the earner Cesctbes to you andthe queslion you feed 10 scass 00% at the Meas uur the man picture You and your partes shoud exchange your suagestions and eprions about these Try to tak about al the ideas uefere you core to a checkin a say wy each one good or bad You have 0 keop tahing for 2-3 runes uti the earinerfaTrans you Remeber to a cur partner cuestons rl respond:0 you partner's ius, because yeu got mars for laracng vl wth each oxhar Pare in Part the examine asks you a your partner ome mare cuestons shat are connect tate topic your decusson in Part You should ge your cum opicion ard sy wry you thn that Listen ‘te your partner’ questions and ther anowers because you may be eked you aye. io ge yr ‘own opion about the same question. see IRENE ores nga ns pace See FERREIRA 0 reference onc precice OVERVIEW SPEAKINS NRO Ze INIIN Ie 44 Answer those questions from Phase 1, 4 ‘a What's your name? b How old are you? © Where do you live? 1d Who do you live with? Match te rains questions 1-4 om | Phase 2 with the student's answers A-D. 4 Do you do any sport at schoo!? 2 Tellus about a teacher you ike, | 9 What do you enjoy doing in your free time? 4. Where would you like to go on your next holiday? ‘A Ny maths teacher is realy nice and very patient. She explains everything very well and helos us if we don't understand. B | piay football twice a week, but actually Frm not very good at it.I quite enioy trying, though, and our coach is really nico! © 1m keer on the beach but | also ks cies, $01'd love to Vist Barcelona because that has both 1D 'm realy into sport and 20 ty to play tonne every week wen thave featime. | have aft of homework 1 co, thought Look at photogranh 1A on page 192. Read ja student’ description of te photograph. Choose the corect wort to fll each gap. {ean a0e five fends who are studying together | (1) around / moar a table. I think they're na library (2) while / because | can s6e lots of ‘books on shelves behind them. They're not ‘wearing schoo! uniform, though 18) suppose / ‘say they're in school. Thore are books on the table. The oi (4) on nthe lft has tong blond hair, and she’s wearing headphones and 8 pprk chit. The boy next to hor is (5) canning / | wearing a checked shirt and white T-shirt and they'e tucyng abook ogstner Theyre bon | concentrating hard. The gi in tive (6) mice / between has long brown heir and she's wearing a blue T-ohit. She's holcing a pen (7) but / and making nates in her notebook. Sne's sitting next to a git (8) who / that ia wearing ¢ grey jumper, ‘end next to her is a boy who's standing up. {9) These / They three rend on the ight are atso studying a book. (10) t/ There aso a tablet on the table in front of tharn. | Look at the task on page 200. Matich the ‘expressions (1-4) which a student used to talk about t with the functions (A-D). 1 think the boy should go fishing. 2 Do you really think that's a good idea? 8 What do you think about the idea of rack ctibing? 4 Youre ight about that. A Agreeing B Disagreeing Asking for your partner's opinion D Giving your own opinion 1 ‘Road the examiner's questions and the two ‘students’ answers for each one. Which Is the ‘best anawor n each case, A or B? Why? Int: Do you enjoy taking part in competitions? ‘A: Not really — I never seem to win anything! So | don't enjoy them much, My sister Joves them though B: No=not at all | hate them. Int: Do you usually preter to do indoor or ‘outdoor activitios in your free time? ‘A: I defintely prefer being outdoors bocause | send a lot ef time in schoo! during the week. | often go jogging with my friends, ‘and love horse riding. 1B: You do activities tke football, rugby and cycling outside but basketball, badminton and judo inside, SPEAKING PARTS In: TRAINING x 40 cy In Phase 1 of Part 1, the examiner asks you and your partner questions about yourselves. This is what the examiner says. Good moming/aftemoon/evening. Gan | have your mark sheets, please? Vim. and this is. = What's your name? © How old are you? = Where do you live? * Whoo you live with? Back-up prompts “Thace are some further questions the examiner sry ask oyu ve in fame of town, chy or region)? Do you ive with your family? In Phavo 2 of Port 1, tho examiner asks you each a fow quastions about your likes and dislikes and daily routines. For example, the examiner may ask ‘you questions like: © Whet's your favourite subject at schoo? why?) ‘+ How do you travel to school every day? ‘+ Tellus about your best fiend. + Doyou watch a lot of television programmes? eamy2wny not?) + Doyouget a lt of homework? + What part of the day do you like best? (Why?) + Doyou enjoy going to the cinema? (ny2AWhy rot?) * Doyo prefer winter or summer holidays? (winy?) Back-up prompts These are some further questions the examiner may ask Did you do anything special yesterday? What was t? Who isin your famity? Where do you usually go on holiday? Dig you have a party on your last trthday? PARTS |-4 SPEAGNG In Part 2, the examiner asks you each to describe a photograph. This is what the examiner says. 1A Studying Now, I'd Ike each of you to talk on your own about something ''m going to give each of you a photograph and I'd Fixe you to talk about it. ‘A, here is your photograph. It shows friends studying together. [Tum to photograph 1A on page 192.) you just faten, ‘A, ploase tell us what you can see in the photograph. © stow rine ark you 1B Ata picnic 'B, here is your photograph. It shows friends having ‘picnic, (Tum to photograph 1B on page 196.| A, you just listen. BB, please tell us what you can see in the photograph, Back-up prompts These are sorne things the examiner may say to help you answer: Talk about the people. Talk about the place. Talk about other things in the photograon. © eteuts mute Tank ya {in Part 3, the examiner asks you to do a task together. This is what the ‘examiner says. ‘Now, in this part of the test, you're going to talk about something togathor for about two minutes. I'm going to describe a situation to you. [Turn to the task on page 200.) A boy has just moved to a different town. He wants to start a new hobby so that he can make more friends. He likes being outside, but he doesn't have much spare time to learn to deo difficult things. Here are some hobbies he could do. ‘Talk together about the different hobbies he could do, and say which would be best. Allright? Now, talk together. ©) 2-8 miniss ‘Thank you, In Part 4, the examiner asks you each a few questions about the tople in general. For exaipe, the exer nya you quontions Hi Whats your favourite hobby? (Why?) * Would you Ike to start a new hobby soon’ (Why2/Why not?) * Do you usually prefer to do indoor oF outdoor activities in your free time’? (Why?) * Do you enjoy taking partin competitions? (Why?Wy not?) * Do you think t's better to have lots of different hobbies or be very good at just ‘one? (Why?) Back-up prompts ‘The examiner may ask you to respond to your partners answars, with questions like: HowiWnat about you? De you agree? Vihat ao you think? = © a-sminites Thank you, That is the end of the test. SPFAKING PARTS 1-4 4) 2 Question [98 mesa cr whois oligo the dip? Ans mbt does Ly ba ‘Question 2: Wrath sxe shure wernin sports kssersricen? Rhcthe comect kit ‘Queseion 3: as zersune ey aimed the gene TEST 2 READING. Questions 1-5 For each question, choose the correct answer. ey ‘Would you vaind geting the chicken ‘out of the frenzer when you come back from school? We havent got much to go with it~ 11 cal at the shops on vny way horns, Dad CERES EEE , 2 To: ALL students eee ‘From: School Sports Department Please rake sure you arrive ot lessons with the correct kit. Sore students hove pale blue ‘T-shirts and black shorts. Only the school's dark blue T-shirts ‘ond shorts are acceptable. A < Back Contacts Adam 8 Are you still OK to play S.2side football today? Hope 130, because otherwise we ce ‘on't have enough people for a team and wil have te cancel the game. Let me know. Greg Lucy's dad would Thke Lucy to make the dinner tonight. Lucy should buy something to eat with the chicken aftor school. Lucy needs to take something from the freezer when she gets home. ‘The schoo! has recently changed the colour ofits sports kit. ‘Several students have wor the ‘wrong fit in sports lessons. ‘The sports department doesn't want students 10 wear dark bive kit, Greg is checking that Adam can keep an arrangement they made previously. A player in Greg's football team can't play so he’s asking Adam instead. Greg wants to ask Adam why the football game they'd arranged is cancelled. A coat has gone missing from the changing room. if Found, please hand it in to the school secretary. + See the school secretary if you left a ‘coat in the changing room. ‘Someone has lost a coat that they Jeft in the changing room. Its not possible to leave coats in the ‘changing room at the moment. ‘You do not have to pay for using any of the ibrary's computers, See a member of staff you need ‘advice about using the computers. ‘Anyone wanting to use a computer should see a member of stat! frst. ont tage Se _Quention 5° dee thewerd free meunin “heeosie READING TEST 2 Questions 6 - 10 For each question, choose the correct answer. ‘The young people below all want to ind a campsite to go to with thei families. (On the opposite page there are eight descriptions of campsites. Decide which campsite would be most suitable for the people below. 6 Amjad wants to go to a campsite which has a restaurant and that has a beach nearby. He'd like there to be organised day trios to places of interest. Jing WoUld like to find a campsite in the mountains which has a anes swing p00) She woul ke earn Row fo do somo water fear ancy Sports wnte snes or ieeeenrece Feeney | Seotjaouatle caret Gunton ns ees mension © ae sorecampesctvater 8 Pascal would ike to hire bikes atthe campsite he goes to. He spatid Dotie tis wants a campsite that’s near a big cty anc that has a cisco Bea ayanting stent every week ‘Question 8: See teas ston es bat | vehich ob rd an ‘wee forbid What cao ostadeny ° fi its deri ntl rain pesos SSiaras heater hw ta te nora sab anrek eine Her family are traveling by plane and like having tents that ere higher is there aso already set up. eee ee Question 10: Wiech apiaet there 0 3 radiaystiten near «10 Michael would lie to go to a campsite that's close to & river ‘and that he can travel to by train. He'd Ike there to be different activities for tesnagers available every day. ‘Campsites The Ridge This small campsite located in beautiful ‘mountains is great for families. It's only a 10-minute taxi ide from the nearest airport ‘and you won't even need to pack oF put up @ tent, a8 these are all provided for you. There are activitles and shows for under-10s every day, and for toonagers, 100, on weekdays. The Pines ‘Situated by a lake amiong beautiful ‘mountains, The Pines offers actwities for all ages. including sivimming, saling and windsurfing from the camosite's beach. The ‘owners arrange visits to several cities and to many historical buildings in the area. it has ‘one of tne best places to eat in the ragion. Freetime Camping Definitely a campaite forthe more active family, Freotime Camping has three large oO'S 1o choose from, as well as mountain bike hire and day trips tothe seaside or to the famous national alway museum, Thece’s ‘something for everyone, whether you're six yeas old or sity ‘The Granary The Granary has one of the best waterslides ‘and pools in the country, as well as a beach conly a five-minute walk away. There are aly organised activities for everyone. from the youngest children to adults. The weekly isco Is incredibly populer, especialy among teenage campers. Camping Deluxe Just 200m from the sea, Camping Deluxe is ‘4 great place for those who love water sports (just relaxing on the beach. There's bike hire at the campsite that’s reasonably priced. It only @ short bus ride from the town of Danbury and its railway station. ‘Country Camping Perfect for families, Country Camping ‘organises things to do for all age groups daly. Perhaps you'll love the weekly disco, or maype sailing or swimming in the river nearby is more your thing? t's just thm to the nearest railway station and only 500m to the shops and restaurants of the local village. ‘Camp Best Bring your own tent or use one of the many that Camp Best provides for quests — i's upto you! From music and dancing every Saturday to cheao cycle hire, Camp Best has ‘tall, Only km outside the capital, wath ite restaurants, shops, tin stations and airport, it's a great place to be. Habitat Camping ‘A qroat place for lovers of the outdoors — quests can take classes in windsurfing and sailing, or rent @ bike and sperd the day riding on one of the many mountain paths in the local area. They can coo! off atterwards in the pool and then eat at the site's convenient restaurant. RLADING TEST 2 6 ‘TEST 2 READING Questions 11-15 For wach question, choose the correct anewor. My flying experience Tweive-year-old Jessica Gilligan describes how she flow a small plane I'd never thought of fying as something | would ever actully want todo in my tre ‘me until my family bought me whats called a ‘ying experience day’ as a birthday Present. Don' get me wrong, | wasn't Lke come of my fends, who would stat ‘Shaking with fear atthe thought of going in a plane of any size. Pd actualy advays looked forward to flying off somewhere on holiday, especialy that feeling you get when the piane's just taking off. But flying a plane was something other poople did, not me | started researching the experience day online straight away. The litle aircraft | was ‘going to fy in couleé only go up to 3000 metres, which is quite low when you realise big Jets fy closer to 10000 metres. | found out there was a half-hour talk from the instructor about safety anc the controls, This seemed more than enough to me, as | was only going to be in the alr tor about the same amount of time, which | couldn't ‘quite believe. My parents wera amazed that something like that was available for twelve-year-olds, but I'm very pleasad it was. (On the day, | was quite nervous out Sheena, my instructor, ws very calm, which helped a lot. She took the controls as we took off, of course. It appeared to take ‘2928 to get high up, but it was only actually a minute or two, and then | took the controls. Iwas so excited, | wasn't really Kistening to what Sheena was saying. | was hhoping to see my house but it was hard to work out where everything was from the air. Even though we ware flying at 280 kilometres per hour, you could herdly tell we ‘were moving when you looked down, Frm now so into flying that 'm considering it as a careet. 1! need to become ‘ualiffed, of course, and I'm happy to save up for more classes to do this. It was ‘such fun that I'd love to do it every day and get 2ald for it, too. The company that ‘organises experiance cays keeps sending emails about train driving and other [_tings, but only want more of one particular kind of experience now! " 2 13 © How did Jessica feel about fying before she did the fying experience day? A scared of fying in a small plane 1B confident that she would be good at it © Uninterested in taking it up as @ hobby curious about what it would feel lke ‘tho longth of the tight ‘What does Jessica say about being in the air? ‘A the plane appeared to travel very slowly 1B sseing where she lives was incredible Citas too noisy to hear the inetructor 1D they seemed to climb very quickly What doee Jessica hope to doin the future? A have more flying lessons just for fun 1B atternpt to get a pilot's owns © tty different ‘experience days’ D__jsam how to handle other vehicies ‘What would Jessica's mum say about her? Jessica will want money for her birthday from vows on but a least shel bp using tt for something she les. PEADING TEST 2 ‘Questions 16-20 Five sentences have been removed trom the text below, For each question, choose the comect answer, ‘There are three axira sentences which you do not nase to use. The Tomatina Festival Tho Tomatina Festival takes piace every Augustin the small Spenish town of Bufo. Ithas been described as the word's biggest food fight, ax the most famous part of the celebrations involve 20000 people throwing tomatoes at each othor! ‘No ones totaly sure how the festival began, but seems to have started in the 19408. One story tls how some teenage fiends state throwing old tomatows eens atone ancther for un.[461] | Another describes how the crowd at a more ‘erent when otoaiarcald ‘traditional festival was so bored by the entertainment, they started throwing maaan ‘tomatoes at the entertainers and then at cach other! Whatever the truth is, the event ere pee ‘Was repeated the following year and its popularity has grown ever since. LASTER | on te cay ofthe festival, overage ores, tad wih over 10600049 of sft, severance bao ‘pe tomatoes, appear in the town square. Everyone helps themselves or is given sheers Wh shops [einai {ots ofthe tomatoes, and once a special signal la civan, the tomato fight begins, tency Be beeing send? (iz After another signal, everyone stops throwing the fruit and the clean up Quesion 18:Dsstic | begins pres winter | Koselenstere Tis At one time, over 40000 peaple attended the festival ufo!’ population is only Km perc as vebtnirourtie 7 ‘round 90008 but this was felt to be too many, 80 the organisers decided to | Wine was? 7 a introduce a limit. This was set at a maximum of 20000 people per year | 18 Queson 197 Seetaees a Without this, you wil not be allowed to take part. doa vote BRM | tes cxrcnenhe ti ante inpse beh foci ns ieberbs seeperato fo. Tey suggest nat fest! goers only wea things that hey are happy o wow ‘Question 202 wry 40 away afterwards. 18 JOther advice is to avoid bringing a camera, ax unless etrieterte | ie a special waterproot one. itis ast certain to get damaged. People are alo eee asked to make sure that the tomatoes are as ott as possible before they throw: them, [20 [But above al the organisers just want visite tothe Tomatina festival to heve furt ‘TEST 2 READING a moo o > “They wil oetarly never be te same cclour again! “Thats why they ss0 began throwing the fruit at everyone. it general ass for about ene hour. : “his willhopefily stop them from injuring anyone. “Tro were as mary wx 50000 vistors thet year. “Tis sserned s0 enjoyable thet ether ponpleolned in. For thls reason the orgaisers stopped people binging glass bot. So thesa days, you actualy need a ticks to attend. READING TEST 2 ‘Question 21: Wo of therasaets cused > sowitutasine sey asuact ‘Question 22: Wrich S thaverm ere ‘Question 24: ih erences wt wr tv mean seneching you dbin ar imeem Question 28: Wrist sete ebersto samectng tat we Sy tofndarabeuttie pow ‘Quortion 26: which ‘yond fas shar reaing "het ‘TEST 2RFADING. Questions 21 ~ 26 For each quastion, choose the correct answer, The history of surfing Surfing Is one of the oldest sports on the planet. No-one really knows (21)___. when it First started but itis (22)______ that people have used wooden boards | ‘to ride waves for about three thousand years, The fist surfers were probably fishermen from islands in the Pacific Ocean, who found that bringing the fish they | ps2, toshrw ws much ns hy oe waves oxo eben their smail boats, Over time, this developed from part of the working day Into a | 26... activity. The first (25) _ records of surfing appeared in the late eighteenth century. English explorer Captain James Cook wrote in his diary about seeing locais riding the waves for (26)_______ on @ Pacific island called Tah. Inthe oarly twentieth century, surfing spread to tne US state of Gabfomia anc Australia, Is new popular all around the world, 21 A certainty = Bcorrectly, «GS exactly «=D totally 22 A thought «=» Bs supposed © intended © sD extpoctec 23 A gained B kept © held D caught 24 A rest B eisure © relaxation entertainment 25 A ancient B Wistorcal «== antique «= Dold 28 A pleasue BB happiness GC ~—wish D choice My drama club tn my biog today, 'm going to tol you abcut the drama club | goto | fist found out 27)... tfrom a end of mine. He recommended ito me around six mons (28)__ and joined immediately. {realy love going because I think the teacher there isthe (2). amazing teachor ever! The activities we doin classes are really interesting and I'm getting 20 uch better (30)_______.. acting, thanks to al the things we do there. (31) | got the chance, I'd realy ike to bacome a professional actor in the future, but know (32), dificult It can be to become successtul, So many poopie want to become actors but very few actually achieve their deer. Question 28: Vc) lwcrder se pa ee thetek use tneies tem Question 29: Wr ord poet sereto mae Saperatne® ‘Question 30:44 shest wore do ounce Inthe vam goed someting ‘Question 31:°Mhieh woreda wesflen use income sentences Fhe vs ope? Question 32:\¥ ie ceaetin word do you ceedtoiwelme? READING TEST 2 51 52 Part Qvestien Fesrerbe-tattho tot Sabon ayoot your Jeane of ead So trea mre wengacones Fewvenendjou tik prximscarspoece, Es Grtomb-pachdy? oumatosy argh eremdien chat Srouarmone 27 sree iezranant ese oh xsd pape Matar ve he oe yarcpron! Wal prblereculd there betcha tsgoner how te! ead Paved Question 2: Hewscoud you elit yur paws imaate curt ve a cule speunimern cy? Protiewry sone ‘perches recente? Question 3: Who do you tk was aig? Wr tty vant Whe happens rc How a he server? TEST 2 WRTING You must answer this question. ‘Write your answer in about 100 words. ‘Question 1 Read this email from your English-snezking fiend Sam and the notes you have made. Sam = Subject Learning the guitar Hi know you play the guitar really wall started looming, 100, meee | was wondering if you'd be able to giva me some advice. How often do you practise, and for how longer Should | buy a guitar stroight oway or just use the one the schoo! has lent me for now? = Would you be zble to teach me how to play some simple songs? ees : See you soon Sam Write your email to Sam using all the notes. Choose one of these questions \Wite your answer in ebout 100 words. Question 2 ‘You see this announcement in your schoo! English-language magazine. Articles wanted! The time you spend online How much time do you spend online each day on computers end mobile phanes? Do you think parents should limit how long their children ean spend online each day’? What are the benefits of spending less time online? 2 best articles anawering these questions will be published next month, Woe your article. Question 3 Your Engish teacher has asked you to write a story. ‘Your story must begin with this sentence. ‘Anna had just got out of bed wien the phone suddenly started ringing. ‘Write your story. ‘Questions 1-7 For each question, choose the correct answer. 2 3 How will the git get to schoo! on Monday? CH ot oe ‘What did the boy do at the adventure camo? we B c Whereis the git’s bag? hetseohemts ow Be eeef the lee USTENING TEST 2 Question 4: ston ‘eather abort the ime of the ror Question etn fe {he boreetronew ‘teenie ona ee oe Question 6: ¥/nch {S97 So0s the boy oe ‘Ethat the one the art choowest i ‘Question 7 Lees cxstaly The tewher tabsabo.tal ter Wings Barnet seule Westicents berg oe” ‘TEST 2 USTENNG 4 What time does the television programme start? A 8 c ‘Whet will the weather be ike tomorrow? ‘Questions 8-13 For each question, choose the correct answer. 8 You will hear a git teling a lend about her new mobile prone. What is she pleased about? ‘A how muchit cost B thesiza.o the sereen © the things she can download on it © You wil hear a boy teling a friend about learing to play the piano. How does he feel about i? ‘A he'd tke to improve more quickly 8 he prfors it to his previous instrument © he enjoys the kind of music he usually plays 10 You will hear a gi taling a fiend about a climbing course. What dic che tke best about it? ‘A the people sie met B the skills she learnt the confidence sne gained 11 You will hear a boy telling friend about a photograchy competition What is he complaining about? A the quaity of the prizes B the way it was organisact © the opinion of the judges 12 You will hear two friends talking about some homework. What do they agree about i? A The topic is interesting, B Theyneed to doit quickly. © W's hare thing to write about. 13. You will hear @ boy taling a friend about a book he's read. ‘What cid he think of 1? A Itwas better than the fm. B The characters were realistic, © The story was rather confusing. Question Liston ise bow learing the po is ies w kerang te its: Question 10: Lsten for apraethe rates heiie has bet ‘Question tH: Youd reso weno angrier cr sige bit wou dobesetee boy “aking abot thece shoe ‘Question 12: Youre litera fe contting, Sherratt same es Question 13: dershae ve work fir chats See, woliten be wer and Sores Ur anche cometh Question 14: Lr erwin ral Pye want caters te Question 15:86 ervtlteeruruers werentenes Yoske Asan er nee many Proghe dd tiene Question 16: Linen oe ‘He wore shat Suse wses te dexrbetie acti, Question 17: tty for pina (oe rene ‘mart ents ‘Question 18: Be cri rae souvenir mertonee Wnt ds Scio our forhersat? Question 19: Yoh Isterngfor the nur. ‘esnoled fo-you onthe: reer TEST 2[/STENNG ‘Questions 14~19 For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one or two words or a umber or a date or a time. ‘You will hear a gir calle Susie taking about a llama trekking trp she went on. ‘The llama trok staris at a (14), ‘There were « total of (15),____ people taking part in Susie's trek. ‘Susie says that larva trekking is a very (16) _ activity Walking near a (17). was the most enjoyble part of Susie's rek. ‘Susie bought (18) as a souvenir. ‘Thename of the company that organises the treks is (9), lamas. laa ‘Questions 20-25 For each question, choase the correct answer. You wil hear an Interview with a boy called Joe Stone, who's talking about a drama group he belongs to, 20 Joe decided to join the drama group because ‘Ait seemed to sult his character, BB some people he knew were init. © he thought he had a talent for acting. 21 Joe explains that the drama group ‘A often puts performances online. B does just one large anual show. hes mombers of al oterent ages. 22 What does Joe say about preparing for his first show? A There was more to do than he expected. 1B He enjoyed the physical side oft. © frwas fun working with others. 23° When asked if the drama club affects his schoolwork, Joo ‘A admits that his teachers get worrted. B__daceribes how his perents support him. © explains that it's just like any other hobby. 24 What problom did Joe have with some equipment during one show? ‘A fallad to arive on time, 1B Hodidn't know how it worked. © There was a fauit he hac to mend. 25 What does Joe ike most about the drama group? A the way that it makes him toot B__ the range of parts he gets to play © thechanoe of a career it offers him LUSTENING TEST 2 5

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