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“What are your feelings and assumptions about the concept of Beginner’s Mind?

Do you notice an
ego response like “yea, but, I am so experienced! What could I have to learn? Or are you open to
being curious?” There is no right or wrong answer. Just reflect on the natural first instinct and
become aware of it.

If you were to look at the concept of money as an absolute beginner, as if you were a sexy alien dropped
onto this planet, what would your feelings about it be?
Take a moment to reflect on something that feels totally neutral in your life. For example,
putting your shoes on. Starting your car. Brushing your teeth. Making a coffee or tea. Anything
that is an action you perform daily that has a totally neutral energetic tone. Briefly describe it
here and rate the level of emotion on a scale of 1-10, 1 being most uncomfortable, and 10 being
the most pleasant.

Next, think about a particularly joyful activity. Meeting with a good friend, succeeding at
something, someone telling you they love you, a successful venture. Briefly describe the event
here. and rate the level of emotion on a scale of 1-10, 1 being most uncomfortable, and 10 being
the most pleasant.
Now, think about your bank account. Think about paying bills. Think about receiving money. Think
about a conversation you had with someone about money recently. Briefly describe it here and rate
the level of emotion on a scale of 1-10, 1 being most uncomfortable, and 10 being the most pleasant.

Re-read what you wrote. How do they differ?

Now, take a moment to reflect on the fact that in this moment, Now and Here, nothing has
actually happened.. You have evoked these feelings simply from memory, and memory is
nothing more than a snapshot in time. It does not tell the whole story.

Write a brief letter to yourself expressing that you are “open to the possibility that you could,
possibly, potentially, experience different feelings about money.”

For example: “Dear ____ your name ____, I understand that memories have a real impact on the
way we feel. I also understand that memories are snapshots of my perspective of something
that happened in the past. In this moment right now, I declare and promise that I am willing
to be open to the idea that my feelings about money, about myself, and about my potential for
success are actually really flexible, and are not set in stone. I’m willing to be open to the
possibility that I can learn new things, that I can understand myself and my life in different
ways and this could lead me to having different and possibly more positive feelings about and
with money from now on. I’m willing to try.”
1. Write all disempowered, less than sexy beliefs about money, you with money, money in
your life, what it means to have money, to make money, to keep money, to organise money, to
talk about money. Set a timer on your phone for 5 minutes, or aim for at least 10. (Do this on
a separate piece of paper.)

2. Now write all the empowered, electric, magical, potent, exciting beliefs you have about
money. Dig deep. What have you experienced within your own life? What miracles with
money? When has money come to you or into your life experience with total ease? What have
you seen people accomplish or receive in your circle? Friends, family?

You're invited to write your current empowered beliefs here:

3. Look again at your empowered beliefs. Pick 3 of them. Read them over several times and
say, "I choose and declare that I am having more experiences like this now. I choose and
declare that this is my truth, now. I choose and declare that this belief informs my reality

4. Now, back to the disempowered beliefs. Pick the top 2 or 3 that hurt most. That feel like a
punch in the stomach, a slap in the face. That fill your body with dread, that make you feel
like you're pulling in, contracting within yourself. It's OK. Let the feeling be there. This feeling
does not define you.

For each belief, write out the answers to the following questions:
I) How is this belief actually sort of ridiculous? (Prove to yourself that it ain't... actually ...

II) What were the circumstances in my life when this belief came in? Who was I then ( where
you a child, how old were you, what was your living situation ), where did I learn this, or who
did I learn it from? How are my circumstances different now? (For example, now you are
however old you are, now you have different friends, now you are an adult who makes her
own decisions, now you have learned x,y,z,.)

III) - What will it cost emotionally to keep this belief? What kind of emotional damage can
this belief do if it stays with you?
- What havoc could it wreak in your romantic relationships if it stays?
- What problems will it cause in your physical human life, in your body?
- How will it impact you negatively financially?
- How will it impact your relationship with your family?
By doing this exercise, we're creating a pain map showing that this belief has just GOT to go.
You are rerouting neural pathways that have passively allowed this belief to be here, and re-
directing this belief to the land of "NOPE".

5. And now, welcome to "Opposite Town"!

For each of the disempowered beliefs, take a brand new piece of paper, and simply reverse
them. Write them in their exact opposite form.

What you have now is a map of the most liberating, empowering, activating beliefs. Read
them to yourself out loud. Make note of how you feel in your body. Where do you feel the
tension loosening. How does it feel in your heart, in your mind?

Think about what's possible for the woman who lives according to these beliefs. What action
would she take? What would she do next? What boundaries would she set, what goals would
she aim for, what relationships would she have?

Feel into this, and do some free flow writing about it if you desire because SHE IS YOU.

6. The Final Step - safely burning the page of disempowered beliefs. Burn them in a safe
space, in a safe way. Make it as ritualistic as you desire, or just tear them up, throw them
away and take out the garbage. As they burn, or as you rip them, say "I release these beliefs
with love and a full heart. I fully claim my empowered, true beliefs now. It is done."
Now, go BE / DO / FEEL your way into some actions that align with your
empowered beliefs, share them with a friend, make your favourite one your
phone background, post them on your Instagram, anything that feels good.
This is you. Be so proud of yourself - I know I am!

Today you have created space for the version of you who is comfortable with
money, who celebrates money, who understands and moves with money in a
delightful, productive way.

In the next Calibrate to Cash module, I’ll show you how to get comfortable
in the energetic field of money, and how to become the match for money, to
bring it to a level of pleasant neutrality - no longer in an energy of fear,
judgement, desperation, jealousy or otherwise being triggered by it.



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