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41 of 50 points
1. This is a 50 item quiz.
2. Read each questions carefully.
3. Select the best answer/answer from the given choices.
4. You only have 50 minutes to finish this quiz.

During an outpatient clinic visit, a female patient reports feeling

abdominal bloating/pain, and diarrhea when eating foods that contain
wheat or rye. The patient states her mother was diagnosed with
Celiac Disease 5 years ago. What other symptoms will you assess the
patient for that can be present in Celiac Disease? SELECT-ALL-THAT-
Unexplained Weight loss

Menstrual irregularities

Ribbon-like stools
Inability to tolerate dairy products

Nurse Roda is planning to teach a client with malabsorption

syndrome about the necessity of following a low-fat diet. The nurse
develops a list of high-fat foods to avoid and should include which
food item on the list? *
sweet potatoes
cream cheese


Your patient was admitted 3 days ago for treatment of severe

malnourishment secondary to Celiac Disease. The patient is doing
well and will be discharged tomorrow. When you arrive to the
patient’s room, the patient’s friends and family are visiting and have
brought dinner for the patient. Which food item below should you tell
the patient to avoid consuming? *
Steak and steamed broccoli
Pork barbeque sandwich

Braised chicken with carrots

Vegetables and rice

A senior nurse instructs a client with chronic kidney disease who is

receiving hemodialysis about dietary modifications. the nurse
determines that the client understands these dietary modifications if
the client selects which items from the dietary menu? *
Cream of wheat, blueberries, coffee

Sausage and eggs, banana, orange juice

Bacon, cantaloupe melon, tomato juice
Cured pork, grits, strawberries, OJ

You’re helping a mother, whose child was recently diagnosed with

Celiac Disease, read food labels. Which of the following item should
you teach the mother to avoid feeding her child? SELECT ALL THAT



Alfred has a cystic fibrosis .What diet would you recommend for
him? *
high fat diet
hign calorie and hign protein

low fat diet

high calorie diet

The nurse reviews dietary teaching for a client diagnosed with

cholecystitis. The nurse determines that teaching is effective if the
client states which of the following meals? *
liver with onions, cucumber salad, skim milk.
Barbecue chicken, salad, baked potato, rice, skim milk.

Scrambled eggs, cream of broccoli soup, bagel, lemonade.

Guacamole with chips, bean burrito, herbal iced tea.

A client with diabetes melllitus has a blood glucose of 644mg/dl. The

nurse interprets that this client is most at risk of developing which
type of acid base imbalance? *
Metabolic acidosis

metabolic alkalosis
repiratory acidosis
respiratory alkalosis
The nurse identifies which diet BEST meets the nutritional needs of a
client diagnosed with cirrhosis? *
high in calories plus vitamin supplement
hign in protein and high in carbohydrates

high in calcium and low in fat

high in iron and low in salt

Nurse Maria obtains this information from a patient with

prehypertension. Which finding is most important to address with the
patient? *
low diet fiber
no regular aerobic exercise

weight 5 punds above ideal weight

drinks wine with dinner once a week

The nurse is instructing a client with hypertension on the importance

of choosing foods low in sodium. The nurse should instruct the client
to limit intake of which food? *
smoke sausage

steamed vegetables

A client with hypertension has been told to maintain a diet low in

sodium. The nurse who is teaching the client about foods that are
allowed should include which food item in a list provided to the
client? *
tomato soup
boiled shrimps
instant oatmeal

After the nurse educates the patient with stage 1 hypertension about
diet changes, which diet choice indicates that the teaching has been
effective? *
The patient avoids eating nuts or butters.
The patient avoids intake of dietary protein.
The patient has only one cup of coffee in the morning.
The patient has a glass of low-fat milk with each meal.

A client with CVD is being spoon-fed by her niece. What are some
nursing intervention for feeding clients who need assistance with
eating? Select all that apply *
Warn clients about hot foods

Do not let family members feed them

Encourage the person to do as much as possible to develop self-confidence
Document any discomfort or digestive complaints the client expresses during feeding or

Correct answer
Warn clients about hot foods
Encourage the person to do as much as possible to develop self-confidence
Document any discomfort or digestive complaints the client expresses during feeding or

A nurse in the ward is educating a patient with heart failure. Select

the correct health teachings for the patient. *
Patients with heart failure should limit exercise because of the risks.

Heart failure patients should limit sodium intake to 2-3 grams per day.
Heart failure is exacerbated by illness, too much fluid or sodium intake, and arrhythmias.

It is important patients with heart failure notify their physician if they gain more than 6 pounds in a
day or 10 pounds in a week.

Correct answer
Heart failure patients should limit sodium intake to 2-3 grams per day.
Heart failure is exacerbated by illness, too much fluid or sodium intake, and arrhythmias.

You're providing diet discharge teaching to a patient with a history of

heart failure. Which of the following statements made by the patient
represents they understood the diet teaching?* *
"I will limit my sodium intake to 5-6 grams a day."
"I will be sure to incorporate canned vegetables and fish into my diet."
"I'm glad I can still eat sandwiches because I love bologna and cheese sandwiches."
"I will limit my consumption of frozen meals."

The nurse is discussing dietary changes for a client with chronic

obstructive pulmonary disease. Which advice should the nurse
include? *
Follow a high-carbohydate diet.
Restrict fluids.
Increase dairy products.
Follow a low-salt diet.

When providing nutritional counseling for patients at risk for CAD,

which foods would the nurse encourage patients to include in their
diet (select all that apply)? *

tuna fish

whole milk

A client with heart failure has been told to maintain a low sodium
diet. A nurse who is teaching this client about foods that are allowed
includes which food item in a list provided to the client? *
whole wheat bread
tomato juice canned
dried mangoes

You're developing a nursing care plan for a patient in the diuresis

stage of acute kidney injury. What nursing diagnosis would you
include in the care plan? *
Excess fluid volume
Risk for electrolyte imbalance

Urinary retention
Acute pain

A nurse is caring for a client with kidney disease who has not been
taking in any fluid lately. What are some nursing interventions that
can help encourage the client to increase fluid intake? select all that
apply *
Serve water as part of the meal

encourage the client to eat fruits and veggies

Keep a water bottle at a client's desk

Offer the client carbonated drinks

Patient Amor is on fluid restriction diet. Which nursing intervention is

appropriate for her? *
monitor I & O

give pain medication

encourage food intake
weigh client regularly

Patient Julia who has a kidney disease condition was advised to

increase fluid intake by her physician. As a nurse on duty, which
nursing intervention is important for her? *
monitor I & O

give pain medication

encourage food intake
weigh client regularly

A patient with Acute Kidney Injury has a urinary output of 350

mL/day. In addition, morning labs showed an increased BUN and
creatinine level along with potassium level of 6 mEq/L. What type of
diet ordered by the physician is most appropriate for this patient? *
Low-sodium, high-protein, and low-potassium
High-protein, low-potassium, and low-sodium
Low-protein, low-potassium, and low-sodium

High-protein and high-potassium

A nurse has taught a client about dietary changes that can reduce
the chances of developing cancer. What statement by the client
indicates the nurse needs to provide additional teaching? *
"Foods high in vitamin A and vitamin C are important."
"I'll have to cut down on the amount of bacon I eat."
"I'm so glad I don't have to give up my juicy steaks."

"Vegetables, fruit, and high-fiber grains are important."

During chemotherapy, an oncology client has a nursing diagnosis of

impaired oral mucous membrane. What would be the possible related
factors? SATA *
decreased nutrition


Correct answer
decreased nutrition

For a female client with newly diagnosed cancer, the nurse

formulates a nursing diagnosis of Anxiety related to the threat of
death secondary to cancer diagnosis. Which expected outcome would
be appropriate for this client? *
“Client doesn’t guess at prognosis.”
“Client stops seeking information.”
“Client verbalizes feelings of anxiety.”

“Client uses any effective method to reduce tension.”

A female client is receiving chemotherapy to treat breast cancer.

Which assessment finding indicates a fluid and electrolyte imbalance
induced by chemotherapy? *
Serum potassium level of 3.6 mEq/L
Urine output of 400 ml in 8 hours
Dry oral mucous membranes and cracked lips
Blood pressure of 120/64 to 130/72 mm Hg

A patient with AIDS has been recently diagnosed with

Cryptosporidium muris. What is the most important nursing
diagnosis *
Interrupted family process r/t medical diagnosis
Fluid volume deficit

Imbalance nutrition: More than body requirements

Impaired Coping

A nurse is working in community service dealing with primary

prevention of common cancers. What strategies would she plan to
discuss? *
Making dietary and lifestyle changes
Completing self-breast and testicular exams monthly

Annual mammography annually at age 40 unless specified

Having a colonoscopy every 10 years starting at age 50

Correct answer
Making dietary and lifestyle changes

A client in her early 20's tells a nurse that colon cancer runs in her
family. She ask what she can do to decrease her risk. What is the
appropriate response? *
Attend genetic counseling before having children
Decreasing intake of high fiber foods decreases the risk for cancer
Limit alcohol, fat, processed, and high nitrate foods in your diet

Don't worry about this, you are too young for colon cancer
A nurse has taught a client about dietary changes that can reduce
the chances of developing cancer. What statement by the client
indicates the nurse needs to provide additional teaching? *
"Foods high in vitamin A and vitamin C are important."
"I'll have to cut down on the amount of bacon I eat."
"I'm so glad I don't have to give up my juicy steaks."

"Vegetables, fruit, and high-fiber grains are important."

A nurse is reviewing the principles of good nutrition for a patient with

COPD to support his overall health. Which of the following
suggestions regarding patient nutrition would most likely support the
health of the patient with COPD *
Avoid drinks that contain caffeine just before bed
Exercise for 30 minutes per day for 6 days a week.

Stay indoors when the temperature ouside reaches over 80 degrees

Achieve and maintain a healthy weight

Correct answer
Achieve and maintain a healthy weight

In children suspected to have a diagnosis of diabetes, which one of

the following complaints would be most likely to prompt parents to
take their school-age child for assessment? *

All of the above

A patient with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 should follow what type of

diet? *
Low fat, Low Salt Diet
Low carbohydrate, low fat, low salt

Low Protein Diet

High fat, low carbohydrate, low sodium

After myocardial infarction, serum glucose levels and free fatty acids
are both increase. What type of physiologic changes are these? *


Aldosterone secretion in response to fluid loss will result in which

one of the following electrolyte imbalances? *


A nurse is monitoring the status of a client’s fat emulsion (lipid)

infusion and notes that the infusion is 2 hours delay. The nurse should
do which of the following actions? *
Adjust the infusion rate to catch up over the next hour.
Make sure the infusion rate is infusing at the ordered rate.

Increase the infusion rate to catch up over the next few hours.
Adjust the infusion rate to full blast until the solution is back on time.

A patient with tented skin turgor, dry mucous membranes, and

decreased urinary output is under nurse Mark’s care. Which nursing
intervention should be included the care plan of Mark for his
patient? *
administering I.V and oral fluids

Clustering necessary activities throughout the day

Assessing color, odor, and amount of sputum
Monitoring serum albumin and total protein levels

A male client with a nagging cough makes an appointment to see the

physician after reading that this symptom is one of the seven warning
signs of cancer. What is another warning sign of cancer? *
Chronic ache or pain

Persistent nausea

Correct answer

A 34-year-old female client is requesting information about

mammograms and breast cancer. She isn’t considered at high risk for
breast cancer. What should the nurse tell this client? *
She should decrease of HDL cholesterol to further decrease her risk of breast cancer.
She should increase intake of LDL cholesterol to further decrease her risk of breast cancer

She should eat a low-fat diet to further decrease her risk of breast cancer.
She should eat a high-protein diet to further decrease her risk of breast cancer.

Correct answer
She should eat a low-fat diet to further decrease her risk of breast cancer.

When monitoring the daily weight of a patient with fluid volume

deficit (FVD), the nurse is aware that fluid loss may be considered
when weight loss begins to exceed: *
0.25 lb
0.50 lb

1 lb

The mother of a patient with cystic fibrosis ask if her son can eat
while taking her medication. When administering pancrelipase
(Pancreases capsules) to child with cystic fibrosis, nurse Faith knows
they should be given: *
With meals and snacks
Every three hours while awake
On awakening, following meals, and at bedtime
After each bowel movement and after postural draianage

Correct answer
With meals and snacks

A patient’s chart indicates a history of ketoacidosis. Which of the

following would you not expect to see with this patient if this
condition were acute? *
weight gain

extreme thirst
acetone breath smell

To assist an adult client to sleep better the nurse recommends which

of the following? *
Eating a large meal 1 hour before bedtime
Performing mild exercises 30 minutes before going to bed
Consuming a small glass of warm milk at bedtime
Drinking a glass of wine just before retiring to bed

A patient who is concerned with her mineral and vitamin intake asks
a nurse, “My doctor recommended I increase my intake of folic acid.
What type of foods contain the highest concentration of folic
acids?” *
Green vegetables and liver

Yellow vegetables and red meat


After a muscle biopsy of a patient suspected of having cancer, nurse

Willy should teach the client to: *
Resume a specific diet for the condition

Resume the usual diet as soon as desired

Not to eat for 8 hours
Eat in small amount

Correct answer
Resume the usual diet as soon as desired

A male client has just been diagnosed with hepatitis A. On

assessment, the nurse expects to note: *
anorexia, nausea, and vomiting

increased appetite with nausea and vomiting

normal appetite without nausea and vomiting
nausea and vomiting

A patient with chronic hepatitis C has been receiving interferon alfa-

2a (Roferon-A) injections for the last month. Which information
gathered during a visit in the home to conduct an interview and
physical assessment is most important to communicate to the
physician? *
The patient has chronic nausea and vomiting

The patient complains of chronic fatigue, muscle aches, and anorexia

The patient is overeating
The patient is drinking too much fluid.

A female client who has just been diagnosed with hepatitis A asks,
“How could I have gotten this disease?” What is the nurse’s best
response? *
“You may have eaten contaminated restaurant food.”

“You could have gotten it by using I.V. drugs.”

“You must have received an infected blood transfusion.”
“You probably got it by engaging oral sex.”
This form was created inside of Phinma - Cagayan de Oro College.


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