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An example in a two-sided alternative hypothesis is:

(a) H1:μ< 0
(b) H1:μ> 0
(c) H1:μ≥ 0
(d) H1:μ≠ 0
27. If the magnitude of calculated value of t is less than the tabulated value of t and H1 is two-sided,
we should:
(a) Reject Ho
(b) Accept H1
(c) Not reject Ho
(d) Difficult to tell
28. Accepting a null hypothesis Ho:
(a) Proves that Ho is true
(b) Proves that Ho is false
(c) Implies that Ho is likely to be true
(d) Proves thatμ≤ 0
29. The chance of rejecting a true hypothesis decreases when sample size is:
(a) Decreased
(b) Increased
(c) Constant
(d) Both (a) and
30. The equality condition always appears in:
(a) Null hypothesis
(b) Simple hypothesis
(c) Alternative hypothesis
(d) Both (a) and (b)
31.Which hypothesis is always in an inequality form?
(a) Null hypothesis
(b) Alternative hypothesis
(c) Simple hypothesis
(d) Composite hypothesis
32. Type I error is equal to:
(a) 1 – α
(b) 1– β
(c) α
(d) β
33. Type II error is equal to:
(a) α
(b) β
(c) 1 – α
(d) 1– β
34.The power of the test is equal to:
(a) α
(b) β
(c) 1– α
(d) 1– β
35.The degree of confidence is equal to:
(a) α
(b) β
(c) 1– α
(d) 1– β
36.α/2 is called :
(a) One tailed significance level
(b) Two tailed significance level
(c) Left tailed significance level
(d) Right tailed significance level
37.Student’s t-test is applicable only when:
(a) n≤30 and σ is known
(b) n>30 and σ is unknown
(c) n=30 and σ is known
(d) All of the above
38. Student’s t-statistic is applicable in case of:
(a) Equal number of samples
(b) Unequal number of samples
(c) Small samples
(d) All of the above
39. Paired t-test is applicable when the observations in the two samples are:
(a) Equal in number
(b) Paired
(c) Correlation
(d) All of the above
40. The degree of freedom for paired t-test based on n pairs of observations is:
(a) 2n – 1
(b) n – 2
(c) 2(n - 1)
(d) n – 1
41. The test-statistic has df = ____:
(a) n
(b) n – 1
(c) 2(n - 1)
(d) n – 3
42. In an unpaired samples t-test with sample sizes n1= 11and n2= 11, the value of tabulated t should
be obtained for:
(a) 10 degrees of freedom
(b) 21 degrees of freedom
(c) 22 degrees of freedom
(d) 20 degrees of freedom
43. In analyzing the results of an experiment involving seven paired samples, tabulated t should be
obtained for:
(a) 13 degrees of freedom
(b) 6 degrees of freedom
(c) 12 degrees of freedom
(d) 14 degrees of freedom
44. The mean difference between 16 paired observations is 25 and the standard deviation of
differences is 10. The value of statistic-t is:
(a) 4
(b) 10
(c) 16
(d) 25
45. Statistic-t is defined as deviation of sample mean from population mean μ expressed in terms of:
(a) Standard deviation
(b) Standard error
(c) Coefficient of standard deviation
(d) Coefficient of variation
46. Which of the following is an assumption of one-way ANOVA comparing samples from three or
more experimental treatments?
a. All the response variables within the k populations follow a normal distributions.
b. The samples associated with each population are randomly selected and are independent from all
other samples.
c. The response variable within each of the k populations have equal variances.
d. All of the above.
47. The error deviations within the SSE statistic measure distances:
a. within groups
b. between groups
c. both (a) and (b)
d. none of the above
48. When the k population means are truly different from each other, it is likely that the average error
a. is relatively large compared to the average treatment deviations
b. is relatively small compared to the average treatment deviations
c. is about equal to the average treatment deviation
d. none of the above
49. As variability due to chance decreases, the value of F will
a. increase
b. stay the same
c. decrease
d. can’t tell from the given information
50. When conducting a one-way ANOVA, the _______ the between-treatment variability is when
compared to the within-treatment variability, the _______ the value of FDATA will be tend to be.
a. smaller, larger
b. smaller, smaller
c. larger, larger
d. smaller, more random

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