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THE MAIN PRINCIPLES OF FAMILY LAW Article 5 of the TCO; “an offer declared to a person

not present, without having a fixed term for

• Family is the foundation of society acceptence, is binding for the offerer untill the time
• Protection of the family by the State which a timely and proper acceptence is unticipated
• Official Marriage principle to reach to the offer.” I believe that the Article 4 of
• Monagamout marriagle principle the TCO is not applicable to engagement contracts.
• Everyone is equal before the law without
distinction as to sex IS THERE A NEED FOR AN ENGAGEMENT
• Keeping the high interests and the welfare BEFORE MARRIAGE?
of the child above all The woman and the man planning to get married,
• Protection of the women (not only the have to at some point get engaged even though their
mothers, but all women) wish could be other wise. Even if they want to skip
the engagement period in their lives, they can not
do that. The momnt the couple apply to the official
authorities in order to receive a date for the official
wedding receptions.
Engagement is the first chapter of the first title
Article 118/1 states that : “An engagement shall be
Turkish Civil Code. If one of the parties of the
establishedby the promise of marriage”.
engaged couple goes through a sex reassignment
Article 119/1 stating that “An engagment does not surgery (SRS), the engagement becomes null and
give rise to any enforceable claim to conclude the void.
Article 29 of Turkish Code of Obligations, a ENGAGEMENT
preliminary contract is subject to the form of the
main contract.
Article 119/paragraph 2 “Forfeit money or penal
İt is without doubt that people who have full
cluse determined for the case of absention from
capacity may get engaged without any restrictions
marriage may not be litigated and the contracts
(TCC Art. 10). On the other hand; when a person
concluded regarding this issue will be null and
void.” who is absolutely incapable (people who lack
discretionary power) tries to get engaged, the
Engagement cannot be qualified as a preliminary mentioned engagement contract will be invalid no
contract according to law of obligations. matter what (TCC Art. 15).

The engagemnt contract is a family law contract, Article 118/pr 2 of the TCC; will not be bounded
rather than a law of obligations contract. by the engagement if their legal representatives do
not give their consent.
Followingly Article 118/paragraph 2 states that; the
The promise to marry could be declared through an consent of a legal representative is only necessary
implied behavior. The couple living together is not in holding the limited capacitated party responsible
the sole evidence of an engagement. Mutual for the financial results of the engagement.
promises to marry could be declared expressly or it
could be declared through implied behavior. Limited capacitated person can get engaged without
the consent of his/her representative. The
IS THERE A TIME LIMIT TO WAIT FOR A engagement is valid even with no consent.
Acknowledge the nonratification by the legal
Article 4 of the Turkish Code of Obligations, “an representatives as an abuse of the right or breach o
offer declared to a person present, without having a the parental duties.
fixed term for acceptance, lapses if it is not
accepted immediately.”
THE IMPEDIMENTS OF ENGAGEMENT The obligation of loyalty here must be understood
as; "refraining from all behavior that will end up in
Kinship causing an impediment to marriage or loosening the engagement bond between the
suffering from a mental illness that also is an partners". The mentioned acts include; tight and
impediment, existence of adoption in between the intimate relationships that raise doubts with the
parties. It will be impossible and such promises will third parties.
also be against the law and against the morals and
customs. We also have to mention that in engagement, in
order for the acknowledgement of the breach of the
According to Article 132 of the TCC woman is not obligation of loyalty, there is no need for a sexual
pregnant or if the divorced couple of the previous intercourse to happen this is the opposite way
marriage decides to remarry, than the period of around for marriage.
three hundred days is terminated by the court.
Article 132 is not absolute impediment to marriage. RIGHTS ARISING FROM ENGAGEMENT

She decides to get engaged during the mentioned that a marriage would not happen and no support
three hundred days period, this will not cause an would be given if both parties of the engagement
absolute impediment to marriage and this will not were alive, than it will not be possible to demand
invalidate the engagement. compensation for the loss of support.

Collusive engagement contracts are also null and One of the parties of the engagement could abstain
void according to Turkish Civil Law from judgeship and arbitratorship if the case is
some way related to the other engaged party.
If the proposal for marriage is the outcome of a
decoration of a joke, the engagement will not be TERMINATION OF THE ENGAGEMENT
effectual, the opposing party has gotten the offer
straight than the offerer will be bound by his/her
The engagement terminates as soon as the parties
PROVISIONS OF THE ENGAGEMENT are married each other.

THE OBLIGATION TO CONCLUDE THE As a result of this, from that moment on, articles
MARRIAGE regarding marriage will be applied to the parties
mutual rights and obligations, the returning of what
Article 119/paragraph 1 and 2 of the TCC stating they have received and to their claims for
that an engagement does not give rise to any compensation.
enforceable claim to conclude the marriage, and for
feit money or penal clause determined for the case B. MARRIAGE WITH A THIRD
of abstention from marriage may not be litigated PERSON
however, payments that have already been made The engagement will be terminated in an
may not be reclaimed as well. unpleasant manner if one of the parties marries
someone other than his/her fiancé. The faulty party
According to the Turkish Civil Code, the marriage causing the impossibility of marriage will have pay
has to be performed by the absolute free will compensation to the one that has the right.
declarations of the parties.
Although during the engagement stage there is no
If one of the parties of the engagement dies, than
marital bond in between the parties, the burden of
the engagement ceases. This is because engagement
being loyal to one another already exists.
is an intuit personae contract. There is no way to
The Article 185/paragraph 3 stating as: "The assign the role of being a fiancé to the inheritors or
spouses are obliged to be loyal and be helpful to to third parties. If one of the parties disappear and a
each other". declaration of absence (disappearance) is taken,
than the same result will happen.
Besides death; one party going through gender So both parties of the engagement are competent to
reassignment surgery will also be a ground for the unilaterally breach their promise of marriage, even
termination of engagement (TC Art.40). if they lack just grounds.

However if one party has been hurt, disabled or got If the breach of engagement did take place at an
ill in a way where he/she can not perform his/her engagement concluded under the influence of
sexual duties any more, this will not provide a just mistake, fraud or duress, the party whose intent has
ground for the termination of the engagement but I been defected may sue according to Art.120 of the
have to add that; these sort of grounds may provide TCC. He/she could demand compensation to Art.49
just causes for the unilateral breach of the of the TCC.
engagement for the opposite party.
General provisions of the engagement will be If the engagement is terminated because of the
applied to the time period in between the formation engaged parties have married than, the articles of
of the engagement contract and the moment of the marriage will be applied from then on.
realization of the dissolving condition. When the relationship of engagement ceases
E. OCCURRENCE OF AN ABSOLUTE (without marriage), there happens an alteration in
IMPEDIMENT TO MARRIAGE the personal status’ of the parties of the engagement
Some impediments could be exemplified such as; per se.
one of the engaged persons suffering from a In all situations terminating the engagement besides
posterior mental illness that could not be cured marriage, reciprocal returning of the gifts must be
(TCC Art.145), adoption of one of the parties by applied. This is relevant in cases where both parties
the other party of engagement, one party of the have reached to a settlement or when the marriage
engagement perpetually lacking his/her has become impossible or even when the
discretionary power (TC Art. 125), posterior engagement is breached on just or unjust grounds.
realization of the fact that the engaged couple are
blood relatives or they have kinship by marriage Material compensation
that will bean absolute impediment to marriage (CC
Claiming pecuniary compensation in cases of
Art. 129).
breach of the engagement is regulated at the
So the only party under the obligation to pay
If the parties have reached a settlement regarding
compensation is the one breaching the engagement
the finalization of the engagement, it will not be the
on unjust grounds or the one who causes the
same as a unilateral breach of the engagement and
engagement to terminate because of his/her faulty
the parties and their parents and people acting like
parents can not exercise the right of demanding
material and immaterial compensation. Returning Material compensation covers the expenses and the
of the gifts could still be claimed. sacrifices endured just for the sake of the
ENGAGEMENT THROUGH The material loss he/she has suffered because of the
UNILATERAL BREACH engagement and in short the expenses he/she has
People with limited capacity do not have to get made with the firm belief that there will be a
ratification from their legal representatives for a wedding in the future. These are reliance damages
unilateral breach of the engagement and the legal instead of affirmative damages. It is a family law
representative can not unilaterally breach the contract.
engagement on behalf of the fiancé.
Acting faulty could either be infringing the
Refusal of the visits of the fiancé, an interruption of engagement without a just cause or provoking the
the visits or the letters, getting engaged to a third other party to terminate the relationship because of
person, or marrying a third person, moving to the opposing party’s faulty behavior.
another city or another country without informing
the other fiancé, could all be submitted as examples
of implicit and unilateral breach of the engagement.
His own faulty behavior, such as; loosing all his/her The right to demand material compensation is not a
fortune on alcohol and drugs, suffering from a personality right and because of this reason, it is a
venereal disease, than the opposing partner can heritable right when death happens, and it is also
claim compensation from the one who breached the transferable by a way of inter vivos transaction.
engagement unilaterally.
According to Art.120 of the TCC; the mother and
If the just ground for the termination of the the father of the fiancés and the third parties acting
engagement is not caused by one of the parties, like them could also demand compensation. The
none of them can claim compensation from one money must be spent for the engaged couple.
If there is unilateral breach when there is no logical
reason, than the other party could claim Immaterial compensation is a consideration in
compensation. response to the decrease that took place in
the emotional integrity of one party.
Claims arising from the engagement shall be barred
one year after the dissolution of the engagement. If all the conditions exist according to the Art.121
of the TCC, immaterial compensation
The Article 10 of the Turkish Constitution stating could also be demanded.
that; “ everyone is equal before the law without
distinction as to language, race, color, sex, political If one of the parties suffers gross injury due to the
opinion, philosophical belief, religion and sect, or breach of engagement without his/her fault
any such grounds.” It is not possible for the third parties to claim
Two condition for the expenses to be claimed; immaterial compensation due to the breach
of an engagement.
First; one is the party has to believe in a wedding to
happen when making the disbursement. The It will not be possible to claim compensation for
expense before and after the engagement will not be moral damages while there is a surviving
accepted. engagement and a demand of moral
compensation can not be exercised if the
Second; the losses and the expenses must be engagement is terminated in some way
incurred in good faith in contemplation of marriage. other than a unilateral breach.
When determining the expenses and losses to be
excessive or not, good faith principle, local Material and immaterial compensation cases could
customs, family traditions and the social status’ of be filed separately or they could be filed
the parties are takin into consideration. all together.

In case they do not reach to an amicable settlement, If the engagement is breached and the other party
the fiancé who has the right to sue, will file a claim went though a major depression and he/she
for compensation. The same is true for the heirs of had to be treated a very long time, is a
the rightful fiancé if he/she is dead after the justifiable example of claiming moral
unilateral breach of the engagement. compensation. However it must be kept in
mind that; there needs to be a causality in
If he/she was the one who unilaterally breached the between the breach of the engagement and
engagement must also prove that the other party the disease.
was faulty.
The moral compensation claiming party has to be
If it was the defendant who unilaterally breached either without any fault or he/she has to be less
the engagement that the plaintiff could just prove defective than the opposite party.
that he/she ( the defendant) had no just grounds in
the breaking of the engagement. The determination of the immaterial
In determining the amount of compensation, the
judge also will consider the role of the plaintiff So by taking Art.121 into consideration, other types
fiancé in the breach of the engagement and the of remedies such as apologizing and
current value of the expenses incurred in reprobation, can not be demanded.
comparison to the assets of the plaintiff. The allegation of immaterial compensation by the
inheritors and the inter vivos transfer of
moral compensation.
As per Art.25/ pr 4, the right to non-pecuniary When gifts are exchanged, the ownership will be
compensation can not be assigned to third transferred to the opposite side and the
parties without the consent of the person giving the present will not have a
defendant. real right on it anymore.

Returning of the gifts Per Art.122/ pr 2; “if the gift can not be returned in
kind or in equal good form, than the
In order for the returning of the presents, there must restitution shall be governed by the
be a valid engagement. provisions on unjust enrichment”.
Returning of the gifts is regulated at the Art.122 of If the engaged party was in good faith when he/she
the TCC. “Upon dissolution of the transferred the gift to a third person, than
engagement for any cause except all he/she is going to return will be what is
marriage, the engaged couple may reclaim left from the present in his/her hands.
gifts they made to each other or the father
and mother or people who have acted just If one of the engaged couple has given presents to
like them may reclaim what they have the other party in order to achieve an
submitted to the engaged ones with the immoral purpose or a goal that has been
exception of customary gifts. prohibited by the imperative rules, than
demanding the return of the presents will
It is not possible to demand returning of the goods be out of the question.
donated for the sake of performance of a
moral duty. The money paid to the other The price that is going to be paid, will be the
fiancé in order for him/her to go through a market price of the gift of the filling date.
medical surgery or an amount paid to the
other party for a financial aid. So the suit to be filled shall not be an action of
replevin, but it shall be an action of debt.
The gift

The usual gifts are the ones that do not have

extravagant prices according to the current THE CONCEPT AND THE LEGAL
conditions and according to the usage and CHARACTER
customs. The marriage ceremony has to be controlled and
If one of the fiancés has given a present to the other directed by an official public servant. Marriage is a
party for the sole purpose of engagement, transaction where a man and a woman declare their
and to buy that present, he/she has mutual and consentaneous intents between them in
undergone a vast amount of debt or he/she a form regulated by the Law. There are two main
had to dispose most of his/her assets, than viewsregarding the legality of the marriage.
the above mentioned gift surely is an II. THE PREREQUISITES FOR MARRIAGE
outrageous priced gift.
In order to conclude a valid marriage contract,
If the gifts are gold, silver or precious stones and turkish civil code has brought special regulations
they are still present among the properties regarding capacity, form and the non-existence of
of the other party, than they will have to be marriage impediments. If one of the prerequisites is
returned in kind. missing, this will be an obstacle to the formation of
The ratio legis of the Art.122 of TCC is that, if marriage.
there is an increase in the assets of one the Marriage contract can be concluded in between
engaged parties, than on occasion that the two people of two different sexes. It is not possible
engagement is breached, this increase will for two people of the same sex to get married, gay
have to go back to where it belonged in the marriage is not regulated by the TCC.
first place.



Unusual gifts is not a real action

A. CAPACITY TO MARRY The man or the woman to whose marriage the judge
will give consent to, must have completed hi/her
Legislators all around the world seek and regulate sixteenth year of age. To claim for a consent from
conitions such as mental capacity and a certain age the judge is a strictly dependent right and for this
in order for the couple to perceive the meaning of reason, even if the person is a person with limited
conugal. capacity, he/she could apply to the court by
1. DISCRETIONARY POWE himself/herself. The legal representative can not
apply to court on his/her behalf.
Article 125 of the TCC states that; “People who do
not have discretionary power can not marry”. So Extraordinary marriage age regulation can be
reaching to the marriage age is not enough by itself. applied only if there is an extraordinary condition
A person wishing to marry must also have and a crucial reason fro the conclusion of an urgent
discretionary power. If the people without marriage contract.
discretionary power manage to get married, the The judge will hear the legal representative
marriage will be null and void. The vital point is whenever possible. Hearing the legal representative
that, the discretionary power of the person willing is voluntary not compulsory. The judge may
to get married, must be present during the consent to a marriage if he/she is convinced that
matrimonial ceremony. there is a just cause because of an extraordinary
Lack of a constant discretionary power will cause condition, even though the legal representative
absolute nullity, while lack of discretionary power thinks otherwise.
for a certain period of time will be a ground for B. ORDINARY MARRIAGE AGE
relative nullity.
People who have completed eighteen years of age,
2. MARRIAGE AGE who have discretionary power and who are not
Marriage by nature, requires the parties to reach to subject to partial capacity (limited capacity), have
a certain physical, mental and spiritual maturity. full marriage capacity. In order to be full
The age provided in the code for marriage, is called capacitated, a person must reach the certain age
the “maturity for engagement”. regulated by the law.

Art.124/pr1: “In order to be able to conclude a C. PEOPLE INCAPACITATED FOR

marriage, the bride and the groom must have MARRIAGE
completed their seventeenth year of age”. The These people can not marry even if they receive
current Turkish Civil Code has determined the consent from their legal representatives or
matrimonial age as seventeen for both of sexes, resolution from the competent courts.
without making any discrimination between men
Seventeenth year olds and mature but interdicted
As per Article 124/paragraph 2; “However in people, can marry after they receive the consent of
exceptional cases and for a very important reason, their legal representatives. The legal representatives
the age of marriage is reduced to sixteen forboth do not declare their intents on behalf of the limited
men and women with the consent of the competent capacitated people but they give consents to the
judge.” According to the abrogated former TCC declaration of intents of marriage submitted by the
Article 88/paragraph 2; “In exceptional cases and limited capacitated fiance. The legal representatitve
for a very important reason, the age of marriage is just manifests his/her consent to marriage.
reduced to fifteen fo rmen and fourteen for women
with the consent of the competent judge”. If the legal representative does not give consent to
marriage without a just cause, the minor or the
Extraordinary marriage age is also known for; “ the person with limited capacity may apply to court to
judicial marriage maturity”. get the permission for marriage
III. MARRIAGE IMPEDIMENTS A person after the finalization of his/her marriage,
can not marry the ascendants orthe descendants of
It must be mentioned that not all the marriage the other party. This is beacuse, kinship by
impediments have the same affects on the marriage marriage does not end when the dissolution of the
realized. Some impediments cause absolute nullity; marriage happens. A marriage contract concluded
While others do not affect the validity of the in between people who have kinship by blood or
marriage. First sort of impediments are called kinship by marriage up to the prohibited degree,
“definite marriage impediments”, the second type will be exposed to absolute nullity.
are called “indefinite marriage impediments”
c. Adoptio
As per Art.129/pr 3: “Marriage is prohibited in
Definite marriage impediments are the conditions between the following persons;
that surely mus not exist, in order for a marriage to
be valid. Between the adoptive parent and the adopted child
or between one of them and the other one’s
1. KINSHIP descendants or the other one’s spouse”.
The proximity relations in between people born The person already married at the time of the
from the same person or in between people coming marriage ceremony is also in the frame of
from the same ancestors. Kinship by blood is impediments of marriage. As per Art.130m of the
separated into two section. The first is lineal TCC; “Whoever intends to enter into a new
kinship which means the descending of people from marriage, is under the obligation to prove that
each other . Second section is made up of then his/her former marriage has been annulled or
proximity in between people coming from a joint dissolved”. And as per Art.145/pr1; “ In the
root that is called the collateral kinship. following conditions, the marriage is void with
As per art.129/pr1; “Marriage is prohibited between absolute nullity:
the following persons; One of the spouses being already married at the
Between ascendants and descendants, between time of the marriage”. So the existence of a present
brothers and sisters; between aunts, uncles and their marriage is one of the reasons that can cause
nephews and nieces”. absolute nullity of marriage. When these two
Articles are read together, it is obvious that for a
It does not make any difference if ascendants and person who desires to remarry must terminate the
their descendants are close or distant in degree or previous one. If the marriage has been terminated
not. with death, the death certificate and identify card
shall be submitted to the wedding registrar.
Marriage prohibition is limited up to the third
degree. 3. MENTAL ILNESS
b. Kinship by marriage Mental illness is also a definite marriage
impediment. As per Art.133 of the TCC; “Persons
Kinship by marriage is an impediment of marriage
who are mentally ill (of unsound mind), are
but it has a narrower application area.
incapable of marrying unless an official health
As per Art.129/pr2 : “Marriage is prohibited report states that there is non reason to bar their
between the following persons; marriage”.

Between one of the spouses and ascendants and If the mental disorder destroys the menta lcapacity
descendants of the other party, even though the and that person looses his/her capacity to make
marriage which created kinship by marriage has mature judgments, than he/she already does not
been terminated.” have marriage capacity accordig to Art. 125 of
B. INDEFINITE MARRIAGE IMPEDIMENTS Some documents must be added to the application
form such as : (TCC Art.136)
Indefinite marriage impediments are the ones if the
marriage officer performs the matrimonial a)The identify card and a certified copy of the
ceremony even though these impediments exist, identify card
they will not cause the marriage to become invalid
because of absolute annulment or relative b)The official health report asserting that the
annulment. applicant has no disease

The indefinite marriage impediments are; period of If the engaged couple wishes to marry abroad (even
delay and certain contagious diseases. though they are Turkish citizens), the duty to
execute matrimonial ceremony is assigned.
This is an indefinite marriage impediment regulated AND THE OBJECTION
just for women in order to prevent the complexity
of lineage. As per Art.132/pr1; “if a marriage has As per Art.137 of the TCC, the marriage officer
been dissolved, the female side can not get married examines if the application has been submitted
before the expiration of three hundred days starting properly, if the identities of the couple are
from the date of termination.” established and if all the marriage prerequisites are
The period of delay terminates when the womn
gives birth to a child. 2. OBJECTION TO THE REJECTION BY
Upon the rejection decision of the marriage
Turkish Civil Code does not accept any other application by the marriage officer, either one of
disease than mental illness as an impediment to the applicant persons may apply to court against the
marriage. If a person marries even though he/she mentioned decision.
suffers from a contagious disease, that marriage wll
not be annuled. 3. LICENCE TO MARRY

IV. FORM REQUIREMENTS OF MARRIAG If the marriage officer finds out that the marriage
requirements are fulfilled or the decision of
Aside from the said material requirements, form rejection is cancelled by the court, upon request
requirements must also be satisfied. Marriage he/she will issue a license to marry.
contract is the most formal contract one can meet in
all private law territory. B. FORM REQUIREMENTS DURING THE
MARRIAGE CEREMONY Marriage license entitles the couples to be married
before any marriage officer within six months
They can submit their applications separately. The commencing the date of issuance.
application can be made either in written or in oral
If the applicants appear in person and they wish to
make an oral application, the marriage officer fills A family record booklet is provided to the newly
in the mentioned certificate, both parties sign it and weds by the marriage officer as soon as the
afterwards the officer attests the signatures. wedding ceremony is over (TTC Art.143/pr1)

If one of the parties does not know how to read and The marriages will be registered to the Family
write, he/she must press the index finger of his/her Registry.
right hand and if there is a seal with his/her name V. INVALIDITY OF THE MARRIAGE
on it than he/she must press it on the certificate

Deaf or mute or deaf and mute people for the The deficiency of one prerequisite will cause
execution of preparatory procedures, can use their inexistence, whe others will cause absolut enullity,
unique sign language in order to declare their while others will cause relative nulity.

In case of the deficiency of the constituent elements A Mmarriage that was formed validly may be
of marriage, we observe the inexistence of marriage absolutely annulled by the declaration of a judge, if
contract. If such conditions happen, the marriage one of the grounds stated in the Article 145 of the
mentioned has never been born. TCC are present. The annulment of marriage differs
from nullity regulated in the Turkish Code of
The grounds causing inexistence of marriage will Obligations.
be examined below:
a. Present marriage
TWO PEOPLE OF THE SAME SEX As per Articel 130 of the TCC :’’A person who
wishes to remarry, is under the obligation to prove
So when two people of the same sexconclude a that his/her previous marriage has been legaly
marriage contract, the mentioned contract is not terminated’’. By the above-men-marriage
even null and void, it is inexistent. impediment.
2. MARRIAGE CEREMONY PERFORMED b. Deficiency of capacity to make rational
As per Art. 145/paragraph 2 of TCC, “In the
If the intents of the bride and groom are declared following circumstances the marriage will be
before someone who does not have the required absolutely annuled; 2. Being deprived of
authority, there will be no marriage in the end. If discetionary power of one of the spouses for a
the marriage ceremony was performed by a person permanent ground, at the time of entry into
who is not an official marriage officer but acts as marrriage.” Which states that, persons who lack
one, the marriage will be inexistent. discretionary power can not marry. If such a person
3. BOTH PARTIES BEING PRESENT succeeds in getting married to the contrary of this
SIMULTANEOUSLY BEFORE THE marriage impediment, than the mentioned marriage
MARRIAGE OFFICER may be annulled depending on the absolute nullity
Inexistence of marriage occurs when the bride and
groom do not declare their intents to marry, before c. Presence of the prohibited degrees of kinship
the marriage officer at the same instant. in between the spouses

4. THE AFTERMATH OF THE If such parties with the prohibited kinship got
INEXISTENCE OF MARRIAGE married anyhow, their marriage will be absolutely
null and void
The inexistent marriage is invalid since the
moment it is concluded and it never took place on d. Insanity
the legal arena. There is no need to file a suit in Insanity (mental illness) a definite marriage
inexistence cases. A marital relationship was never impediment.
formed in between the parties, the aprties could
never be qualified as spouses and they were just If a person is insane (suffering from mental illness)
ipso facto united and lived together. An inexistent and it is a definite marriage impediment and he/she
marriage will never turn into an existing one; it will managed to marry, than this marriage is absolutely
never gain validity afterwards. null and void.


If a marriage is inexistent, one of the constituent

elements of the marriage contract is missing. In
case of nullity of a marriage contract, the contract
has been formed, but it will be annulled through a
declaration by the judge. Annulment of the
marriage is the termination of a marriage once
formed but still invalid, through a declaration of the
2. Relative annulment of marriage

If one of the relative annulment grounds exist, the

marriage will not be invalid by it’s own , a file for
the annulment must be commenced.

a. Absence of the discretionary power for a

temporary reason

According to the Turkish Code of Obligations, if

discretionary power is absent fot a temporary
reason or for a constant reason, the outcome will be
tha same. The contract shll be invalid. However the
situtation is different in Turkish Family Law. There
are two different sanctions regarding the loss of
discretionary power for an eternal period of time.

If the plaintiff who has been temporarily deprived

of his/her discretionary power during marriage
commences the anuulment action but dies late, than
his/her inheritors can carry on with the action as per
Art 159 of the TCC.

As can be seen; the absence of discretionary power

for a permanent reason will leadn to an absolute
annulment of marriage (Art.145/paragraph 2 of the
TCC); while the absence of discretionary power for
a temporary reason will end up in the realtive
annulment of marriage (Art.148 of the TCC)

b. Defects in intent

If there is an involuntary and unintentional

discrepancy in between the inner will and the
declaration of the inner will of a person; a defect
has happened at the intent of that mentioned person.

aa. Mistake

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