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Physica B 665 (2023) 415041

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DFT studies of physico-chemical, electronic and nonlinear optical

properties of interaction between doped-fullerenes with non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs
Christian Aimé Njeumen a, *, Geh Wilson Ejuh b, c, Yannick Tadjouteu Assatse a,
Richard Arnaud Yossa Kamsi a, Jean Marie Bienvenu Ndjaka a
University of Yaoundé I, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, Materials Science Laboratory, P. O. Box 812, Yaoundé, Cameroon
University of Dschang, IUT Bandjoun, Department of General and Scientific Studies, P. O. Box 134, Bandjoun, Cameroon
University of Bamenda, National Higher Polytechnic Institute, Department of Electrical and Engineering, P. O. Box 39, Bambili, Cameroon


Keywords: The interactions of pristine fullerenes and Si-doped fullerenes with three non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Fullerene were performed by calculations from the density functional theory. The physico-chemical, thermodynamic,
Doped nonlinear optical, electronic properties and global reactivity descriptors were highlighted. Our results show that
all our formed nanostructures are stable and that their synthesis is thermodynamically favorable. These nano­
structures are electrophile and very reactive for a transport process in the body. The improvement in electrical
conductivity and nonlinear optical properties show that these nanomaterials can also be used for nonlinear
optical and electronic applications.

1. Introduction has revealed interesting properties [26–34]. In recent studies, isolated

nimesulide and DCL molecules showed gap values of 3.998 eV [35] and
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely used in 4.256 eV [36], respectively. When nimesulide is adsorbed on undoped
therapy for their anti-inflammatory, analgesic or antipyretic effects [1]. single-walled carbon nanotubes, a gap value of 0.07 eV is obtained;
Some anti-inflammatory such as diclofenac (DCL), nimesulide and however, the gap value is 0.190 eV when nimesulide is adsorbed on
mefenamic acid are recommended to reduce pain, inflammation and nanotubes previously doped with a silicon atom [34].
fevers [2]. DCL is the most prescribed NSAID [3]; for example, it is used In the experimental field, the work of Kroto et al. [37] led to the
for the treatment of some types of cancer [4]. Nevertheless, excessive synthesis of fullerenes by carbon laser vaporization. Other experimental
use of these NSAIDs can cause gastrointestinal disorders, including methods for the production of nanovectors such as electric arc, laser
irritation, bleeding and ulceration [5]. One of the most commonly used ablation, solar furnace and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) have also
strategies to prevent such phenomena is the preparation of targeted been developed [38,39]. After the synthesis of nanovectors, their co­
therapy involving carriers as a vector. valent or non-covalent interaction with drug molecules can be achieved
Vectorization systems can enable us to develop fast and secure ways by grafting, hydrogenolysis or cyclopropriation [40].
to deliver NSAIDs [6]. Some vectorization systems such as fullerenes, The preparation of these drug-associated nanostructures is a decisive
carbon nanotubes and graphenes are nanovectors widely used in the point for the application to prescription in order to avoid gastrointes­
medical field [7–15]. These nanovectors are likely to improve the tinal inconveniences and action at a specific point in the inflammation
physico-chemical properties of therapeutic molecules and provide zone. In this work we analyze the structural, nonlinear optical, elec­
numerous benefits, including improved efficacy, bioavailability, tronic and global reactivity properties of interaction of pristine C60
dose-response, targeting ability and safety [16–25]. In particular, the fullerenes and doped C59Si fullerenes with three non-steroidal anti-in­
nanostructures derived from interaction of fullerenes and carbon flammatory drugs (NSAIDs), nimesulide, diclofenac and mefenamic
nanotubes doped by a substitution of a carbon atom with a silicon atom acid. The aim is to show that the doping can improve the physico-

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C.A. Njeumen).
Received 28 March 2020; Received in revised form 21 October 2021; Accepted 2 June 2023
Available online 9 June 2023
0921-4526/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
C.A. Njeumen et al. Physica B: Condensed Matter 665 (2023) 415041

chemical properties of fullerene on interaction with NSAIDs, in addition the gas and liquid phases from optimized structures, such as mean
the modeled nanostructures can be used as good materials in nonlinear polarizability and static first order hyperpolarizability using equations
optical and electronic applications. found in the literature [48]. The GaussSum 2.2 code was used to draw
density of state (DOS) graphs of molecular orbitals [49]. The energies of
2. Methodology the HOMO and LUMO levels were deduced from the boundary orbitals,
and from these values, the HOMO-LUMO gap (Egap ) was calculated ac­
The modeled nanostructures, consisting of one NSAID molecule cording to the formula Egap = ELUMO − EHOMO . Global reactivity de­
adsorbed on a pristine fullerene (FULL) or doped with a silicon atom scriptors such as chemical potential (μ), chemical hardness (η), softness
(FULL-Si), were constructed and visualized by GaussView 5 [41]. The (S) and electrophilicity index (ω) were deduced from the ionization
structural properties were deduced from the optimization of our mo­ potential (IP) and electron affinity (EA) according to the equations
lecular structures performed by density functional theory (DFT) using described in the literature [50].
the B3LYP and the 6-31G(d) basis set as implemented in Gaussian 09 W
code [42]. This level of theory was chosen because in previous work on 3. Results and discussions
nanomaterials, its results are very similar to experimental results and
these results are not too different from results with high basis set [43, 3.1. Molecular structures, binding energies, Gibbs free energies of
44]. The binding energies (Eb) were obtained from equations (1) and (2) solvation and vibrational analyses of the studied nanostructures
below [34]:

E1b = E(FULL − NSAID) − E(FULL) − E(NSAID) + E(BSSE) (1) Six different types of interaction were analyzed in this work. We
studied the interaction of pristine fullerenes and silicon-doped fullerenes
E2b = E(FULL − Si − NSAID) − E(FULL − Si) − E(NSAID) + E(BSSE) with nimesulide (Fig. 1a and 2a), diclofenac (Fig. 1b and 2b) and
mefenamic acid (Fig. 1c and 2c). Looking at Figs. 1 and 2, the shapes
remain the same, but there is a slight variation in the atomic distances of
where E(FULL-NSAID) and E(FULL-Si-NSAID) are respectively the total the three undoped nanostructures. These variations induce local dis­
electronic energies of pristine fullerene interacting with one NSAID and tortions of the fullerene along the directions of the binding axis as
silicon-doped fullerene in interaction with one NSAID, E(FULL) and E demonstrated by the work of Billas and al [27]. The distortion may be
(FULL-Si) are respectively the electronic energies of pristine fullerene due to a reorganization of the lengths of the C–C bonds of the fullerene
and silicon-doped fullerene, E(NSAID) is the electronic energy of the which vary in the case of the 5–6 bond (pentagon-hexagon junction) in
isolated NSAID. E(BSSE) is the correction energy for the extended base the range of 1.513 Å to 1.566 Å for our nanostructures compared to the
superposition error (BSSE) calculated from the counterpoise method of perfect length of the 5–6 bond of the fullerene, which is in the range of
Boys and Bernadi [45]. The polarized continuum model using the inte­ 1.458 Å [27]. For the 6-6 bond (hexagon-hexagon junction), the length
gral equation formalism (IEFPCM) [46] was applied to account the of the C–C bond of the fullerene varies from 1.435 Å to 1.453 Å for our
solvation effects. In this case, water was used as solvent with a dielectric nanostructures, while the perfect length of the 6-6 bond of the fullerene
constant of 78.4 for our calculations. The SMD continuum model of is 1.401 Å [27]. On the other hand, the observed distortion is low in the
Marenich and al [47]. was used to correct the total energies in water, case of interaction of doped-fullerene with NSAIDs. Indeed, there is only
based on corrections from the polarized continuum model (EPCM a slight variation in the 5–6 and 6-6 lengths of the C–C bonds of the
corr ); which
allowed us to determine the Gibbs free energies of solvation (ΔGsol). doped-fullerene compared to the value of interaction with pristine
Electronic and nonlinear optical properties (NLO) were calculated in fullerene. This reflects the fact that doping with a silicon atom attenu­
ates the structural deformation of nanostructures.

Fig. 1. Optimized geometries of interaction of fullerenes C60 with (a) Nimesulide, C13H12N2O5S (nitrogen atoms are colored blue, oxygen red, carbon grey, sulfur
yellow, chloride green and hydrogen white); (b) Diclofenac, C14H11Cl2NO2; and (c) Mefenamic acid, C15H15NO2.

C.A. Njeumen et al. Physica B: Condensed Matter 665 (2023) 415041

Fig. 2. Optimized geometries of interaction of doped-fullerenes C59Si, with (a) Nimesulide, C13H12N2O5S (nitrogen atoms are colored blue, oxygen red, carbon grey,
sulfur yellow, chloride green, silicon purple and hydrogen white); (b) Diclofenac, C14H11Cl2NO2; and (c) Mefenamic acid, C15H15NO2.

Table 1 summarizes the binding energies of the nanostructures The curve of IR vibration shows that the interaction of fullerene with
formed by the three interactions of pristine fullerenes with NSAID nimesulide has the highest peaks. The maximum peaks of N–H and C–H
molecules, and the three interactions of silicon-doped fullerenes with vibration stretching are observed at 3553.45 cm− 1 and 3244.83 cm− 1,
NSAID molecules. The results grouped in this table shows us that the respectively. However, these peaks are higher at 3563.05 cm− 1 and
binding energies obtained are all negative, which means that these in­ 3262.26 cm− 1 respectively for interaction of doped fullerene with
teractions are thermodynamically favorable. We observe that the nimesulide.
cohesion of interaction of doped fullerene with diclofenac is the stron­ We know that the degree of solubility of a compound increases if its
gest interaction (lowest binding energy in the order of − 86.24 kcal/ Gibbs free energy of solvation decreases and this compound is more
mol), while the cohesion of interaction of pristine fullerene with nime­ interactive with the solvent if this energy is negative. Table 3 presents
sulide is the weakest (highest binding energy in the order of − 11.53 the total energies including the PCM model corrections and the Gibbs
kcal/mol). Thus, the cohesion of complexes formed by the interactions free energies of solvation of the modeled nanostructures. These results
of silicon-doped fullerenes with NSAID molecules are greater than that show that these nanostructures are soluble in water because the values
of complexes formed by the interaction of pristine fullerene with NSAID of ΔGsol are negative. The degree of dissolution of the complex systems
molecules. Because silicon atom is also a tetravalent atom which has formed by interactions of fullerenes with NSAIDs are higher than that of
more electrons than carbon, therefore it is more electrophile and in­ isolated NSAID molecules. Indeed, the values of ΔGsol of the modeled
crease the interaction of doped-fullerenes with other group of atoms. nanostructures are lower than those of NSAIDs (nimesulide, ΔGsol =
The interaction of doped-fullerene with diclofenac is the higher due to − 12.99 kcal/mol; diclofenac, ΔGsol = − 9.95 kcal/mol; mefenamic acid,
the presence of two chloride atoms which are more electronegative than ΔGsol = − 4.82 kcal/mol).
the two methyl groups of doped-fullerene with mefenamic acid. And the
interaction of doped-fullerene with nimesulide is the lower because it
has a SO2 group in its chain and a nitrogen atom in the binding group 3.2. Nonlinear optical and electronic properties of molecular structures
which decreases its reactivity.
To confirm the stability of our systems, the IR and Raman vibrations Table 4 summarizes the values of dipole moments (μ0 ), mean po­
were performed as shown in Fig. 3. We notice that no imaginary fre­ larizabilities (α0 ), static first-order hyperpolarizabilities (β0 ), energy of
quencies appear on the vibrational spectra, proving that the minima the HOMO level (EHOMO), energy of the LUMO level (ELUMO) and the
found are local minima and our nanostructures are stable. Some vibra­ HOMO-LUMO gap (Egap) of all the studied systems in this research work.
tional modes of our nanostructures have been studied and compared to As shown in this table, the solvation in water of these molecular struc­
those listed in the literature [46,48] as shown in Table 2. All these values tures increases the nonlinear optical properties and the dipole moment.
are in agreement with the experimental values if we take into account Interactions of pristine fullerenes with NSAID molecules increase the
the scaling factor of 0.9613, which is appropriated for the vibrational nonlinear optical properties. These properties increase considerably
analysis with the B3LYP/6-31G(d) method [51]. when doped fullerenes are in interaction with NSAIDs. In gas phase, the
first-order static hyperpolarizability of silicon-doped fullerene

Table 1
Binding energies (Eb) of interaction of fullerenes with NSAIDs.
Systems Full-nimesulide Full-Si-nimesulide Full-diclofenac Full-Si-diclofenac Full-mefenamic acid Full-Si-mefenamic acid

Binding Energy, Eb (in kcal/mol) − 11.53 − 18.67 − 17.06 − 86.24 − 13.99 − 68.02

C.A. Njeumen et al. Physica B: Condensed Matter 665 (2023) 415041

Fig. 3. Vibrational IR and Raman spectra of the studied molecular nanostructures.

Table 2
Vibrational frequencies and assignments of the studied nanomaterials.
Computed vibrational frequencies (cm− 1) Experimental vibrational frequencies Assignments
(cm− 1)

Full- Full-Si- Full- Full-Si- Full-mefenamic Full-Si-mefenamic Refs. [46,48]

nimesulide nimesulide diclofenac diclofenac acid acid

3553.45 3563.05 3567.53 3566.04 3492.47 3492.63 3436 N–H

3244.83 3262.26 3225.38 3225.20 3233.70 3211.02 3090 C–H
1654.77 1641.47 1638.59 1638.73 1682.47 1657.24 1637 C–N

(β0 = 37862.96 × 10− 53 C3m3J− 2) is about 39032.98 times greater than published by Shukla and Leszcynski [52], using the B3LYP/6–31 G(d)
that of pristine fullerene (β0 = 0.97 × 10− 53 C3m3J− 2). From these re­ method. Similarly, the HOMO-LUMO gap values are 4.14 eV for nime­
sults, it can be seen that the average polarizability (α0 = 1527.60× sulide and 1.38 eV for diclofenac, which are in agreement with the
10− 41 C2m2J− 1) and the first-order static hyperpolarizability (β0 = theoretical results of 3.99 eV [35] and 1.46 eV [36] recently published
29506.23 × 10− 53 C3m3J− 2) of doped fullerene in interaction with using the B3LYP/6-31G(d) method, respectively.
nimesulide in gas phase are the greatest, 213.25 times greater than that Table 4 also shows that regardless of which drug molecule is in
of urea taken as the reference in gas phase (β0 = 138.365 × 10− 53 interaction with pristine fullerene, the energy gap is significantly
C3m3J− 2). These nanostructures could be used as very promising ma­ improved. When pristine fullerene is in interaction with molecules of
terials for nonlinear optical devices. nimesulide, diclofenac or mefenamic acid, the energy gap decreases to
The densities of state (DOS) in gas phase of all nanostructures are about 0.17, 0.83 or 1.38 eV, respectively. Similarly, the energy gap of
presented in Fig. 4. Similarly, the HOMO and LUMO orbitals of the nanostructures obtained from interactions with doped fullerene de­
studied molecular structures are graphically represented in Fig. 5. The creases to about 1.02, 0.28 or 0.67 eV respectively, in comparison to the
results show that the HOMO-LUMO gap of 2.76 eV obtained from the energy gap value of a unique doped fullerene. Thus, the semi-conductor
pristine fullerene is in agreement with the theoretical value of 2.77 eV character of pristine fullerenes or doped fullerenes with a silicon atom is

C.A. Njeumen et al. Physica B: Condensed Matter 665 (2023) 415041

Table 3 softness. The nanostructures modeled by fullerenes in interaction with a

Gibbs free energy of solvation of the studied systems. nimesulide or mefenamic acid molecule are softer than the isolated
Systems Total energy after PCM Gibbs free energy of nimesulide or mefenamic acid molecule in gas phase; while the nano­
correction, solvation, structures modeled by fullerenes in interaction with diclofenac mole­
corr (in Hartree)
ΔGsol (in Kcal/mol) cules are harder than the isolated diclofenac molecule in gas phase. The
Nimesulide − 1386.27 − 12.99 electron affinity (EA) of the nanostructures modeled by fullerenes in
Full-nimesulide − 3672.42 − 25.22 interaction with nimesulide, diclofenac and mefenamic acid molecule
Full-Si-nimesulide − 3923.84 − 23.16 are 3.36, 3.87 and 3.89 eV respectively. These EA values show that the
Diclofenac − 1665.72 − 9.95 LUMO orbital of these nanostructures are mainly localized on the
Full-diclofenac − 3951.27 − 14.77 fullerene which is more nucleophile than NSAID molecules.
Full-Si-diclofenac − 4202.72 − 13.56 The electrophilicity index (ω) measures the ability of a molecular
Mefenamic acid − 785.87 − 4.82 system to accept an electron. Thus, a chemical compound with a high ω
Full-mefenamic acid − 3071.41 − 10.44 value can be considered as a good electrophile, while a compound with a
Full-Si-mefenamic − 3322.87 − 9.04
small ω value means that the molecular system is a good nucleophile.
From Table 5, we can see that the electrophilicity indices increase when
fullerenes are on interaction with NSAID molecules. This result shows
significantly enhanced when they are in interaction with NSAIDs. that the nanostructures formed have strongly electrophile regions and
are capable of reacting with systems that are nucleophilic than the iso­
lated NSAID molecules.
3.3. Global reactivity descriptors
The results of the global reactivity descriptors presented in Table 5,
in particular the electronic chemical potential (μ) and the electrophi­
Table 5 presents global reactivity descriptors such as ionization po­
licity index (ω), show that when pristine or silicon-doped fullerenes are
tential (IP), electron affinity (AE), chemical hardness (ɳ), chemical po­
in interaction with NSAID molecules, the resulting nanostructures are
tential (μ), softness (S) and electrophilicity index (ω) for the different
strongly reactive than the isolated NSAID molecules.
studied systems.
The electronic chemical potential (μ) of a molecular system is known
4. Conclusion
as the tendency to release electrons from a stable system. It has been
proven that the reactivity of a molecule increases when μ increases [53].
In summary, using DFT methods, we have calculated the structural,
We observe from Table 5 that the chemical potential increases when the
thermodynamic, nonlinear optical, electronic properties and global
fullerenes are in interaction with NSAID molecules, reflecting the fact
reactivity descriptors of nanostructures formed by pristine C60 fullerene
that the order of reactivity increases for this case. On the contrary, the
or doped C59Si fullerene in interaction with NSAID molecules. These
ionization potential (IP) values decrease when fullerenes are in inter­
nanostructures show that local distortions are induced on the fullerene
action with NSAID molecules. This confirms that the orders of reactivity
along the direction of the binding axis. This analysis shows that the
of the nanostructures form are greater than for isolated therapeutic
distortion is very low in the case of C59Si fullerene interactions than for
molecules. Therefore, the fact that the nanostructures formed can easily
pristine C60 fullerene interactions. This result reflects the fact that
carry the drug in the body, they will be able to react more than the
doping with a silicon atom attenuates the structural deformation of
isolated NSAID molecules inside the targeted organ. The extent of
nanostructures and increases the cohesion. The analysis shows that
chemical reactivity is evaluated by the hardness, which is related to the

Table 4
Nonlinear optical and electronic properties (dipole moment μ0 (x 10− 30 Cm), mean polarizability α0 (x 10− 41 C2m2J− 1), static first-order hyperpolarizability β0 (x 10− 53

C3m3J− 2), HOMO and LUMO energy EH and EL (eV) and energy gap Egap(eV) of the studied systems in gas phase and aqueous solution.
Systems Solvents μ0 α0 β0 EHOMO ELUMO Egap

Fullerene (C60) Gas phase 0.0016 772.92 0.16 − 5.98 − 3.22 2.76
Aqueous solution 0.0003 1348.69 0.97 − 5.87 − 3.11 2.76

Fullerene doped Si (C59Si) Gas phase 0.6621 834.32 5522.89 − 5.82 − 3.64 2.18
Aqueous solution 1.5914 1509.35 37862.96 − 5.68 − 3.52 2.16

Nimesulide Gas phase 15.2021 308.32 5260.49 − 6.56 − 2.42 4.14

Aqueous solution 20.8985 408.02 15275.87 − 6.48 − 2.59 3.89

Full-nimesulide Gas phase 13.6528 1137.34 10484.05 − 5.95 − 3.36 2.59

Aqueous solution 27.4166 1824.63 17060.26 − 5.80 − 3.20 2.60

Full-Si-nimesulide Gas phase 20.2206 1527.60 29506.23 − 4.99 − 3.85 1.14

Aqueous solution 75.8888 2715.63 82150.68 − 4.81 − 4.00 0.81

Diclofenac Gas phase 7.2069 292.94 1403.10 − 6.01 − 4.63 5.06

Aqueous solution 11.0840 386.15 2934.25 − 5.92 − 2.28 3.64

Full-diclofenac Gas phase 9.7351 1091.88 15423.15 − 5.80 − 3.87 1.93

Aqueous solution 12.3816 1747.41 14299.91 − 5.32 − 3.14 2.18

Full-Si-diclofenac Gas phase 12.4683 1111.21 5124.43 − 5.84 − 3.96 1.88

Aqueous solution 14.8899 1746.35 13804.14 − 5.39 − 3.12 2.27

Mefenamic acid Gas phase 1.4236 293.88 1205.84 − 6.58 − 3.72 2.86
Aqueous solution 1.8469 390.63 2904.52 − 6.55 − 3.70 2.85

Full-mefenamic acid Gas phase 2.9460 1122.55 28460.57 − 5.27 − 3.89 1.38
Aqueous solution 1.4650 1780.98 28093.08 − 5.38 − 3.84 1.54

Full-Si-mefenamic acid Gas phase 8.6763 1139.94 16328.79 − 5.44 − 3.95 1.49
Aqueous solution 7.2684 1815.44 15588.77 − 5.47 − 3.93 1.54

C.A. Njeumen et al. Physica B: Condensed Matter 665 (2023) 415041

Fig. 4. DOSs of interactions of pristine fullerenes and Si-doped fullerenes with NSAIDs.

C.A. Njeumen et al. Physica B: Condensed Matter 665 (2023) 415041

Fig. 5. HOMO and LUMO molecular orbital diagrams of the studied molecular structures.

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Table 5 Author’s contributions

Calculated parameters of global reactivity descriptors such as IP, AE, ɳ, μ, S, ω of
the studied molecular structures in gas phase and aqueous solution. There were equal contributions of the authors to the completion of
Systems Solvents IP AE ɳ μ (eV) S ω this work.
(eV) (eV) (eV) (eV− 1) (eV)

Fullerene Gas phase 5.98 3.22 1.38 − 4.60 0.72 7.67

Declaration of competing interest
Aqueous 5.87 3.11 1.38 − 4.49 0.72 7.30
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
Fullerene Gas phase 5.82 3.64 1.09 − 4.73 0.92 10.26
doped Si Aqueous 5.68 3.52 1.08 − 4.60 0.93 9.80 interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
solution the work reported in this paper.
Nimesulide Gas phase 6.56 2.42 2.07 − 4.49 0.48 4.87
Aqueous 6.48 2.59 1.95 − 4.53 0.51 6.84 Acknowledgements

Full- Gas phase 5.95 3.36 1.29 − 4.65 0.78 8.38 We are thankful to the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
nimesulide Aqueous 5.80 3.20 1.30 − 4.50 0.77 7.79 (CSIR), India for financial support through Emeritus Professor scheme
solution (grant no. 21(0582)/03/EMR-II) to Late Prof. A. N. Singh of the Physics
Full-Si- Gas phase 4.99 3.85 0.57 − 4.47 1.75 17.53 Department, Bahamas Hindu University, India which enabled him to
nimesulide Aqueous 4.81 4.00 0.41 − 4.41 2.44 23.72 purchase the Gaussian Software. We are most grateful to late Emeritus
Prof. A. N. Singh for donating this software to one of us Prof. Geh Wilson
Diclofenac Gas phase 6.01 4.63 0.69 − 5.32 1.45 20.50 Ejuh and to the Materials Science Laboratory of the University of
Aqueous 5.92 2.28 1.82 − 4.10 0.55 4.62 Yaoundé I for enabling us used their computing facilities.

Full- Gas phase 5.80 3.87 0.96 − 4.83 1.04 12.15

diclofenac Aqueous 5.32 3.14 1.09 − 4.23 0.92 8.21
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