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By Habib Tijjani

Health educator

question : Most English words are largely borrowed from--------.

option : Greek
answer : French
option : Latin
option : Spanish

question : There is ------.corespondence between sound and spelling in English

answer : no
option : high
option : low
option : absolute

question : There are ---------- consonants sounds in English.

answer : 24
option : 49
option : 26
option : 20

question : There ---------- vowel sounds in English

option : 24
option : 49
option : 26
answer : 20

question : Vowels are classified into ----------.

answer : monophthong, Diphthong and Triphthong
option : monophthong, Dipthong and Triphthong
option : monopthong, Diphthong and Triphthong
option : monophthong, Diphthong and Triphtong

question : /c/ is sometimes pronounced as --------

answer : [k] and [s]
option : [x] and [z]
option : [ch] and [tz]
option : [cee] and [see]

question : /s/ is sometimes pronounced as [z] and [s]

answer : true
option : false
option : true only in British pronunciation
option : not so in American Pronunciation

question : /f/ is sometimes pronounced as [ph] and [gh]

answer : true
option : false
option : true only in British pronunciation
option : not so in American Pronunciation

question : /k/ and /w/ are pronounced even when they preceded /n/ and /r/
answer : false
option : true
option : true only in British pronunciation
option : not so in American Pronunciation

question : Sounds that are produced with an obstruction of air as a result of contact of the vocal
organs are called------
answer : consonant sounds
option : vowel sounds
option : triphthong sounds
option : diphthong sounds

question : The three parameters used in description of consonant sounds are

answer : place, manner and status of the glottis
option : monophthong, Diphthong and Triphthong
option : place, manner and status of the glotis
option : monopthong, Diphthong and Triphthong

question : The organs that make contact with each other in the course of consonant production are
answer : organs of speech
option : consonant mechanism
option : bilabial system
option : labio- dental system

question : Bilabial sounds are produced when the two lips come together, example of such sounds
include: .
answer : /p/, /b/, /m/ and / w/
option : /f/ and /v/
option : /t/, /d/, /s/ and /z/
option : /k/ and /g/
question : /p/ and /v/ are examples of --------- sounds
answer : Labio- dental
option : Palatal
option : Velar
option : Alveolar

question : /t/, /g/ are referred to as --------- sounds

option : Labio- dental
option : Palatal
answer : Velar
option : Alveolar

question : ---------- sounds are sounds produced with an explosion of air trapped in the mouth.
option : Affricative
option : Palatal
answer : plosive
option : Alveolar

question : Sounds that are produced with gradual release of air rather sudden and the air escapes
with a continuous flow are known as --------. sounds.
answer : Affricative
option : Palatal
option : plosive
option : Alveolar

question : Vowels are produced with a relatively freer flow of air than consonants.
answer : true
option : false
option : not true in the process of pronouncing American words
option : often true only in pronouncing South African English vowels

question : In the classification of vowel sounds, four parameters are used

answer : Height of the tongue, part of the tongue, shape of the lips and lenght
option : Height of the lips, part of the tongue, shape of the lips and lenght
option : Height of the tongue, part of the tongue, shape of the lips and lenght of the lips
option : Height of the tongue, part of the lips, shape of the lips and lenghtof the tongue

question : High, mid and low describes -------- as a parameter

answer : Height of the tongue
option : Part of the tongue
option : Shape of the lips
option : Length of the tongue
question : Front, central and back describes ------- as a parameter
option : Height of the tongue
answer : Part of the tongue
option : Shape of the lips
option : Length of the tongue

question : Rounded or unrounded describes -------- as a parameter

option : Height of the tongue
option : Part of the tongue
answer : Shape of the lips
option : Length of the tongue

question : Tense and lax are used to describe --------

answer : long and short vowsel
option : affricatives and plosives
option : Shape of the lips
option : Length of the tongue

question : A good example of high, front, unrounded and tense vowel is ----------
answer : /i: /
option : /u: /
option : /e: /
option : /o: /

question : We are ------------ behind in our work.

answer : lagging
option : lacking
option : option: laging
option : option: lucking

question : For every error in tenses or spelling there is a -------- of one mark.
option : lost
option : lose
option : loose
answer : loss

question : The appropriate synonym for the word domicile out of the options given below is ----------
option : tree
option : clod
option : Sharon
answer : home

question : --------------- can be used to express the same meaning as mysterious.

answer : Strange
option : Proximity
option : Large
option : Melancholy

question : Speech -------------- merge and into one another.

answer : sounds
option : words
option : group
option : organs

question : Position of the tongue is one of the traditional ways to classify ---------
option : Blends
option : Acronyms
answer : Vowels
option : Writing

question : Prefixation is the process of attaching an affix -------- the lexeme.

option : within
answer : before
option : after
option : beside

question : ------------ is a prefix of time and order.

option : Super
option : Hyper
option : Inter
answer : Pre

question : SUB as a prefix has the content meaning of ---------------.

answer : lower than
option : greater than
option : accumulation
option : equal status

question : ---------------- frequently alter the word-class of the base.

option : Adjective
option : Demonstratives
option : Adjunct
answer : Suffixes

question : Antonyms are words that are --------------in meaning.

answer : opposite
option : similar
option : pronunciation
option : same

question : An essay can be developed from the --------------- one has written
option : margin
option : date
option : letters
answer : outline

question : In essay writing there must always be a -----------------.

answer : topic
option : group
option : connection
option : school

question : ------------- is an aspect of Mechanical Accuracy.

option : Indentation
option : Points
option : Number
answer : Punctuation

question : In an essay writing, you are expected to develop your ideas in ----------------
answer : paragraphs
option : shapes
option : sizes
option : cartons

question : A narrative essay is a complete account of a ------------

option : words
answer : story
option : tree
option : farm

question : ------------- language is used in a narrative essay.

option : Vulgar
option : Serious
option : Common
answer : Chatty

question : The appropriate synonym for the word custom is -------------

option : Culture
option : Costomer
answer : Habit
option : Heridity

question : Synonyms are words that are -------------------------in meaning.

answer : similar
option : opposite
option : irregular
option : abnormal

question : A particular sound can have ---------------- ways of spelling.

answer : different
option : nice
option : good
option : bad

question : Consonant sounds are produced with some obstruction of ------------

option : water
option : liquid
option : oil
answer : air

question : There are -------- parameters used in the classification of consonant sounds.
answer : three
option : four
option : six
option : eight

question : ------------ is an organ of speech.

option : Leg
answer : Lip
option : Hair
option : Jaw

question : A ---------- is the smallest free form found in a language.

answer : word
option : phrase
option : noun
option : group

question : Words have an ------------- structure consisting of smaller units.

option : abnormal
option : irregular
option : identical
answer : internal

question : Morphemes are of --------------- types.

answer : two
option : four
option : nine
option : eleven

question : A ------------ morpheme is an element which can occur in isolation.

option : bound
option : complex
option : good
answer : free

question : A free morpheme is an element which can occur in and -------- of context.
answer : out
option : beside
option : above
option : underneath

question : Book is an example of a --------------- morpheme.

option : bound
option : complex
option : assorted
answer : free

question : --------------- stands for words and their precise dictionary meanings.
option : Paragraph
answer : Vocabulary
option : Directives
option : Text

question : Lexis refers to -------------- and their various connotations.

option : books
option : speech
option : sounds
answer : words

question : -------------- includes synonyms and antonyms of words.

answer : Lexis
option : Context
option : Text
option : Stem

question : Neither the lecturer ------------- the student showed up.

answer : nor
option : no
option : not
option : nore

question : Either Hanan ------------ Hamza will attend the meeting.

option : neither
answer : or
option : orr
option : nor

question : A ---------------- should contain one central idea.

option : group
option : word
option : option: line
answer : paragraph

question : In an essay writing, ideas should be arranged to lead to an --------------- conclusion.

option : irrelevant
option : ineffective
option : indecisive
answer : effective

question : The Wikipedia defined PUBLIC SPEAKING as the process of speaking to a group of
people in a ------. , ------.manner intended to inform, influence or entertain listerners-
answer : structured, deliberate .
option : structured, sequential
option : straightforward, paragraphing

question : My wife is an ----------of the University of Maiduguri.

answer : Alumna
option : Alumnus
option : Alumni <br /> .
question : The Nigerian police do not have sufficient artilleries. This expression is wrong because
answer : Artillery is an uncountable noun and so should not be pluralized.
option : Police is a collective noun that is expressed in singular
option : Police men do not fight with arms like soldiers

question : To make understanding a reality there must be

option : Accuracy in speech
option : Correctness of language
answer : All options

question : When writing the---------essay, the writer is not expected to make a plea, command,
appeal or dissuade-
answer : Argumentative
option : Expository
option : Narrative
option : descriptive

question : The ---------- essay serves to explain, explicate, or elucidate an idea or new found
knowledge to enable the reader appreciates what is current in the field of knowledge-
answer : Expository
option : Narrative
option : Argumentative
option : Descriptive

question : Defective punctuation, poor pronunciation, and erroneous sentences or misuse of words
answer : Hinder
option : Promote
option : Discourage
option : Promotion

question : When writing the--------essay, you are expected to use simple and clear diction.
answer : Narrative
option : Argumentative
option : descriptive
option : expository

question : The effect of bad English may result to

answer : misunderstanding
option : confusion
option : bad governance
option : bad interpretation

question : In public speech presentation, the pace of your speech should be ---------and your
articulation clear.
answer : Moderate.
option : Wide
option : Fast
option : Slow
option : Intermediate

question : In Central Africa Republic, girls and women do household work, tend the fields, and do
the shopping, they have little time for recreation. However, males enjoy playing and watching
soccer and basketball. Several amateur teams compete in the capital and in each large town,
Schools provide all pupils with some recreation. Basketball, soccer, handball, and track and field
are popular. Girls also sing and play games at break. Some schools have other extracurricular
activities, such as Stage Theater. Church groups provide social activities. Some towns sponsor
scout troops.
option : This is an extract from an argumentative essay
option : This is an extract from a descriptive essay
answer : This is an extract from a narrative essay
option : This is an extract from an expository essay

question : Official holidays in the Central African Republic include New Year’s Day (1 January);
Fête du Travail (Labor Day, 1 May), Fête des Mères (Mother’s Day, in May), Independence Day
(13 August), and the Declaration of Independence from France (1 December). Schoolchildren
practice for months to perform on the day of the Declaration of Independence, which is the biggest
holiday of the year and involves parades and other festivities throughout the country. For Mother’s
Day, men stay home to cook and women get together to socialize, play sports, and dance.
Religious holidays such as Easter and Christmas (25 December) are celebrated by Christians.
Muslims celebrate the end of Ramadan with a feast, and Tabaski (Feast of the Sacrifice), which
commemorates Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son.
option : This is an extract from an argumentative essay
answer : This is an extract from a descriptive essay
option : This is an extract from a narrative essay
option : This is an extract from an expository essay

question : The Sophists were popular for a time, especially in Athens; however, their skeptical
view on absolute truth and morality eventually provoked sharp criticism. Socrates, Plato, and
Aristotle challenged the philosophic basis of the Sophists' teaching, and Plato and Aristotle further
condemned them for taking money. Later, they were accused by the state of lacking morality. As a
result, the word sophist acquired a derogatory meaning, as in the modern term sophistry, which
can be defined as subtle, and deceptive or false argumentation or reasoning. The Sophists were
of minor importance in the development of Western philosophic thought. They were, however, the
first to systematize education. Leading 5th-century Sophists included Protagoras, Gorgias, Hippias
of Elis, and Prodicus of Ceos.
option : This is an extract from an argumentative essay
option : This is an extract from a descriptive essay
option : This is an extract from a narrative essay
answer : This is an extract from an expository essay

question : An argumentative essay tries to convince the listener to change his position, point of
view or opinion about something and accept that which is being proposed by the other party in the
option : This is an extract from a narrative essay
answer : This is an extract from a descriptive essay
option : This is an extract from argumentative essay
option : This is an extract from expository essay

question : In any kind of essay writing, there should be clarity of expression and good thoughts.
These depends on the following topics, except
answer : suitable opinion, typed work and bound work, personality of author.
option : adequate development of points and good paragraphing
option : linking devices and suitable conclusion
option : balance, unity and coherence

question : Business letters are written to

option : trading organizations
option : shopkeepers
option : journals
answer : all options

question : Public Speaking includes among others

option : lectures, sermons, plitical campaign speeches and rally speeches
option : evangelical campaign speeches
option : telling stories and transmission of information
answer : all options
option : none of these options

question : In speech presentation it is preferable to

answer : stand or move about and use appropriate hand gesture or facial expression
option : sit down or stand still
option : keep your head down reading from a prepared speech
option : avoid eye contact with any individual in the audience
question : When writing any business letter, one of these groups is not neccesary
answer : platfom image and personlity
option : being specific about what you are writing about
option : Inform your reader about yourself directly and accurately, but briefly.
option : provide refrees
option : provide long listing on a separate sheet of paper under the heading Resume

question : The inside address must be consistent in form with the heading, and is typed flushed
with the left margin about six spaces lower than the heading. This advice is applicable only in
writing a
answer : business letter
option : personal letter
option : official notes
option : semi-formal letters

question : In writing business letters, the masculine salutation- Dear sir or Gentlemen, is used to
address an organisation or an individual whose name the writer
answer : does not know
option : knows very well
option : holds in high exteem
option : wants to create a relationship

question : In some instances a business letter is addressed to an organisation or a department of

an organisation but marked for the attention of a particular person. In such letters, the
answer : two spaces above the salutation
option : two spaces below the salutation
option : single space just below the inside address
option : single space above the inside address

question : In salutations and addresses, abbreviations are generally----------.

answer : disapproved
option : approved
option : eliminated
option : applied

question : The business letter should follow the principles of essay writing.
answer : false
option : often true but not always
option : true
option : not applicable to application letters
question : Complimentary close should never be consistent with the tone of the letter but with the
answer : false
option : true
option : often tue but not always
option : only when a married woman is writing the letter

question : In business letters the status of the married woman is indicated by

answer : parenthesis
option : the name of her husband
option : her maiden name
option : her semi-colon

question : When eveloping a business letter to fit the long standard envelope the correct
procedure is to
answer : first fold bottom of the letter up, then fold top of letter down leaving about 1/4 an inch,
then insert into the envelope starting with the top of the letter.
option : first fold top of letter down leaving about 1/4 an inch, then fold the bottom of the letter up,
then insert into the envelope starting with the top of the letter.
option : first fold bottom of the letter up, then fold top of letter down leaving about 1/4 an inch, then
insert into the envelope starting with the bottom of the letter.
option : to fold it in any form, but very neat

question : The correct procedure to fold a business letter to fit small business envelope is to
answer : first fold bottom of letter up, after which you now fold left side of letter in, then fold right of
letter over left, leaving about quarter of an inch of the letter and finally insert into the small
business envelope starting with the top of letter
option : first fold left side of letter in, then fold bottom of letter up, then fold right of letter over left,
leaving about quarter of an inch of the letter and finally insert into the small business envelope
starting with the top of letter.
option : first fold bottom of letter up, after which you now fold left side of letter in, then fold right of
letter over left, leaving about quarter of an inch of the letter and finally insert into the small
business envelope starting with the bottom of lette.
option : convert the letter into shred form and put into the envelope

question : Personal letters could eqaully be referred to as

option : friendly letters
option : humanity letters
answer : private letters
option : semi-formal letters

question : The body of personal letters vary greatly with the personality of the writer.
answer : always true
option : often false
option : often true but not always
option : true only when writing to a spouse

question : The form of essay that explains or informs the reader about new discovery in the field of
knowledge or of any other thing the writer knows that he wants others to be aware of is known as
answer : Expository essay
option : Descrptive essay
option : Argumentative essay
option : Narrative essay

question : When John writes a letter calling the attention of the representative of his local
government in the National Assembly to some urgent security threats in his locality, which is part
of the representative's constituency. The letter John writes is a
answer : businees letter
option : personal letter
option : formal letter
option : official note
option : semi-formal letter

question : Identify the TOPIC SENTENCE in the following paragraph: As a scholar, Dr. Joy Eyisi
is coming on the fast lane. Her latest work on error discourse has proved to be more
comprehensive than what some of us who taught her had had to do in the area of English studies.
what I have enjoyed most about the book is the author's thorough pedagogic voice which runs
through the breadth of the text in the manner of a teacher earnestly committedd to the art of
human refinement-
answer : As a scholar, Dr. Joy Eyisi is coming on the fast lane
option : Her latest work on error discourse has proved to be more comprehensive than what some
of us who taught her had had to do in the area of English studies.
option : what I have enjoyed most about the book is the author's thorough pedagogic voice which
runs through the breadth of the text in the manner of a teacher earnestly committedd to the art of
human refinement-

question : To preapare a public speech, you must

option : know what your audience needs
option : ensure that what you have for your audience will satisfy them
option : familiar with the subject of your speech
answer : all options

question : A little rehearsal of your speech in front of a mirror, your bed, trees or buildings can help
put you at ease on the real speech occasion.
option : often true but not always
option : not true in case of evangelical and political campaign speeches
option : not applicable since these objects cannot give you feed back on your performance
answer : this is true since the adage "practice makes perfect" aptly applies to speech making

question : The use of body language can-------your speech presentation.

answer : enhance
option : destruct
option : appropriate
option : distract

question : To be able to persuade your audience effectively, you need to speak

answer : with conviction
option : good English
option : in summary of your planned speech
option : with native speakers ascent

question : The golden rule for public speech says "do not read from your speech",
answer : however as a presenter you are not forbidden from taking occasional glances of your
written speech
option : therefore as a presenter you are forbidden from taking occasional glances of your written

question : A good skill to use in public presentation is to make the audience feel involved and this
is best achieved by
option : maintaining eye contact with individuals in the audience
option : have direct eye contact with members of the audience every now and then or glance at
the whole audience while speaking
option : look straight into the eyes of a person in the audience for about three seconds at a time
answer : all options are good methods for making the audience feel involve
option : none of the options is a good method for making the audience feel involved

question : Point out the item in the following group which is NOT a good point to note in a public
answer : the use of a timer to time your presentation
option : the use of facts, figures and illustrations
option : asking challenging questions
option : telling a story that is related to the subject or situation at hand

question : An important factor for successful oral communication is the ability of sender to code the
message in such a way that the reciever will be able to decode it easily.This refers to .
option : the correct use of language
option : the medium which covers the message
option : accuracy in speech
answer : all options

question : In developing courage and self-confidence what the Oral Presenter needs is
option : to start with pale and flabby desire
answer : know thoroughly what he is going to talk about
option : the intake of little acohol to boost his courage and confidence
option : little or no practice prior to presentation

question : One of these is not a good way of closing an Oral Presentation

answer : telling a story from your expereinces
option : appeal for action
option : the use of poetical quotation
option : summarising your points

question : In oral presentation idnetify one of these methods which does not help in making your
meanings clear
answer : the use of technical terms especially when addressing a lay audience
option : use of comparison
option : appealing to the sense of sight
option : Restating important ideas in different words
option : use of general illustrations and specific instances

question : Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence "Though hadst a voice whose
sound was like the sea"
answer : Simile
option : Metaphor
option : Apostrophe
option : Hyperbole .

question : Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence "The righteous shall flourish as
the palm tree"
answer : Simile
option : Metaphor
option : Apostrophe
option : Hyperbole .

question : Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence "Life is a dream"
option : Simile
answer : Metaphor
option : Apostrophe
option : Hyperbole

question : In the study of figures of speech, the ----------- is refered to as an implied symbol in
which the two things are treated as one.
option : Simile
answer : Metaphor
option : Apostrophe
option : Hyperbole

question : A figure of speech which is used to believe that inanimate, lifeless objects and abstract
ideas are living beings is known as--------.
answer : Personification
option : Hyperbole
option : Euphemism
option : Metonymy

question : Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence "Death lays his icy hands on
answer : Personification
option : Hyperbole
option : Euphemism
option : Metonymy

question : Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence "Love is not time's fool"
option : Personification
answer : Hyperbole
option : Euphemism
option : Metonymy

question : A Figure of speech which is used to address a lifeless object or an abstract idea as if it
were living being is known as an--------
option : Personification
answer : Apostrophe
option : Euphemism
option : Metonymy

question : HYPERBOLE is a figure of speech which is ----------

answer : used to make a fact exaggeration
option : used to address an idea as if it were a living being
option : used to say an unpleasant thing in a pleasant manner
option : used to express two contrasting or opposite ideas to achieve emphasis
question : Euphemism is a figure of speech which is ----------
option : used to make a fact exaggeration
option : used to address an idea as if it were a living being
answer : used to say an unpleasant thing in a pleasant manner
option : used to express two contrasting or opposite ideas to achieve emphasis

question : ANTITHESIS is a figure of speech which is ----------

option : used to make a fact exaggeration
option : used to address an idea as if it were a living being
option : used to say an unpleasant thing in a pleasant manner
answer : used to express two contrasting or opposite ideas to achieve emphasis

question : "Amina was the wisest fool". This is a good example of the figure of speech called -------
answer : Oxymoron
option : Epigram
option : Irony
option : Herbole

question : "She accepted it as the kind cruelty of the surgeon's knife"This is a good example of the
figure of speech called ----------.
answer : Oxymoron
option : Epigram
option : Irony
option : Herbole

question : OXYMORON is a figure of speech which is used to ----------

answer : express two contridictory qualities of the same thing
option : express the opposite meaning which is diffrent from the real meaning
option : express two contrasting or opposite ideas to achieve emphasis
option : express a part for the whole or the whole for the part

question : SYNECDOCHE is a figure of speech which is used to ----------

option : express two contridictory qualities of the same thing
option : express the opposite meaning which is diffrent from the real meaning
option : express two contrasting or opposite ideas to achieve emphasis
answer : express a part for the whole or the whole for the part

question : IRONY is a figure of speech which is used to ----------

option : express two contridictory qualities of the same thing
answer : express the opposite meaning which is diffrent from the real meaning
option : express two contrasting or opposite ideas to achieve emphasis
option : express a part for the whole or the whole for the part

question : GST 211 is not intended to train professional speakers and writers but to
option : develop in all a general profficiency in the Use of the English Language.
option : correct deviant structures or unacceptable utterances which are signs of imperfect
knowledge of the linguistic code.
option : help students develop the appetite for correct use of the English Language
option : help students appreciate the fact that the English Language is the barometer with which
we measure the quality and quantity of education possessed by a speaker/ writer, a veritable tool
for iternal and external communication and of course a passport to eduational advancement and
prestigious employment.
answer : all options are correct

question : "I find it difficult to express myself in English Language." This sentence is erroneous
becuase of
answer : the omission of the definite article "the" which colligates with English Language
option : the inability of the student to speak and write in English quite well.
option : of much use of deviant structures or unacceptable utterances which are signs of imperfect
knowledge of the linguistic code.

question : "My fiance attended University of Lagos". This is a deviant structure, when corrected the
sentence will read
option : My fiance attended University of the Lagos
option : My fiance attended Lagos University
answer : both options .

question : "The man is fond of accepting bribe" We should, in correct English say
option : The man is fond of accepting a bribe.
option : The man is fond of accepting bribes.
answer : both options are correct.

question : "There are corrupt practices in the society today". This is a clumsy expression becuase
answer : The definite article should not precede society precisely where the society refers to a
country or state.
option : We can only use the definite article if we are refering to a specific association or union.
option : both options are correct

question : Most English words are largely borrowed from--------.

option : Greek
answer : French
option : Latin
option : Spanish
question : There is ------.corespondence between sound and spelling in English
answer : no
option : high
option : low
option : absolute

question : There are ---------- consonants sounds in English.

answer : 24
option : 49
option : 26
option : 20

question : There ---------- vowel sounds in English

option : 24. By Habib Tijjani
option : 49. Health educator
option : 26
answer : 20

question : Vowels are classified into ----------.

answer : monophthong, Diphthong and Triphthong
option : monophthong, Dipthong and Triphthong
option : monopthong, Diphthong and Triphthong
option : monophthong, Diphthong and Triphtong

question : /c/ is sometimes pronounced as --------

answer : [k] and [s]
option : [x] and [z]
option : [ch] and [tz]
option : [cee] and [see]

question : /s/ is sometimes pronounced as [z] and [s]

answer : true
option : false
option : true only in British pronunciation
option : not so in American Pronunciation

question : /f/ is sometimes pronounced as [ph] and [gh]

answer : true
option : false
option : true only in British pronunciation
option : not so in American Pronunciation
question : /k/ and /w/ are pronounced even when they preceded /n/ and /r/
answer : false
option : true
option : true only in British pronunciation
option : not so in American Pronunciation

question : Sounds that are produced with an obstruction of air as a result of contact of the vocal
organs are called------
answer : consonant sounds
option : vowel sounds
option : triphthong sounds
option : diphthong sounds

question : The three parameters used in description of consonant sounds are

answer : place, manner and status of the glottis
option : monophthong, Diphthong and Triphthong
option : place, manner and status of the glotis
option : monopthong, Diphthong and Triphthong

question : The organs that make contact with each other in the course of consonant production are
answer : organs of speech
option : consonant mechanism
option : bilabial system
option : labio- dental system

question : Bilabial sounds are produced when the two lips come together, example of such sounds
include: .
answer : /p/, /b/, /m/ and / w/
option : /f/ and /v/
option : /t/, /d/, /s/ and /z/
option : /k/ and /g/

question : /p/ and /v/ are examples of --------- sounds

answer : Labio- dental
option : Palatal
option : Velar
option : Alveolar

question : /t/, /g/ are referred to as --------- sounds

option : Labio- dental
option : Palatal
answer : Velar
option : Alveolar

question : ---------- sounds are sounds produced with an explosion of air trapped in the mouth.
option : Affricative
option : Palatal
answer : plosive
option : Alveolar

question : Sounds that are produced with gradual release of air rather sudden and the air escapes
with a continuous flow are known as --------. sounds.
answer : Affricative
option : Palatal
option : plosive
option : Alveolar

question : Vowels are produced with a relatively freer flow of air than consonants.
answer : true
option : false
option : not true in the process of pronouncing American words
option : often true only in pronouncing South African English vowels

question : In the classification of vowel sounds, four parameters are used

answer : Height of the tongue, part of the tongue, shape of the lips and lenght
option : Height of the lips, part of the tongue, shape of the lips and lenght
option : Height of the tongue, part of the tongue, shape of the lips and lenght of the lips
option : Height of the tongue, part of the lips, shape of the lips and lenghtof the tongue

question : High, mid and low describes -------- as a parameter

answer : Height of the tongue
option : Part of the tongue
option : Shape of the lips
option : Length of the tongue

question : Front, central and back describes ------- as a parameter

option : Height of the tongue
answer : Part of the tongue
option : Shape of the lips
option : Length of the tongue

question : Rounded or unrounded describes -------- as a parameter

option : Height of the tongue
option : Part of the tongue
answer : Shape of the lips
option : Length of the tongue

question : Tense and lax are used to describe --------

answer : long and short vowsel
option : affricatives and plosives
option : Shape of the lips
option : Length of the tongue

question : A good example of high, front, unrounded and tense vowel is ----------
answer : /i: /
option : /u: /
option : /e: /
option : /o: /

question : We are ------------ behind in our work.

answer : lagging
option : lacking
option : option: laging
option : option: lucking

question : For every error in tenses or spelling there is a -------- of one mark.
option : lost
option : lose
option : loose
answer : loss

question : The appropriate synonym for the word domicile out of the options given below is ----------
option : tree
option : clod
option : Sharon
answer : home

question : --------------- can be used to express the same meaning as mysterious.

answer : Strange
option : Proximity
option : Large
option : Melancholy
question : Speech -------------- merge and into one another.
answer : sounds
option : words
option : group
option : organs

question : Position of the tongue is one of the traditional ways to classify ---------
option : Blends
option : Acronyms
answer : Vowels
option : Writing

question : Prefixation is the process of attaching an affix -------- the lexeme.

option : within
answer : before
option : after
option : beside

question : ------------ is a prefix of time and order.

option : Super
option : Hyper
option : Inter
answer : Pre

question : SUB as a prefix has the content meaning of ---------------.

answer : lower than
option : greater than
option : accumulation
option : equal status

question : ---------------- frequently alter the word-class of the base.

option : Adjective
option : Demonstratives
option : Adjunct
answer : Suffixes

question : Antonyms are words that are --------------in meaning.

answer : opposite
option : similar
option : pronunciation
option : same
question : An essay can be developed from the --------------- one has written
option : margin
option : date
option : letters
answer : outline

question : In essay writing there must always be a -----------------.

answer : topic
option : group
option : connection
option : school

question : ------------- is an aspect of Mechanical Accuracy.

option : Indentation
option : Points
option : Number
answer : Punctuation

question : In an essay writing, you are expected to develop your ideas in ----------------
answer : paragraphs
option : shapes
option : sizes
option : cartons

question : A narrative essay is a complete account of a ------------

option : words
answer : story
option : tree
option : farm

question : ------------- language is used in a narrative essay.

option : Vulgar
option : Serious
option : Common
answer : Chatty

question : The appropriate synonym for the word custom is -------------

option : Culture
option : Costomer
answer : Habit
option : Heridity
question : Synonyms are words that are -------------------------in meaning.
answer : similar
option : opposite
option : irregular
option : abnormal

question : A particular sound can have ---------------- ways of spelling.

answer : different
option : nice
option : good
option : bad

question : Consonant sounds are produced with some obstruction of ------------

option : water
option : liquid
option : oil
answer : air

question : There are -------- parameters used in the classification of consonant sounds.
answer : three
option : four
option : six
option : eight

question : ------------ is an organ of speech.

option : Leg
answer : Lip
option : Hair
option : Jaw

question : A ---------- is the smallest free form found in a language.

answer : word
option : phrase
option : noun
option : group

question : Words have an ------------- structure consisting of smaller units.

option : abnormal
option : irregular
option : identical
answer : internal
question : Morphemes are of --------------- types.
answer : two
option : four
option : nine
option : eleven

question : A ------------ morpheme is an element which can occur in isolation.

option : bound
option : complex
option : good
answer : free

question : A free morpheme is an element which can occur in and -------- of context.
answer : out
option : beside
option : above
option : underneath

question : Book is an example of a --------------- morpheme.

option : bound
option : complex
option : assorted
answer : free

question : --------------- stands for words and their precise dictionary meanings.
option : Paragraph
answer : Vocabulary
option : Directives
option : Text

question : Lexis refers to -------------- and their various connotations.

option : books
option : speech
option : sounds
answer : words

question : -------------- includes synonyms and antonyms of words.

answer : Lexis
option : Context
option : Text
option : Stem
question : Neither the lecturer ------------- the student showed up.
answer : nor
option : no
option : not
option : nore

question : Either Hanan ------------ Hamza will attend the meeting.

option : neither
answer : or
option : orr
option : nor

question : A ---------------- should contain one central idea.

option : group
option : word
option : option: line
answer : paragraph

question : In an essay writing, ideas should be arranged to lead to an --------------- conclusion.

option : irrelevant
option : ineffective
option : indecisive
answer : effective

question : The Wikipedia defined PUBLIC SPEAKING as the process of speaking to a group of
people in a ------. , ------.manner intended to inform, influence or entertain listerners-
answer : structured, deliberate .
option : structured, sequential
option : straightforward, paragraphing

question : My wife is an ----------of the University of Maiduguri.

answer : Alumna
option : Alumnus
option : Alumni <br /> .

question : The Nigerian police do not have sufficient artilleries. This expression is wrong because
answer : Artillery is an uncountable noun and so should not be pluralized.
option : Police is a collective noun that is expressed in singular
option : Police men do not fight with arms like soldiers

question : To make understanding a reality there must be

option : Accuracy in speech
option : Correctness of language
answer : All options

question : When writing the---------essay, the writer is not expected to make a plea, command,
appeal or dissuade-
answer : Argumentative
option : Expository
option : Narrative
option : descriptive

question : The ---------- essay serves to explain, explicate, or elucidate an idea or new found
knowledge to enable the reader appreciates what is current in the field of knowledge-
answer : Expository
option : Narrative
option : Argumentative
option : Descriptive

question : Defective punctuation, poor pronunciation, and erroneous sentences or misuse of words
answer : Hinder
option : Promote
option : Discourage
option : Promotion

question : When writing the--------essay, you are expected to use simple and clear diction.
answer : Narrative
option : Argumentative
option : descriptive
option : expository

question : The effect of bad English may result to

answer : misunderstanding
option : confusion
option : bad governance
option : bad interpretation

question : In public speech presentation, the pace of your speech should be ---------and your
articulation clear.
answer : Moderate.
option : Wide
option : Fast
option : Slow
option : Intermediate

question : In Central Africa Republic, girls and women do household work, tend the fields, and do
the shopping, they have little time for recreation. However, males enjoy playing and watching
soccer and basketball. Several amateur teams compete in the capital and in each large town,
Schools provide all pupils with some recreation. Basketball, soccer, handball, and track and field
are popular. Girls also sing and play games at break. Some schools have other extracurricular
activities, such as Stage Theater. Church groups provide social activities. Some towns sponsor
scout troops.
option : This is an extract from an argumentative essay
option : This is an extract from a descriptive essay
answer : This is an extract from a narrative essay
option : This is an extract from an expository essay

question : Official holidays in the Central African Republic include New Year’s Day (1 January);
Fête du Travail (Labor Day, 1 May), Fête des Mères (Mother’s Day, in May), Independence Day
(13 August), and the Declaration of Independence from France (1 December). Schoolchildren
practice for months to perform on the day of the Declaration of Independence, which is the biggest
holiday of the year and involves parades and other festivities throughout the country. For Mother’s
Day, men stay home to cook and women get together to socialize, play sports, and dance.
Religious holidays such as Easter and Christmas (25 December) are celebrated by Christians.
Muslims celebrate the end of Ramadan with a feast, and Tabaski (Feast of the Sacrifice), which
commemorates Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son.
option : This is an extract from an argumentative essay
answer : This is an extract from a descriptive essay
option : This is an extract from a narrative essay
option : This is an extract from an expository essay

question : The Sophists were popular for a time, especially in Athens; however, their skeptical
view on absolute truth and morality eventually provoked sharp criticism. Socrates, Plato, and
Aristotle challenged the philosophic basis of the Sophists' teaching, and Plato and Aristotle further
condemned them for taking money. Later, they were accused by the state of lacking morality. As a
result, the word sophist acquired a derogatory meaning, as in the modern term sophistry, which
can be defined as subtle, and deceptive or false argumentation or reasoning. The Sophists were
of minor importance in the development of Western philosophic thought. They were, however, the
first to systematize education. Leading 5th-century Sophists included Protagoras, Gorgias, Hippias
of Elis, and Prodicus of Ceos.
option : This is an extract from an argumentative essay
option : This is an extract from a descriptive essay
option : This is an extract from a narrative essay
answer : This is an extract from an expository essay
question : An argumentative essay tries to convince the listener to change his position, point of
view or opinion about something and accept that which is being proposed by the other party in the
option : This is an extract from a narrative essay
answer : This is an extract from a descriptive essay
option : This is an extract from argumentative essay
option : This is an extract from expository essay

question : In any kind of essay writing, there should be clarity of expression and good thoughts.
These depends on the following topics, except
answer : suitable opinion, typed work and bound work, personality of author.
option : adequate development of points and good paragraphing
option : linking devices and suitable conclusion
option : balance, unity and coherence

question : Business letters are written to

option : trading organizations
option : shopkeepers
option : journals
answer : all options

question : Public Speaking includes among others

option : lectures, sermons, plitical campaign speeches and rally speeches
option : evangelical campaign speeches
option : telling stories and transmission of information
answer : all options
option : none of these options

question : In speech presentation it is preferable to

answer : stand or move about and use appropriate hand gesture or facial expression
option : sit down or stand still
option : keep your head down reading from a prepared speech
option : avoid eye contact with any individual in the audience

question : When writing any business letter, one of these groups is not neccesary
answer : platfom image and personlity
option : being specific about what you are writing about
option : Inform your reader about yourself directly and accurately, but briefly.
option : provide refrees
option : provide long listing on a separate sheet of paper under the heading Resume

question : The inside address must be consistent in form with the heading, and is typed flushed
with the left margin about six spaces lower than the heading. This advice is applicable only in
writing a
answer : business letter
option : personal letter
option : official notes
option : semi-formal letters

question : In writing business letters, the masculine salutation- Dear sir or Gentlemen, is used to
address an organisation or an individual whose name the writer
answer : does not know
option : knows very well
option : holds in high exteem
option : wants to create a relationship

question : In some instances a business letter is addressed to an organisation or a department of

an organisation but marked for the attention of a particular person. In such letters, the
answer : two spaces above the salutation
option : two spaces below the salutation
option : single space just below the inside address
option : single space above the inside address

question : In salutations and addresses, abbreviations are generally----------.

answer : disapproved
option : approved
option : eliminated
option : applied

question : The business letter should follow the principles of essay writing.
answer : false
option : often true but not always
option : true
option : not applicable to application letters

question : Complimentary close should never be consistent with the tone of the letter but with the
answer : false
option : true
option : often tue but not always
option : only when a married woman is writing the letter

question : In business letters the status of the married woman is indicated by

answer : parenthesis
option : the name of her husband
option : her maiden name
option : her semi-colon

question : When eveloping a business letter to fit the long standard envelope the correct
procedure is to
answer : first fold bottom of the letter up, then fold top of letter down leaving about 1/4 an inch,
then insert into the envelope starting with the top of the letter.
option : first fold top of letter down leaving about 1/4 an inch, then fold the bottom of the letter up,
then insert into the envelope starting with the top of the letter.
option : first fold bottom of the letter up, then fold top of letter down leaving about 1/4 an inch, then
insert into the envelope starting with the bottom of the letter.
option : to fold it in any form, but very neat

question : The correct procedure to fold a business letter to fit small business envelope is to
answer : first fold bottom of letter up, after which you now fold left side of letter in, then fold right of
letter over left, leaving about quarter of an inch of the letter and finally insert into the small
business envelope starting with the top of letter
option : first fold left side of letter in, then fold bottom of letter up, then fold right of letter over left,
leaving about quarter of an inch of the letter and finally insert into the small business envelope
starting with the top of letter.
option : first fold bottom of letter up, after which you now fold left side of letter in, then fold right of
letter over left, leaving about quarter of an inch of the letter and finally insert into the small
business envelope starting with the bottom of lette.
option : convert the letter into shred form and put into the envelope

question : Personal letters could eqaully be referred to as

option : friendly letters
option : humanity letters
answer : private letters
option : semi-formal letters

question : The body of personal letters vary greatly with the personality of the writer.
answer : always true
option : often false
option : often true but not always
option : true only when writing to a spouse

question : The form of essay that explains or informs the reader about new discovery in the field of
knowledge or of any other thing the writer knows that he wants others to be aware of is known as
answer : Expository essay
option : Descrptive essay
option : Argumentative essay
option : Narrative essay

question : When John writes a letter calling the attention of the representative of his local
government in the National Assembly to some urgent security threats in his locality, which is part
of the representative's constituency. The letter John writes is a
answer : businees letter
option : personal letter
option : formal letter
option : official note
option : semi-formal letter

question : Identify the TOPIC SENTENCE in the following paragraph: As a scholar, Dr. Joy Eyisi
is coming on the fast lane. Her latest work on error discourse has proved to be more
comprehensive than what some of us who taught her had had to do in the area of English studies.
what I have enjoyed most about the book is the author's thorough pedagogic voice which runs
through the breadth of the text in the manner of a teacher earnestly committedd to the art of
human refinement-
answer : As a scholar, Dr. Joy Eyisi is coming on the fast lane
option : Her latest work on error discourse has proved to be more comprehensive than what some
of us who taught her had had to do in the area of English studies.
option : what I have enjoyed most about the book is the author's thorough pedagogic voice which
runs through the breadth of the text in the manner of a teacher earnestly committedd to the art of
human refinement-

question : To preapare a public speech, you must

option : know what your audience needs
option : ensure that what you have for your audience will satisfy them
option : familiar with the subject of your speech
answer : all options

question : A little rehearsal of your speech in front of a mirror, your bed, trees or buildings can help
put you at ease on the real speech occasion.
option : often true but not always
option : not true in case of evangelical and political campaign speeches
option : not applicable since these objects cannot give you feed back on your performance
answer : this is true since the adage "practice makes perfect" aptly applies to speech making

question : The use of body language can-------your speech presentation.

answer : enhance
option : destruct
option : appropriate
option : distract

question : To be able to persuade your audience effectively, you need to speak

answer : with conviction
option : good English
option : in summary of your planned speech
option : with native speakers ascent

question : The golden rule for public speech says "do not read from your speech",
answer : however as a presenter you are not forbidden from taking occasional glances of your
written speech
option : therefore as a presenter you are forbidden from taking occasional glances of your written

question : A good skill to use in public presentation is to make the audience feel involved and this
is best achieved by
option : maintaining eye contact with individuals in the audience
option : have direct eye contact with members of the audience every now and then or glance at
the whole audience while speaking
option : look straight into the eyes of a person in the audience for about three seconds at a time
answer : all options are good methods for making the audience feel involve
option : none of the options is a good method for making the audience feel involved

question : Point out the item in the following group which is NOT a good point to note in a public
answer : the use of a timer to time your presentation
option : the use of facts, figures and illustrations
option : asking challenging questions
option : telling a story that is related to the subject or situation at hand

question : An important factor for successful oral communication is the ability of sender to code the
message in such a way that the reciever will be able to decode it easily.This refers to .
option : the correct use of language
option : the medium which covers the message
option : accuracy in speech
answer : all options

question : In developing courage and self-confidence what the Oral Presenter needs is
option : to start with pale and flabby desire
answer : know thoroughly what he is going to talk about
option : the intake of little acohol to boost his courage and confidence
option : little or no practice prior to presentation

question : One of these is not a good way of closing an Oral Presentation

answer : telling a story from your expereinces
option : appeal for action
option : the use of poetical quotation
option : summarising your points

question : In oral presentation idnetify one of these methods which does not help in making your
meanings clear
answer : the use of technical terms especially when addressing a lay audience
option : use of comparison
option : appealing to the sense of sight
option : Restating important ideas in different words
option : use of general illustrations and specific instances

question : Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence "Though hadst a voice whose
sound was like the sea"
answer : Simile
option : Metaphor
option : Apostrophe
option : Hyperbole .

question : Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence "The righteous shall flourish as
the palm tree"
answer : Simile
option : Metaphor
option : Apostrophe
option : Hyperbole .

question : Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence "Life is a dream"
option : Simile
answer : Metaphor
option : Apostrophe
option : Hyperbole

question : In the study of figures of speech, the ----------- is refered to as an implied symbol in
which the two things are treated as one.
option : Simile
answer : Metaphor
option : Apostrophe
option : Hyperbole
question : A figure of speech which is used to believe that inanimate, lifeless objects and abstract
ideas are living beings is known as--------.
answer : Personification
option : Hyperbole
option : Euphemism
option : Metonymy

question : Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence "Death lays his icy hands on
answer : Personification
option : Hyperbole
option : Euphemism
option : Metonymy

question : Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence "Love is not time's fool"
option : Personification
answer : Hyperbole
option : Euphemism
option : Metonymy

question : A Figure of speech which is used to address a lifeless object or an abstract idea as if it
were living being is known as an--------
option : Personification
answer : Apostrophe
option : Euphemism
option : Metonymy

question : HYPERBOLE is a figure of speech which is ----------

answer : used to make a fact exaggeration
option : used to address an idea as if it were a living being
option : used to say an unpleasant thing in a pleasant manner
option : used to express two contrasting or opposite ideas to achieve emphasis

question : Euphemism is a figure of speech which is ----------

option : used to make a fact exaggeration
option : used to address an idea as if it were a living being
answer : used to say an unpleasant thing in a pleasant manner
option : used to express two contrasting or opposite ideas to achieve emphasis

question : ANTITHESIS is a figure of speech which is ----------

option : used to make a fact exaggeration
option : used to address an idea as if it were a living being
option : used to say an unpleasant thing in a pleasant manner
answer : used to express two contrasting or opposite ideas to achieve emphasis

question : "Amina was the wisest fool". This is a good example of the figure of speech called -------
answer : Oxymoron
option : Epigram
option : Irony
option : Herbole

question : "She accepted it as the kind cruelty of the surgeon's knife"This is a good example of the
figure of speech called ----------.
answer : Oxymoron
option : Epigram
option : Irony
option : Herbole

question : OXYMORON is a figure of speech which is used to ----------

answer : express two contridictory qualities of the same thing
option : express the opposite meaning which is diffrent from the real meaning
option : express two contrasting or opposite ideas to achieve emphasis
option : express a part for the whole or the whole for the part

question : SYNECDOCHE is a figure of speech which is used to ----------

option : express two contridictory qualities of the same thing
option : express the opposite meaning which is diffrent from the real meaning
option : express two contrasting or opposite ideas to achieve emphasis
answer : express a part for the whole or the whole for the part

question : IRONY is a figure of speech which is used to ----------

option : express two contridictory qualities of the same thing
answer : express the opposite meaning which is diffrent from the real meaning
option : express two contrasting or opposite ideas to achieve emphasis
option : express a part for the whole or the whole for the part

question : GST 211 is not intended to train professional speakers and writers but to
option : develop in all a general profficiency in the Use of the English Language.
option : correct deviant structures or unacceptable utterances which are signs of imperfect
knowledge of the linguistic code.
option : help students develop the appetite for correct use of the English Language
option : help students appreciate the fact that the English Language is the barometer with which
we measure the quality and quantity of education possessed by a speaker/ writer, a veritable tool
for iternal and external communication and of course a passport to eduational advancement and
prestigious employment.
answer : all options are correct

question : "I find it difficult to express myself in English Language." This sentence is erroneous
becuase of
answer : the omission of the definite article "the" which colligates with English Language
option : the inability of the student to speak and write in English quite well.
option : of much use of deviant structures or unacceptable utterances which are signs of imperfect
knowledge of the linguistic code.

question : "My fiance attended University of Lagos". This is a deviant structure, when corrected the
sentence will read
option : My fiance attended University of the Lagos
option : My fiance attended Lagos University
answer : both options .

question : "The man is fond of accepting bribe" We should, in correct English say
option : The man is fond of accepting a bribe.
option : The man is fond of accepting bribes.
answer : both options are correct.

question : "There are corrupt practices in the society today". This is a clumsy expression becuase
answer : The definite article should not precede society precisely where the society refers to a
country or state.
option : We can only use the definite article if we are refering to a specific association or union.
option : both options are correct

question : Most English words are largely borrowed from--------.

option : Greek
answer : French
option : Latin
option : Spanish

question : There is ------.corespondence between sound and spelling in English

answer : no
option : high
option : low
option : absolute

question : There are ---------- consonants sounds in English.

answer : 24
option : 49
option : 26
option : 20

question : There ---------- vowel sounds in English

option : 24
option : 49
option : 26
answer : 20

question : Vowels are classified into ----------.

answer : monophthong, Diphthong and Triphthong
option : monophthong, Dipthong and Triphthong
option : monopthong, Diphthong and Triphthong
option : monophthong, Diphthong and Triphtong

question : /c/ is sometimes pronounced as --------

answer : [k] and [s]
option : [x] and [z]
option : [ch] and [tz]
option : [cee] and [see]

question : /s/ is sometimes pronounced as [z] and [s]

answer : true
option : false
option : true only in British pronunciation
option : not so in American Pronunciation

question : /f/ is sometimes pronounced as [ph] and [gh]

answer : true
option : false
option : true only in British pronunciation
option : not so in American Pronunciation

question : /k/ and /w/ are pronounced even when they preceded /n/ and /r/
answer : false
option : true
option : true only in British pronunciation
option : not so in American Pronunciation

question : Sounds that are produced with an obstruction of air as a result of contact of the vocal
organs are called------
answer : consonant sounds
option : vowel sounds
option : triphthong sounds
option : diphthong sounds

question : The three parameters used in description of consonant sounds are

answer : place, manner and status of the glottis
option : monophthong, Diphthong and Triphthong
option : place, manner and status of the glotis
option : monopthong, Diphthong and Triphthong

question : The organs that make contact with each other in the course of consonant production are
answer : organs of speech
option : consonant mechanism
option : bilabial system
option : labio- dental system

question : Bilabial sounds are produced when the two lips come together, example of such sounds
include: .
answer : /p/, /b/, /m/ and / w/
option : /f/ and /v/
option : /t/, /d/, /s/ and /z/
option : /k/ and /g/

question : /p/ and /v/ are examples of --------- sounds

answer : Labio- dental
option : Palatal
option : Velar
option : Alveolar

question : /t/, /g/ are referred to as --------- sounds

option : Labio- dental
option : Palatal
answer : Velar
option : Alveolar

question : ---------- sounds are sounds produced with an explosion of air trapped in the mouth.
option : Affricative
option : Palatal
answer : plosive
option : Alveolar

question : Sounds that are produced with gradual release of air rather sudden and the air escapes
with a continuous flow are known as --------. sounds.
answer : Affricative
option : Palatal
option : plosive
option : Alveolar

question : Vowels are produced with a relatively freer flow of air than consonants.
answer : true
option : false
option : not true in the process of pronouncing American words
option : often true only in pronouncing South African English vowels

question : In the classification of vowel sounds, four parameters are used

answer : Height of the tongue, part of the tongue, shape of the lips and lenght
option : Height of the lips, part of the tongue, shape of the lips and lenght
option : Height of the tongue, part of the tongue, shape of the lips and lenght of the lips
option : Height of the tongue, part of the lips, shape of the lips and lenghtof the tongue

question : High, mid and low describes -------- as a parameter

answer : Height of the tongue
option : Part of the tongue
option : Shape of the lips
option : Length of the tongue

question : Front, central and back describes ------- as a parameter

option : Height of the tongue
answer : Part of the tongue
option : Shape of the lips
option : Length of the tongue

question : Rounded or unrounded describes -------- as a parameter

option : Height of the tongue
option : Part of the tongue
answer : Shape of the lips
option : Length of the tongue

question : Tense and lax are used to describe --------

answer : long and short vowsel
option : affricatives and plosives
option : Shape of the lips
option : Length of the tongue

question : A good example of high, front, unrounded and tense vowel is ----------
answer : /i: /
option : /u: /
option : /e: /
option : /o: /

question : We are ------------ behind in our work.

answer : lagging
option : lacking
option : option: laging
option : option: lucking

question : For every error in tenses or spelling there is a -------- of one mark.
option : lost
option : lose
option : loose
answer : loss

question : The appropriate synonym for the word domicile out of the options given below is ----------
option : tree
option : clod
option : Sharon
answer : home

question : --------------- can be used to express the same meaning as mysterious.

answer : Strange
option : Proximity
option : Large
option : Melancholy

question : Speech -------------- merge and into one another.

answer : sounds
option : words
option : group
option : organs

question : Position of the tongue is one of the traditional ways to classify ---------
option : Blends
option : Acronyms
answer : Vowels
option : Writing

question : Prefixation is the process of attaching an affix -------- the lexeme.

option : within
answer : before
option : after
option : beside

question : ------------ is a prefix of time and order.

option : Super
option : Hyper
option : Inter
answer : Pre

question : SUB as a prefix has the content meaning of ---------------.

answer : lower than
option : greater than
option : accumulation
option : equal status

question : ---------------- frequently alter the word-class of the base.

option : Adjective
option : Demonstratives
option : Adjunct
answer : Suffixes

question : Antonyms are words that are --------------in meaning.

answer : opposite
option : similar
option : pronunciation
option : same

question : An essay can be developed from the --------------- one has written
option : margin
option : date
option : letters
answer : outline

question : In essay writing there must always be a -----------------.

answer : topic
option : group
option : connection
option : school

question : ------------- is an aspect of Mechanical Accuracy.

option : Indentation
option : Points
option : Number
answer : Punctuation

question : In an essay writing, you are expected to develop your ideas in ----------------
answer : paragraphs
option : shapes
option : sizes
option : cartons

question : A narrative essay is a complete account of a ------------

option : words
answer : story
option : tree
option : farm

question : ------------- language is used in a narrative essay.

option : Vulgar
option : Serious
option : Common
answer : Chatty

question : The appropriate synonym for the word custom is -------------

option : Culture
option : Costomer
answer : Habit
option : Heridity

question : Synonyms are words that are -------------------------in meaning.

answer : similar
option : opposite
option : irregular
option : abnormal

question : A particular sound can have ---------------- ways of spelling.

answer : different
option : nice
option : good
option : bad

question : Consonant sounds are produced with some obstruction of ------------

option : water
option : liquid
option : oil
answer : air

question : There are -------- parameters used in the classification of consonant sounds.
answer : three
option : four
option : six
option : eight

question : ------------ is an organ of speech.

option : Leg
answer : Lip
option : Hair
option : Jaw

question : A ---------- is the smallest free form found in a language.

answer : word
option : phrase
option : noun
option : group

question : Words have an ------------- structure consisting of smaller units.

option : abnormal
option : irregular
option : identical
answer : internal

question : Morphemes are of --------------- types.

answer : two
option : four
option : nine
option : eleven

question : A ------------ morpheme is an element which can occur in isolation.

option : bound
option : complex
option : good
answer : free

question : A free morpheme is an element which can occur in and -------- of context.
answer : out
option : beside
option : above
option : underneath

question : Book is an example of a --------------- morpheme.

option : bound
option : complex
option : assorted
answer : free

question : --------------- stands for words and their precise dictionary meanings.
option : Paragraph
answer : Vocabulary
option : Directives
option : Text

question : Lexis refers to -------------- and their various connotations.

option : books
option : speech
option : sounds
answer : words

question : -------------- includes synonyms and antonyms of words.

answer : Lexis
option : Context
option : Text
option : Stem

question : Neither the lecturer ------------- the student showed up.

answer : nor
option : no
option : not
option : nore

question : Either Hanan ------------ Hamza will attend the meeting.

option : neither
answer : or
option : orr
option : nor

question : A ---------------- should contain one central idea.

option : group
option : word
option : option: line
answer : paragraph

question : In an essay writing, ideas should be arranged to lead to an --------------- conclusion.

option : irrelevant
option : ineffective
option : indecisive
answer : effective

question : The Wikipedia defined PUBLIC SPEAKING as the process of speaking to a group of
people in a ------. , ------.manner intended to inform, influence or entertain listerners-
answer : structured, deliberate .
option : structured, sequential
option : straightforward, paragraphing

question : My wife is an ----------of the University of Maiduguri.

answer : Alumna
option : Alumnus
option : Alumni <br /> .

question : The Nigerian police do not have sufficient artilleries. This expression is wrong because
answer : Artillery is an uncountable noun and so should not be pluralized.
option : Police is a collective noun that is expressed in singular
option : Police men do not fight with arms like soldiers

question : To make understanding a reality there must be

option : Accuracy in speech
option : Correctness of language
answer : All options

question : When writing the---------essay, the writer is not expected to make a plea, command,
appeal or dissuade-
answer : Argumentative
option : Expository
option : Narrative
option : descriptive

question : The ---------- essay serves to explain, explicate, or elucidate an idea or new found
knowledge to enable the reader appreciates what is current in the field of knowledge-
answer : Expository
option : Narrative
option : Argumentative
option : Descriptive

question : Defective punctuation, poor pronunciation, and erroneous sentences or misuse of words
answer : Hinder
option : Promote
option : Discourage
option : Promotion

question : When writing the--------essay, you are expected to use simple and clear diction.
answer : Narrative
option : Argumentative
option : descriptive
option : expository

question : The effect of bad English may result to

answer : misunderstanding
option : confusion
option : bad governance
option : bad interpretation

question : In public speech presentation, the pace of your speech should be ---------and your
articulation clear.
answer : Moderate.
option : Wide
option : Fast
option : Slow
option : Intermediate

question : In Central Africa Republic, girls and women do household work, tend the fields, and do
the shopping, they have little time for recreation. However, males enjoy playing and watching
soccer and basketball. Several amateur teams compete in the capital and in each large town,
Schools provide all pupils with some recreation. Basketball, soccer, handball, and track and field
are popular. Girls also sing and play games at break. Some schools have other extracurricular
activities, such as Stage Theater. Church groups provide social activities. Some towns sponsor
scout troops.
option : This is an extract from an argumentative essay
option : This is an extract from a descriptive essay
answer : This is an extract from a narrative essay
option : This is an extract from an expository essay

question : Official holidays in the Central African Republic include New Year’s Day (1 January);
Fête du Travail (Labor Day, 1 May), Fête des Mères (Mother’s Day, in May), Independence Day
(13 August), and the Declaration of Independence from France (1 December). Schoolchildren
practice for months to perform on the day of the Declaration of Independence, which is the biggest
holiday of the year and involves parades and other festivities throughout the country. For Mother’s
Day, men stay home to cook and women get together to socialize, play sports, and dance.
Religious holidays such as Easter and Christmas (25 December) are celebrated by Christians.
Muslims celebrate the end of Ramadan with a feast, and Tabaski (Feast of the Sacrifice), which
commemorates Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son.
option : This is an extract from an argumentative essay
answer : This is an extract from a descriptive essay
option : This is an extract from a narrative essay
option : This is an extract from an expository essay

question : The Sophists were popular for a time, especially in Athens; however, their skeptical
view on absolute truth and morality eventually provoked sharp criticism. Socrates, Plato, and
Aristotle challenged the philosophic basis of the Sophists' teaching, and Plato and Aristotle further
condemned them for taking money. Later, they were accused by the state of lacking morality. As a
result, the word sophist acquired a derogatory meaning, as in the modern term sophistry, which
can be defined as subtle, and deceptive or false argumentation or reasoning. The Sophists were
of minor importance in the development of Western philosophic thought. They were, however, the
first to systematize education. Leading 5th-century Sophists included Protagoras, Gorgias, Hippias
of Elis, and Prodicus of Ceos.
option : This is an extract from an argumentative essay
option : This is an extract from a descriptive essay
option : This is an extract from a narrative essay
answer : This is an extract from an expository essay

question : An argumentative essay tries to convince the listener to change his position, point of
view or opinion about something and accept that which is being proposed by the other party in the
option : This is an extract from a narrative essay
answer : This is an extract from a descriptive essay
option : This is an extract from argumentative essay
option : This is an extract from expository essay
question : In any kind of essay writing, there should be clarity of expression and good thoughts.
These depends on the following topics, except
answer : suitable opinion, typed work and bound work, personality of author.
option : adequate development of points and good paragraphing
option : linking devices and suitable conclusion
option : balance, unity and coherence

question : Business letters are written to

option : trading organizations
option : shopkeepers
option : journals
answer : all options

question : Public Speaking includes among others

option : lectures, sermons, plitical campaign speeches and rally speeches
option : evangelical campaign speeches
option : telling stories and transmission of information
answer : all options
option : none of these options

question : In speech presentation it is preferable to

answer : stand or move about and use appropriate hand gesture or facial expression
option : sit down or stand still
option : keep your head down reading from a prepared speech
option : avoid eye contact with any individual in the audience

question : When writing any business letter, one of these groups is not neccesary
answer : platfom image and personlity
option : being specific about what you are writing about
option : Inform your reader about yourself directly and accurately, but briefly.
option : provide refrees
option : provide long listing on a separate sheet of paper under the heading Resume

question : The inside address must be consistent in form with the heading, and is typed flushed
with the left margin about six spaces lower than the heading. This advice is applicable only in
writing a
answer : business letter
option : personal letter
option : official notes
option : semi-formal letters

question : In writing business letters, the masculine salutation- Dear sir or Gentlemen, is used to
address an organisation or an individual whose name the writer
answer : does not know
option : knows very well
option : holds in high exteem
option : wants to create a relationship

question : In some instances a business letter is addressed to an organisation or a department of

an organisation but marked for the attention of a particular person. In such letters, the
answer : two spaces above the salutation
option : two spaces below the salutation
option : single space just below the inside address
option : single space above the inside address

question : In salutations and addresses, abbreviations are generally----------.

answer : disapproved
option : approved
option : eliminated
option : applied

question : The business letter should follow the principles of essay writing.
answer : false
option : often true but not always
option : true
option : not applicable to application letters

question : Complimentary close should never be consistent with the tone of the letter but with the
answer : false
option : true
option : often tue but not always
option : only when a married woman is writing the letter

question : In business letters the status of the married woman is indicated by

answer : parenthesis
option : the name of her husband
option : her maiden name
option : her semi-colon

question : When eveloping a business letter to fit the long standard envelope the correct
procedure is to
answer : first fold bottom of the letter up, then fold top of letter down leaving about 1/4 an inch,
then insert into the envelope starting with the top of the letter.
option : first fold top of letter down leaving about 1/4 an inch, then fold the bottom of the letter up,
then insert into the envelope starting with the top of the letter.
option : first fold bottom of the letter up, then fold top of letter down leaving about 1/4 an inch, then
insert into the envelope starting with the bottom of the letter.
option : to fold it in any form, but very neat

question : The correct procedure to fold a business letter to fit small business envelope is to
answer : first fold bottom of letter up, after which you now fold left side of letter in, then fold right of
letter over left, leaving about quarter of an inch of the letter and finally insert into the small
business envelope starting with the top of letter
option : first fold left side of letter in, then fold bottom of letter up, then fold right of letter over left,
leaving about quarter of an inch of the letter and finally insert into the small business envelope
starting with the top of letter.
option : first fold bottom of letter up, after which you now fold left side of letter in, then fold right of
letter over left, leaving about quarter of an inch of the letter and finally insert into the small
business envelope starting with the bottom of lette.
option : convert the letter into shred form and put into the envelope

question : Personal letters could eqaully be referred to as

option : friendly letters
option : humanity letters
answer : private letters
option : semi-formal letters

question : The body of personal letters vary greatly with the personality of the writer.
answer : always true
option : often false
option : often true but not always
option : true only when writing to a spouse

question : The form of essay that explains or informs the reader about new discovery in the field of
knowledge or of any other thing the writer knows that he wants others to be aware of is known as
answer : Expository essay
option : Descrptive essay
option : Argumentative essay
option : Narrative essay

question : When John writes a letter calling the attention of the representative of his local
government in the National Assembly to some urgent security threats in his locality, which is part
of the representative's constituency. The letter John writes is a
answer : businees letter
option : personal letter
option : formal letter
option : official note
option : semi-formal letter

question : Identify the TOPIC SENTENCE in the following paragraph: As a scholar, Dr. Joy Eyisi
is coming on the fast lane. Her latest work on error discourse has proved to be more
comprehensive than what some of us who taught her had had to do in the area of English studies.
what I have enjoyed most about the book is the author's thorough pedagogic voice which runs
through the breadth of the text in the manner of a teacher earnestly committedd to the art of
human refinement-
answer : As a scholar, Dr. Joy Eyisi is coming on the fast lane
option : Her latest work on error discourse has proved to be more comprehensive than what some
of us who taught her had had to do in the area of English studies.
option : what I have enjoyed most about the book is the author's thorough pedagogic voice which
runs through the breadth of the text in the manner of a teacher earnestly committedd to the art of
human refinement-

question : To preapare a public speech, you must

option : know what your audience needs
option : ensure that what you have for your audience will satisfy them
option : familiar with the subject of your speech
answer : all options

question : A little rehearsal of your speech in front of a mirror, your bed, trees or buildings can help
put you at ease on the real speech occasion.
option : often true but not always
option : not true in case of evangelical and political campaign speeches
option : not applicable since these objects cannot give you feed back on your performance
answer : this is true since the adage "practice makes perfect" aptly applies to speech making

question : The use of body language can-------your speech presentation.

answer : enhance
option : destruct
option : appropriate
option : distract

question : To be able to persuade your audience effectively, you need to speak

answer : with conviction
option : good English
option : in summary of your planned speech
option : with native speakers ascent
question : The golden rule for public speech says "do not read from your speech",
answer : however as a presenter you are not forbidden from taking occasional glances of your
written speech
option : therefore as a presenter you are forbidden from taking occasional glances of your written

question : A good skill to use in public presentation is to make the audience feel involved and this
is best achieved by
option : maintaining eye contact with individuals in the audience
option : have direct eye contact with members of the audience every now and then or glance at
the whole audience while speaking
option : look straight into the eyes of a person in the audience for about three seconds at a time
answer : all options are good methods for making the audience feel involve
option : none of the options is a good method for making the audience feel involved

question : Point out the item in the following group which is NOT a good point to note in a public
answer : the use of a timer to time your presentation
option : the use of facts, figures and illustrations
option : asking challenging questions
option : telling a story that is related to the subject or situation at hand

question : An important factor for successful oral communication is the ability of sender to code the
message in such a way that the reciever will be able to decode it easily.This refers to .
option : the correct use of language
option : the medium which covers the message
option : accuracy in speech
answer : all options

question : In developing courage and self-confidence what the Oral Presenter needs is
option : to start with pale and flabby desire
answer : know thoroughly what he is going to talk about
option : the intake of little acohol to boost his courage and confidence
option : little or no practice prior to presentation

question : One of these is not a good way of closing an Oral Presentation

answer : telling a story from your expereinces
option : appeal for action
option : the use of poetical quotation
option : summarising your points
question : In oral presentation idnetify one of these methods which does not help in making your
meanings clear
answer : the use of technical terms especially when addressing a lay audience
option : use of comparison
option : appealing to the sense of sight
option : Restating important ideas in different words
option : use of general illustrations and specific instances

question : Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence "Though hadst a voice whose
sound was like the sea"
answer : Simile
option : Metaphor
option : Apostrophe
option : Hyperbole .

question : Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence "The righteous shall flourish as
the palm tree"
answer : Simile
option : Metaphor
option : Apostrophe
option : Hyperbole .

question : Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence "Life is a dream"
option : Simile
answer : Metaphor
option : Apostrophe
option : Hyperbole

question : In the study of figures of speech, the ----------- is refered to as an implied symbol in
which the two things are treated as one.
option : Simile
answer : Metaphor
option : Apostrophe
option : Hyperbole

question : A figure of speech which is used to believe that inanimate, lifeless objects and abstract
ideas are living beings is known as--------.
answer : Personification
option : Hyperbole
option : Euphemism
option : Metonymy
question : Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence "Death lays his icy hands on
answer : Personification
option : Hyperbole
option : Euphemism
option : Metonymy

question : Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence "Love is not time's fool"
option : Personification
answer : Hyperbole
option : Euphemism
option : Metonymy

question : A Figure of speech which is used to address a lifeless object or an abstract idea as if it
were living being is known as an--------
option : Personification
answer : Apostrophe
option : Euphemism
option : Metonymy

question : HYPERBOLE is a figure of speech which is ----------

answer : used to make a fact exaggeration
option : used to address an idea as if it were a living being
option : used to say an unpleasant thing in a pleasant manner
option : used to express two contrasting or opposite ideas to achieve emphasis

question : Euphemism is a figure of speech which is ----------

option : used to make a fact exaggeration
option : used to address an idea as if it were a living being
answer : used to say an unpleasant thing in a pleasant manner
option : used to express two contrasting or opposite ideas to achieve emphasis

question : ANTITHESIS is a figure of speech which is ----------

option : used to make a fact exaggeration
option : used to address an idea as if it were a living being
option : used to say an unpleasant thing in a pleasant manner
answer : used to express two contrasting or opposite ideas to achieve emphasis

question : "Amina was the wisest fool". This is a good example of the figure of speech called -------
answer : Oxymoron
option : Epigram
option : Irony
option : Herbole

question : "She accepted it as the kind cruelty of the surgeon's knife"This is a good example of the
figure of speech called ----------.
answer : Oxymoron
option : Epigram
option : Irony
option : Herbole

question : OXYMORON is a figure of speech which is used to ----------

answer : express two contridictory qualities of the same thing
option : express the opposite meaning which is diffrent from the real meaning
option : express two contrasting or opposite ideas to achieve emphasis
option : express a part for the whole or the whole for the part

question : SYNECDOCHE is a figure of speech which is used to ----------

option : express two contridictory qualities of the same thing
option : express the opposite meaning which is diffrent from the real meaning
option : express two contrasting or opposite ideas to achieve emphasis
answer : express a part for the whole or the whole for the part

question : IRONY is a figure of speech which is used to ----------

option : express two contridictory qualities of the same thing
answer : express the opposite meaning which is diffrent from the real meaning
option : express two contrasting or opposite ideas to achieve emphasis
option : express a part for the whole or the whole for the part

question : GST 211 is not intended to train professional speakers and writers but to
option : develop in all a general profficiency in the Use of the English Language.
option : correct deviant structures or unacceptable utterances which are signs of imperfect
knowledge of the linguistic code.
option : help students develop the appetite for correct use of the English Language
option : help students appreciate the fact that the English Language is the barometer with which
we measure the quality and quantity of education possessed by a speaker/ writer, a veritable tool
for iternal and external communication and of course a passport to eduational advancement and
prestigious employment.
answer : all options are correct

question : "I find it difficult to express myself in English Language." This sentence is erroneous
becuase of
answer : the omission of the definite article "the" which colligates with English Language
option : the inability of the student to speak and write in English quite well.
option : of much use of deviant structures or unacceptable utterances which are signs of imperfect
knowledge of the linguistic code.

question : "My fiance attended University of Lagos". This is a deviant structure, when corrected the
sentence will read
option : My fiance attended University of the Lagos
option : My fiance attended Lagos University
answer : both options .

question : "The man is fond of accepting bribe" We should, in correct English say
option : The man is fond of accepting a bribe.
option : The man is fond of accepting bribes.
answer : both options are correct.

question : "There are corrupt practices in the society today". This is a clumsy expression becuase
answer : The definite article should not precede society precisely where the society refers to a
country or state.
option : We can only use the definite article if we are refering to a specific association or union.
option : both options are correct

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