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ERP – Procurement – Exercise m14

ERP – Procurement
Exercise 24
ERP – Procurement – Exercise m14

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Class :

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SI-A Pagi
* B
## Lab. Seat Number

“Before capturing your task, make sure your username are visible”

Exercise 24: Automated Procurement

Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
 Execute a manual individual planning run
 Convert purchase requisitions into purchase orders automatically
 Settle goods receipts automatically

Task 1: Automatic Determination of Requirements and Automatic Generation of Purchase


Display Stock/Requirements List

Check the available stock of material T-M500D*## in stock/requirements list within plant
Field Name Entry
MRP Element
Available quantity
MRP type
Reorder point
Lot size
Fixed lot size

Capture screen the stock/requirement list.

ERP – Procurement – Exercise m14

Carry out a single-item planning run

Carry out a one-step, single-item planning run for this material for plant 1000 as a net
change planning run using processing key NETCH. You want to create purchase requisitions.
You also want to create an MRP list to document the result. Do not display the result.

Enter the following data.

Field Name Entry
Material T-M500D*##
Plant 1000
Processing Key NETCH
Create Purchase Req. 1 (Purchase requisitions)
Create MRP List 1 (MRP list)
Display results before they are saved <unchecked>

Confirm your entries twice and consider the result of the planning run.
Capture screen the result of the planning run.

Display Stock/Requirements List

ERP – Procurement – Exercise m14

Display the stock/requirements list for the material in plant 1000 again. Branch to the MRP
element and make entries in the following table.
Field Name Entry
Delivery date
Fixed vendor

Capture screen the stock/requirement list.

Create a purchase order automatically

Carry out the function for automatically creating a purchase order for this purchase
requisition online. Select the purchase requisitions for your purchasing group T## that have
been assigned to vendor T-K500C*## in plant 1000. You require a detailed protocol with all
messages. Converted purchase requisitions should also always be marked as set.

Enter the following data in the selection screen.

Selection screen area
Purchasing Group T##
Fixed Vendor T-K500C*##
Plant 1000
Detailed Log 2 (All Messages)
Set Purchase Requisitions to “Closed” 2 (Always)

After the function completed, note the PO number.

Purchase order number

Capture screen the automatic creation of purchase orders from requisitions.

ERP – Procurement – Exercise m14

Display stock/requirements list

Display the stock/ requirement list for each material in plant 1000 again. Display the
purchase order for the material.
Field Name Entry
Order quantity
Net price
Outline agreement
Outline agreement item
Tax code
GR-based IV

Capture screen the stock/requirement list.

Task 2: Goods Receipt and Evaluated Receipt Settlement

Enter the goods receipt

The vendor T-K500C*## sends you the ordered material T-M500D*## according to the
purchase order. Enter the goods receipt in storage location 0001 in plant 1000.
ERP – Procurement – Exercise m14

Header data
Purchase Order <your PO of vendor T-K500C*##>
Detail data
Material T-M500D*##
Quantity 300
Storage Location 0001
OK Indicator 
Save the goods receipt data.
Material document number

Capture screen the material document.

Capture screen the accounting document.

Display the stock/requirements list

Finally, check again the available stock for material T-M500D*## in plant 1000. Capture
screen the stock/requirements list.
ERP – Procurement – Exercise m14

Settle a goods receipt automatically

Settle the goods receipts you entered today and yesterday for creditor H.A.G. Potsdam
Gr.*## (T-K500C*##) in company code 1000. You should create a separate invoice for each
order item. Use the test mode first to make sure that you have selected the correct goods
receipts. Then execute automatic settlement and note the document number.

Enter the following data on the initial screen.

Field Name Entry
Company code 1000
Plant 1000
Goods Receipt Posting Date <a previous week> to <today>
Vendor T-K500C*##
Doc. Selection 3 (Document Selection per Order Item)
Test Run 

After test run for invoice receipt generation then, user return back to the initial screen. In
the initial screen, you deselect the test run indicator and execute again for the actual result.
Do not forget to note the invoice document number and accounting document number.
Invoice document number
Accounting document number

Display the invoice document

Display the invoice document and the corresponding accounting document. Capture screen
the invoice document.
ERP – Procurement – Exercise m14

Capture screen the accounting document.

Display the purchase order

Finally, check the purchase order history of the order item. Capture screen the PO history.

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