P2 NUR 192 LONG QUIZ (AutoRecovered)

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The nurse considers the following in scoring for the preventive potential of a health condition,
Exposure to any high-risk group
Duration of the problem
History of illness
Current management of the disease

Nurse X will be assigned to Family y for the first time, in completing her assessment to the
family, she should begin by: *
Testing the family's ability to cope
Determine the family's attitudes, behaviors, and structures
Evaluate communication patterns
Gathering health data from all family members

Mr. Y has locally advanced transitional cell cancer of the bladder with chronic pelvic and
abdominal pain. Which of the following is most important in determining the maximum dose
of oral morphine during dose titration? *
Pain relief
Respiratory depression
Risk of overstepping regulatory limits
Strength of pill

Which of the following is the LOWEST possible score of any health problem? *

A nurse is advising a patient with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome on infection control procedures.
Which of the following statements by the patient indicates that the patient understands the
advice? *
I'm going to a basketball game tonight.
I should avoid anyone with cold symptoms.
I should have a blood test.
I'm not going to attend functions with large crowds.

A homeless woman is more likely than the other women to have all of the following
characteristics except: *
To have less than a high school education
To have grown up in foster care
To be employed
To have had an abortion by the age of 16

Willy has just received a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes and has agreed to participate in a
cognitive-behavioral program to help him cope with his diabetes. *
This program will help him develop emotion-focused coping strategies
This program will help him and his family adapt to the changes he needs to make in his life
This program will allow him to discontinue his medications
This type of program will not be as effective in helping him as relaxation of hypnosis

The nurse conducting a family assessment would focus on all of the following except: *
Family structure
Family Beliefs
Family coping strategies
Individual, financial resources
The nurse considers the following factors in determining the modifiability of health condition,
Correct knowledge, technology and intervention
Resource of the nurse
Resource of the family
Gravity of the health problem

Nurses use an Ecomap to assess: *

Relationship between family members and the community
The tension among family members
Multigenerational patterns and health conditions
A and B only

Which of the following statements is true about family nursing practice? *

Family care is concerned with the experience of the family over time
Family nursing is directed at families whose members are both healthy and ill
The family nurse is responsible to the family itself for defining who is the family
If family nursing practice is successful, the family members will simultaneously achieve maximum health
All of the above
The principles of “Clean to Dirty” should be the rule in cleaning the wound of the client. The
client will demonstrate the following: *

Equipment used can be sterilized chemically or by boiling for 15 minutes after

cleaning with soap and water.
Equipment used can be sterilized chemically or by boiling for 15 minutes before cleaning with soap and
Equipment used can be sterilized chemically or by boiling for 60 minutes after cleaning with soap and
Equipment used can be sterilized chemically or by boiling for 5 minutes after cleaning with soap and

Mr. X is seen in the office for follow-up of his Coronary Artery Disease and Diabetes Mellitus.
During the interview, which comments most suggest psychological distress? *
"My leg hurts right here"
"I'm so worried about my wife."
"I don’t know how I'll get to my appointment."
"Why did I get this disease?"
The nurse should write a narrative report every month which provides an opportunity to
present problems for administrative considerations. Which of the following statements are the
purposes of writing reports? select all that apply *
To show the kind and quantity of service rendered over to a specific period.
To show the progress in reaching goals.
As an aid in studying health conditions.
As an aid in evaluation.
To interpret the results to the public and to other interested agencies.

Isolation of a child with measles belongs to what level of prevention? *


A nurse is instructing a patient on the use of a walker. Which of the following would be
included in the instructions? *
While putting your body weight on your hands, step into the walker.
Hold the upper hand grips.
When seated, push off the chair to come to a standing position.
All of the above.
Donna has been experiencing night sweats, swollen lymph nodes, fever, loss of appetite,
persistent diarrhea, a painful skin rash, and white spots in her mouth. She is currently in a
monogamous relationship with her boyfriend whom she has known for six months. As her
friend, you should tell her: *
That women in monogamous sexual relationships do not contact the HIV virus
To get bed rest until her symptoms disappear
To get tested for HIV infection
That she is probably in the first stage of HIV infection

This type of nursing intervention is directed toward family empowerment and aims to improve
the capacity of the family to provide for its own health needs, such as guiding the family to
make responsible health decisions: *
Supplemental interventions
Facilitative interventions
Independent interventions
Developmental interventions
The client story represents: *
The intervention phase of the family nursing care plan using the outcome present state testing model
The assessment phase
The process family nurses complete as they establish intervention plans
The clustering of data into meaningful groups, identifying pertinent relationships between variables

Health education is one strategy for implementing health promotion and disease prevention
programs. Which among the following activities is NOT an example of health education? *

Group therapy

In defining modifiability of the health problems through health intervention, which of the
following important factor is NOT considered: *
Resources of community facilities and organizations
Resources of the community health manager
Current knowledge, technology and intervention to manage the problem
Severity of the problem
One strength of using a genogram during a family assessment is that: *
Nurses can assess the relationship between family members and the community
Nurses can assess the communication patterns among family members
Nurses can assess multigenerational patterns and health conditions
Nurses can assess tension among family members

A nurse is collecting data to identify health needs in the family. Which of the following
examples should the nurse identify as secondary data? Select that all apply. *
Birth statistics
Previous health survey
Interview survey
Community forum

During a family conference, the nurse is reading a discussion with a family which includes a
15-year-old youth who often "forgets" to check his morning blood sugar. Which of these
questions from the nurse would be most appropriate initially? *
"Why would you neglect your body?"
"Some teens act out, Mr. O do you think that is the problem?"
"Can I tell you about the dangers of high blood sugar levels?"
"I understand that you are all concerned with checking blood sugar, is
that right?"
If the objective of the health care plan is to decrease the number of children with parasitism: by
50% by the end of 2 years, which of these would be an appropriate evaluation indicator? *
Number of children found positive for ascaris/ amebiasis/ hookworm, infection
Number of children examined for parasitism
Number of children who consulted for abdominal pain and anemia
Number of children who were dewormed

Which of the following data would be more typical of an acute care diagnosis than a
community/public health nursing diagnosis? *
A child in the school system admitted for insulin overdose
Health promotion needs for the neighborhood school
Mortality and morbidity rates for the city
Services unavailable in the county

A nurse is initiating program planning. Which of the following actions will the nurse perform
first? *
An accurate and thorough assessment of the community
A confirmation of the formal and informal leaders of the community
A determination of the budget available for obtaining relevant data
An analysis of the employer's perspective on potential program needs

Which of the following is the HIGHEST possible score of any health problem? *

People-centered care is focused and organized around the health needs and expectations of
people and communities rather than on diseases. Which of the following can the nurse do in
shaping health policy and health services? select all that apply *
Create supportive environments aimed at respecting, protecting and fulfilling the right to safe and quality
health care.
Advocate health policies that ensure effective, holistic and people centered health and nursing care.
Support multi-sectoral engagement and use of interdisciplinary teams
Makes use of supplementary aids and devices to help with the verbal instructions.

In rural communities, materials developed for health education programs address cultural and
linguistic differences and potential barriers to health promotion and disease prevention in rural
areas. Which among the following common problems affects the quality of care? select all that
apply *
Good communications between health workers and parents
Supervision/decision of labor/ organization of work
Good knowledge of when to return to a health facility
Poor adherence to health worker advice and treatment
Availability of inappropriate drugs and vaccines
Seeking assistance from unqualified providers

Which of the following actions should the nurse perform when analyzing collected assessment
data? *
Categorizing the data and identifying the implications
Creating graphs, charts, and maps to display the data
Determining the aggregates at high risk for specific problems
Identifying target populations by demographic characteristics

Isolation precautions should be used for patients who are either known or suspected to have an
infectious disease, are colonized or infected with a multi-resistant organism or who are
particularly susceptible to infection. Which of the following statements indicates that the
programs are well implemented to the people? select all that apply *
Provide instructional materials for patients and visitors on recommended hand hygiene.
Develop and implement strategies to reduce risks for transmission and evaluate effectiveness.
Provide ventilation systems required for a sufficient number of airborne infection isolation rooms.
Make preventing transmission of infectious agents a priority for the healthcare organization.
Apply the following epidemiologic principles of infection surveillance.
Individual factors like values, personality, family process factors like resilience, boundaries,
member./family processes like communication, coordination are part of: *
Self- management
Functional domain
Structural domain
Stressors when raising a child with chronic illness

A nurse is planning a family health program. Which of the following actions should the nurse
include as part of the evaluation plan? *

Compare program impact to similar programs

Determine availability of resources to initiate the plan
Gain approval for the program from the family leaders
Establish a timeline for implementation of intervention

What efforts does your family take to increase or maintain their overall health? *
Data Analysis
Data Collection
Problem definition

If the figures below pertains to scores when priority setting was done by the nurse, which
health problem do you think should the nurse prioritize? *

4 and ⅔
3 and ⅔
2 and ⅔

A nurse is conducting a family assessment. Which of the following data collection methods is
the nurse using when having direct conversation with individuals in the family? *
Participant observation
Focus group
Health survey
Key informant interview
The diagnosis of a chronic illness may be seen as a crisis or a psychological transition, but both
views acknowledge that such a diagnosis: *

Requires adaptation
Affects families more than individuals
is more difficult for women than for men
is more difficult for people with diabetes than Alzheimer’s disease

The single most important feature that defines opioid drug addiction (psychological
dependence) is: *
An increasing need for the drug over time
Complaint of pain exceeding that expected for a given medical problem
Development of withdrawal when the drug is stopped
Evidence of adverse life consequences from drug use

Which of the following senses are you least likely to use when gathering objective assessment
data? *


Why should nursing, as a profession, be involved in program planning? Select all that apply *
As a result of time spent in direct contact with clients in the community, nurses possess useful information.
Nurses have enough political power to create barriers if they are not included in the planning process.
Nurses, who constitute one third of all health care providers, implement the majority of planned programs.
Nurses make up a large portion of health care consumers.
Politically, it is wise to include all professions in planning groups.
Nurses provide the most expertise of the health care professions.

A nurse is making a Home Health visit at the home of an elderly couple. The wife states
regarding her husband, the patient, "He always sits in that chair all day long." Which of the
following should the nurse consider the patient at risk for? *
Pressure Ulcer
Deep Vein Thrombosis
All of the above

Steps in developing a Family Nursing Care Plan. select all that apply *
Prioritize condition/s or problems
Formulation of goals and objectives
Selection of nursing interventions
Plan for evaluating care

Termination with a family is an important step to family nursing care, this stage includes:
Select all that apply. *
Illness-care routines
How do nurses help young children provide care for an adult in the family with a chronic illness
Safety and prevention routines
Chronic illness is often linked to

Families with chronically ill children should: *


Find some positive aspect to their situation

Deviate themselves full-time to their child
Reinforce the child's illness behaviors
Realized that the child chronic illness will soon be cured

Families with members who are sick with diseases transferred via the respiratory tract should
be taught the respiratory precaution techniques. Which among the following statements
indicate that the family understood after health teachings? select all that apply *
Avoid droplet infection.
Droplets are dispersed by touching.
Microorganisms can remain suspended in the air and are dispersed by air current.
Disinfections of eating and drinking utensils of the sick member.

After home delivery, the Nurse should include in her health teaching: *
Circumcision of the Infant
Starting the infant on bottle feeding
Breast feeding of infant

What are the CHARACTERISTICS of Family Nursing Care Plan? Select all that apply *
Focuses on action which are designed to solve or minimize exiting problem
Product of a deliberate systematic process
Relates to the future
Based upon identified health and nursing problems
Is a means to an end, not an end in itself
Is a continuous process, not a one shot deal

Mrs. O is an 84 years old woman with rheumatoid arthritis affecting her hands, feet, and knees.
Today she noted increased swelling and pain in her knees. An important question in pain
management implementation is: *
"Have you noticed a fever?"
"How does it affect your life?"
"Have you lost weight?"
"How are you feeling overall?"

To maintain the cleanliness of the bag and its contents, which of the following must the nurse
do? *

Wash his/her hands before and after providing nursing care to the family
In the care of family members, as much as possible, use only articles taken from the bag.
Put on an apron to protect her uniform and fold it with the right side out before putting it back into the bag.
At the end of the visit, fold the lining on which the bag was placed, ensuring that the contaminated side is
on the outside.

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